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14697719 No.14697719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some essential trans literature?

>> No.14697727

y'all need jesus

>> No.14697731

Das Kapital

>> No.14697733

start with the greeks

>> No.14697737


>> No.14697782

source? asking for a friend.

>> No.14697790

>dilation is an actual word used by trannies
Wtf I thought this was a 4channel meme?

>> No.14697791
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>> No.14697794

Nope, anon, it is all true...

>> No.14697798
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>> No.14697799

Wtf I thought this was a 4channel meme?

>> No.14697806

Silence of the Lambs

>> No.14697811

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.14697816
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>He looks on his work with a quiet but intense sexual satisfaction. He will soon have to relieve it at the child brothel...

>> No.14697817
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>> No.14697823
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>> No.14697847
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>> No.14697850

Unironically Gnostic works.

>> No.14697872

Ancient Babylonian old farts thought the world was ending because the youth was so wild and hedonistic. I wonder what they would think about the circus that's our reality.

>> No.14697877

>Ancient Babylonian old farts thought the world was ending
i mean... they weren't wrong. ancient Babylonians were well into the kali-yuga.

>> No.14697917

Vidal, Myra Breckinridge
Sarduy, Cobra

>> No.14698253

Amara Moira

>> No.14698262

>he doesn’t know

>> No.14698307

what is dialation?

>> No.14698315

Orlando by Woolf was the first piece of literature that sparked my dysphoria hard.

>> No.14698328

I don't really get why guys want to become women. Don't they think it through? They're just making their lives more difficult. And for what?

>> No.14698329

Trannies have to shove a dildo up their wound regularly or otherwise it will close up.

>> No.14698349
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Of course, they think it through. The feeling of being in the wrong body, or presenting oneself as the gender they feel at odds with really causes a lot of debilitation mentally. Trans is not limited to just males becoming females, there are plently of women who want to become men. For what you might ask? To live a life by their means

>> No.14698356

What do FtM have to do?

>> No.14698362

They're mutilating their bodies rather than treating their mental illness. It's just as disturbing as a man who wants to gouge his eyes out or chop his legs off for no reason.

>> No.14698368

Doctors take armpit fat and mold it into a fake penis.

>> No.14698371

So when I armpit fuck my spouse, I am actually touching dicks with her?

Fucking gross... sorta.

>> No.14698375

But what does it mean to feel you're in the wrong body? It's not like they've lived in other bodies before. They have no points of reference.

>> No.14698377

Shave their frankencock. And they often have problems with the pump implants in said frankencock being rejected by the body, infections etc.

>> No.14698383

Here's a video talking about it (NSFW obviously). It's pretty vulgar but factually accurate.


>> No.14698390

Not the same. Repression causes mental illness such as depression and anxiety and social isolation, trans people feel they cannot "be" themselves. The ones who are hacking their gentials with a rusty knife, yes have extreme mental illness, but most just want to dress and present as the opposite sex.

Gender dysphoria is a weight that feels like an anchor. Theyve not "lived" in other bodies before but would like to in order to feel better about themselves

>> No.14698393

quick rundown?

>> No.14698412

civilization is a spook

>> No.14698420

Just be happy with the life that god gave you instead of living in denial ffs. I would like to be 6ft tall handsome with a 12 inch dick but I don't mope around all day or try to alter my body through surgery. They will never achieve what they want but they throw away even what they had by mutilating themselves. Aren't these people overreaching?

>> No.14698430

if god wanted me to be happy with who I am why has he made me feel this way?

>> No.14698431

But most people feel self-conscious about their bodies to the point of outright disgust at one point or another, and many of those people probably think it might be nice to be someone else, someone more attractive. The only difference between them and a trans person is they don't make the illogical leap from self-disgust to gender dysphoria. They don't think this disgust with my own body must mean I belong in another body. They just accept that this self-disgust is part the human condition. Fortunately, for many of us, the awkwardness we feel in our own bodies eventually turns to indifference. Yes, I'm disgusting but so what.

>> No.14698479

well, would you tell a fat person who hates being fat to just accept their body or would you suggest that they do diet and exercise?

our bodies are ours to change as we see fit as long as it's medically feasible

>> No.14698531
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I found this to be very Lynchian and also a little Lovecraftian. In some respects it's also Cronenbergian and clear parallels can be seen between this work and that of Tolkien.

