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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 151 KB, 1080x1256, IMG_20200209_135024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14692069 No.14692069 [Reply] [Original]

Why do men do this?

>> No.14692078


>> No.14692079

leave the boomer be, he and his locomotive book are not harming anyone

>> No.14692082

Men read books because they are more intelligent and intellectual than wymen.

>> No.14692100

I like this, he's a man of culture just like me

>> No.14692114

I'm gonna buy that book to spite Op, and because I now think in this moment alone that it would be quite interesting to know the history of the locomotive.

>I am a spiteful man

>> No.14692119

For you.

>> No.14692121

I love seeing people read things like that. It is so comfy seeing people just enjoying a simple pleasure. Not everything has to be some sort of extremist, suicide-inducing mind trap to be enjoyable. Just chill out and be happy bros :)

>> No.14692123
File: 127 KB, 675x1200, DX4vWKoUMAA_UCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real question is why do women have to freak out and take a picture of someone any time they do something that deviates from the typical societal behavior of staring at a screen or doing drugs and post it online?

>> No.14692144

based and comfypilled

what a fucken psycho lol

>> No.14692158
File: 30 KB, 636x510, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. i will join you my spiteful brother. not only that, but i will now meme this book on the scale of geunonfag.

>> No.14692168

Where was this picture taken? On a train?

>> No.14692174


>ass man


>> No.14692177
File: 20 KB, 330x279, ---1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when nice things like this happen, you're a good person anon

>> No.14692183
File: 81 KB, 960x960, 1580069053803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14692194

absolutely based

>> No.14692198

>ugh! educate yourself

>> No.14692199

We shall do this together, I will make a thread with that image now.

>> No.14692206

How does she know he's an ass man?

>> No.14692208

Where do I find the pdf version of the book? Libgen doesn't have it.

>> No.14692214

cause he's clearly staring at that chicks ass

>> No.14692225

This is good thread.

>> No.14692254
File: 73 KB, 306x306, pepeglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see /lit/ has a bit of a whore problem. Do you guys need any help, or will you deal with it on your own?

>> No.14692256


>> No.14692258
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 1559066550482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14692268

Must be of pretty high quality, guess you'll just have to fork out the 40$.

It is after all worth it anon.

>> No.14692272

I hate backpack wearers too.

>> No.14692275

Will you join us in the anti-thot crusade?

>> No.14692293
File: 35 KB, 912x212, churchwad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fucken in

>> No.14692309

based men

>> No.14692327

Damn, I wish I had 40 bucks to waste on a meme. Can barely afford to buy food.

>> No.14692339

beyond based thread

>> No.14692341

damn, i looked on amazon and couldn't find it, so i got the ebay one and won't get it till the end of the month.

>> No.14692345

>im fucken in
whats your paypal?

>> No.14692365

it's a lot cheaper second hand Abebooks / Amazon

>> No.14692377
File: 21 KB, 687x238, nigel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for any other anons that want to jump on this crazy train


>> No.14692384


>> No.14692394

Anon I have cooties

>> No.14692395

Nigel Sutton is such a "reads books about trains" name

For some reason it makes me want to protect him, I bet he's a nice old man and there's something sweet and vulnerable about this kind of genuine interest, that somehow feels fragile to me.

>> No.14692416
File: 21 KB, 779x202, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it i just bought a SECOND copy

>> No.14692421

this thread is pathetic. Nothing but copes and memes

>> No.14692424

The kind of guy who probably owns a few patents for some obscure, yet profound amongst his peers, type of bolt or mechanism used in locomotive technology.

>> No.14692427

That’s a lot of good boy points

>> No.14692430

You faggots made the Guenon retard make this his new shitpost. I guess it's better than Guenon.

>> No.14692431

>ohhhh, traaaaans identity. I thought you wanted to discuss the merits of the Great Western Railway as opposed to Eurostar.

>> No.14692448
File: 56 KB, 960x720, 1577562362542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toastie roastie

>> No.14692450

The guenon spamming faggot could never be so wholesome.

>> No.14692481

Somebody post her picture. She's a fucking hambeast if I ever saw one.

