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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 1280x720, c8cd6ee0bd89c23af332256825b2ed98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14683970 No.14683970 [Reply] [Original]

>listen here bucko
>i'll tell you how to fix your life
>clean your room and take your pills
>what do you mean that drugs can have side effects and be addictive?

>> No.14683982

>yfw he leverages his inspiring survival story (not just drugs but his wife's cancer as well) into another five years of relevancy and book sales

>> No.14683998

jesus christ

>lol believe me, my dad is not a junkie, he is strong and brave and is smiling again!
>muh paradoxical reaction

>> No.14684000

this is comedy gold lmao

>> No.14684009


>> No.14684060

Who the fuck makes such a serious video in a negligee?
When the old faggot finally croaks, will she announce it in a red corset and stockings?
Fucking slut

>> No.14684074

>You need to take responsibility over your own life
>btw I was addicted to benzos for 8 months and it never crossed my mind to visit a doctor or that something was wrong with the drugs I was taking, it was all the drugs fault I swear

>> No.14684101

Holy shit, Zizek should be dragged to court, he mentally murdered Peterson.

>> No.14684106

this, didn't his downfall begin after the great debate?

>> No.14684109

This. Why nobody finds that shocking? She's all in make up and looks ready for sex talking about her dad on the verge of dying and her mother with terminal cancer? What the fuck?

>> No.14684122

I would feel more pity for him if he didn’t make millions of dollars patronizingly lecturing other people with similar issues on how they should take control of their lives, pretending as if he somehow figured everything out.

>> No.14684127

Man, his daughter is total fucking filth.

>> No.14684131

I believe that Peterson's ruin began to germinate before the debate, but the Slovenian Sniffer pmercilessly pushed him over the edge.

>> No.14684133

Give her a break, she was raised by a drug addict after all

>> No.14684151

I'd still slay this dragon.

>> No.14684157
File: 197 KB, 378x440, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Peterson threads are attracting a lot of schizoposters lately. The fuck is going on?

>> No.14684161

Is he still not eating vegetables?

>> No.14684168

>everything I don't like is schizo
You retards ruin the definition of words.

>> No.14684172

Dependence /=/ Addiction

>> No.14684176

I think JBP is a charlatan, but he should not be blamed for this. He's a psychologist, and that doesn't involve any serious knowledge of pharmacy. On these matters he is as clueless as us, and he ended up being tricked into using a seriously evil drug by people who should lose their medical license.
It's sad this is the way he had to fall from grace.

>> No.14684180

Yes goy don't eat veggies, eat your red meat and get cholesterol so that you for in your 50's from a heart attack.

>> No.14684209

I love Jordan. His work helped me through a really dark time. I hope he is alright soon.

>> No.14684221
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Don't be retarded anon, i'm neither defending Peterson nor his trainwreck of a family, fundamentally because i don't care about him.
What i mean is that some of the replies in these threads get really fucking weird in comparison with the average /lit/ thread. Every day we also seem to have like 3 or 4 Peterson posts, no other academic nor writer gets this much attention, are we getting raided by redditors again or what?

>> No.14684231
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Why did he want to be drugged while his wife was having cancer?How does that even make sense?

>> No.14684234

thats not the definition of schizophrenia.

>> No.14684235

Once you suffer from long-term benzo abuse/dependence, you never TRULY recover. You can mostly recover, but some of the damage is already done and there to stay. Even if it's just small things, like the urge to grab a bottle whenever you feel those pings of anxiety you never knew before you started taking them for the first place. In fact for some people who've taken it for years, staying on the drug will cause less brain damage than withdrawal/quitting, especially since withdrawal can lead to seizures. You take benzos, you are making a deal with Faust.

>> No.14684238

Faust wasn't the one who offered the deal, he was the taker, you fucking turbo-pseud.

>> No.14684242

...i didn't gave a definition at all though.

>> No.14684250

you implied it you fucking niggerfaggot shitforbrains cocksucker

>> No.14684254
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What? You're exaggerating, anon, stop making stuff up. Just don't be a retard who takes literal 2mg of Xanax every day and you'll be fine. Valium is not nearly as bad as Xanax and isn't that harmful as long as you're not a retard who takes 15mg of it a day. Just take it only as needed and shit will be fine. It's not like you had a stroke because of it, jeez.

>> No.14684259
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That's not really polite, anon.

>> No.14684265


>> No.14684266

Coping. He was already taking meds to cope with stress of his emerging fame and consequent lifestyle changes. He went too far.

>> No.14684272
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>tfw will never have a daughter who almost died multiple times before adulthood
>tfw will never have to live through that and have my wife get cancer
>tfw will never have the above plus be harassed daily, having to go to court, almost lose job for stating scientific facts
>imagine not having all this and debilitating allergies for decades you only recently at age 50+ found a solution, tfw don't have a history of alcoholism to deal with the above
At least I also suffer from chronic depression.
Why even live without all this?

>> No.14684277

I don't think JP is a pseud or anything, but he's clearly a broken man just as much as the people who he tries to help, if not moreso given his extreme substance addiction.

