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/lit/ - Literature

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14688970 No.14688970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any /lit/ on maladaptive daydreaming?
fiction or non, any kind honestly

>> No.14688978

i have daydreamed like thirty nfl seasons while autistically stimming, only sex seems to cure it, if only temporarily

>> No.14688988

>only sex seems to cure it, if only temporarily
this is the illusion i have, but i'm quite sure when i get there, I'll keep feeling as addicted to fantasies and empty, due to the daydreaming mixed with depression giving me a confirmation bias, tunnel vision-like delusions of reality that'll never manifest themselves in reality

>> No.14689324

how do these memes always manage to hit so hard?

>> No.14689337


4channers all have similar personalities and they project it on memes

>> No.14689343
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>> No.14689374

My daydreams are now out of body dissociations whereby I learn more about myself by shutting down the senses my body continuously feeds me. I have always been spacey asf but several years of nmda antagonist abuse further complicated the disorder. I consider this a completely positive transformation.

>> No.14689389

Unless you mistyped MDMA, I just heard about NDMA for the first time on one of those "IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE WERE DIAGNOSED WITH..." commercials and apparently that shit is carcinogenic.

>> No.14689463

I abused that too, nothing like dark net molly.

Nmda antagonists kill your sense of self so that your body becomes an immortal, animated vessel of its own
Mdma amplifies the social implications that underly everything we do

>> No.14689468

>i have daydreamed like thirty nfl seasons
that's unironically based. this alone is more than most will ever achieve and validates your life imo

>> No.14689481


>> No.14689495

>listen to the same song on repeat
Glad I'm not the only one. Normal people would scorn you for doing that.
Sorry I like to repeat my song 5 times fuck off.

>> No.14690355

I do the same but then I don't listen to it for a couple months

>> No.14690384

What specifically do you guys daydream about? I spend a lot of time daydreaming about how my relations with people would be better under slightly better circumstances, and kind of relive my past but under those different, better circumstances. I think it's pretty fucking awful for me.

>> No.14690446

Honestly DXM helped me understand what daydreams are. It teleports you almost to an idealistic zone, where you see what life without physical tethers would be like.
Reading Spinal Catastrophism by Thomas Moynihan, and in a way he tries to get at this. Through increasing neural complexity, we have a greater tendency to "fall back on" (le rabat sur?) our own systems and become absorbed in them. He argues that our sense of immediacy (the whiteheadian concept of "presentational immediacy") isn't first-order but rather a side-effect of having our own worlds within ourselves. I'm only on page 50 however, but it's quite interesting.
the fuck. awesome

>> No.14690620
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OP here, today's been quite comfy. Sunny weather, 7km of walking and reading Aurelius in the sun. Barely any daydreaming since I've kept myself occupied.

thanks, will check out
I'm studying film, so for me it's tons of aesthetic scenarios. Certain songs or ideas just transmit a certain scenario for me, with the characters composed there, and the color world is present. Trying to perfect this scene, I end up listening to a song on repeat for some 15 minutes sometimes, but this is only when i'm writing.
Also not only creative daydreams, but sentimental and erotic ones. I have the memory of how it felt to be held by a girl, hugging, kissing and such. Sometimes I just fantasize about that, and how that would make me feel so much better, but I'm doing nothing to achieve it, and it perversely mixes with slight depression
I've always considered drugs a meme, and i'm certainly not charismatic enough to go out on the street and buy it from someone, nor do I own such friends.
But I'll add this book to the list aswell

>> No.14690633
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>being in relationships with girls I know but are taken by acquaintances
>having a high paying job that I love and good at
>revenge fantasies
>being in a band and performing in front of an audience where a girl that turned me down happens to be in, or just a girl I like
>taking down a terrorist that's about to shoot up a toy store and fighting him which brings me near death. I get resuscitated and get to be all chill and aloof about it on TV
>hang out with friends and girl I like/turned me down shows up with Chad love interest and I physically or intellectually btfo him in front of her
>hiking in a Nordic country where I meet a scientist in a café and he offers me a job on a whale research ship(just simple dock crew) and I get to see whales and the ocean and shit
>I get really good at a hobby and people find out indirectly and think I'm the shit
Every day. I barely have any friends left, my parents think I'm a total failure because I quit uni and I'm about to lose my job. Should I off myself yay or nay?

>> No.14690661

have you tried writing or drawing any of your fantasies out? Even though I don't own any paint supplies, I'd imagine painting somewhat being a quite time and imagination-utilizing activity, with which you can avoid doing nothing
Basically do maybe some sort of concept portraits, whether photography, pencil drawing, painting or digital 3d modelling. That would maybe spark some sort of new interest

>> No.14690667

What if you also daydream to masturbate instead of watching porn? Is that a coomder?

