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14704645 No.14704645 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most writers and readers into feet?

>> No.14704820

Because beautiful feet imply gracefulness.

>> No.14704823

It's unironically the ultimate fetish of neurotic 140-ish IQ schizoids like me

>> No.14704844
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The female foot in its corporeal form are one of only two Platonic ideals that manifests in the physical realm; the other is the black hole as an encapsulation of the ideal sphere.

>> No.14704852

No fucking way. Einstein was a foot fetishist?

>> No.14704866

Footfags have literal brain damage

>> No.14704883

So you've never admired a woman's feet?

>> No.14704904

This. They should be rounded up and ejected into orbit, far from the hallowed boulevard.

>> No.14704918
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>oh sorry anon, I fell asleep in this precise position while reading your books! i sure hope you didn't do anything funny to me while I was sleeping haha *queefs and ovulated on your bed*

>> No.14704931

fuck you

>> No.14704940

>*queefs and ovulated on your bed*
God damn I love when girls do this
I become just so horny that I eat them out on the spot

>> No.14704960
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>> No.14705069

One time I was sucking a toe that had a juicy blister. I nibbled at it a bit when it popped in my mouth I immediately came, it was so embarrassing.

Nothing is more sophisticated than a foot fetish.

>> No.14705090

Patrick? You're one of those 4chan incels? What the hell?

>> No.14705328

name at least 10

>> No.14705349


>> No.14705358

I'm Russian and I hear that Tolstoy, Lermontov, Dostoevsky and Pushkin are feet fetishists for the first time.

>> No.14705365

Well, you don't expect to be taught that at school, do you?

>> No.14705399

Yeah, you have a point... But there is no way I could miss facts like that. If it was true, I would learn it through friends or Internet. I know that Pushkin wrote obscene poems and Tsvetaeva was a lesbian, but TOLSTOY WAS FEET SODOMITE? AND DOSTOEVSKY TOO? You talk nonsense. Do you have any proof?

>> No.14705406

Oh, word "sodomite" has different meaning in English, I'm sorry. Feet perverts, that's who they are.

>> No.14705413

I've read some info about it in the previous foot fetish discussion thread

>> No.14705415

Coomers and trannies go hand in hand. Just fuck off

>> No.14705427


Huysmans (just guessing since he was an armpit fetishist so why not also that)

>> No.14705561

What does it say about me if I immediately zoomed in on titties rather than looking at the feet?

>> No.14705621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14705625
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>> No.14705648

I'm Canadian and I hear that Gary, Jeff, Jonathan and Philip are feet fetishists for the first time.

>> No.14705703

foot fetishism (i've heard) has to do with a very deep seated disrespect and disdain for women and women's existence in general. the whole erotic attraction, i've heard, is when the man sort of ritualistically resolves this by lowering himself below the woman by fixating upon the lowest and most typically disregarded and "dirty" (touches the dirt) part of her body. it's only because of the deep inequality he feels with women that he has to lower himself like that to get the erotic pleasure

i don't necessarily think foot fetishism is ubiquitous among writers and readers. /lit/ is not a good representation of writers and readers.

however there is a fuckload of disdain for women on /lit/, and also in general among the newer "incel" movements - logical ends of the media filled, isolated, hypersexualized society we live in, that also deprives men of a sense of belonging and ways to feel like integral parts of their community/society. i think this creates so much tension that men then channel a lot of this into sexual interests. because it is ultimately dissociated and one forgets ones pains, albeit very very temporarily

>> No.14705712

Most writers are creative types. Homosexuality is more common with creative types. Foot fetishes indicate latent homosexual tendencies.

>> No.14705754

Not even a footfag but those are exceptionally cute.

>> No.14705860 [SPOILER] 
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lewd /tv/ meme

>> No.14705884

Don't know about Tolstoy, but as a footfag, I have feetdar, and it's sort of obvious from Dostoevsky's work, and I'm not just talking about The Brother's Karamazov -- there are numerous references to feet in a sexualized context in Dostoevsky's writing. He's pretty much the Tarantino of Russian lit.

>> No.14705899
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>tfw klossyfeet

>> No.14707021

Dude, have you ever seen a man's foot. They're disgusting.
To actually answer your question. It's because women dressed a lot more conservatively back then, No "exposure" of tits or ass like today. Therefore the only thing they could "show off" was their feet. This got men excited.

>> No.14707304

Yeah but really it's b/c feet seem "attainable" for men who have mostly lost hope.

>> No.14707771

this is horseshit.
armpits, mouth, breasts, vagina, butthole, feet: all of these are areas which exude femininity (literally on a pheromone/aromatic level) and truly high T men will neglect not a single area in their erotic adventures.

>> No.14707774

no wonder QT's movies suck so much

>> No.14707780


>> No.14707795

>Butthole, armpits

>> No.14707868


>> No.14708472

the footfag spammer on /lit/ freaks me out because of how active he is, he never really gets very many replies for doing it but that never slows him down. he makes like dozens upon dozens of images committed to his one-man forced meme and despite very little feedback he just keeps going. i can't figure out his endgame.