>> No.14692508

For the supposedly most intelligent board, you are really easy to manipulate

>> No.14692510
File: 136 KB, 500x508, christine-sydelko-1h-ago-christine-sydelko-366-photos-videos-tweets-replies-likes-62734071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14692515

go back to /v/ please

>> No.14692531


>> No.14692541
File: 1.93 MB, 245x187, fds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cunt

>> No.14692626
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1570855832987s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the sweet boomer alone he just whats to be left alone to read his locomotive book. also fuck you for taking a picture of him and posting it to 4chan you dibshit.

>> No.14692637

first of all why do you care hes not harming anyone, second of all hes an intellectual unlike you, third of all why are you such a faggot op?

>> No.14692645

We are fighting against Guenon you retard. Guenon was only memed by guenonfag.

>> No.14692656

based and i think ill join in and buy the book.
>op is probably one of the biggest fags Ive seen on this board, fuck op

>> No.14692659

i'm not so sure, this guy is also spamming guenonfag-esque SEETHE CRINGE HYLIC COPE CRINGE nonsense

but i don't care, trains are fun

>> No.14692665

>all these wimpy faggots simping over this shit
imagine if it were a black guy or even worse a WOMAN in that picture. Yeah, your weird little incel mind is already turning and coming up with soi based insults for me and trying to come up with a cope to call me a roastie, aren't you?

Face facts, that old senile FAGGOT has no idea what he's doing.

>> No.14692676

this word isn't even that cool or funny.
I give it less than a month before it dies away like the rest.
And the impact wont be half as strong as the "have sex" or "dilate" buzz words.

>> No.14692680
File: 98 KB, 746x512, 1571093850178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most based and comfy thing ive ever seen, thank you for being a good person anon :-)

>> No.14692700

i don't even get what you're trying to say. are you saying that we wouldn't care if it were a woman in the pic reading about trains?

>> No.14692703

>i don't even understand you!
the cope second only to
>I didn't want it anyway!

>> No.14692709

Trains are badass you fucking retard.

>> No.14692710
File: 166 KB, 360x540, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these seething hylic graspers who don't know the true purpose of trains

>> No.14692718

G. J. Churchward: A locomotive biography https://www.amazon.com/dp/0043850618/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_SWgqEbA9F2WNV

It's 63 dollars

>> No.14692719
File: 121 KB, 840x853, 1-15362_2018-was-also-a-dynamic-meme-year-npc.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14692722

you're seething so hard that you've become incoherent, all because of a little train meme. i feel bad for you

>> No.14692725

Churchward is NOT a meme

>> No.14692737

I'm sure one of the great anons that already have bought it will scan it for us.

>> No.14692746

just buy it you fucking europoors

>> No.14692798

What the fuck is up with America where it's common to take pictures of people doing absolutely nothing wrong just to make entertainment out of it? Social media has turned the internet (and one could argue, our culture itself) into a high school girl's locker room. The normie invasion of the internet has been the worst thing that's ever happened to it. I remember loving the internet because it was the place to get away from these shallow petty minded shitbrains. The whole thing now deserves to burn.

>> No.14692817

We have to make our own underground secret club. 4chan was supposed to be that but it's already gotten invaded.

>> No.14692818

t. usenet incel

>> No.14692820

What happened to 4chan not laughing at everyone all the time for no reason? When did it become a hugbox for idiots who only want to make fun of liberals?

>> No.14692867

It (actually, it was only /b/) made fun of people that brought it upon themselves and would evoke reactions. /b/ was the asshole of 4chan, which was the asshole of the internet, but due in large part by /b/ itself.

>> No.14692887

this. chentwo [number 2] was based while it lasted

>> No.14692891

Mate, what’s happening in that image is much better than what SJWs claim us men do.

>> No.14692893

what happened was that society became so evil it became edgy to uphold virtue and morality. the whole thing now is that if you're not trying to be virtuous, you're a liberal, a normie, and you don't fit in.