>> No.14698562

Fundamentally if there was a will to actually cure this then it would be already undertaken. Guess why it's like this instead.

>> No.14698570

I would imagine that it's caused by environmental factors; I find it hard to believe that anyone is born transgender. There must be something about the modern world that is incompatible with human biology. Maybe it has something to do with how consumerism pushes us to build our identities on systems of objects. An imitation penis/vagina has now become a product that can be sold by surgeons. The claim is that womanhood or manhood can be purchased just like any other aspect of your identity such as your Rolex Watch or Apple iPhone.

>Baudrillard thought that both Marx's and Adam Smith's economic thought accepted the idea of genuine needs relating to genuine uses too easily and too simply. Baudrillard argued, drawing from Georges Bataille, that needs are constructed, rather than innate. He stressed that all purchases, because they always signify something socially, have their fetishistic side. Objects always, drawing from Roland Barthes, "say something" about their users. And this was, for him, why consumption was and remains more important than production: because the "ideological genesis of needs" precedes the production of goods to meet those needs.[19]

>> No.14698588

But a fat person can actually become skinny, a man can't actually become a woman or vice versa.

>> No.14698625

there has been a will to cure it trhough conversion therapy and the like. they usually ended up in suicide. whereas studies show that the likelyhood of suicide goes down after transitioning so it seems like the most sensible thing is to let transpeople transition

>> No.14698635

In the case of the fat person I might suggest that they diet and exercise because it would make their life healthier and therefore happier. I couldn't tell the person with gender dysphoria to mutilate his or her body because in the long run it would make them neither healthier nor happier. I would rather they see a psychotherapist who to help them see that becoming the opposite sex is not only an impossible goal but one that wouldn't solve their problems even if it were achievable. I'd rather they understand that it doesn't mean anything to "feel like a man" or "feel like a woman" which renders their whole notion of being the wrong sex absurd.

>> No.14698662

I'm talking on the grand scale. Not on an individual basis.

>> No.14698676

Imagine someone is locked in his room for the rest of his life. Now you can either try to change his environment for the sake the of his mental health or you can send in a psychologist to help with the symptoms. The solution that's proposed now is still symptomatic.

>> No.14698679

>it’s more difficult to be a woman
Good one. Femoids live on easy mode. They can get fucked whenever they want, they aren’t forced to serve in wars, they can always count on a man to care for them, they don’t do any of the dirty jobs like trash-collecting, plumbing, janitor work and the like. Women have always been put on a pedestal and men have been viewed as expendable. The only thing wrong with modern society is that we have allowed women to run rampant, and this is no surprise, as modern society is inherently emasculating and conducive to degenerate tendencies

>> No.14698686

It's harder to be a man when a woman. It's easier to be a woman when you try to be one yourself.

>> No.14698703

>as modern society is inherently emasculating
how so?

>> No.14698719

civilization has always been emasculating for the peasants(read: almost everyone)

>> No.14698726

kitchen by banana yoshimoto touches on it and is really good

>> No.14698737

Allow me to clarify. Being a woman today is certainly easier than being a man. That wasn't my point. What I meant is that it's more difficult to live as a man attempting but inevitably failing to be a woman. Even if they're given all sorts of special treatment the frequent humiliations and psychological trauma would make life so much more difficult.

>> No.14698752

Ah, I understand more now.

>> No.14698762

good thing science doesn't run off of gut belief

>> No.14698768

>Being a woman today is certainly easier than being a man.
is it though?

>> No.14698781

Can we get some actual tranny fiction though, please?

>> No.14698788

probably something like 80% of women unless compared to the top 20% of men

>> No.14698793

I guess that depends on where you live. Where I live it is.

>> No.14698805

I am very interested in the metaphysical dimension of being trans. Are they the reincarnations of women who, due to their sins, are in a male body?

>> No.14698814
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>> No.14698823

in your mind?

>> No.14698829

Transgenderism follows the destructive ideological path that the thing-in-itself can be brought to fruition.

>> No.14698841

I'm gay and XXY. Why shouldn't I transition? I have wide hips, a feminine ass and body structure, low test, micropenis. I'm only attracted to men. I can't have children. I didn't do anything to end up this way besides being born. Why did God make me this way? Why am I a defective male? I'm not even serious about transitioning, I would never pass and I know it (I'm also unattractive). But I have every justification to and no right wing meme will change my mind

>> No.14698877


>> No.14698903

Reading some of the madness in this thread really makes me glad to live in a rural part of Europe where this tranny-nonsense has not yet taken hold. I feel bad for Americans who have to put up with this shit on a daily basis.

