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14693977 No.14693977 [Reply] [Original]

How to write a female character convincingly?
Has anyone written essays or whatnot about writing the opposite sex?
I’m finding writing an averagely attractive, unremarkable woman , with no cute mental problems or anything to make her more remarkable, a very difficult task

>> No.14693989

I have the same issue but with male characters. Is there any common mistakes I should keep in mind /lit/?

>> No.14694013

the only female characters i can write are sad old women

>> No.14694029

imitate characters from real life or other books. Either that or write a male character and just say it's a female, they won't know any better.

>> No.14694032

You have to construct her world around her. No girl as normal as you described lives in isolation.

>> No.14694055

Write a male character, but make him significantly less or significantly more blunt in his opinions about other people. Then, change the name to a female name.

>> No.14694079

Have you considered that it's normal to be weird? Infact I'd say not having any quirks is would make someone uncanny

>> No.14694104

Surround yourself with women. Consume entertainment a woman would. Adopt a life of vanity. You must see their world through your own eyes. The romance genre is your friend. Watch all of Gilmore Girls.

>> No.14694301

i mean like forcing it like lisabet dragon tattoo
she’s only interesting because she’s exaggerated

>> No.14694320

its easy to write as a female character. just choose the 'emotionally' driven action instead of the 'logical' one at all conjectures.

>> No.14694411

but this is a bit shallow isnt it t

>> No.14694417

stop writing fiction, its a dead form.

>> No.14694421

Imagine yourself in your 12 year old body indefinately and as a protected class of people and all men want to fuck you. You also have an overwhelming urge to care for babies that you placate by getting a dog. Also imagine you have absolutely no spacial intelligence but understand other peoples emotions extremely intuitively. You should also learn more a bout psychology and how trauma affects personality.

>> No.14694427

Not really unless the woman is a high test woman. Those are actually very interesting people, like a female mechanical engineer.

>> No.14694441

The character of Woman is entirely present in Man. That is why his relation to his soul is so similar to his beloved--they are really the same. The problem of a young male writer is not that he is not capable of writing a female character--he simply does not know how to separate those distinctly male elements from female ones; for this reason his characters lack distinction from one another. The more one knows oneself, the more one can isolate those characteristics one wishes to represent in a particular character. But proof that the young man already knows the female psyche is that partially his action is still defined by it. He is "under" the influence and therefore cannot present it to himself in thought as something distinct from his present psyche.

>> No.14694459

pretend you're writing a man and then change all of the pronouns to she/her after

>> No.14694460

Read Jung on the Anima if you're interested in this anons post.

>> No.14694468

That seems like a good way to write a lesbian character but you have to add in the fundemental resentment of men and penis envy and 2008 subaru outback.

>> No.14694555

this is what i was thinking i ought to read, but which text(s) should i start with?

>> No.14694586

Man and His Symbols is the easy Jung overview book. Start with that and then decide what you want to get further into next.

>> No.14694675

>won't know any better
Anyone would see right through that

>> No.14694680

Obligatory, "Think of a man, and remove reason and accountability"

I know it's a meme from an oddball of a movie, but it's not actually horrible advice the more you meditate on it.

>> No.14694686

>Watch all of Gilmore Girls
This sounds like a fate worse than death.

>> No.14694694

It's pretty much exactly how women experience the world. It's much much more about how they feel than how they think.

>> No.14694757
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>Obligatory, "Think of a man, and remove reason and accountability"
>I know it's a meme from an oddball of a movie, but it's not actually horrible advice the more you meditate on it.
This, it my be an old meme but its still relevant (and funny). Also its a pretty good film (for a romantic-comedy).


>> No.14694784

>pretty good film
I was watching it and was so confused as to wtf it was trying to be/do. Such an odd thing, but yeah, it was a fun ride. Don't think I'd watch it again tho without some protest.