>> No.14692900

b a s e d

>> No.14692918

Women read more than men

>> No.14692921

kek. when your contrarians preach virtue you know things are fucked

>> No.14693272


>> No.14693306

Post your BTC address. I don't have money to donate, but hopefully someone will. I will start helping people out on /lit/ website if I ever hit it big.

>> No.14693402

Absolutely based!

>> No.14693414

You'll enjoy this fine work of literature anon and won't regret it.

>> No.14693438

I like this random spirit, though I can feel this meme could fall into artificiality quickly, as it stands now, it is good and authentic. But most importantly, we have frens.

>> No.14693473

This is more a meme about the the book than trains, and we shouldn't fall into total sincerity but an affronted modern mood.

Otherwise this meme will become bad.

>> No.14693486

This is more a meme about the the book than trains, and we shouldn't fall into total sincerity but an affronted modern mood.

Otherwise this meme will become bad. The original feature and authentic origin was this based old man reading a trainbook, then it moved on to the trainbook being based and a meme, but now it's getting too far from its purpose and original irony in of course being a meme.

>> No.14693504

You're fucking cringe, dude.

>> No.14693516


this is getting too meta for me

>> No.14693536

Why did this good meme have to turn into a hugbox? Frenposting was a hugbox only because it was ironic and had some constant originality in that infinitude. You think making this meme a sincere love of trains alone will save it?

You faggots will kill this meme if you don't slow it down.

It's really not that meta.

>> No.14693569


>> No.14693655


>> No.14693734

cringe at this thread

>> No.14693808

women are the enforcers of the status quo

they're hardwired to chatter, gossip, and point out heretics to the closest patriarchal figure

>> No.14693824
File: 65 KB, 680x786, trumpinfavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because men are based. Checkmate, misandrist.

>> No.14693846
File: 810 KB, 1621x2400, 3221875B-81F1-492F-A0ED-776892F19D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do men hug trains
Lack of love from their mothers+lacking in the confidence department due to their fathers christcuckoldry/capitalistcuckoldry

>> No.14693876

even the butterfly can't ruin the comfyness of our train meme. don't give that mentally ill woman any (You)s, lads.

>> No.14693885

Trains are a smart and continually relevant form of transport, industrial civilization to this day is unfathomable without it. And I'm sure any intelligent man interested in engineering can find something to chew on by studying the ins and outs of the vehicles.

>> No.14693953
File: 70 KB, 742x211, train book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14694028

choo choo!!

>> No.14694050
File: 2.20 MB, 540x304, MOTTO_PAWAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell is going on here

>> No.14694068

It's 20 dollars plus shipping on abe books.

It's gonna be like 30 dollars or less if your in Europe and 40 dollars if live in the states. Amazon can be significantly overpriced.

>> No.14694161

Yes, they read more erotica and Harry Potter than men.

>> No.14694177

what's wrong with backpacks

>> No.14694190

Nothing. That's the point.

>> No.14694204

What's the problem? Carry water, a book, deoderent, essentials of survival, freeze dried tendies, and a clean pair of underwear for that inevitable shart.

>> No.14694294


>> No.14694305


>> No.14694338

Based boomer

>> No.14694385


>> No.14694485

My grandpa loves trains and worked as a civil engineer for sydney's train network for his whole life. Should I get him this book?

>> No.14694497

He would really enjoy it.

>> No.14694536

He would honestly probably hate it and want you to get a fucking life.

>> No.14694572
File: 163 KB, 740x1004, END IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dying breath* i-sure am glad I spent my entire life on railroad crap and didn't bother marrying, raising a family, or anything *sigh*, yep..... sure was worth it *tears come out*, n-no this isn't a cope. who am I kidding, anons don't follow me. don't read about me. put down this godforsake book about my sad life and leave me alone

>> No.14694588
File: 162 KB, 942x800, EByKHv6XYAYdkpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14694603

We was crushed by a train anon. Hephaestus took him during his passions.

>> No.14694620

Do you guys think he did it on purpose?

>> No.14694658

he was a thoroughbred faustian.

>> No.14694867
File: 238 KB, 257x754, Screenshot_2020-02-10 lit - Literature - Catalog - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam threads? Because their lives are empty.