>> No.14698908

Just be gay, you're a feminine twink but that doesn't mean you have to cut your dick off
Embrace who you are and affirm your existence instead of diving into the depths of madness and self-loathing
'Transitioning' is a symptom of gender dysphoria, not a treatment of it. It is a confirmation to yourself that there is something wrong with you that needs to be fixed by expensive and often failing medical procedures. There are other ways to proceed in life, healthier ways than that.

>> No.14698912

>I am a defective male
trannies in a nutshell

>> No.14698916

How anyone can look at this and not feel deep instinctual disgust is beyond me.

>> No.14698937

Maybe just being gay would work out better. If you like men it's cheaper, and the potential partner pool is much wider. The guys that persue transwomen tend to be fetishists and porn addicts. If you want someone to love you youd be much better off finding some homo instead of a /gif/ user.

>> No.14698942

How exactly does does science contradict anything I said?

>> No.14698952

There was a time when lobotomy was the most sensible treatment for mental illness, that doesn't make it right. Maybe history will look at "gender reassignment" in the same light.

>> No.14698957

>science ends where muh feelings begin!


>> No.14698986

Yes, and objectively.

>> No.14699009

then prove it :)

>> No.14699014

I was just brainstorming, not sharing set convictions. I'm clearly not well versed in this topic and If you have information that I don't please feel free to educate me. On the other hand, if your response is as empty as "dude, science!", I'm gonna assume you have nothing of value to contribute.

>> No.14699022

I'm tall and ugly. I'm not a twink. Besides I don't wanna be a slut. I have a lower sex drive

I tried but they are disgusted by my body

>> No.14699024

Do your own research, pseud.

>> No.14699042

Just be gay and jerk off then, or save up some money for plastic surgery and make your face prettier
Cutting your dick off will make you less attractive, especially to men, so there's no point in it in the first place if you want someone to be attracted to you
It sounds like you don't even want to be a girl, you're just lonely and have self-esteem issues coming from your looks
Trying to transition would only give you a harder time, it would do nothing to benefit your situation and would make you feel worse in the long run

>> No.14699055 [DELETED] 

If you have Klinefelter Syndrome, I'm assuming that you're at leats 6' as well.

>> No.14699061

If you have Klinefelter Syndrome, I'm assuming that you're at least 6' as well.

>> No.14699097

I'm not gonna transition. I know it is a fool's errand and that a lot of people would cut me out of their life if I did. I am just saying that I have every right to if I wanted

6'3". One of the many reasons I don't want to transition

>> No.14699105
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>> No.14699190
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Retroactive refutation of the entirety of modernity (starting from the 1500s).

>"Those who might be tempted to give way to despair should realize that nothing accomplished in this order can ever be lost, that confusion, error and darkness can win the day only apparently and in a purely ephemeral way, that all partial and transitory disequilibrium must perforce contribute towards the greater equilibrium of the whole, and that nothing can ultimately prevail against the power of truth."

>> No.14699244

>Why am I a defective male?
Because modern society is preoccupied with sympthomatic treatment rather than that which solves it for the next generations. Eg Eugenics. Eugenics was set to solve a long term problem but because it had it's negatives for the time being it became ebil in their eyes and was shut down. When you see people, say, 300 years in the future with ears on their foreheads and penises on their toes, and if they ever ask why are they this way, why do they have to spend lots of money on surgery to look normal, point them to the people who thought they were making the world a better place by thrusting the problems of the current age onto the future generations - and these dare to call themselves heroes, the supposed voice of a generation, those who have their backs. Their mentality is egotistical and shallow with regards to the future.