>> No.14690685


>> No.14690716

But my intention with the OP image wasn't to give of a wanker/coomer vibe, just an exhausted out of touch daydreamer btw

>> No.14690966

I feel bad when I engage in creative hobbies. I live in an americanised shithole with >muh money >muh competition and >gotttaa goooo fasterrrr, so I've been conditioned since childhood to create only if it's productive or has monetary value. The only thing I can enjoy without feeling too bad is reading.

>> No.14691057

>Normal people would scorn you for doing that.
listening the song you like on repeat is the normiest thing out there, 50% of these -oomer memes include most mundane, normal shit that's stuck in everyone's head

>> No.14691069

mind if i steal this meme?it's basically me so gonna save it

>> No.14691112


>> No.14691368

even writing makes you feel bad?
A while ago i started writing a diary, but instead of daily, i just kind of write in it whenever i have some idea or feel really bad/good.
It's a word-doc, so i don't view it as a creative thing. Mostly an arbitrary journal
go ahead. that's what they're for

>> No.14691483

why is it every one of you basedboy tards immedietly thinking about "offing yourself" at the slightest inconvenience? have you no resolve at all? do you know more than half the world dont even get proper food? is your problem anything close to that you whiny self absorbed piece of crap ?

>> No.14691567
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>frequently reminisce about the days when i would lie around my apartment alone on the weekends smoking tons of weed and masturbating all night
>prefer my life now and sober but still sometimes miss the huge dopamine hits of being a degenerate drug abuser

>> No.14691624
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A fellow maladaptive daydreaming bro, truly the most /lit/ mental illness

>> No.14691668

I frequently daydream about conversing with strangers, or just communicating with other people in general. I also sometimes daydream about being a famous artist or designer, or imagine how people would react if I killed myself.

>> No.14691764
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>imagine an idealized me who would lead a cool and interesting life
>project myself in fictional universes I enjoy and expand on them in my mind
>imagine conversations that never happened but could happen with people I know, and spin it in a way that would make our exchange interesting
>listen to music or watch something aesthetically pleasing, imagine I was the one to come up with it, and imagine what kind of reactions my peers would have
>usually do all this with a musical background, but not always
>when listening to a melancholic or sad song, imagine various sad or emotionally crushing scenarios, mostly involving myself going through some kind of physical harm, although I derive no pleasure from it, only some kind of perverse satisfaction
That's mostly it. Writing this down made me physically cringe.

>> No.14691786

This is one of those "conditions" curable by forceful, nonsexual slapping, isn't it

>> No.14691837

>Scenarios where I open up and talk about what I’ve been thinking of recently
>A better version of myself overcoming my current struggles and frustrations while achieving my goals
>Sweet anime fights and melodrama

>> No.14691838

Only if it's severity is known as 'cause of death'.

>> No.14691848

>What specifically do you guys daydream about?
Having a gf/bf

>> No.14691863

>What specifically do you guys daydream about?
I build worlds and species. Animals, civilization builders, adventurers, adventures...
It's usually lewd as well, and is heavily influenced by my preferences.

>> No.14691898

Mastering Your Adult ADHD, Oxford Press
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD, Russell Barkley

>> No.14692330

Jesus lads, this hit me hard. How can we transform this condition into something of value?

>> No.14692383
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that's me alright

>> No.14692569

i did like ten for a faux usfl and have done other sports as well when i was into them, usually just details of playoff games, which teams were good which years, which players were good/not.
i might try to do it for like a fantasy world so it could maybe make a book

>> No.14692635


LMAO, implying being well-adapted to modernity is a sign of health.

>> No.14692669
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Honestly, what i often daydream of is a group of friends who i share a sense of humor, taste of aesthetics and values with. With whom I'd fulfill creative aspirations with and just spend time doing new shit with.
In reality the people i pretend to be my friends really suck, and the last couple of times i've got to know new people, they don't bring to the table according to the standards set by my daydreams
a vicious cycle

>> No.14692689

based R4 poster

>> No.14693011

Just this one girl. We met online 4 years ago, skyped every day for a while, almost met up, but i kinda chickened out of pursuing her fully because of her somewhat chaotic personality, which both attracted and scared me. Sometimes I'll stay up until 7am fueled by nothing more than my "day"dreaming about her and the life we could have/could've had together.

>> No.14693018

This sounds debilitating

>> No.14693029


>> No.14693144

i feel like 4chan has introduced me to a world of esoteric tastes that no one in life can life up to, be it films, literature, music, or even video games. it's so difficult to find people who share my interests. they'd rather just eat hot chip and lie etc.

>> No.14693155

Why don't you stop? Do you feel that it is beyond your control?