>> No.14694924

This reminds me of years ago when the site zeldauniverse became trainuniverse on april fools day.

>> No.14694937

The worst post in the other thread is better than the best thing you ever wrote.

>> No.14694946
File: 10 KB, 210x277, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide.

>> No.14695100
File: 176 KB, 503x518, Screenshot_2020-02-10 composite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14695125
File: 98 KB, 480x413, Hysteria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why do women have to freak out

>> No.14695131

I just want to say women and minorities are inferior. I don't care what retarded reddit faggots are posting in this thread, they're faggots.

>> No.14695146

holy based

>> No.14695168

Because women's whole lives is only about their position on society.

>> No.14695171
File: 27 KB, 474x473, 1579933295458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great. OP btfo.
Well done anons

>> No.14695399
File: 105 KB, 320x236, James_creepy_face_by_thesodorengines-d5nqdyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because trains are based

>> No.14695408

God I hope when I'm that old I'm at least half as based as this man

>> No.14695443

The post that started it all.

>> No.14695770

this is getting pathetic

>> No.14695837
File: 155 KB, 680x500, Grillmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a good thread. Fuck op and fuck trannyfly.

>> No.14695865


>> No.14695868


>> No.14695886
File: 68 KB, 923x713, 1539132505822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post fren

>> No.14695900

Yay we get to be apart of something!!
Is this what.. connection.. feels like?
Thank you for starting this anon, thank you!!

>> No.14695947
File: 44 KB, 680x500, 1581310977498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread oc

>> No.14695969

id what this is supposed to be but i like it

>> No.14695977

a sage meditating on a frog (apu).

>> No.14695989

needs more train desu

>> No.14696063

Amazing how one small act of reading and one picture of it can inspire dozens of internet people to read a meme about this book.

>> No.14696383
File: 33 KB, 599x301, trains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the first thing /lit/ has read in years. This is big news for us

>> No.14696411

absolutely based thread

>> No.14696428

What is he doing that you do not like

>> No.14696434

why do women have to care what men read? There is truly never a time where women do not jump to social shaming.

>> No.14697029
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so easy to manipulate people? Literally sheep tier.

>> No.14697044

All it took was a couple of posts to get you all riled up. You are like a herd animal.

In all seriousness, there's literally nothing wrong with supporting independent passionate writers like colonel Rodgers.

>> No.14697046

shut the fuck up nothing you said was right also stop posting pictures of Tove

>> No.14697052

This post is such garbage that a butterfly flew by when you made it.

>> No.14697147
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1580783129575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14697158

who cares what women think? fuck it should be an established rule that women's opinions are not worth very much.

>> No.14697162

backpacks are for little boys like bicycles

t. carlin

>> No.14697171

OK, I left this place but I came back
Can anyone explains me this shit?

>> No.14697185

Pretty sure they're for people who want to carry things.

>> No.14697187

>imagine seriously taking memes seriously

>> No.14697194
File: 479 KB, 630x644, dontrelax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the problem with men seriously?

>> No.14697196

They used to do that all the time to me in the school break. Fuck them

>> No.14697198


>> No.14697208

i don't get it, does the train represent a replacement for his söy-dad?

>> No.14697226

Sure, he would like the book but most of all the nice gesture of his grandson thinking and caring about him. Be well, anon.

>> No.14697276

Fucking Churchward shilling his book!

>> No.14697341

i agree

>> No.14697388

You can find other locomotive books on winnie's page https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AH66M4UP33PSGY7UPBXO2FC3DDYQ/ref=cm_cr_dp_mb_gw_tr?ie=UTF8

>> No.14697443

is this a CIA psyops to sell train books?

>> No.14697455


>> No.14697643

the only offensive thing about this pic is those tiny calves. how embarassing

>> No.14697735

In order to be seen as supremely based

>> No.14697744

you better scan that shit cause i won't pay 200 bucks to get it delivers to bum-fuck-nowhere where i live and i'd like to shitpost with y'all

>> No.14697753

We will take turns uploading 1 page a day.

>> No.14697781

stop calling this man a faggot you dumb cunt

>> No.14697784

I don't understand. Is this some kind of meme or twitter trend?