>> No.14699251

4chan is a trans site

>> No.14699270

im writing it now
thanks for confirming market demand

>> No.14699277

Okay. First google result for "is gender dysphoria genetic":
>Researchers thought they had found genes related to gender dysphoria in trans women (born male), but larger studies did not replicate the results.
>An Italian study that looked at the Y chromosome found no differences between trans women and control males.
>An Austrian study that looked at sex chromosomes in trans women and trans men found no significant abnormalities.
>A Japanese study that looked at genes related to estrogen receptor alpha and progesterone receptor found no differences between the genes of male to female transsexuals and male controls or the genes of female to male transsexuals and female controls.
>An Austrian study of a gene related to steroid 5-alpha reductase (SRD5A2) found no differences between trans women, trans men, and male and female controls.
Source: https://transresearch.info/2014/11/14/genes-and-gender-dysphoria/

It seems that the science supports my "gut feeling" that people aren't born transgender.

>> No.14699281

This is a comforting whitepill

>> No.14699288

No, it just seems to suggest that there is no transgender gene you'd understand the difference if you weren't a midwit

>> No.14699312

because a micropenis cannot be fashioned into a vagina. have you not seen i am jazz?

>> No.14699315

Transgenderism isn't a modern idea/concept. In ancient India, those who dressed as the opposite sex were considered close to Godhood and highly revered

>> No.14699347
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There was also a tranny Roman Emperor

>> No.14699355


holy fuck that is gross

>> No.14699388
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>The first of its kind, Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics, gathers together a diverse range of 55 poets with varying aesthetics and backgrounds. In addition to generous samples of poetry by each trans writer, the book also includes “poetics statements”—reflections by each poet that provide context for their work covering a range of issues from identification and embodiment to language and activism.

>> No.14699394

Poor fucker, I really feel for all y'all

>> No.14699410

bro... "bottom surgery" is literally carving a hole into your body that desperately tries to heal. they need to irritate the wound for the rest of their (short) lives or else it will close

>> No.14699426

I find it very curious that transgender cases correlate so well with the "white masculinity itself is oppressive" movement. It makes me believe that good sensitive boys who don't want to be oppressive would feel at odds with their biological masculinity.

>> No.14699428

This has nothing to do with literature yet the thread on masturbation books (which had suggestion and real theories), was deleted. That is a problem most men struggle with and

>> No.14699432
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>> No.14699447

Nonsense. Eugenics was never seen as evil by anyone who mattered. It has purposely been forbidden in the west by (((intellectuals))), and (((humanitarians))) while being strictly enforced in their homeland.

>> No.14699477

Fanged Noumena

>> No.14699552

You just described two completely different concepts and then tried to equate them.

>> No.14699568

Doesn't that have an environmental cause as well because they were trying to emulate their religious conception of the state of the world before the creation of distinctions? My interest is in identifying the particular environmental aspects of modern western society that causes gender dysphoria on the scale that we see today.

Please explain to me how someone can be born with gender dysphoria if it isn't biologically innate. Or are you saying that it is biologically innate but separate from genetics, i.e. the soul? If so, I would say that the soul is without gender.

>> No.14699653

it is very depressing (even moreso than it needs to be) being "trans" whatever the fuck that even means and being torn between sociopathic pinkpiller fetishists, paranoid right-wingers who lump us in with them, disgusting faggots who say we should be happy to be lumped together because of some misguided idea that solidarity with scum is somehow a virtue, and insane academic liberals who practically worship trannies because they think transgenderism is the most pure form of repudiation of sexual moral restraint
in between all of that is an actual real human experience that doesn't fit into those narrow political lenses and nobody seems to have any interest in trying to understand it in an objective sense, either trannies are vile degenerates on the same level as fetishistic crossdressers or they're beautiful stronk womyn to use as shibboleths and virtue signaling tools
i hate right-wingers for judging things they don't understand, i hate leftoids for thinking we're the same kind of scum as them, i hate other trannies for throwing their lot in with vile hedonists and buying wholesale the whole gross hypersexual polyamory astolfo anime trap culture that is the modern transgender movement
both the people who love us and hate us do it for all the wrong reasons, even other actual trannies (those who are even trans at all) don't get it, they actually think they're women like holy shit how dumb do you have to be to actually buy that

>> No.14699691

Its not just India/Hinduism that had transgender people, throughout the world the "third way" was apparent and in some cases revered.

To try and answer your question as to why there seem to be more transgender people today is the frank openness and growing acceptance of the movement and individuals. I had a therapist told me she considers the trans movement of today to the equivalent of the gay rights movement of yesteryear.

>> No.14699717

your mere existence as a homosexual is a threat to the family, friend.

>> No.14699747

lol calm down

>> No.14699760


>> No.14699775

Who hurt you?