>> No.14684282
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-02-08-10-49-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you think he is charlatan, a fake intelectual, a bad man or whatever, i dont think his current condition proves your point. He never said he was immune to hardship. If anything the fact he is disclosing this info to me shows that he is trully a real nigga, who is honest about shit even if it can be used to attack him.
But since we are making fun of him, i would like to add that you know a nigga is jungian when his house looks like Sam Raimi's norman osborn/green globin's one

>> No.14684294

Most of the people here shitting on him are butthurt trannies that are mad he told them the infinite gender continuum isn't real, morty, and then proceeded to turn himself into a human pickle using benzodiazepine instead of pickle juice.

>> No.14684295

kys cuck

>> No.14684327

Are you a newfag? JBP was easily the most heavily discussed academic on /lit/ and even /pol/ in 2018. He's probably the closest to a mainstream public intellectual as there is for disaffected young men, so it makes sense he was such a big topic on 4chan. You think people are going to barely care about what's happened to him, especially after he's disappeared for so long?

>> No.14684381


>> No.14684386

>He never said he was immune to hardship.
He adviced people to take drugs in 12 rules for life, while abusing drugs.

>> No.14684399

>take drugs
>clean room
>deny the jewish cabal exists
>eat meat and no veg
What are the other 8 rules?

>> No.14684406
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, 1479537126458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said this before on Peterson threads, and i'll say it again:

Peterson was brought up to this site exactly by MAGA newfags in 2016 who thought Peterson was this controversial, traditionalist or even reactionary kind of intellectual. /pol/ soon took this, and some even started to believe that Peterson was a crypto-fascist who was playing 4D chess with the intellectual elites. He is not. He's been saying "i don't like nazis" since day one. All the hate from Peterson came from these same newfaggots who thought he was the intellectual who was going to save us from modern academia, when he obviously was not. When they realized he was just another liberal with little to no right wing leanings, they turned on him and started to throw shit at his work.

Now, i didn't know he "disappeared", because i don't care about him and neither should anybody on this board, simply because he's not that relevant as newfags made him out to be. He is not the next great intellectual who is going to outsmart every leftist shill in academia. He is neither the greatest problem that modern academia has. He's just an old psychologist with a dysfunctional family and a dysfunctional psyche, who from time to time can give some clever insight on interesting topics, but who also found a niche of young kids who are in dire need of recognition and will buy any self-help crap that he writes.

He's not the greatest thing in academia, nor is he the worse. Just ignore him, we don't need four fucking Peterson posts a day.

>> No.14684431

>Who the fuck makes such a serious video in a negligee?
The type of person that falls for meme diets?

>> No.14684433

Do you realize that everything you said is made null and void by your anime girl avatar?

>> No.14684439

>I think JBP is a charlatan, but he should not be blamed for this. He's a psychologist, and that doesn't involve any serious knowledge of pharmacy.
But he literally lists "Psychopharmacology" as a "skill" on his researchgate profile.


Was he just playing some sick joke here?

>> No.14684441
File: 33 KB, 310x310, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they don't have anime girls in r/books i take it?

>> No.14684473

It is true. In the forum which I frequent, there is a stark lack--although one might say not that there is a lack, but rather that here in 4chan there is an over-abundance--of cartoon girl pictures. It is not true, however, that the place of which I speak--the other place, not this one, the one without the cartoons--is not reddit/books, as you have incorrectly suggested.

>> No.14684486

>When the old faggot finally croaks, will she announce it in a red corset and stockings?

I hope so.

>> No.14684490
File: 38 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this crappy website started as an anime forum. The "over-abundance of cartoon girl pictures" is to be expected, no?

>> No.14684492

Did you just timetravel from the 1850s or something? Women universally dress like prostitutes now

>> No.14684503

Can't believe I ever took that retard seriously. Oh well, at least he got me started on actually looking into philosophy. I found much smarter and more lucid people like Nietzsche and Icycalm through him.

>> No.14684509

No, not outside of the anime board. Anime is for faggots

>> No.14684516
File: 8 KB, 145x348, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As /tv/ faggots say: "seethe and dilate".

>> No.14684520

She could have at least put on a pant-suit.
Granted, even then she would have still looked like a filthy little wench who, when the cameras are off, and but also sometimes when on, gets on her knees and guzzles down copious amounts of semen--semen being allowed in her diet through a loop hole, since it is grouped in the same category as 'man-meat', itself classified as one kind of meat, which her diet does not prohibit.
She would have wore that suit, fabric pressed tight against her prepubescentesque body, her makeup caked on, the closest thing she'll ever come to cake, since her dead-end genetics prevent her from consuming the real sort--see above: another reason she craves man-cream--and she will stare dead into the camera and dazedly ramble through her prepared speech, her doe-eyes glazed over and vacant, visual evidence a 5-cock-a-day regimen bolstered by a smorgasbord of medicinal aids, paid for by the very same actions she takes to feed, her entire existence at once both vindicating the pharmaceutical industry and negating the message of the words she herself is saying--a contradictory pastiche of verbal and visual performance, inciting in the viewer a kind of lower-intestinal dissonance that feels like bad gas, an uncomfortable turning of the stomach as you realize you are witnessing a horror show, indeed a spectacle of the grotesque, and your only response left is to either vomit or ejaculate.

