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/lit/ - Literature

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14685764 No.14685764 [Reply] [Original]

Literature suitable for getting into the writings of the Christian mystics? I am looking into Orthodoxy so I would appreciate works from the Orthodox point of view. Roman Catholics are welcome too though.

>> No.14685782
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Dialogue of St Catherine of Sienna

>> No.14685805
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Start with Dionysius the Areopagite. It's impossible to overstate his influence on Orthodox mysticism.

>> No.14685825

The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition
The Unknown God
Corpus Areopagitum
Anthology of Christian Mysticism

>> No.14686544


Anglo hegemony was a mistake.

>> No.14686753

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The Life of St. Anthony the Great. The Philokalia. The Fullness of God by Frithjof Schuon, if you’re into perennialism

>> No.14687262

Can I start with Dionysius the Areopagite or do I need to read the neoplatonists first? I've read Plato, Aristotle and a significant amount of Aquinas, to be clear.

>> No.14687360

The monad is the light. the indefinite dyad is illumination.

Heres something cringy that i wrote(also my first language is not english)

I am not. I never was. Never broke free and never had a choice. For everything in this world is fated; our actions determined. Did not choose to come here. Just happened to be and will cease to be.

But do not despair.

True freedom is not in this body or this soul. Everything that's seen, felt or thought; not me. Nothing of this is me.

Only "that" is me.
And "that" is all there is to know.

>> No.14688326


>> No.14688667

The best source for Orthodox Christian mysticism are homilies on the Song of Songs by the great gnostics and saints- Origen, Nyssa, Bernard, etc.
And, of course, Deny is the paradigm, and there’s no beating him.
Not so Orthodox- Eckhart, Bohme, Bar Sudaili, Clement and Evagrius.
The Cloud of Unknowing and The Philokalia.

>> No.14688870

The Cloud of Unknowing - Anonymous (Catholic)
Jakob Boehme - The Way to Christ (Protestant)
The Way of the Pilgrim - Anonymous (Orthodox)

>> No.14689554
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Does anyone have any suggestions on Lectio Divina?

>> No.14689568

The English edition of Pseudo-Dionysius is more paraphrase than actual translation, it has a bad reputation

>> No.14689860
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Based thread.

De Visione Dei by Nicolas of Cusa. It's quite a short read but with a lot to think about.
There's also this video series on it - https://en.kalitribune.com/to-be-is-to-be-seen-nicholas-of-cusas-de-visione-dei-pt-1/

>> No.14689945

This and based