>> No.14699819

I'm simply stating the truth, I'm sure you are all wonderful people.

>> No.14699829

i am (voluntarily) celibate
checkmate nazis

>> No.14699851

I've never understood why people seem to have such a problem with trannies. While I do question their mental wellbeing (just look at those self harm and suicide rates), I don't see why they're so much more hated than other people with mental disabilities.

>> No.14699867

>I don't see why they're so much more hated than other people with mental disabilities
because they reject the hypothesis that it's a mental illness

>> No.14699877

because it's fucking manufactured. that is the truth of it.
i dont fucking understand how gender dysphoria can even be real.
nobody is comfortable with their bodies, and I would not lie that I have not entertained the idea of what it would be like to be a woman myself.
but no matter even if i wanted to be one, even if i tried.

I WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN. but a cruel imitation of her figure.
So I will not attempt to be something which I am not, and I would rather improve upon the characteristics of myself I already own.

what more do you want?

>> No.14699892

But why hate someone for that? Shouldn't you pity them or look down on them instead?

>> No.14699903

>But why hate someone for that?
because the buck doesn't stop with them
they want society to conform to their mental illness

>> No.14699904

who is talking about HATE? that is you! not us!

>> No.14699909

>nobody is comfortable with their bodies
Just stop watching pornography, for the love of God.

>> No.14699930
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>Just stop watching pornography, for the love of God.
you're telling that to the wrong person

>> No.14699953
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>nobody is comfortable with their bodies, and I would not lie that I have not entertained the idea of what it would be like to be a woman myself.

>> No.14699977

you and the other fella completely misconstrue the point which i am making.
i am not an advocate of "body acceptance" such a disgusting concept
i am an advocate of "body improvement" and that is to say to make your body what you wish it to be
not what media has constructed, or people desire, but what you truly desire.

most people do not desire to be meek, frail things, or on the other end; large, gargantuan piles of mere flesh.
what i mean quite simply enough, is to look into acquiring some muscle definition

>> No.14700002

Good thing you guys won't be alive in the future where genders will be completely meaningless. You would all have a meltdown.

>> No.14700067

It's a reaction to the mainstream trend of treating trannies as some kind of heroes instead of treating them as freaks/mentally ill people (in an empathic way).
You've got mainstream politicians stating their pronouns and whatnot. Things went to far and some people are pissed off.

>> No.14700101

Are you jewish by any chance?

>> No.14700298

You may be right, but I'm 100% people nowadays would scoff at the idea. Important people don't matter today, only the approved shepherds.

>> No.14700312

dlkshdlksakdas hlasdlsladhldia aslnd asd.
I'm sorry my hapamasakenstatikun, we don't limit ourself to social constructs like language. That is written by old white cis men who tried to put the hole woman down! Now, let me put this USB stick back into my head whilst contemplating the worth of my existence in my pod...

>> No.14700331

do you know how to read
am i a fucking tranny you illiterate baboon

>> No.14700414

Look at the state of India right now

>> No.14700438

Where are the g/acc evil rhyme goblins when you need them?

>> No.14700517
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Absolute abomination. Now, imagine being a brainlet that thinks sexual activity in men is purely a function of testosterone. The fact that testosterone replacement 'therapy' fails to abate sexual perversions in transvestites DEBUNKS the strict hormone hyptothesis once and for all. Although, anyone who studied antiquity knows this already, testicle-only castration was not sufficient to keep the enuchs from fucking with the haram.

What does this mean? Behavioral input (action and thoughts of the person), COMPRISE about 50% of what determine sexual proclivity, sex drive, and sexual habits.

I never seen anything set b*tterfly scum off so badly than this hypothesis. He hates this because it implies his deviancy is not the function of MUH HOROMONES, or lack thereof, but the result of long-indulged stimuli, thoughts, fantasies, and behaviors. It proves you are what you do. This is why Plato said such miserable beings were impelled by their slavery to pleasure.

>> No.14700527

Seems like no one posted Life according to Garp yet. I think that's an obvious and wholesome choice

>> No.14700572


>> No.14700591

Would say something, but i couldnt give a damn about bugmen.

>> No.14700646

The way transgederism exists in our culture now is an objective of social engineering. 90% of the kids who say they're gay/trannie or whatever the fuck else wouldn't be saying it if it wasnt forced on them through the craving for social praise. To any trannies in this thread, how do you feel knowing your identity was fed to you, and subsequently your mental health destroyed beyond repair for the rest of your life?