>> No.14697786

>The normie invasion of the internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14697825

choke yourself out mate

>> No.14698186

It's called intellectual privilege.

>> No.14698240

why is this book so expensive anyway?

>> No.14698539

good post

>> No.14698549

cause OP has all the copies and wants to cash-in this post

>> No.14698659

how do you cope with being like this as an adult male?

>> No.14698704


>> No.14698714

probably an extremely limited print, considering how niche of a subject

>> No.14698842
File: 1.26 MB, 2808x3780, christine-sydelko-quits-internet-youtube-1568199733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christine sydelko

>> No.14698856

we will see if it's actually good

>> No.14698919

Why is Japan the only place where you find women with sensibilities akin to those of men? They even have highly competent female developers.

>> No.14698933

t. boomer
Die already

>> No.14698940

He vaguely looks like Guenon

>> No.14698955


>> No.14698965

>why is butterfly a judgemental cunt that can't appreciate the history of locomotives
A lack of attention from its father and bitterness aroused from self-confidence issues becoming channeled into aggressive thoughts and feelings towards others
Also mental deficiency in spacial cognition ability and mechanical thought

>> No.14699007

it's reduced and implies instead of blatantly showing every explicit detail, well drawn, i like it

>> No.14699026

Honestly I have no idea why being into that is supposed to be weird

I can see myself reading the biography of some famous car or airplane nerd one day

>> No.14699065
File: 211 KB, 859x960, potężny 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading philosophy? sorry dude, im not an edgy teenager, i prefer reading about real things

>> No.14699080

might be the comfiest book club of all time famalam

>> No.14699156

hhahaha look at that fucking oser why does he dress like a 13 year old
women need to filter out this type of behavior

>> No.14699340

This comment has curbed my suicidal thoughts for the day. Thank you anon

>> No.14699731

You dumbfuck newfag. It's 4chan culture to do dumb shit

>> No.14699816

>He’s not about the Nee Sincerity

>> No.14699838


>> No.14699861

Underrated post

>> No.14700224


>> No.14700281

I'm sure I read something once showing that men read way more non-fiction than women, and women read way more fiction.

Obviously each sex is perfectly capable of reading the opposite genre but we do have different interests, on average, due to our different hormones.

>> No.14700296
File: 18 KB, 800x450, nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just spent 55 quid on a random fucking book for a joke on the internet that only anonymous losers will laugh at?

>> No.14700371


>> No.14700397
File: 32 KB, 567x561, 1569664118507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.14700497

Found the chad.

>> No.14700506

What are you even trying to say retard.

>laughing at an old man for reading a book about trains
Are you even a human being? You sound more like some kind of early Satanic AI that's still too retarded to form a single thought.

>> No.14700533

He should have had the good taste and decency to buy a duffel bag sized purse.

>> No.14700621

They also talk more. But communicate less.

>> No.14701073


>> No.14701103
File: 921 KB, 598x600, sydelko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like pat from moonachie. this blimp bitch has nothing, ZERO reasons to be mad at anyone except herself.

>> No.14701135

>nose tattoo

>> No.14701442
File: 12 KB, 705x167, 2020-02-10-214648_705x167_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like trains, though.

>> No.14702161

Go back, faggot.

>> No.14702204

Woman read porn and Harry Potter. Not exactly intellectual pursuits.

>> No.14702223

People like this are the only ones that are this fucking petty.
They make fun of everything, but they are the biggest joke themselves.

>> No.14702414

is there a psychological explanation why women shame people for absurd reasons? I've never seen a man do this

>> No.14702482

This is what happens when you don't just read on your phone or ereader in public.

>> No.14702533

why do women hate boats and trains?

>> No.14702545
File: 371 KB, 2000x738, 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending of the book was the most exciting part desu

>> No.14702624

I can tell you're neu, this stuff used to happen a lot more on 4chan and that's only going back to 2017 when I joined. /pol/ was never intelligent but it did have a spirit that was shown and appreciated most well in raids. For example I remember being one of the first out of maybe two or three to start spamming this German feminist website with porn, pepes, Hitlers and the likes. Was a great harrah, and if you don't understand what I mean, there was an area where you'd post a picture, select a text preset out of three(I think one of them was "I'm going to the strike on --insert date here-- because...[your text]", and then there was your name, a second writing area below the reason. Ideally it would be a woman posting her statement of why she was going to the strike, then her name and a picture intended of herself.