>> No.14694795

just write without pronouns so the reader cant tell unless you do it correctly

>> No.14694805

My advice is just be a good writer lmao. Be perceptive and know what needs to be said. If you're talented and empathetic your characters will be good including the female ones. If you've lived and interacted with females then you'll start to know them better, there's no advice for you if you don't spend a lot of time with women.

>> No.14694830

which movie is this i forget
isnt it delivered with an epic deadpan
thanks anon

>> No.14694836

As Good as it Gets. Anon >>14694757 posted the scene here.

>> No.14694872

Use made up pronouns.

>> No.14694921

this is the best way

>> No.14694941

and make him significantly more egotistical

>> No.14694954

good fiction requires the author to have a good understanding of people. you are probably just not going to make it.

>> No.14695042

Why? It's good until the last season.

>> No.14695152

Men watch top gear and historical documentaries not melodramatic sitcoms about a horrible single mother raising her daughter incorrectly.

>> No.14695176
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I'll help you.

You have no skills that amount to anything in the real world. You have countless men throwing resources/time at you. You want for nothing. You know you're at LEAST a 9/10 and therefore shouldn't settle for anything less than a 12/10. You have all the time in the world.

>> No.14695341

Because Anon here, >>14695152 has it right. That show is literally everything I'm fighting against.

Although he is wrong about just watching Top Gear. Never watched a single episode, tho I do enjoy my motorsports. Have seen a few melodramatic series in my day tho.

>> No.14695395

Top Gear is pure kino. Watch Grand Tour season 3 on amazon.

>> No.14695716

You guys sound so gay right now.

>> No.14695752
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Gays live life on ez mode.

>> No.14695923

Find some online 'random emotional response' generator. Then whenever your female character must make a decision, roll on the generator.

The key is that it's impossible for a male mind to accurately imitate the flighty scatter-brained female mind. It's like asking a person to write down a series of 100 random numbers between 1 and 10. Research shows that few people can actually do it in such a way truly indistinguishable from chance.

>> No.14696415
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PROTIP: It helps if you've actually met a woman IRL.

Also read gay authors like Tennessee Williams (The Glass Menagerie ), Oscar Wilde (The Importance of being Earnest), and Gore Vidal

Memoirs of a Geisha is a real estrogen-fest too.

ATM I'm reading the Tombs of Atuan which is VERY accurate. The author must have gone to Wellesley or something.

>> No.14696960

anal in the ass.

>> No.14697012

Rory in College, and becoming a H O M E W R E C K E R is when it got bad.

>> No.14697716

tits or gtfo

>> No.14697803

Become the most vapid, superficial, fickle, contemptible, lascivious void of a personality you can think of, and you might get about half-way there.

>> No.14697833

this but add posthoc rationalization, righteous indignation, and pathological empathy

>> No.14697837

Also make it so whenever a male character says something to her, she takes one or two words from his sentence out of context and replies to those words instead of actually thinking about what he really meant.

>> No.14697895

Just write a female with autism.

>> No.14698177

If women are really so empty and volatile (I’m actually on the fence about this myself), why isn’t there more statistical data (and metrical indicators) to back up this anecdotal observations?

Take IQ for example.
I get that the variability is far greater in men than in women. But in most meta-studies I read, women’s average score is -if at all- only 2 or 3 points below that of males.
Furthermore, women in the Western world outperform men in school and academia.

How can we square this with the traditional stereotypes about women (which I’m sure are for the most part historically formed (over)generalizations of real observable tendencies in the female sex and not patriarchal instruments of oppression as feminism would have as believe) -also substantiated by my personal experience with my gfs and female acquaintances-(hardly any worthwhile hobbies, narcissistic attention seekers, no interest in intellectual pursuits, lack of contemplation, sense of responsibility and self-reflection)?

Are women just more malleable and conformist so as to more easier adapt and fit into whatever educational mould society deems appropriate at any given time?
Or is it a concerted effort by leftist, feminist policy makers to skew these tests and our educational system in favor of females in order to satisfy their egalitarian/idpol vision of society? Something else? Am I mistaken?