>> No.14684533


>> No.14684539

You seriously need to go outside at some point. The lack of interfacing with other humans is peeling away at your perception of how people actually clad themselves. I bet you imagine she made this video at 7am right after she finished putting herself together for the day.

>> No.14684551

>When the old faggot finally croaks, will she announce it in a red corset and stockings?
this is why i browse /lit/

>> No.14684564

>pet a cat
>let your daughter become a single mother thot
>be an individualist while every other group is trying to organize against you and your people
>justify the status quo
>be a productive wagecuck for the well being of your masters
>avoid people who challenge your views
>don't bother children while they are doing something self destructive
>reinterpret the concept of truth before making truth claims to fit your narrative

>> No.14684566

He has 150+ IQ. Shouldn't he be able to figure it out? Maybe I should ask /sci/...

>> No.14684568

>stroke cattos

unfathomably based

>> No.14684576

>>tfw will never have a daughter
Thank fucking god.

>> No.14684601
File: 64 KB, 680x680, 749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should dress more like this

>> No.14684603

He gives good advice, it's just that it's also a bait for the rest of his nonsensical drivel that's the biggest problem when it comes to Peterson "the intellectual". Žižek displayed him for what he is, nothing more but a motivational speaker for your average millennial/zoomer that is experiencing existential problems and other shit along those lines that incorporates his knowledge of psychology with what he's read to give advice on life. The most important thing he's saying is to fucking read and get informed in order to form an opinion of your own so that you won't be just another sheep that chooses which herd he wants to join. Another is his book recommendations, which nobody listens to because they all are too busy sucking him dry instead of actually listening to what he's saying, and that's extremely sad.

>> No.14684628


>> No.14684632

Lmaoo bro this is a lulzmine

>> No.14684637


>> No.14684660

He didn't even manage to get into law school

>> No.14684688

you mean the bearded clam of chaos.

>> No.14684692

his book recommendations are trash

>> No.14684695

based and lovecraft-pilled.

>> No.14684772

Why in Mother Russia though?
I have never thought of russia as being avant-garde in medical treatments.

>> No.14684795

he gets the climate treatment of Russian roads

>> No.14684833

Who hurt you

>> No.14684862
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I called him a pseud the moment he became popular. Anyone with more that 2 brain cells did.

>> No.14684890

>ITT People who don't know that he was prescribed the medication by a Doctor out of necessity rather then getting a dealer to give it to him 4 fun times
Don't let that little fact interrupt your narrative however.

>> No.14684919

if he got it from a dealer it wouldnt have been laced with whatever kike poison they put in it to silence him.

>> No.14684922
File: 81 KB, 800x450, Konachan.com - 64107 jpeg_artifacts neon_genesis_evangelion plugsuit soryu_asuka_langley-800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after you ;)

>> No.14684928

His IQ is "in excess of 150", what's your IQ pleb? Probably double digits lmao

>> No.14685054


>> No.14685328

The way people shit on peterson here as though he shouldn't be offering people help really does make me think. His book has already helped millions of people around the world and nobody seems to have any complaints over the advice he gives specifically, yet people act as though he himself claims to be a self-help god or that he never fails himself or that by listening to his advice your life will improve without you actually having to make an effort (as though his words are meant to work like magic spells). People shit on him as though they relinquish in any opportunity to invalidate or discredit his ability to help people, even though the proof is actually in the fact that many many people have been helped, so nobody has to take Perersons word. The question is why does /lit/ have such a visceral need for Peterson to be made out as a charlatan, or at least someone who's advice should not be trusted (based on the fact of his addiction)?

I have a guess: people are upset with themselves, as the answers they need to uplift themselves have been presented to them but they either lack the motivation or the humility to implement them. And then they attack Peterson because his advice seems too obvious, as though they were waiting for some kind of revolutionary idea nobody could've ever spoken before that would inspire them to get off their ass and take control of their own lives. Or they desperately attempt to convince themselves that their inability to implement his advice is justified by the fact that he had an addiction.

Its not that I wanna dismiss anybody who dislikes peterson as having some unconscious motivation, I just cant fathom this many people being so overjoyed over someone going through this kind of suffering, even if there was some bit of irony attached to it.

>> No.14685380

best post

>> No.14685498

They do have medical phenibut in Russia which is a potent non-benzo anxiolytic might have been used for withdrawal. Just speculating

>> No.14685513


>> No.14685524
File: 12 KB, 708x128, ritesh vishwakarma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first comment

>> No.14685530

What i hate most about jp is that I can't engage in conversation with him. I'm sure many here have something of value they could add to jordans dialogue.

>> No.14685556
File: 59 KB, 630x403, poo in it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India has a massive population of incels so this makes sense

>> No.14685569
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>His book has already helped millions of people around the worl
>People shit on him as though they relinquish in any opportunity to invalidate or discredit his ability to help people, even though the proof is actually in the fact that many many people have been helped.

The only people that can benefit from Peterson are reddit tier midwits that don't actually read much and can't socialize due to personal insecurities. He's not awful, but he is still a pop intellectual and a secular psychologist who barely delves into metaphysics or "mysticism" through Jung, so the amount of insight you can get from him if you know better is very limited. If you are not the sad and lonely product of the 21th century, you just can't extract useful knowledge from him, because you already know what he's saying.

