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/lit/ - Literature

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14697858 No.14697858 [Reply] [Original]

What types of themes would you like to see discussed?
Should Megan rely on her autofictional motor or should she seek other techniques?
Will Megan reunite with her separated husband, Tao Lin?
Will Megan and Mira Gonzalez ever return to speaking terms or will they remain literary adversaries indefinitely?
Will Megan further formulate her apostolic relationship to Infinite Jest?

Have a great thread, Megheads!

>> No.14697860

Go to bed Megan

>> No.14697868
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Why do I feel the urge to rape the girl in your pic?

>> No.14697881

You fucking megposting feet fags are worse than the trainfags and guenonfags combined.
I am so sick of looking at this fuckin goblin faced fishwife, and her revolting, urban-hedonist lifestyle. The only thing different between this talentless hack and any other pissdrinking homeless whore is healthy doses of nepotism and coat-tail-rides. I hope she overdoses and dies and isn’t found until the smell reaches the neighbors and when they find her she’s wearing Garfield footy pajamas and still gripping a half full blue raspberry mad dogs 20/20

>> No.14697920

Sincere post, fellow Meghead, but the only feet posted are those cripwalking through the hollows of your head.
Also, Did you not know Megan is sober now? She's always been an anti-thot, or at least a para-thot.

>> No.14697937

Did she really flee to Europe and burn her passport?

>> No.14697949

Au contraire, Megpleb, someone whose very identity is based on a foundation of wanton epicureanism is unlikely to be capable of such self-restraint for very long.

>> No.14697958

I used to think Megan Boyle was a tragedy, now I realize she's a comedy

>> No.14697975

A degenerate alcoholic sex-addict married to a chinaman and frienimies with a mexican writes a book like a blog.

I think I'm done with postmodernism. Stop the ride, I want to get off.

>> No.14697980
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>I think I'm done with postmodernism. Stop the ride, I want to get off.
Stupid nigger. Post-structuralism is just a deconstruction of the shitfest we are living in. The enemy is Capitalism.

>> No.14697987

But don't you see, anon? When you read Vonnegut in high school and said "I like this postmodernism stuff," you were sealing the fate of the world. This is the future you chose; you are living its consequences. You get what you deserve.

Vonnegut is a shit writer

>> No.14698000

I always thought Vonnegut was overrated, actually.

>> No.14698008

>identity is based on a foundation
Your formulae are haphazard and incomplete. By the time you get to whip "epicureanism," the average reader has already sounded their PEDANT ALARM, bwooop, bwooop, bwooop.
Megan would remind us to be sincere first with ourselves, else we never reach greater levels of sincerity, for instance the sincerity felt by God for humans or the sincerity felt between an unboxer and a box.

>> No.14698053

by asserting that identity is just a random hodgepodge of various media/ideas, realize that you are implicitly invoking a postmodern take (that is, ideological position), and not that you are objectively more or less authentic that the more aristotelian/essential view i have taken.

>> No.14698056

Identity doesn't exist.

>> No.14698065

Then who are you arguing with?
*tips fedora*

>> No.14698082

Stupid shill thread by an author trying to promote her book yet again. Megan, start taking drugs again and don't stop.

>> No.14698163

I can handle a book about degeneracy.
I can even handle a book written by a chick.
But a degenerate book written by an ugly chick?
That, gentlemen, that is where I must draw the line.

>> No.14698191

I know the assumption is many posters abstain from reading and instead seek out this amphibian spermatozoa bazaar for catharsis or worse. However, some people do read and like talking about books.
Striving for sincerity as Megan prescribed, we can file the anti-hedonic responses to her early work as germane to Liveblog or Panda Express, but there is also a post-Liveblog Megan that composes herself and her work differently.
In post-Liveblog Megan, one finds a chastened and open-eyed American Millennial, thankful to have survived the hedonism prescribed by her culture. Megan is armed by this survival and I think that may send her into new territory.