>> No.14708511

I think it's a niche group of footsexuals

>> No.14708522
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>> No.14708576
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>> No.14708614

Nice new meme work

>> No.14708675


>> No.14709148

I'm going to make up a theory as to why foot fetishism exists.

1. There is a metrix of quality of what makes a good foot and a bad foot
2. Feet are essentially like faces in the way that there are ratios to what makes a face 'handsome' or 'beautiful'.
3. The footfag appreciates this beauty-ratio.
4. Feet are very indicative of the person they belong to. You can tell a lazy, unhealthy, or active, or hygenic person by their feet.
5. There is practicality in the foot, a strong foot reflects a person who can handle crisis. A delicate looking foot reflects a delicate person, etc.
6. Their is exhibitionism when it comes to feet as they are typically a sign of vulnerability. A foot rub is considered very intimate except for minimal exceptions.
7. The sheer multitude of the above combines aesthetics, practicality, and fantasy: the fantasy element comes from the stirring of the imagination that stems from the question of whether or not the assumptions based on the foot have merit or not.
8. Give a man a chance to fantasise anything about a woman and a part of her body, he'll make a fetish out of it.
9. Feet are also very sensitive, so one could imagine tickling a girl's feet and her having a reaction (laughter) that is similar to orgasm-face.
10. The foot is a silly thing. It is incredibly functional, but feet have a slight retarded aspect to them, in so far as they are not hands and are not as useful to grab things.

It is the sheer volume of specific but also vague questionings that come from observing and thinking about feet that stirs the imagination, and thus becomes a fetish. There is no one reason, which is what makes non-foot fetishists confused as to why people like feet.

TL;DR: feet are complicated and that makes them sexy to men.

>> No.14709317

it truly is absolutely fucking baffling as to how so many goddamn authors are footfags, so many genuinely gifted thinkers are plagued by this shit when its the most vanilla kink a person could possibly have. ive been fucking shafted by a footfag before and by god im going to try and let that shit never happen again. at least based joyce, that lovable irish scamp, had a fucking brap fetish, since he clearly had good taste but even he was a het son of a bitch. where the fuck are all the good classical homophile authors >:(((

>> No.14709412
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Literal crosswired brains.
Sure, I can see a woman's feet and think they look nice, feminine, well taken care of, but I don't obsess over them or look at and post photos of their feet like a mongoloid.

>> No.14709538


>> No.14709925
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>> No.14709955
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>> No.14709965
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>> No.14709975

from Eugene Onegin
>I love its furious delight, The crowd and merriment and light, The ladies, their fantastic dress, Also their feetyet ne'ertheless
Scarcely in Russia can ye find
Three pairs of handsome female feet;
Ah! I still struggle to forget
A pair; though desolate my mind,
Their memory lingers still and seems
To agitate me in my dreams.

>> No.14710014
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>> No.14710022

>Dude, have you ever seen a man's foot. They're disgusting.
wrong. Male feet are in fact more beautiful than female feet (disfigured by high heels).

>> No.14710655

I wonder what culture would be the most propitious for footsexuals

>> No.14710659


>> No.14710703

Bookish men are servile worms who desire and deserve to be trampled underfoot

>> No.14710726
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>liking feet is about being submissive!!
*blocks your path*

>> No.14710779
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cuz feets is cute

>> No.14710912
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>> No.14710932


If (USER WAS NOT BANNED FOR THIS POST) then Janny has truly fallen from grace

>> No.14710970

In Russian Pushkin talks about legs, not feet. This translation sucks.

>> No.14710978

Not what Nabokov says.

>> No.14711050

Maybe the word "feet" suits the novel better, I don't know. But there's no "feet" in Russian, only "legs". However, the word "нoгa" (which Pushkin is using throughout his verses) in Russian language can be interpreted both as "leg" and "foot', although it's usually means "leg", as we have the separate word for "foot" ("cтyпня"). So, my though is: if Pushkin really intended to use this word as "foot", he had to put "cтyпня" somewhere in his novel, but I couldn't find it.

>> No.14711074
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It might be the context

>> No.14711287

Yeah footfags are actually delusional. If someone wrote poems about the beauty of a girl's hands or hair, no one would notice. But someone so much as mentions feet, and their coomer tendencies kick in and now they're officially foot fetishists like them. Literally we wuz

>> No.14711303
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>foot sodomite

>> No.14711318

So? What do you mean by "context"? You have only posted the text.

>> No.14711331

Now fellas I've seen some degenerate shit, and I can tell with certainty, this sure is degenerate.

>> No.14711606

>tfw no footfag gf to step on
>tfw no one else knows this feel

>> No.14711707

Valuing feet signals a sophisticated taste in feminine beauty and aesthetics. The female body should not be viewed as consistent of isolated parts as per the usual ass and tits dichotomy. Rather, it should be viewed as a holism of interacting parts the transcends the value of the parts in themselves. Feet play into that interaction and is both strengthened by and strengthens the thighs, hips, waist, chest, shoulders and neck which in totality produces the greatest pleasure of all.

>> No.14711735
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