>nobody seems to have any complaints over the advice he gives specifically.

I had read 12 rules for life, mostly out of curiosity when newfags started shilling it back in 2016. Some of the advices are good, as i said, for insecure kids who haven't actually figured this out by themselves, like some keys to develop confidence, or how to get a little humility, or the fact that, as a parent, maybe you should not let your children do something you dislike. Others advices are quite obnoxious, like standing up with your shoulders back or "cleaning up your room" (i mean, you really should had come up with this by yourself at some point in your teenage years, men). The last two rules (this is "Do not bother children when they are skateboarding" and "pet a cat when you encounter one on the street") are just plain dumb.

>The question is why does /lit/ have such a visceral need for Peterson to be made out as a charlatan, or at least someone who's advice should not be trusted (based on the fact of his addiction)?
>I have a guess: people are upset with themselves, as the answers they need to uplift themselves have been presented to them but they either lack the motivation or the humility to implement them. And then they attack Peterson because his advice seems too obvious, as though they were waiting for some kind of revolutionary idea nobody could've ever spoken before that would inspire them to get off their ass and take control of their own lives.

You are kinda right there, but no. Peterson's advice seem obvious here because it is; if you need someone to tell you to clean up your room and not being an insecure faggot who befriends assholes, that's on you, but don't expect must sympathies here. The few people that still read on /lit/ know better than listening to a pop intellectual, and the rest of the anons just jumped on the train for the sake of kicking Peterson while he's on the ground.

>> No.14685665

>trying this hard

It's time to go to sleep, anon-kun.

>> No.14685697

>The question is why does /lit/ have such a visceral need for Peterson to be made out as a charlatan, or at least someone who's advice should not be trusted (based on the fact of his addiction)?
because of the weird personality cult around him.

take your post as an example, you wrote ten lines expressing disbelief that anybody would dislike peterson, and refuse to even consider that people might actually believe he is a charlatan - they can only "have a visceral need to make him out to be a charlatan". you feel the need to pathologise anybody with a different opinion to you. you share, then, in his charlatan spirit.

>people act as though he himself claims to be a self-help god
that is exactly how many people treat him, which he has encouraged and profited from. and what's more, peterson has rarely treated his critics with any grace or even-handedness, he has always been utterly uncompromising even on matters that are trivial or subject to opinion. did peterson ever stop to consider, before eviscerating somebody, whether they had ever helped anyone? did his rabid, rick and morty -like fanbase ever show that level of respect to the critics of peterson? you can criticise the schadenfreude displayed here, certainly, but not because the subject is undeserving. and to act indignant or shocked is ridiculous.

p.s. denying schadenfreude in this circumstance is an entreaty to equality-of-outcome. go pet a cat, bucko

>> No.14685699

This is a pretty decent post. Listening to Peterson is what got me into /lit/-tier reading and I feel like I've found myself again as a result of it. Having spent the last 7 or 8 years in a state of mental stasis was really starting to tip me over the edge.

For this reason alone I have respect for his work and and find great comfort in it when I am feeling totally fucked.

>> No.14685713

Remember when he got real mad because an AI stole his voice?


>> No.14685784 [DELETED] 
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My hatred for Peterson stems from the fact that I used to be a big fanboy of his, mostly the philosophy/religion stuff, even had my sister buy me his book, then I started reading actual philosophy and realized what a dunce he was. It felt like leaving a cult, looking back, and thinking how I ever fell for that shit to begin with.

My theory on why /lit/ in particular hates him is the following. The three big groups in this sub are lefties, left-leaning liberals and full-on nazis. The lefties hate JBP because of his excessive individualism and his (retarded) criticism of all forms of activism has being inherently nothing more than attention-seeking behavior. The liberals hate him because of the trans stuff and his (again retarded) takes on women in the workplace. The nazis hate him because... I guess they perceive him to be some sort of zionist chill? Who the fuck knows with those guys.
The christcucks are somewhat sympathetic to him; but even that group criticizes Peterson's "pragmatic", wishy-washy appeals to Christianity. This happens because /lit/ christcucks tend to be rather extreme in their views.

Peterson's appeals to christianity are vague because he doesn't want to alienate his two main target demographics. enlightened centrist consoomers, and alt-lite gamer bros. Both these groups tend to be vehemently atheistic. And generally, neither of them frequent /lit/. For that reason the board tends to be pretty antagonistic towards Peterson.

>> No.14685797

>in this sub
kill yourself

>> No.14685810

>I had read 12 rules for life, mostly out of curiosity when newfags started shilling it back in 2016.
It actually came out in 2018 and i bet you never read it.

>> No.14685836

What about Guenon?

>> No.14685844
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My hatred for Peterson stems from the fact that I used to be a big fanboy of his, mostly the philosophy/religion stuff, even had my sister buy me his book, then I started reading actual philosophy and realized what a dunce he was. It felt like leaving a cult, looking back, and thinking how I ever fell for that shit to begin with.