As the fourth post, it was fantastic to watch the journey, then we realised they were deleting them and typed things like "one by one" with smug pepes holding drinks, or "clean up jannie", "eat shit jannie", "slowly deleting them" until some start writing in German by google translate so funny things like "räum auf, jannie!". Until eventually we realised they were utter retards/women who couldn't code and had the most basic of things missing/shambled in their website formula so we learnt how to play music by inserting the link and certain texts in the the text area and ohh, the earrape I could tell you. A mix of "Erica", Taliban, general earrape versions of songs like Plastic love and All Star, oh and GAS GAS GAS. Was a great time, of communal effort and friendship you know? But then, well oh boy we figured out we could play videos and that just was a mix of replacing the entire website with one large picture of an Adolf Hitler Heil, sometimes the video of the Christchurch shooting and sometimes goose step. The music still playing over. Eventually they would come back to the normal page of our garbage masterful posts but we would just add another video/image instead of the website and we would always the posts coming and music playing. Just imagine you are the only person, then maybe a few, having to delete literally hundreds on posts constantly coming all with smug pepes, bruta porn/sometimes worse and Adolf Hitlers, and an absolute collage of music playing. Until they somehow realised with their woman brains to have to just shut the site down. We practically destroyed an entire site for over a day. This was all being conducted on 4chan. Then they brought the site back with the post area removed stating that it currently could not be used or some other thing. Though this one never did get that much attention over all, after, oddly enough.

ahh the good old days, this is the best 4chan, since I didn't see the mass election effort and pranks in 2016 the ones in 17 were quite affecting and appreciated.

>> No.14702630


>> No.14702633

>imagine seriously taking memes seriously

>> No.14702990

but wasn't it more the friends they made along the way?

>> No.14703264


>> No.14703278
File: 38 KB, 640x360, p01h8xh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Choo Choo Pill.

>> No.14703398

They want to share their tiny interesting facets of their life that deviate from the norm on social media, to show they are cool & quirky

>> No.14703860

Not gonna lie. This is based.

>> No.14703875

Women read more than men in the same way that women play more videogames (Candy Crush and Plants VS Zombies) than men.

>> No.14703890

>"I consider myself an 8 and I won't settle for less"

>> No.14703900

i ordered this book to small city southern russia, i think i'm winning for spending the most on it in relation to my capacity to spend money. this actually cost more than my monthly rent

>> No.14703967

>that old senile FAGGOT has no idea what he's doing.
I think anyone spontaneously buying books about train pioneers has at least a vague genuine curiosity for the topic.

>> No.14704038
File: 58 KB, 320x699, 7624534F-A3C2-4C57-81F6-ECC8D9146D23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14704046

I mean, It might be worth ten bucks just for the absurdity of the situation.

>> No.14704051
File: 57 KB, 617x527, 956c0ad688e392750fccfe11a5a0e8fcacf0bc704805f874d59ecd7f53becbda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually did it

>> No.14704070

Sounds super comfy. I'm sad I missed a lot of concerted efforts like this. I've been in one or two, but its getting harder to find new ones. I love the community of ambivalence.

>> No.14704084

>only going back to 2017 when I joined
I'm old, lads

>> No.14704096

It's simple: when a person's value is tied to their appearance, they place great importance on being the most attractive person in the room

>> No.14704123

The 237 replies here and spiteful train book purchasings is doing very well to highlight the fragile male ego

>> No.14704180

>no u xDD

>> No.14704184

how is that a no u?