>> No.14693171

explaining myself to joe rogan or god as my faith fluctuates wildly.

>> No.14693201

just this one girl and what couldve been
i want to forget her so bad bros

>> No.14693239

Usually scenes of great violence and depravity.

>> No.14693913

You guys need to force yourselves out of the house and go get some real memories

>> No.14693957

The hivemind is real

>> No.14693971

Good thing I'm not the only one that dayreams about being on the JRE

>> No.14693981

DXM is just over the counter cough syrup . Do research before trying

>> No.14694308

>having a high paying job that I love and good at
I literally can't even imagine such a thing.

>> No.14694318
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i know what you mean
but then i look in the mirror and notice, i am not being a charismatic figure who would be comfortable with trying to push my friends into more interesting directions, esoteric, aesthetic and world view-wise

this is what i've actually been practicing for the last 1,5 years. The realization of "i gotta get out" is something that is driven into, instead of heard and then executed,
I frequently go out for 1-2hour walks, especially when sun's out, but that doesn't do much for me socially. a significant thing that i frequently forget due to my self-loathing, is the fact that i've succeeded to make getting out of the house comfortable. Something that wasn't the case before i could put the problem into words, is now a norm i frequently strive towards.
This keeps me whitepilled on a lot of my problems, although i do have a lot of lonely, antisocial depressive periods. Patience is needed and the open mind to realize the problems

>> No.14694346

You can get DXM at any drug store. I'd also recommend trying it, at least just once or twice. As someone with OCD who can spend hours and hours sitting in a chair daydreaming it was a pretty freeing experience. I stopped doing it though because I didn't want to get hooked on it.

>> No.14694348

not alone on the music ones anon
what genre?

>> No.14694357
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About pic related and having a daughteru with her mostly.

>> No.14694378
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>do you know more than half the world dont even get proper food
can't they grow it and don't breed like rabbits in between?

>> No.14694503

>What specifically do you guys daydream about?
For the past 4 or so years I've been creating a world and multiple stories that are all a part of a bigger story.
I want to one day have all of these daydreams written down and published, the only problem I'm facing is my general inability to write my thoughts onto paper.

>> No.14694568


congrats on this bro, i dabble myself, usually players switching teams and turning around shit franchies, playoff upsets, some sudden off-the-field death tragedies, and btfo monologues in press conferences. i don't even follow nfl but something about it grabs my mind

>> No.14694584


start drilling your prose bro

>> No.14694731

Actually completing my undertakings, instead of abandoning halfway. Never fullly fleshing out an idea, always getting bored, distracted, wandering off into some other sparkly venture and leaving a halfbaked dream behind. I daydream about the opposite.

>> No.14695090

you guys are weirdly fanatic

is this how normies feel when you tell them about your love of literature?

>> No.14695653

Tell me about some of them please

>> No.14695974
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>there are people playing Bannerlord RIGHT NOW and I didn't get accepted into the beta

>> No.14696116

>what genre?
A lot of them, but I alternate
Right now it's mostly jazz, some blues and soul, some classical, some minimalist composers like Glass, electronic and ambient/experimental
Anime, movie and game OSTs as well
What about you?

>> No.14696280

this is gay, and undoes what you said cool before

>> No.14697402

t.Gayron Rodgers.

>> No.14697651

I can identify with this. Don't know if I'm autistic, but ever since very young I have kept a habit of walking around with a pencil, waving it around and mumbling to myself. I used to pretend my head was a TV channel, think about different shows and sort of imagine their episodes. Then It became more like a fantasy sports league for local basketball, and for the last couple years I've also been doing imaginary lectures by professionals in imaginary fields (despite all that, my imagination isn't very wild, and I often find myself re-imagining real sequences with some details switched up, idk).

>> No.14697658

The oomer memes are either shitposts or journaling for people who would feel awkward about journaling.

>> No.14697663

based and chimp-pilled
what would you be on the show for?

>> No.14697667
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I would play the JRE-meta and constantly (yet subtly) bring up topics that forces a jamie-bring up, making the show fragmented and off the rails and essentially stealing de facto control from Joe himself.

>> No.14697683

A group of militants who desert in a civil war, fleeing the ramifications into the andes, there they stay with tribes of native urarinans, they rape and murder one man and one woman, then they splay them onto the fields which they farm their grain. They barge into the shamans hut and murder him, they drink his brew, they are hallucinating. The villagers overrun the house and begin murdering the militans, they burn them and stab them with spears. The Militans flee down the andes while being chased, they come downwards to a flooded river, there they scatter into the jungles and are chased and murdered by the villagers who burn them alive at the shore. The remaining militants are insane, they shudder in the endless foliage of the jungle, the flooded river roars in the distance as the waters beat themselves upon the rocks. They wander aimlessly for what seems like days, time a foreign concept to them. They drag themselves like dogs across the mudded ground, some not dressed, others painting themselves black with charcoal. The heat is maddening and they can not find water nor food. They stumble in the dark of the night upon a woman who begins mating with them and she describes the demons which haunt them and why they suffer as they do, they drink from her brew and she consumes them whole.

