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14700336 No.14700336 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have never memorised a poem

I wanna be part of the oral tradition, bros

>> No.14700351

I memorized the jabberwocky in fourth grade and can still recite it so I never have to worry about this

>> No.14700354

>The tiger
>He destroyed his cage
>The tiger is out
Here you go, peak 21th century poetry

>> No.14701111

Harp and Wreath is classical homeschool education and Poems Every Child Should Know is also a good book, can find on archive com plus mp3 versions, can find some of those poems better on Youtube, also recomment some of Tolkiens poems

>> No.14701319

I memorize poems that struck me most. Highly suggest it.

>> No.14701747

Here's one:
Release me from the unreal to the real
From darkness into light
From death to immortality

>> No.14701766

The lion
He obliterated his enclosure
The lion is gay

>> No.14701773

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind a tree
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Hiding behind a tree
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on, please shine down on
Please shine down on me

>> No.14701786

It's not that hard. I know of two methods:

1. Overlapping cloze deletion plugin on anki
2. Rote memorization by the staggered repetition method (this is where you read each line out loud once, then repeat without looking at the source, then do two lines at a time, then three etc. until you hit 7-8 by which point the whole thing will be memorized--and make sure to stagger the lines, meaning making the first line of the set the previous set's last line thereby creating a chain).

>> No.14703240

Quan jo m'esmerço en una causa justa
com en Tell soc adusta i arrogant
prou, s'ha acabat, aneu al botavant!
vós i galleda i tamboret de fusta!

La meva sang no peix la noia flaca
ni s'amistança amb el café pudent
vós no sou qui per grapejar una vaca
ni un àngel que baixés expressament

Encara us resta la indefensa cabra
que sempre tingué ànima d'esclau
a mi no em muny ni qui s'acosti amb sabre
tinc banyes i escometo com un brau!

Doncs ja ho sabeu, he pres el determini
l'he bramulat per comes i fondals
i no espereu que m'en desencamini
la llepolia d'un manat d'alfals.

Que jo mateixa si no fos tan llega
en lletra clara contaria el fet:
temps era temps, hi hagué una vaca cega,
Jo soc la vaca de la mala llet!

>> No.14703306

Buy a fountain pen and start writing your favorite ones as a hobby. You'll memory them in no time - and maybe even get into calligraphy.

>> No.14703314

Nice Varg larp there, faggot boy.

>> No.14703321

Frühling lässt sein blaues Band
wieder flattern durch die Lüfte.
Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte
streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.
Veilchen träumen schon,
wollen bald kommen.
Frühling, ja Du bist's.
Dich hab' ich vernommen.

>> No.14703367

I memorized some parts of oscar wilde in highschool but it's pointless, talking about books or poetry irl is boring as fuck so I've recited 0 times, not only because it makes you seem pretentious but also because reciting poetry when you're under 40 and not in academic circlejerks is a really weird thing to do

>> No.14703455

Nigga I can't even remembered the ones I write myself

>> No.14703863

Now, that's a beautiful one.

>> No.14703888

A.E. Housman poems seem ideal for memorizing. The first one I memorized was:

Here dead we lie
Because we did not choose
To live and shame the land
From which we sprung.

Life, to be sure,
Is nothing much to lose,
But young men think it is,
And we were young.

>> No.14704039

Hyperion, ce din genuni
Răsai c-o-ntreagă lume,
Nu cere semne și minuni
Care n-au chip și nume;

Tu vrei un om să te socoți,
Cu ei să te asameni?
Dar piară oamenii cu toți,
S-ar naște iarăși oameni.

Ei numai doar durează-n vânt
Deșerte idealuri -
Când valuri află un mormânt,
Răsar în urmă valuri;

Ei doar au stele cu noroc
Și prigoniri de soarte,
Noi nu avem nici timp, nici loc,
Și nu cunoaștem moarte.

>> No.14704305

Do you think Nael knows he’s written a masterpiece? I’m not even joking, I love this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.14705256

I had to do that for several of them in school, not that hard.