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/lit/ - Literature

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14700090 No.14700090 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14700094

>needing to be taught how to be a man by books
Why don't you try getting a daddy who doesn't walk out of your life for another woman

>> No.14700207

>projecting this much
Imagine not being able to enjoy and learn from literature.

>> No.14700217

The only reason you might feel your knowledge of being a man is inadequate is if you never had a strong male role model as a child. You don't get that from reading a fucking book.

>I need to be taught how to have a penis
fuck off tranny

>> No.14700225
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>> No.14700367
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>> No.14700383

Talking to my dad taught me a lot more about being a man than books ever did. That being said there are a lot of positive male role models in books. The father in the road was a good example in that he did everything possible to ensure his son's survival

>> No.14700413


>> No.14700420
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>> No.14700425


>> No.14700467
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To think like a man is to think seriously, and to take thinking seriously. This book inspired a commitment to serious and careful thinking when I was a teenager. Carl Sagan was agnostic but religious as fuck, his spirituality was the holy pursuit of understanding and discovery of the world.
There's many other intellectual role-models of extremely high quality that have successfully inspired the same determined commitment to knowledge in others, but Carl Sagan was one who touched me through a love of astronomy.

>> No.14700471
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>i am omniscient with regards to masculinity and manhood and no book can teach me anything

>> No.14700500

Thread is about books that made you a man, not a god.

>> No.14700513

First of all, I like McCarthy. I like what he knows, what he thinks, but The Road showed me that part of human nature that is kept at bay by civilization and the rule of law. I think the book explores the essence of what it means to be a man. To protect and provide, but also shows the opposite of male values, to subdue, to devour.

Damn how I'd like to drink and talk with you about McCarthy.

Based. Basically cyberpunk in-human poetry.

>> No.14700532

Can you expand on your idea that Sagan was religious as fuck?

>> No.14700541

Exactly why I love The Road, anon. I’m curious, what are some other male role models you appreciate in literature?

>> No.14700560

Big in. A must read. Bastion of masculinity

>> No.14700569

I wish my did wasnt a single jobless drug addict who spends all his time watching TV, eating ice cream, and lecturing me about who I should vote for

>> No.14700701

We get it anon your dad was cooler than you

>> No.14700807
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>> No.14700811
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>> No.14702350

My dad is a pedophile and I can't morally be civil with him