My theory on why /lit/ in particular hates him is the following. The three big groups in this board are lefties, left-leaning liberals and full-on nazis. The lefties hate JBP because of his excessive individualism and his (retarded) criticism of all forms of activism has being inherently nothing more than attention-seeking behavior. The liberals hate him because of the trans stuff and his (again retarded) takes on women in the workplace. The nazis hate him because... I guess they perceive him to be some sort of zionist chill? Who the fuck knows with those guys.
The christcucks are somewhat sympathetic to him; but even that group criticizes Peterson's "pragmatic", wishy-washy appeals to Christianity. This happens because /lit/ christcucks tend to be rather extreme in their views.

Peterson's appeals to christianity are vague because he doesn't want to alienate his two main target demographics. enlightened centrist consoomers, and alt-lite gamer bros. Both these groups tend to be vehemently atheistic. And generally, neither of them frequent /lit/. For that reason the board tends to be pretty antagonistic towards Peterson.

>> No.14685882

>The nazis hate him because... I guess they perceive him to be some sort of zionist chill?
Because he is against group identity among whites.

>> No.14685913
File: 429 KB, 451x619, 1fFTE6l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My hatred for Peterson stems from the fact that I used to be a big fanboy of his, mostly the philosophy/religion stuff, even had my sister buy me his book, then I started reading actual philosophy and realized what a dunce he was.
You will come full circle once you learn not to hate him nor love him and do better things with your life. Don't even bother about Peterson.
>The three big groups in this sub are lefties, left-leaning liberals and full-on nazis
This is taking the conception of /lit/ as a hivemind to the next level. There are not "three big groups" here, everybody is in his own thing. The only people who fall into ideology like that is people that don't read, and though they are slowly filling this board, they are still not the majority.

>alt-lite gamer bros
Yes. I can see why you liked Peterson.

>It actually came out in 2018
It did now? My mistake then, but i did read it. I did not buy it though, somebody linked a pdf here and i still got it somewhere in my folders. I won't buy it neither, since i'm not interested in having it in my bookshelf.
>i bet you never read it.
And why is that, because of picrelated? I had no reason to not read it. I remember that Peterson was making his Bible lectures in that moment and i found them somehow decent, and since everyone was so enthusiastic about it, i gave it a chance. You can read one chapter a day with minimum effort, since the prose is so simple, so i chugged the whole thing in a week. As i said, i don't think is that bad for you if you're really are a sad and lonely human being, but i couldn't extract anything useful out of it, it was not meant for me.

>> No.14685925

That's guenonfag's fault.

>> No.14685931
File: 133 KB, 1222x759, 1575432423111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outs himself as a redditfag
>deletes post and reposts it replacing "in this sub" with "board"
My fucking sides. Dumb frogposter at least replace the reddit spacing too, fuck off you know where the door is.

>> No.14685970

Peterson is a snake oil salesman who made millions off of peddling bullshit

The only reason he gained popularity at all was because he gave misleading information over a Canadian bill surrounding trans rights and the “anti-PC” crowd online relentlessly shilled him. No one ever gave a fuck about him before that. The “bill” he whines about only prevented discrimination surrounding hiring practices in federal institutions (i.e a bank can’t refuse to hire someone who is trans, a bank manager can’t discriminate in pay if someone is trans, etc) and have nothing to do with private or public use of pronouns, it didn’t even have anything to do with universities. However it is clear that he didn’t even bother reading the bill, which was a minor modification of an already existing human rights bill, much like how it is blatantly clear he didn’t bother reading Foucault or Marx either

>> No.14685971

As a junkie, I understand Peterson. None of his advice helped me. I was never interested in his readings of Jung. But I understand that as a human being you're going through a dark time. I really hope he recovers.

Still, I wish Peterson and Zizek had done a comparative analysis between Lacan and Jung instead of talking about ideological spectra.

>> No.14685980

>Its not that I wanna dismiss anybody who dislikes peterson as having some unconscious motivation

But that's clearly what you want to do, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.14685982

Mao Zedong offers better advice.

>> No.14685995

And now it looks like he doesn’t even follow his own self-help advice, the last defense his fanboys have of him. Is there anything about him that isn’t blatantly fraudulent? Everything he does is just a ploy to make money off of vulnerable, disaffected youth.

>> No.14686000

It's pretty hilariously ironic.

Peterson said women who wear lipstick are asking to be sexually assaulted, and this is how his daughter dresses.

>> No.14686004

she confirmed it was years of addiction and he went on them from drinking bad cider

>> No.14686013


>> No.14686035

It’s amazing how insecure people show they are when it comes to JBP. He’s by no means a history-changing messiah and some of the fandom around him is embarrassing, but a lot of the hatred he gets isn’t really so warranted either. The guy has some modicum of culture and interesting ideas, he’s helped people with their lives and ah fuck it why am I bothering most people here are too emotional and petty to even get what I’m saying

>> No.14686038

I must ask what he does with his money, since he is supposed to be a man of virtue. What he does with what he has is far more important than being mad because he makes lots of money and you don't think he deserves it. Then there is the realization that if we were in his position would we fall into the same pits as we think he did? Can no one have a bit of sympathy for him if you would have done the same thing he did? It's a real thing to become something you hate when properly tempted by it. It is no virtue to not be greedy if you were never given the chance to be greedy.