>> No.14700712

>sort by "best of all time"
>it's just women pretending they have a dick

Can't fool me.

>> No.14701507

You sound like a faggot who doesn’t drink whiskey

>> No.14701554

What the fuck is that entity on the left?

>> No.14701607

E.T the extra Terrestrial

>> No.14701717

because they're all fucking obsessed with turning other people into trannies with their discord servers.

>> No.14702122
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Sorry, most of it was burned by uncle Adolf.

>> No.14702182


>> No.14702212


Manual of knots. I recommend a double fisherman's knot for your noose. They're extremely sturdy, comfortable to work with, and I personally just think they're really cool (just like how you think pretending being a woman is cool.) That being said, a slipknot will suffice if you're also mentally retarded in addition to being mentally ill. Much easier to tie.

>> No.14702517

I'm going to assume Eugenics isn't just
>We detect autism or Down's syndrome or birth defects before a child is born, and give mothers the option to abort if we see that
Because that ALREADY happens.

I'm going to assume you mean much more active measures, i.e, active gene pool pressure.

Eugenics of this type is a great idea - until you realize doing it affirmatively by selecting for embryos to have positive genes is SUPER SLOW, because raising a generation takes 20 years. And that's to see ONE batch of full matured adults, if you don't care about how they fare in the workplace and adulthood. This is additionally assuming nothing went wrong, nobody died, you didn't screw up and accidentally make half of them go blind by age 10 or whatever, and you're okay with the human cost if you DO screw up of creating a generation of experiment babies condemned from birth, by hubris, to live in pain or be broken in some fundamental way for the rest of their natural life.

In practice, and every eugenicist in history thus far has run into the same problem: the only way to do it on reasonable-ish timescales is negative pressure - picking what traits you DISLIKE and trying to remove them from the genepool. In practice?

Exile. Forced Sterlization. Genocide. Rape and forced insemination. Arranged marriages, and the state denying large segments of the population bodily autonomy. Massive amounts of human suffering.

People have decided that since the choice always ends up being
>Just leave them alone, people mostly don't want to fuck people with maladaptive traits anyways so it'll sort itself out eventually anyways
>There's some percentage chance I've got some no-no gene or am on the wrong side of a culture war and that's going to get me killed or forcibly rendered infertile

That they'll pick the one that doesn't historically end with mass-firing squads trying to hunt them down.

>> No.14702648

I’m always surprised by the hate trannies receive around here. There is a lot of good evidence suggesting transgenderism (and homosexuality) is actually related to some of the drugs pregnant mothers are given to prevent miscarriages. In some cases this causes homosexuality and in other cases it seems to cause a full on central nervous system chimera. Trannies don’t enjoy being trannies; every single one I’ve spoken to gladly categorized it as a disease which they wish they didn’t have. I would recommend the book whipping girl if you’re actually interested in any of it.

>> No.14702655

>trannies are real

>> No.14702656
File: 32 KB, 306x475, freshwater cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is only a bait thread, but there's a book called Freshwater written by a non-binary Nigerian writer that describes the non-binary experience using the mythology of African spirits. It's literally the only thing I know about that would qualify, but I haven't read it so I can't attest to its quality.

>> No.14702661

Imagine if the treatment for depression resulted in 40% of them treated ended up killing themselves. Thankfully such a treatment would be rejected by any serious health organization as it would prove useless haha

>> No.14702910

the only way a better path forward could possibly be found is if a tranny with bonafides broke ranks with the leftist enablers and manipulators.

>> No.14702972
File: 187 KB, 738x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is all you need.

>> No.14703407

Any book on how to end your life

>> No.14703484
File: 321 KB, 900x476, 1579380092941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biased figure. Given that they act out with their exhibitionism, it's no surprise that they also would "attempt" suicide. It is a coping mechanism for them to gain affection, support, etc, and publicizes their mental illness which they wear as some sort of badge of honor. It's not at all paradoxical that heterosexual men have the highest suicide rate despite having the lowest suicide attempt rate.

>> No.14703495

it means they survived, brainlet

>> No.14703504

Based Air France

>> No.14703511

>failed at their true sex
>also failed at suicide

Pretty sad.