>> No.14704190

>being upset that people are reading a book
>calling others fragile

>> No.14704193

because this thread is all about exposing females with very fragile egos

>> No.14704200

the thread was started to make fun of men
then 120 seething men started hating women in it like this fellow >>14704190 instead of just taking the banter

>> No.14704213

>making memes about a train book is hating women
not strong on logic are we

>> No.14704279

Without context sure it seems like silly memes
but when they are a direct response to making fun of men for reading about trains, and someone buys the book to "spite op" and is a self-proclaimed sputeful man then i dont really know what to tell you

>> No.14704311

It's a joke..

>> No.14704332

Spite has negative connotations but here it has inspired people to humble themselves, taking a break from philosophy and politics to spend some time reading about and simply appreciating trains
The true message of the choo choo pill is to honor wholesome intellectual inquiry with sincere interest, and in doing so to confound the brains of the ideologically overdosed

>> No.14704333

Most of my train experiences are on the New Jersey lightrail and every single one of them ended with a knife fight. Trains are not comfy in my experience.

>> No.14704336

Supremely based, fine gentleman

>> No.14704395

gigachad right here

>> No.14704398


>> No.14704418

Atomization? Egos? I just wanna choo choo for god's sake!

>> No.14705501

suti kurvo mutava, jebem te u dupe.

>> No.14705519

I used to love reading on long bus rides across the city, now they carved up the city into smaller bus rides and a fucking subway that I have to share with niggers, so I just hustle from ride to ride never reading anymore. Everything sucks.

>> No.14705531

@380km would be proud

>> No.14705601

>it's banter when I do it
>it's hate when you do it
um, no sweaty

>> No.14705616

if you dont think the posters on this website have a chip on their shoulder about women then im mot sure what to tell you

>> No.14705626
File: 69 KB, 640x424, master craftsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suti kurvo mutava, jebem te u dupe.


>Why do men do this?

Men are objects in society, women are subjects. You are born as a women with respect (which you can loose) but to be a man you have became a man (gain respect).

This translates into men identifiyng with objects cars etc that they give value to. Its quite important

>> No.14705696

They have a modern society without complete globohomo and multiculti destroying community connections (yet)

>> No.14705714

Carlin was the Rick and Morty of his era. Probably a nonce as well

>> No.14705773

Posters here do not pretend not to dislike women.
Your very low reading comprehension had you believe that anon was implying the dissonance went this way. The only dishonest people here are those that claim the 'banter' was not hatred.
The various anti-doomer, anti-incels and in general anti-men things are born out of strong genuine dislike, disgust and disdain for very large portions of the male population. They are not cheeky jokes by giggling schoolgirls that actually hope you're going to message them in the evening.

>> No.14705832

op post was obviously made by a man for replies

>> No.14705845

>or a woman
We call them tr00ns around here

>> No.14705939
File: 768 KB, 754x734, rickmorty92544534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carlin was the Rick and Morty of his era.

that guy always gave me bad vibes, kind of dark bugmanish vibes.

>> No.14706008

This, and you're faggot

>> No.14706329

>if you don’t have a wife and kids you can’t be happy
Please stop listening to the lizard parts of your brain. Breeding is no longer necessary for everyone to participate in. You can advance and contribute to society without a kid

>> No.14706649

>Breeding is no longer necessary for everyone to participate in.
Global fertility rate is doing fine but we are not all perfectly deracinated individuals or living in societies of high vitality

>> No.14706800

How is that for a meme litards?

No yous for the butterfly.

>> No.14707482

I have

>> No.14707492

It makes you look like a manchild.

>> No.14707525

Are fag bags better or should I just not carry a bag as a 30 year old man? I can't fit all the stuff I carry daily in my pockets.

>> No.14707530
File: 153 KB, 857x584, apujudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No yous for the butterfly.
all those in favor say aye

>> No.14707552

seen plenty of men do it but mainly because they were young/immature/overly emotional

>> No.14707712
File: 130 KB, 740x606, Lighthouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14707944
File: 66 KB, 718x404, apuinnaclub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without objection motion passes. it is hereby declared that giving (You)s to the butterfly is a crime punishable by up to five minutes in timeout or a donation to the charity of your choice. this law depends upon the honor system.

*gavel bang* case dismissed

>> No.14708003

>Why is this guy wearing an unsightly lump on his back instead of internalizing lumpiness, thus becoming an actual lump

>> No.14708620

What's wrong with manchildren?

