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14706545 No.14706545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ think that the nonconsensual circumcision of males is unethical?

>> No.14706556

Its literally parentally condoned rape

>> No.14706573

Not only unethical but it should be punishable.
Female circumcision is called genital mutilation and is severely punished. Why can't we have the same protections for male genitals?
Don't answer that question right away. Just stew on it for a minute.

>> No.14706582

Cultural relativism and Christian's fear of sexual pleasure.

>> No.14706586

Yes it's unethical and should be illegal

>> No.14706590

Nah but it is fucked up

>> No.14706724

Literature on phimosis stretching?
Asking for my philosophy homework

>> No.14706894
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Child genital mutilation is barbaric to say the least and definitely should be illegal. If an adult however wants themselves circumcised, so be it, although I see no difference between them and other ill individuals who are also into self mutilation.

>> No.14706931

Consensual ethics are for brainlets. Just because someone consents, doesn't make an action right.

>> No.14706951

Yeah it's not them that are responsible for this lol.

>> No.14706972

In the US it is. Circumcision in the US was introduced by John Harvey Kellogg, a Christian

>> No.14706979

Of course, but it's not an absolute.
I'd say that, in general, nonconsensual actions are significantly less ethical than consensual ones.

>> No.14707005

Yes, but anti-circumcision people act to insane to get anything done.

>> No.14707010

Acting insane does not seem to be an obstacle for the majority of activist groups

>> No.14707014

A heretic*, Christianity has a total ban on circumcision, even declaring Christ useless to its victims.

>> No.14707017

>sexual pleasure.
tbph if I were more sensitive I'd be in trouble

>> No.14707019

Is circumcision practiced by counter traditions to block off spiritual advancement by giving one mental trauma through physical torture during highly neuroplastic time of ones life?

>> No.14707022

Yes. Fuck kikes and fuck pr*testants.

>> No.14707067


>> No.14707089

Im from tennessee and I know this guy who got circumcised at age 11 and didnt have proper medical care so he was bleeding during gym class when the poorly healed wounds reopened. The whole class made jokes about how he got his period before the girls did. He dropped out of high school and cant read at a basic 9th grade level. At our work christmas party he opened his card and refused to read it in front of everyone, acting like he didnt want to but it was pretty obvious.

>> No.14707110

Wait for Foregen to become available

>> No.14707113

>who got circumcised at age 11
Why? Don't Americans get kiked when they are babies?

>> No.14707114

No it doesn't.

>> No.14707119

That's more the fault of those parents who raised his classmates to be unsympathetic, than from getting blood in his undies

>> No.14707132

There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between the circumcised vs uncircumcised penis as far as procreation and masturbation are concerned, and I mean this in the most pragmatic sense-- people who were circumcised at birth don't have the frame of reference to understand what they actually lost.

The only apparent differences involve 1) the aesthetic appearance and 2) the moral implications, neither of which seem to be matters of enough substance to warrant any real closure on the matter.

>> No.14707169

>Can't read
>Still works with anon who can read

>> No.14707186

I was property manager and he worked in the kitchen

>> No.14707190

>uhhh uhhh Kellogg!
He was part of it, but jews have been pushing this for decades.

Just watch this. It will change your life if you've never been exposed to the CQ.

>> No.14707218

That's not what the line means, it means if you make your stand on the law, then you will die by law, you have to make your stand on grace.

Doesn't matter if you have a chopped fucking weiner or not.

>> No.14707228


No dick cheese, bigger looking more aesthetically pleasing dong, protects against STDs and cancer.

No brainer.

>> No.14707229

i mean, in all fairness paul was saying it just doesnt matter.

>> No.14707245

Idk, circumcision is a pretty trad thing originally.

>> No.14707275

The absolute state of subhumans left of the indus

>> No.14707284


>> No.14707295

Seems to be practiced the world over, meaning the tribes that didn't circumcise didn't survive. It's less about Victorian prudishness than whatever psychological effect it seems to have

>> No.14707302

>no dick cheese
Are your feet disgusting or do you clean them?
How about your mouth? Disgusting? Or do you brush your teeth.
Only filthy unhygienic people use the "dick cheese" argument. They don't wash themselves.

As someone whose parents were lied to by doctors and was cut... you are crazy to think that women prefer it. It even functions differently.

A chopped dick is like a battering ram. A natural one is like a kiss.

Genital mutilation does not protect against STDs or lower your risk of cancer, those are lies and they are well known if you care to look.

>Having a smaller dick, by virtue of some of it being cut off, makes it look bigger
Big brain boi

>> No.14707303


This >>14706931 is basically the only argument needed. A fucking neonate is not meant to make "consensual" decisions, but rather to have decisions made for it.

From what I've observed, the only people who give a shit are uncircumcised males who are terrified of being judged for having bizarre looking penises, whereas men who are circumcised couldn't give a fuck. I'd say that speaks louder about the nature of this argument as a whole than whether or not a baby's consent should be involved with circumcision.

>> No.14707308

>Seems to be practiced the world over, meaning the tribes that didn't circumcise didn't survive
what the fuck lol, most of the world isn't circumsized. Are you Jewish?

>> No.14707307

Only America and backwards Middle Eastern nations do it.
Europe never has and still doesn't.

>> No.14707323

Yeah, what does that have to do with it? Are you anti-Semitic or something? The whole world is circumcised. It's literally just evolution.

>> No.14707325

Yes, it's a form of rape

>> No.14707337

Only bolsters my point, anon

No, but you seem like one who'd be the first to point out that Jews seem to disproportionately "run things", which is to my point.