>> No.14686041

Some words of wisdom from the man himself

>> No.14686077

>The only people that can benefit from Peterson are reddit tier midwits that don't actually read much and can't socialize due to personal insecurities.
So describe a life situation where someone needs advice in order to handle their shit and Peterson has nothing to offer or whatever relevant advice he can offer is already being implemented properly such that his knowledge is insufficient.
>take your post as an example, you wrote ten lines expressing disbelief that anybody would dislike peterson, and refuse to even consider that people might actually believe he is a charlatan - they can only "have a visceral need to make him out to be a charlatan". you feel the need to pathologise anybody with a different opinion to you. you share, then, in his charlatan spirit.
My post:
>Its not that I wanna dismiss anybody who dislikes peterson as having some unconscious motivation, I just cant fathom this many people being so overjoyed over someone going through this kind of suffering, even if there was some bit of irony attached to it.
You sound emotional but I'll just clarify what I said. If hearing the news about Peterson's drug recovery made you feel positive in any way, regardless of whether you think he's a charlatan, or if his advice is only useful for idiots, or if he kikes out his merchendise or whatever, there's something wrong with you and you need a reality check. I am not claiming that Peterson is bulletproof (although I do think he's an honest person), but the way you just responded causes me to doubt your ability to form a rational opinion about him as an individual you dislike since you clearly couldn't even read my post without accusing me of having a ridiculous position.
>that is exactly how many people treat him, which he has encouraged and profited from.
>which he has encouraged
Example please.
>peterson has rarely treated his critics with any grace or even-handedness, he has always been utterly uncompromising even on matters that are trivial or subject to opinion.
Example please.
>The “bill” he whines about only prevented discrimination surrounding hiring practices in federal institutions (i.e a bank can’t refuse to hire someone who is trans, a bank manager can’t discriminate in pay if someone is trans, etc) and have nothing to do with private or public use of pronouns, it didn’t even have anything to do with universities.
Why are people still trying to pretend this is true? If what he was saying about the bill was incorrect it wouldn't have put his job at risk.
>But that's clearly what you want to do, you're not fooling anyone.
No, you're just incapable of engaging in a conversation.

>> No.14686080

If you are say not an incel

>> No.14686087

You're just sucking your own dick to cope

>> No.14686088
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>If what he was saying about the bill was incorrect it wouldn't have put his job at risk.

>> No.14686114

Maybe true for some, but I think the answer is much more obvious: people start reading good books, their standards are raised, then they view more books as shit.

>> No.14686127

The point I'm trying to make is that if Peterson's life advice is "beneath you" and you still think you need help, you probably just need to stop making excuses or realize your whatever situation you're in is not as complicated as you want to believe it is.

>> No.14686132

Joke's on you, I actually wrote it with one hand while jerking off to Michaela Peterson's tight slip and Q-tip body

>> No.14686135

>The point I'm trying to make is that if Peterson's life advice is "beneath you" and you still think you need help, you probably just need to stop making excuses or realize your whatever situation you're in is not as complicated as you want to believe it is.
The point I'm trying to make is that if Peterson's life advice is "beneath you" and you still think you need help, you probably don't actually need help*

>> No.14686142

>If hearing the news about Peterson's drug recovery made you feel positive in any way, regardless of whether you think he's a charlatan, or if his advice is only useful for idiots, or if he kikes out his merchendise or whatever, there's something wrong with you and you need a reality check.

Only a sheltered, pussified westerner could think like this. Schadenfreude Is one of the most universal human emotions, specially among males. If you’re a faggot that gets upset at people for having “problematic” sentiments, and you want to feel morally superior to others, perhaps reddit would be a better fit for you.

>> No.14686146
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>So describe a life situation where someone needs advice in order to handle their shit and Peterson has nothing to offer or whatever relevant advice he can offer is already being implemented properly such that his knowledge is insufficient.
Let me ask you a question, how would you handle a dark night of the soul with Peterson's advice? (btw, try to seethe less, i haven't seen a post as awful as this in a while).

>> No.14686150

I don't really have a bone to pick, but damn, do I find it abhorrent when someone is narcissistic enough to think living in the public eye without consequences is an option.

>> No.14686153

The fanatics of the left do have a way with fasely accusing innocent people. Those mongrels don't even have enough compassion to wonder about the accused persons intentions and heart. To not know and then be condemned is unjust. What happened to the lefts empathy? Momma bears compassion is for her cubs, hikers beware.

>> No.14686160
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1555917877535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fanatics of the left do have a way with fasely accusing innocent people. Those mongrels don't even have enough compassion to wonder about the accused persons intentions and heart. To not know and then be condemned is unjust. What happened to the lefts empathy? Momma bears compassion is for her cubs, hikers beware.

>> No.14686163


>> No.14686175

It didn't put his job at risk, though. He was still employed at the university he worked at. He had tenure. What evidence is there, other than some people complaining about him, that his job was ever at risk? This, too, was just another part of the ploy to make money off you idiots.