>> No.14703527
File: 78 KB, 487x498, 220d50b8d00bf57d1b7b1bc9c66a4fcac0d51a3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


C'est la vie!

Société Air France

>> No.14703737

Why is it that if a woman feels like a man, and want her outer appearance to reflect that, she will be given testosterone, yet if a man said he was feeling more manly than his outer appearance would suggest, he would just have to deal with it?

>> No.14703747
File: 163 KB, 740x1004, END IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means the physician is a hack and you should visit another doctor until you find someone who doesn't have a problem prescribing testosterone or anabolic steroids.

>> No.14703811

The more poignant question is: why is that when someone insists they are not the right gender we do not take them a few miles out in the country and blow their heads off with a 12 gauge shotgun?

>> No.14703823

China had a one child policy. Something like this can be implemented. Set a limit for children that receive child support eg only one can.
Something, must be done. Dysgenics are in full swing.

>> No.14704539

That policy isn't eugenic because it exerts no pressure on the gene pool, merely changingthe quantity of births.

It isn't even relevant in the US, because as of 2019 the average number of children per family is 1.93, which means that societally, we're not even hitting replacement rate.

That you're trying to solve a problem that just doesn't exist, AND using techniques that wouldn't work even if we granted the problem existed, should be seen as a wake-up call for the sloppy level of rigor eugenics support is accustomed to

>> No.14704614

Why does it seem, just from what I've seen, that the vast majority of people who express this condition are males?

I RARELY see females exhibit it.

Again, just from what I've seen.

>> No.14704625

Wow you sound like you have it really hard. I suggest you find peace by killing yourself

>> No.14704670
File: 809 KB, 1707x2560, 1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Harry Became Sally is pretty good. There's some good arguments against allowing kids to transition and he gives a good rundown of the biology of what makes men and women, men and women. I don't think he goes far enough though. The guy that wrote it is a liberal so he can't really critique the individualism which is at the root of the problem, and because of this he can't provide any effective solutions. "Neocons" can be very schizophrenic on this issue.

>> No.14704759

> look guys, relatively new surgery looks bad
> surgery footage in general is nasty
great insights.

>> No.14704797

"Amor Monstrum; or The Nihilist Practice of Body Positivity"

>> No.14704806

mate, what's up with you if a fag threatens your marriage with a woman?

>> No.14704869
File: 946 KB, 860x1038, 202-2027342_neet-pepe-png-download-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tranny man
> successfully living as a guy full-time
> never before felt this good just living
> not a faggot, not a rainbow-haired anime "boi" fucktard, not a promiscuous degenerate, not broke
> reading 100+ books a year
I'm happier with my life than 70% of this board.

>> No.14704875

The fact that you don't want to kill yourself makes you happier than 90%

>> No.14704880

are u straight? plz date me

>> No.14704889

how much do you charge per session

>> No.14704903

i truly kind of don't now, not in the near future
e-dating is cringe, so is real life dating. take the monkpill.

>> No.14705172

He said it's a threat to THE family, not his specifically. Homosexuality doesn't usually threaten specific and individual families, but it does undermine the family on an institutional level. The purpose or foundation of marriage is the rearing of children, and because gays can't conceive children it makes no sense to consider them married. When society recognizes "gay marriage" it removes the foundation from the institution and replaces it with something else, something like "love." The problem is that "love" as commonly understood is a terrible foundation for marriage since it naturally fades with time. This is why divorce is so common now.

There's all sorts of consequences of this but we can see some of the biggest by examining the children of broken homes, the children of homes without a father. They perform less well in school, they're more likely to be arrested, and they're more likely to become addicted to drugs. It's a disaster and the only way to fix this is to return to a classical understanding of marriage.

>> No.14705211

>The purpose or foundation of marriage is the rearing of children, and because gays can't conceive children it makes no sense to consider them married
they're much more likely to adopt though. no child has to grow up an orphan.
> inb4 they'll make te kids gay/abuse them
no statistics to back it up and adoption procedure sieves out the psychos

>> No.14705242

There's no shortage of real families that want to adopt kids, the reasons some orphans stay orphans are much more complicated than that. We don't know whether or not gay couples can provide a good environment and I'm not willing to experiment with the lives of children. They deserve a mother and a father and we can do that by easing some of the state restrictions on adoption and providing more funding for oversight agencies.