>> No.14698201

>Furthermore, women in the Western world outperform men in school and academia.
Yeah because women take classes on "women's studies" and "racial politics" while men are learning engineering and applied mathematics. It's easy to get a 4.0 GPA when all you have to do is write a paper once a semester about how white people are evil.

>> No.14698211

>why isn’t there more statistical data (and metrical indicators) to back up this anecdotal observations?
A because its qualitative, not quantitative
and B because anyone who tried would get kicked out of academia, just like climate hoax deniers.

>> No.14698228

First and foremost, don't take advice from a bunch of autists who have not spoken to a woman who wasn't family or a service worker for +6 months.

>> No.14698246
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>disregard everything (true) they said about women, they've never had sex and are incels!

>> No.14698256

tits or gtfo

>> No.14698277

How difficult do you think it is to find a slut online to babble to you endlessly about her daily life?
You may be overestimating your own worth, ugly skank.

>> No.14698406

>>"Think of a man, and remove reason and accountability"
literally me
how do you cope with being this and also being neurotic, overemotional, submissive, unassertive, anxiety ridden and unable to take risks or make decisions for yourself as an adult male?

>> No.14698425

just link her to an interesting man, that's enough for the female audience

>> No.14698448

>how trauma affects personality.
>he role of personality traits in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ... CONCLUSION: Finding that appears relatively consistent is that PTSD is positively related to negative emotionality, neuroticism, harm avoidance, novelty-seeking and self-transcendence, as well as to trait hostility/anger and trait anxiety.
>The effects of exposure to trauma in childhood have repeatedly been linked to the development of maladaptive personality traits and personality disorders
>Behavioral. Traumatic stress reactions vary widely; often, people engage in behaviors to manage the aftereffects, the intensity of emotions, or the distressing aspects of the traumatic experience. ... Behavioral reactions are also the consequences of, or learned from, traumatic experiences.
>PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions.
This is all absolutely pathetic though, how are you supposed to be a man if you're like this?

>> No.14698480
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>how are you supposed to be a man if you're like this?

>> No.14698509

>disregard everything they said about women, they've never had sex and are incels!
basically yeah

>> No.14698535

My literally homosexual friend fucking hates Tennessee Williams

>> No.14698606

what a fag

>> No.14698615

It's a bizarre impulse. Imagine if every time women criticized men you accused them of never having had a boyfriend

>> No.14698774

To be fair, lesbians get that critique levied against them.

>> No.14698787

As a man generally you just drink a lot.

>> No.14698833

I find the way gays and lesbians hate each other absolutely hilarious.

>> No.14700271


>> No.14702164

Make sure she's constantly playing with her nipples and clit. Just like real girls do in real life really. Throw in some jokes about pumpkin spice lattes and avocado toast and you're golden.

>> No.14702229


Write a man, take away his ability to reason things logically, and make him extremely emotionally dependent on the people around him. That's your average woman. They do not think on a logical spectrum, but a social spectrum.

>> No.14702269

Precisely what I was looking for... Good eye anon.

>> No.14702301

Who are you trying to convince?

>>14694032 is right.

>> No.14702965

>Write a man, take away his ability to reason things logically, and make him extremely emotionally dependent on the people around him. That's your average woman. They do not think on a logical spectrum, but a social spectrum.
How do you cope with being like this as an adult male?

>> No.14702982

Your brain hasn't GAN'd up a series of dialogue generators based on composite averages of irl interactions and personalities + characters from media yet?

>> No.14703091 [DELETED] 
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Heres an attempt I did at writing a female character a few months ago.
It's not super in depth but its something
Tell me how I did. I'm not sure about it.

>> No.14703092

1. Transition
2. Detransition

>> No.14703108

>typo on the first line
Why spend my time critiquing something that even the writer didn't care about?

>> No.14703130

fuck i made a mistake while editing
sorry dad :(