>> No.14686214

Why is she wearing make up and dressed like that, did she just come back from blowing his doctor, what is wrong with women?

>> No.14686217

>been taking 5-10mg Valium every day for the last couple of years since I used it while escaping a 3-year-long ketamine addiction that was fucking me up way quicker
>the ketamine addiction was because I was in agony due to health issues, those health issues resolved and I was no longer in pain so I had no use for ketamine anymore but needed the Valium to deal with the constant panic attacks caused by K withdrawal
>not noticed any side effects yet, my concentration may be slightly worse but I already had ADD from birth due to occipital lobe injury
So uh, how long is it supposed to be before I notice I'm giving myself brain damage or something?

Before anyone asks, no, three years of K did not cause me any bladder pain or trouble with pissing, seems in practice that varies a lot from individual to individual, and I live in a shithole where there's literally no addiction recovery centres or detox services unless you can afford £1000s so even when I went to my doctor there was zero help available except "go to A&E if you get chest pain" and "here's some breathing exercises off a website and a 2.5-year waiting list for CBT" (which I was eventually assessed for and found unsuitable), hence the use of Valium in the first place.

>> No.14686242

Maybe this family needs to stop making everything public.
Get over yourself, you're not that important..

>> No.14686249
File: 154 KB, 607x608, Peterson is a moral fag_edited-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes pills
>"we have to slay dragons"

>> No.14686261

Just because it's universal doesn't mean you shouldn't be bothered when you're overcome by it. Do you ever consider what motivates you to have that kind of emotional response?
Why don't you try answering the question, or refer to>>14686135. If you can't describe a scenario where someone actually needs help despite having considered and implemented all of Peterson's advice it makes no sense to belittle the quality of his advice or the kinds of people that would benefit from him.


>> No.14686269

This. People who blame the drug or the doctor are morons that should be lobotomized.

>> No.14686275

>dude they sent him a letter asking him to stop tho!
What part of "tenure" do you not get? Like I said, it is part of a ploy to trick idiots like you to giving him money. It's the "I'm actually oppressed guys, even though nothing has actually happened to me, so give me money" narrative

>> No.14686278

Are you retarded? What do you think "tenured" means?

>> No.14686290

invincible to most attacks but if he gets really fucked up he can still die, sorta like wolverine lol

>> No.14686295 [DELETED] 

>"I'm actually oppressed guys, even though nothing has actually happened to me, so give me money"
Okay, s are you trying to argue that he lied about bill c-16 or that we should feel bad for him and give him money? Nobody is claiming that his whole life was shook when they attempted to take action, the point is that they attempted to take action. You're so caught up in your resentment towards Peterson's success you can't even think straight.

>> No.14686300

We fucked directy after she filmed this. I told her it was in poor taste but she seemed to be getting off on it.

>> No.14686301

>"I'm actually oppressed guys, even though nothing has actually happened to me, so give me money"
Okay, s are you trying to argue that he lied about bill c-16 or that people feel bad for him and give him money? Nobody is claiming that his whole life was shook when they attempted to take action, the point is that they attempted to take action. You're so caught up in your resentment towards Peterson's success you can't even think straight.

>> No.14686303

holy based

>> No.14686336
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>If you can't describe a scenario where someone actually needs help despite having considered and implemented all of Peterson's advice it makes no sense to belittle the quality of his advice or the kinds of people that would benefit from him

I literally mentioned a scenario, the dark night of the soul. I take you are not familiarized with Saint John of the Cross, yes? It's basically spiritual dryness, great desolation, lack of spiritual consolation in one's spiritual life. It can also be seen as an opportunity to work on your faith to become better.
Is a problem present in all religions, though i mentioned the christian version, which is the one i'm most familiarized with. Taking into consideration that the majority of the world is religious, i'd say this is indeed a general problem that a lot of people go through despite the fact that they may not have a name for it, which takes me to my question: how would you solve a spiritual problem of this kind using Peterson's work?

>> No.14686346
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you know god damn well why

>> No.14686356

based lioness

>> No.14686363

OP you are despicable. This guy's wife is dying of cancer and opiod addiction can happen to "anyone", successful or not.

>> No.14686370

>Why did he want to be drugged while his wife was having cancer?
>Why would he want to be drugged when the love of his life is dying befo
Are you retarded?

>> No.14686381

People who believe in the concept of "libertarian free will" should be lobotomized. You have an uncurable mind disease, and there is no hope for you.
Ironically though maybe this is karma because every JBP fan I know falls into this trap as well, and he doesn't say anything about it.

>> No.14686396

You're trying really hard to be a smug faggot but okay. It just so happens that what you're describing is precisely what people find most attractive about him, an answer to nihilism, assuming that approximates what you're describing, although perhaps it doesn't.

Regardless, if that is your answer, my point still remains. Belittling people for having benefited from his advice is completely unreasonable if this is what you have to come up with in order to describe the limitations of what help he has to offer. You're basically insulting people that need help for needing help, because between those people and whoever's struggling through a dark knight of the soul, you have people who act like they need help because they wont help themselves, insulting those who've taken the help they've been offered to cope with their narcissism.