>> No.14698199

>I'm a unit of government census

>> No.14698207

Yes, because that's totally where the idea of an essence or soul came from.
Based retard

>> No.14698221

will you people stop posting this mentally ill irish drug addict

she's got sanpaku eyes like AOC and it creeps me the fuck out

>> No.14698245

Why not say soul or essence then, pedant?

>> No.14698249

>ironic statement

>> No.14698346

Took a graduate seminar on liveblog and we explored the city of Baltimore, spatial and architectural details, as well as pharmaceutical and metabolic analyses of the author. Books are what you make of them.

>> No.14698354
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I wish Megan had Sanpaku eyes

>> No.14698730

Some potential themes for Liveblog Part Deux:
>Baltimorean non-spaces
>Sobriety and creativity
>Artistic collaboration (vs Liveblog's singular perspective)
>Adultification vs Assimilation
>Memes and the self

>> No.14698770
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Is Megan really the sole (tehe) heiress to the Empire Carpet fortune?

>> No.14698993

Everytime someone posts an excerpt its worse than the last I swear to god

>> No.14699001

cringing @ all the haters itt

>> No.14699069

I have been in here mildly trolling, completely ignorant of how terrible her work was.

I am now leaving this thread.

>> No.14699592
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Oh goodness gracious, I can hear the subvocalized "yikes"

>> No.14699919

Salutations, Megheads! I would be interested to see Megan interview other alt lit peeps, maybe compile a history of literature from her standpoint as a success story

>> No.14700050

Fuck this whore

>> No.14700112

So a ripoff of Bridget Jones Diary basically.

>> No.14700135

I'm anticipating she writes a book on mental health and sobriety, which is essentially what I anticipate Leave Society to be.

>> No.14700169

I'm just now at the part where Megan impulsively decides at age 27 she wants to join the Navy and become an astronaut and both of her parents enthusiastically reinforce this behavior.

It's very stupid and very despairing and sort of sweet and it's making me very sad in a number of different ways simultaneously.

>> No.14700867

>taipei within Liveblog
This has to be a fucking joke

>> No.14700874

still a better board presence than butterfly

>> No.14701113

Well, her parents enrolled her in some branch of the MKULTRA program, so they might have different goals in mind for their progeny

>> No.14701767

What is Megan
Palely pagan
Lively begun
Berlin again
Smiley ray-gun
Gulf of Aden
Fug yo bacon
Megan maven
Tip-toes hasten
Iv'ry straighten
Chalky raven
Glutey laden
Yearn, burn craven
Fans in Dayton
Nails misshapen
Seance Satan
Gapes Jamaican
Bongs forsaken
Iron Maiden

>> No.14701782

i like this

>> No.14702292
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>mfw examining my self

>> No.14702561 [DELETED] 

how many threads do i have to make before megan has sex with me?

>> No.14703199 [DELETED] 

>'it was scarily almost noon' has to be a line somewhere in 'ulysses'

>> No.14704346
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>> No.14704853

>this was published
I still can't believe it. If im being honest though its at least better than Ducks, newburyport but thats not saying much

>> No.14705186

Anon, this was the very end of Liveblog, iirc. Megan was profoundly unwell at this point. In a sense the party girl's consumptive mirthless richtus

>> No.14705827
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this is my fav meg

>> No.14705852
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It's you, isn't it.

>> No.14706902
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>> No.14708095
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>> No.14708190

megan deserves to die in obscsurity
these threads are cancer

>> No.14708214


>> No.14708382
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there's one meghead thread a month, samefriend

>> No.14708414

Goodnight, Megheads!

>> No.14709914

Good morning, Megheadz

>> No.14709993

she looks unhinged i think im in love sage

>> No.14710038

So is this the usual 'fawning over ugly chick you think is attainable' thing, or do some of you imbeciles actually admire the pigswill that is her 'work'?
sage btw