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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 311 KB, 579x1153, abouttoheadpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14695192 No.14695192 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I need a comprehensive list of all literary works that feature headpatting in any context possible, whether it be platonic, romantic, or sexual. I heard you were the gentlemen to ask concerning this endeavor.

>> No.14696062


>> No.14696242

unless you're a dutch guy dating an asian lady, i am very concerned for your sexual attraction to patting a person's head

>> No.14696256

Any books like reans game?

>> No.14697048

Head patting is 100% wholesome and not sexual at all.

>> No.14697077

>he doesn't headpat his girlfriend sensually during foreplay
Really stimulates those oxytocin receptors, my dude

>> No.14697110
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Be careful, you are entering into an esoteric superior genre that the establishment doesn’t want you to know about. The mods might delete this thread soon like they did pic related.

>> No.14697343

Enlighten us anon

>> No.14697693


>> No.14697957

>capitalizing "Daddy"

>> No.14698076
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A head pat is an integral part of the story Lean Times in Lankhmar.

>> No.14698272

Any more you can think of?

>> No.14698592

Not offhand.

>> No.14699397

Perhaps some of those smutty pulp novels have what you're looking for, albeit I would be more inclined to say that Victorian-era erotica might be a better start.

>> No.14700694

That's our innocent anon for you

>> No.14701588

Perhaps the Kama Sutra?

>> No.14701611

You're lucky you got one

>> No.14701728

>premarital headpats
you disgust me

>> No.14701913
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I want to pat this anon's head
wholesomely, of course...

>> No.14701991

Haha, that's our anon.

>> No.14702002

Last time I was on /lit/ there were dumb fucks trying to legitimately argue that Shakespeare was overrated, even anime shitposting is a 100% improvement over that level of retardation

>> No.14702028

He was though

>> No.14702398

Shakespeare was meant for literal groundlings and plebeians, it's honestly intriguing how his works came to be a founding part of the English literary canon.

>> No.14702527


>> No.14703896

Thats just one salty frenchman who samefags

>> No.14703917

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

>> No.14704007

Try the self insert light novels.

>> No.14704300

Think Nekopara has a few scenes like that

>> No.14704678

I mean, I guess that story turns "daddy" into "Daddy" if you know what I mean.

>> No.14705390

It was indeed meant for groundlings and plebeians. It also ended up being for people who were a total 180 from those two groups and everyone else in-between, because he was so good that even if his stuff was ostensibly aimed toward a lower brow audience it still resonated with people from all walks of life, which is a huge reason of why his work is revered by everyone except some (supposedly, just ask them) very smart people having inexplicably dumb takes.

>> No.14706171

The only overrated Shakespeare play is Romeo and Juliet, all the others are masterpieces. Though its script may allow for headpats, just as OP asked, I'd give it that much.

>> No.14706314

Quick rundown?

>> No.14706676
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wholesomely, of course...

>> No.14707048

>he doesn't know
Your love life could definitely use some improvement, anon...

>> No.14707263
File: 84 KB, 750x669, 1561357716526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just another classic example

>> No.14707541

Get a room for you headpats, you two.

>> No.14707563

Pretty much any story involving a dog.

>> No.14708222

You're not part of the 130+, fren

>> No.14708827

So the romance novel of your girlfriend and your dog?

>> No.14709645

Wholesome headpats, of course.

>> No.14710804


>> No.14711684

I see

>> No.14712913


>> No.14713949

Of course...

>> No.14714481

>not literary works featuring handholding
Pssh, weak

>> No.14715264

Too degenerate

>> No.14715713

Eh, moves too immediately into it, needs more buildup.

>> No.14715898

You would know about "buildup", I'm sure.

>> No.14716030

Obviously you always start with the Greeks.

Plato's Phaedo has a scene of Phaedo stopping his story to mention how Socrates started touching his head and hair.

>> No.14716119

That's what my daughter said yesterday night

>> No.14717256

headpat bump

>> No.14717514


>> No.14717951

How sensual was it? We talking a friendly, reassuring pat on the head or something more than that. I heard the Greeks valued homoeroticism as a display of power or some shit like that.

>> No.14718561

>How sensual was it
It was a headpat with a bare hand anon...

>> No.14718956

As opposed to a hairy hand?

>> No.14719498

>homoeroticism as a display of power
That was more of the Romans' thing

>> No.14720078

Based Shakespearean thespian anon

>> No.14720392

You should try reading a nukige sometime anon

>> No.14720477

>The reason that Fafhrd attached to Bwadres, rather than to any one of a vast number of livelier holy men with better prospects, was that he had seen Bwadres pat a deaf-and-dumb child on the head while (so far as Bwadres could have known) no one was looking and the incident (possibly unique in Lankhmar) had stuck in the mind of the barbarian.

>> No.14720491


>> No.14720575

>no head pats in Nabokov

What a hack!

>> No.14720583

The penultimate scene of Catcher in the Rye, when Holden is at Mr. Andolini's house.

>> No.14720592

Mr. Antolini patting Holden on the head:

>But what did worry me was the part about how I'd woke up and found him patting me on the head and all. I mean I wondered if just maybe I was wrong about thinking be was making a flitty pass at me. I wondered if maybe he just liked to pat guys on the head when they're asleep.

>> No.14720643

Carson McCullers - The Member of the Wedding

>She heard John Henry walking up to the bed, and then she felt his hand patting her neck with tiny little pats.

Not technically a head pat but very close

>> No.14720757

Most head pats I've found in lit are for dogs desu

>Anselme put on a little stiff air when I patted him on the head...

Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau: Works of Balzac

>> No.14720782

>When now her glance met his blue kindly eyes looking intently at her, it seemed to her that he saw right through her, and understood all that was not good that was passing within her. Reddening, she stretched out towards him expecting a kiss, but he only patted her hair...

Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina

>> No.14720814

>"Pat her on the head, and see how pleased she'll be!"

The Red Queen says this in Alice in Wonderland

>> No.14720852
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1581218845483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you headpat patrician for sharing this quotes

>> No.14720874
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We can publish a novel of collected head pats

>> No.14721282

Someone get on that shit, this could be /lit/'s new pet project

>> No.14721628

I doubt it would happen. I wouldn't do it and I'm the only one who posted quotes.

>> No.14721835

I'll pay you in virtual headpats, no ERPing though. This would be strictly platonic, haha.

>> No.14721920

Initially sounds like the start of an erotic story, Socrates from his bed caressing young Phaedo and calling his long hair beautiful, advising him to cut it, it soon evolves into another explanation of the ethics of having good arguments.

>> No.14722090

Haha yeah wouldn't that be weird haha

>> No.14722466

Hmm maybe but I give the virtual headpats as payment