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14702891 No.14702891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>got home from work last night
>bought cookies on way home, drank coffee, went for a cheeky 30 minute job (still feels like a superpower)
>eat food, waste time online
>make notes from a book I finished reading recently; need to do something related to books that isn't pure consumercuckoldry
>woke up early, had a shit
>intended to lie in bed for a further 40 minutes but spent the entire time browsing internet on phone in bed
>got out of bed, drank coffee, browsed internet
>went to work, felt demoralised after seeing lots of officeStaceys; now arriving at work

Work recently has been answering lots of emails and doing lots of little things.

I feel so horrified that I can think "8 years ago" and realise that I was in my 20s at the time and should have been doing cool shit, but I was merely being sad and loserish as fuck at university. For so long I could think "10 years ago I was a mindless child, it doesn't matter that I did nothing" but now I can't. I'm a 29 year old nofriends noenjoyment ugly beta male. I will be 30 this year. That's it, life over.

>> No.14702900

Please, let this be real.

>> No.14702912

30 minute job should be jog

>> No.14702926

dude, 30 doesn't mean your life is over. Be grateful that you don't have a nasty addiction or a disease. How you spend your day is up to you.

>> No.14702930

>office job
sorry londonfrog but you're a normie now

>> No.14702968

I am younger than you, anon, but if it helps I will tell you my plans for when I am your age (since I will probably be like you). If I don’t find a wife (I know I won’t) I will see if I can join a monastery. You live with some quiet people and for God. I don’t know if you are religious, but if you are, have you considered doing that? At any rate, to answer your question, your life is not over. It mind sound cliche, but don’t give up. Do you have anything which you can call meaningful? What about your reading?

>> No.14703009
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As far as I'm concerned, your life was already over when you started being a wagecuck, spending most of your time doing something that you hate. And not only do you hate your job, you hate gorging yourself on food, you hate being alone, you hate wasting your time on the internet, you hate the city you're in - you have pretty much every part of your life.

Stop serving causes alien to your own, for they are concerned only for themselves, and don't give a single shit about you.

>> No.14703040

Literally me in a few years
It really is over

>> No.14703046

if you kill yourself, please write your suicide note here.

>> No.14703054

What do I do then? Step by step. Right now I see go full Tedpill in the woods, take my rod and some camping gear out and hope for the best.

>> No.14703080

>step by step solve my life for me
Anyone who says that they can do that for you, is a charlatan. There must be something, no matter how ridiculous, that you've always wanted. From personal experience I know that the more you try to ignore it, and just decide to subsist, the worse it's going to get. But what do I know? Plenty of people are perfectly comfortable doing soul-sucking shit, while it drives me to suicide.

Live life by your own standards, not by anybody else's. Culture tries to dictate what you should be like, your peers, your family and so on. They fill you with dread, make you want things that you never had, and you decide that your life is a failure because "you're too old" and "tfw no gf". These are all spooks, you have to decide if you actually want them yourself.

>> No.14703244

invest in fidgetspinners now before its to late

>> No.14703657
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I have herpes... Fuck you

>> No.14703673

>the real world
>le token nigger woman doctor
What's the difference?

>> No.14703683

Silica gel industries don't tell you want to do

>> No.14703689

what happens if u eat silica in earth prime?

>> No.14703739

Tons of people have herpes

>> No.14703743

This. Wait till you get cancer, then you'll know how much fun you're having right now.

>> No.14703771

This, the figures is around 80% for women.

>> No.14703774

silica doesn't exist on E'

>> No.14703780

Then what do the silica gel industries do there?

>> No.14703785
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>> No.14703795

>doesn't care
>posts in the thread

hello, reddit!

>> No.14703801
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>tfw londonfrog has a better life than you
life over

>> No.14703812

Why don't you write a Megan-esque novel of this shit?

>> No.14703819

I do.

>> No.14703838

A 15 year old made this post.

>> No.14703844

Please just kill yourself already

>> No.14703936

They write fiction about if people ate silica