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14707843 No.14707843 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to get rich?

>> No.14707854
File: 61 KB, 960x720, apudrawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody puts baby in a corner

>> No.14707857

Book of Job. Get a job.

>> No.14707872

That's a long term process. I don't want to get rich when my youth is over

>> No.14707874
File: 104 KB, 539x800, 69366871-08D0-4707-9996-7478A762AF87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell your bath water

>> No.14707884

Unironically imagine the smell

>> No.14707893

Better than you fag

>> No.14707899
File: 39 KB, 333x499, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be born into it or get very lucky. This book is an excellent read on being born into the modern aristocracy. It's about sisters from a well-known British family. One became a prominent communist and academic in America, another became a Duchess, the third married Oswald Mosley, and the fourth idolized Adolf Hitler and gave herself completely to him before shooting herself in the head at the start of the big war. One of the most interesting families of the 20th century. I couldn't put it down.

>> No.14707902

Butters, do you work?

>> No.14707906

That's not how it works. You need to write books on how to get rich to get rich.

>> No.14707907

she works on my fucking nerves all day

>> No.14707910
File: 994 KB, 500x380, 18415EB9-E6FE-47F5-8796-5344F2CABDDA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fully functional

>> No.14707912

The Bible will make you rich in spirit brother.

>> No.14707914

they do it for free

>> No.14707920

Woah what an interesting overview. Thanks.

Why did you say you have be lucky? What about hardwork or talent?

>> No.14707928

i have seen so many of these threads, why am i still unable to see something like the op and not be titillated by the pic

>> No.14707930

The smell of what? God I can't stand posts like this. Do you not realize the massive amount of scents a woman can give off? What is it that you're alluding to? The scent of her sweat? In such a case, where upon the body? I find that the scent of sweat can vary greatly based upon which part of the body it originates. Are you referring to the scent of ass? Perhaps the muddied whiffs of an improperly cleaned ass that you could take in through smelling her rear? Is it some outside odor you're talking about? Surely, sometimes a part of the body can give off a strange scent, built as a result of what it has come into contact with through the day. I find that the feet in particular tend to give off odors like this, just bizarre smells that cannot be considered natural body odor. Or maybe you're talking about all these smells together. Well, that's awfully queer of you. I don't imagine it easy to take in all those smells at once, so I wouldn't say "imagine the SMELL", I'd say "imagine the smellS".

>> No.14707931

What do you do

>> No.14707945

>The scent of her sweat
Of a woman? In what world? Certainly not this

>> No.14707990


>> No.14707994

>he doesn't smell his gf after she works out

>> No.14708012

Is that you? You forgot to show tits

>> No.14708063

If working hard and diligently was a guaranteed means of getting rich, then the richest people in the world would be single mothers in the Congo who spend half the day in the coltan pits. If talent was a guaranteed means of getting rich, then there would be no concertos played by homeless viola virtuosos. Here we are though, and we have talented people performing in the street for spare change and people working most of the day in squalid conditions in the third world. It takes luck. Here in America, most people live lives of quiet desperation trying to make ends meet and are one medical emergency from losing everything. I'm not even some kind of red (metaphysical materialism skeeves me out); capitalism is just a shitty economic system and the conflation of it with market economics in general has been the greatest influence operation of the past century and a half.

>> No.14708078

it's your own fault for choosing a shitty poor family as a spawn point

>> No.14708135

Maybe I forgot add a third condition. Ambition.
Talent + hard work + ambition, not separately, but a merge of the three is usually a winning combination to get rich if nothing goes wrong.

>> No.14708148

it dont work like that but read think and grow rich by napoleon hill. most likely you are holding yourself back

>> No.14708159

Most people who display all of those characteristics do not succeed. I would say most tread water. The system is rigged.

>> No.14708340

just work hard bro

>> No.14708486

that's the power of girls

>> No.14708502

have you tried being yourself?

>> No.14708509

how is that going to make him rich

>> No.14708514

based autistic rant

>> No.14708527

you still need luck even if you have talent and work hard.

>> No.14708731

Most lack talent. The number of actual geniuses in this world is less than ten, but millions process to be one.

>> No.14708835

Sir. Please do amend your post to reflect more generously the professional attainments of Nancy.

>> No.14708910
File: 95 KB, 956x720, 3F8B2B390BEC4E1D8F1103325C7E9928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you the one who started daisies posting, butterfly-chan? Why do you like it so much?

>> No.14708931
File: 45 KB, 512x341, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wouldn't last 1 day down in those coaltan pits, boy
>You wanted to make me proud? With your what, your /lit/ posting? Typing around in your underwear with your opinions hanging out for everyone to see?
>I just thank the Lord your mother isn't online to see her son on a North Korean ladyboy loli sharing site giving economic lessons.
>Do us all a favor and get out a here

>> No.14708978

And who are these modern geniuses? I want to read their writings.

>> No.14709007

Imagine the gestalt of her smell you autist. I bet you have never come across the scent of an ovulating woman in your life because the reproductive organs of any woman in your vicinity instantly withers as a self defense mechanism

>> No.14709045
File: 346 KB, 1600x1200, B1A158B6-DFDD-4625-BCB7-8004592FE9C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started it here years ago, (occasionally on [s4s]) so maybe. ...my files go back to January 2014
It’s a fantastic film. Funny and surreal but with some serious issues underneath it all. Wonderful piece of art by a committed socialist.
Parajanov was also great