>> No.14708913

What a very odd way to advertise a book.

>> No.14708916

Why do you carry stuff besides the standard phone/wallet/keys?

If it's work related then get a briefcase, otherwise yes you do look like an overgrown child/homeless depending on the size of the bag

>> No.14708917

what? read books on the train

>> No.14708947

I don't get this meme. It's just an old guy reading a normal book..... Do people seriously find reading a single text on fucking trains to be absurd???? This is a basic non fiction topic. Does nobody understand how important they are and how many different subjects they involve themselves into? It's like reading a book about the history of cars, planes, or ships. How retarded is the zoomer generation that they cannot fathom genuine curiousity in learning about the built environment around them?? It's not even an obscure weird subject it's fucking trains

>> No.14709026

It became a meme to spite OP for being a faggot and taking a picture of an old man just enjoying his based /traincore/

>> No.14709031

Honestly, Churchward was pretty based

>> No.14709086

posting in a toasting

>> No.14709099
File: 71 KB, 662x638, 1558186371404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, you better hope its worth $70

>> No.14709120
File: 408 KB, 1642x654, 1567451426690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumbass it's $20 on AbeBooks with free UK shipping

>> No.14709140

oh no! not my shekels! what will i do without them!?

>> No.14709142

If only literally every single other foamer was like that.

>> No.14709165

Based train-show watcher.

>> No.14709173

What is this from? Looks cool

>> No.14709199

I have a theory that this chap tried to have sex with most of the men he interviewed on his train travels through old english sea-side towns. Anybody have any stories to share?

>> No.14709221

Yeah, 4chan is losing that special spirit, like only a few people having a good time. And I know that sounds ridiculous since I only came in 17 but even then it was still around.

Post age and year you joined.

Seems we finally did it.

haha lel xfdddddddddd

>> No.14709225


British =/= gay

>> No.14709234

No. Nothing of the sort ever happened. Ever.

>> No.14709352

>British =/= gay

>> No.14709356


>> No.14709366

Somefin funny to ya chap?

>> No.14709371


>> No.14709384


>> No.14709406

>In English preparatory and public schools romance is necessarily homosexual. The opposite sex is despised and treated as something obscene. Many boys never recover from this perversion.
Robert Graves

>> No.14709414

And what's wrong with male companionship ey?

You sound like a fag to me. As much as Robert Graves.

>> No.14709446

What the fuck, is this thread still alive? It's been three days. OP is dead. Go home, faggots

>> No.14709500

You cant stop a god.

>> No.14709524

I legitmately hope to become an elderly train guy some day with my loving yet slightly annoyed wife calling me and the kids to dinner from the den where we’re building a little city circumvented by a big ole model steam locomotive. That to me really is the dream

>> No.14709568

I was about to order it and it’s expensive as fuck. It’s like 50 dollars

>> No.14709608
File: 59 KB, 828x616, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14709742

Dear God....

>> No.14709919

just one of the best techno tracks of the 90s

>> No.14710057

>studying the minds behind one of the great pioneering moments in human history is "weird"
lel okay roastie

>> No.14710097

I honestly just thought it was some background noise a teenager made with his favourite anime cut up as its music video.

The metal gear solid piece was better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC-56i2kjJ0

>> No.14710109
File: 22 KB, 427x550, G. J. Churchward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would he think of /lit/s fascination with his work?

>> No.14710124
File: 690 KB, 1106x830, pepe mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait- is that... his own book in his hands?

That moustache, Op's pic, could it be... the same person?

>> No.14710199
File: 103 KB, 796x588, Hero pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic thread.

>> No.14710354

toasting in ebin bread

>> No.14710363

Simply beautiful. Have a good day, man.

He did and he's fucking based for it, what's not to like?

>> No.14710994

fucking based, this guy's probably rich

>> No.14711046

always the dull brown eyes... take note

>> No.14711670
File: 700 KB, 713x638, eq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since I saw that very picture i have stopped using backpack, am I retarded for being influenced by a random picture on 4chan ?