>> No.14697688


>> No.14697709

What´s even so bad about escapism?
I will never amount to anything in my life so why not forget it for a few minutes and feel whole again for even a small moment
even if people say it´s "unhealthy" or "unproductive".
And dont come with self improvement. I know its good for certain aspects but it wont heal you.

Also interviews. It´s nice to imagine to talk to someone freely without any baggage and expectations society puts on us.

>> No.14697715

>What´s even so bad about escapism?
This. I imagined being together with a girl from HS and it was like being in a dream (like a sleeping dream), I felt the feeling of being in love for like a whole day afterwards.
Fuck muh reallifefags

>> No.14697721

How much do I need to take for this effect?

>> No.14697754

>they drink from her brew and she consumes them whole.

LOL great ending, thanks for sharing

>> No.14697764

Burroughsesque. Just make the woman a red haired boy and make the brew Yage and you're set.

>> No.14697843
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>being on stage and playing music
>some fantasy or scifi shit that I probably stole (un)consciously
>fucking some (insta)thots
Mostly while listening to music and pacing around in my room. It's probably just powerfantasies.

>> No.14697854

I had to construct an elaborate fantasy just to give her better feet

>> No.14697880

where i can talk to a girl and she is very understanding because she has a cousin who is also an autistic aspie like me

>> No.14697890

elaborate please--would like to hear more.

>> No.14697913
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i just wrote maybe 500 words and deleted it because of how ridiculous it sounds. i dont want to be here

>> No.14698318


>> No.14698405

>going back in time and handling relationships differently(kinda like you said)
>relive the best moment in my life
>suddenly attacking someone nearby me. smashing their head into a wall. beating them to death.
>if i'm busy then imagining not having any work or responsibilities to take care of
>thinking about my story i have been writing for ten years(almost at a million words) and fantasizing about being published and respected

>> No.14699058

>>going back in time and handling relationships differently(kinda like you said)
>>relive the best moment in my life
>>suddenly attacking someone nearby me. smashing their head into a wall. beating them to death.
this hits really close home. especially that violent thing. Anytime someone's being unnecessarily loud especially
I walk past them totally casually, but noticing their behavior that i'm sort of "alerted" by. Only after i'm home or away from them, i start to get these "if the guy actually tried to push/spit on me, i would've taken him to the ground and started kicking his face"
sounds hilarious typing this out

>> No.14699070

>90 replies in
>like, two book reccs
what the hell happened to this board, you fucking fags? I was gone for 15 months and it's even worse than it was back then

>> No.14699082

Nehajev's Escape is about exactly that, if you can find a translation.

>> No.14699329


>> No.14699362

Book of Disquiet is all about this. A great book. I wish I could read it in Portuguese.

>> No.14699570

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was>>14699070

>> No.14699714
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/lit/ is basically the replacement of /r9k/.

>> No.14699798

Because tv became /pol2/ and his became /pol3/. And /lit/ is now on the way to become /pol4/. The good threads are made by refuggees from other boards

>> No.14699807

tru tru tru

>> No.14700115

feel this hard

>> No.14700237


>> No.14700653
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How do I improve my imagination/visualization? I'm not sure I'm asking the right question, since my mental picturing isn't half bad, and by quasi-aphantasic NPC standards it's godly, but my imaginings are very listless. They have very little direction, and seem to be more like mental background noise than daydreams. They are like short snippets of stories that would be interesting had they were expanded upon, though they never are and are quickly replaced and forgotten about, sprinkled with some monologue about esoteric bullshit. Nothing like Chad in >>14691624, which is my personal goal.
I guess the better question would be how to leash my imagination and lead it where I want it to go?

>> No.14700763

I day dream that i am this fantastic salsa dancer and i randomly pick up qts on the street and start dancing with them and bring them back to my nice apartment with a view and have sex with them.

>> No.14700780

>They are like short snippets of stories that would be interesting had they were expanded upon, though they never are and are quickly replaced and forgotten about
to somewhat solve this forgetting would be to keep a journal. Don't ovethink and think you should buy a separate notebook or somehow stylize/format it, simply write down "reoccurring mental image" and what sort of happens.
I can relate and say that these "mental snippets" are often 2-3 seconds, so you might think it's not worth writing, but once you've piled up a decent amount of daydreams into text, it could build itself and lead somewhere from there..

>> No.14701043

Anyone else dreaming of Joe Hill???