>> No.14707340

This >>14707337 was intended for you, not >>14707323

>> No.14707344

If you think 'the tribes that didn't circumsize died out' you are literally a retard. Billions of people contradict that absurd idea

>> No.14707345
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Yes. Let us never speak of it here again

>> No.14707348

>most of the world isn't circumsized
Yes, but most of the world has ethnic groups that have independently come to the idea that male circumcision is beneficial.

>> No.14707355


>Are your feet disgusting or do you clean them?/Having a smaller dick, by virtue of some of it being cut off

They would be more disgusting if they had a big flap of skin covering them./It's the same size either way.

>A chopped dick is like a battering ram. A natural one is like a kiss.

Don't let internet retards give you a complex about your dick. Look, the part that's "ramming" the missus is the same either way. How much "kissing" and "ramming" you doing is up to you, it has nothing to do with a largely cosmetic medical procedure.

>> No.14707363

Certainly unethical.

Do you know what the word rape means?

>> No.14707370

You have to circumcise babies because older males won't allow it so it has to be done very young. In many ways the older you get the more afraid and nonsensical you get so it must be done young. Then you forget it. It's like it never happened.

>> No.14707373

You can say the same thing about female genital mutilation

>> No.14707385

Perhaps they were kept alive to be human chattel.

This is kinda more to my point.

I think that hurting a baby is sickening. I've seen the vids of the anti-circ crowd, and the fact the baby goes into shock and turns blue is as disgusting a thing as I've ever seen. I'm not trying to play Billy Badass. But I'm also not going to base my opinion solely on my emotional reaction. I think there has to be a reason beyond >the parents must hate their own child!
>trying to weed men out of the sexual market!
>generational warfare!

>> No.14707394
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>Then you forget it. It's like it never happened.
I'm playing skeptic itt, but both these assertions are wrong.

You don't have a visual memory, but your body (the nervous system) "remembers".

>> No.14707398

They weren't 'kept alive' you colossal retard they were separate civilizations. There is no reason or logic behind circumcision any more than there is behind the rest of the weird mutilations various cultures do.

>> No.14707509

The boy was headed to class. 13 years old and just discovering his body.
As he gets close to his class his female gym teacher grabs him. She exclaims "i have just been made aware of an issue we have to resolve today!"
The boy is kind of shocked that she would grab his arm so roughly.
"Let go!" he exclaims.
And just as he's about to get away from her rude advancement 3 students help grab him.
He's kind of panicked but thinks maybe its a surprise or a joke.
They bring him into the gym.
The whole class is sitting in a circle.
Quietly. Not many words being said.
They throw him in the center of the ring of kids.
Everyone goes silent.
Ms.kelsy the gym teacher stands over him as he lays on the floor.
She starts to speak.
"Now this is what is wrong with america, this boy has an uncircumcised pecker...now for the rest of you that's a disgusting flap of useless skin that serves no function other than create bad smells, smegma, and will cause more problems than solutions."
4 young students pin his arms and. legs down.

>> No.14707514

High IQ.

>> No.14707516

Ms.kelsy opens a black bag.
"Now we as teachers and myself a doctor have an obligation to remove your extra cock skin because we love you and want you well."
The boy jerks but cant get up at all. They have him down.
Ms.kelsy shouts "4 more of you help hold him, this will be quick but he will wiggle"
She begins pulling his pants down.
"Wow you have a big penis"
It's already half hard. His foreskin stretching from her handling it. His ridgid band blushing deep red.
She takes he medical gloved hand and pulls his skin down.
"And this is the frenulum and ridgid band, filled with nerve endings. We want to remove this stuff mostly. Leave him enough just so he can feel a taste of what this skin was like and how he is so much better without it!"
She starts rubbing his frenulum and giggling "look at that precum you little horny gross baby dick bitch. Haha. You wish u could fuck me and feel me as god intended. I think not."
She rubs his frenulum and scratches her fingernail across his rigid band on accident.
*his penis was so erect and naturally blushing with pleasure that as her fingers touched his penis just right it began to pump and convulse.
*9 ropes of cum came gushing out
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed
"Sorry! Sorry Ohhhh god."
The last 3 shots of cum hit ms.kelsy on her chest, tummy and lip.
She screamed "your time is up. And you need to grow up!"
She quickly pulls his skin forward over her medical clamp device.
"Now i just cut the skin with my scalpel and the clamp guides me."
She jerks the knife across his dick skin shearing his hood clean off.
"Oops" she quietly remarks "a little to low and tight but heck this is all about what women deserve. Clean cut and no gross flap."
*The kids all cheering

*10 months later
*masturbating with lube
"Oh man i cant believe this is what the adults wanted"
*rubbing cock
"All i feel is my scar line and my cock head"
*rubbing whole cock furiously up and down to the base
*cum shoots out
3 fat shots
And 1 little one
"Well this is not as good as before"
"But i know my place and i know i don't deserve the right to feel that much pleasure."
*turns out light and goes to sleep

>> No.14707526

You are literally so brainwashed you think normal penises look bizarre lmao. you should cut of bits of girls vulvas too, they look weird as well

>> No.14707571

There seems to be far more cut people who lament that it was done to them, than uncut people who lament that it wasn't. So you're completely wrong. A male who wishes he was circumcised can get circumcised; the converse isn't true.

>> No.14707578

i don't care. go back to /pol/

>> No.14707715