>> No.14686401

>Just because it's universal doesn't mean you shouldn't be bothered when you're overcome by it.
Overcome by it? I'm just spending a few minutes to shitpost on 4chan, don't be stupid.
>Do you ever consider what motivates you to have that kind of emotional response?
Healthy testosterone levels.
Bad things happens to someone I dislike, I feel glad. Simple as.

>> No.14686405

If there is no room for some form of development of various wills both outside and inside a person then life is a meaningless tv program that we can't change. Everyone might as well cease to exist since they are already nothing.

>> No.14686408

>t. primitive man

>> No.14686414

Looks like we've got a memerson cultist in here.

>> No.14686415


>> No.14686416

>n then life is a meaningless tv program that we can't change.
pretty much. what a meme reality

>> No.14686419

t. low test twink

>> No.14686421

Its ironic that you reason like a female

>> No.14686427

/lit/ is butthurt he's more well read then they are.

>> No.14686431

Schadenfreude Is literally a male response. Read the literature, you’re on a literature board.
And get your test levels checked, looks like you lost your balls somewhere.

>> No.14686432


>> No.14686436
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>> No.14686438

>Peterson was brought up to this site exactly by MAGA newfags in 2016
He was semi-notable Jungian professor with all his shit online before that. Fairly certain he was mentioned around here before that.

>> No.14686440

You sound insecure. You don't know a whole lot about manhood, do you?

>> No.14686449

You sound like a tourist.

>> No.14686464

If you're motivated to feel positive over someone else's dire misfortune you're either incredible insecure or mentally ill. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt with insecure because you seriously sound like you need reasons to justify your masculinity.

>> No.14686474

>If you're motivated to feel positive over someone else's dire misfortune you're either incredible insecure or mentally ill.
Empirically wrong.
Now go back.

>> No.14686479

It doesn't matter how much you dress it up, everyone here is expertly trained to pinpoint a who hurt you sweaty post within microseconds of its being posted here, dipshit.

>> No.14686486

No it's not you fucking dumbass stop trying to win arguments with authoritative claims. "Healthy testosterone levels" isn't a fucking answer dipshit. The more you post the more you sound like a pathetic loser who pretends to be knowledgeable on an anonymous image board.

>> No.14686493

>No it's not
Quality argument. My whole worldview has been shattered.

>> No.14686494

Please put on a trip so you can be filtered.

>> No.14686499

I'm not dressing it up, if anything I'm making it simple. If you are a grown adult and you receive gratification from other people's misfortune there is something wrong with you. If I'm wrong I'll happily be persuaded by an argument.
It's not my responsibility to refute an argument you never made you dumb fuck it's called burden of proof

>> No.14686500

Lmao at this loser seething because someone mocked daddy peterson

>> No.14686504

I'm actually seething because this board pisses me off, I have no feelings towards Peterson.

>> No.14686510

>Uses strange german-sounding word to justify his hateful nature, pretends having balls the size of chimps is good while overlooking the fact that his brain is the same size as his balls.

>> No.14686513

Well yeah, that's 100% true. You have no control over where you're born or how you're raised you have no real control over who influences you while you are growing as a child, which is formative and will influence your personality and your decisions as an adult. Even if you do change as an adult it will probably be as a response to a series of random events that you had no control over or by meeting people by happenstance.

>> No.14686529

Studies have shown that schadenfreude is a normal response among males:
Now go prove your claims that schadenfreude implies incredible insecurity or mental illness, tourist.

>> No.14686545

Okay, I appreciate you actually making an effort. Now,
>Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others
All you have to do is justify your perceived fairness of the matter and you've won the argument

>> No.14686552

Man, for someone who has had such a hard life she is hot as fuck.

>> No.14686553

>I'm actually seething because this board pisses me off
Then leave.
If you start sperging out because someone is being mocked on 4chan, you clearly don't belong here.

>> No.14686559
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>You're trying really hard to be a smug faggot but okay
I am a smug faggot.

>It just so happens that what you're describing is precisely what people find most attractive about him, an answer to nihilism, assuming that approximates what you're describing, although perhaps it doesn't.
Yes, i know. And yet, Peterson has a secular mindset; he does not know if he believes or not in God, but still appeals to some sort of christian culture. He defends the empty shell of the modern world, but does not realize that if the shell is not filled, the shell is still just a shell. In philosophy that's a problem. You can't have objective politics without objective ethics, you can't have objective ethics without objective metaphysics, you can't have objective metaphysics without objective gnoseology, and so on. When you look around yourself and see, for example, the aesthetic field absolutely obliterated by disgusting women and fatsos chanting "all bodies are beautiful", it's because of a subjective aesthetic mindset that has occupied modern discourse, and that subjective aesthetic can be easily traced to the subjective metaphysics. This could arguably be the final nail in the coffin of modernity, disposed by kantian idealism.
It may seem like i am digressing, but i'm not. Peterson, by not having notion of the transcendent, comes from this same insecure subjective metaphysical mindset, so everything he says regarding the philosophical field, even if it seems objective, comes from a subjective background, and thus, there's no real backbone to his arguments. He's to the right what Slavoj Žižek is to the left, just another product to be consumed, allowed by a system that feeds both of them. There are so many similarities between them that it's even kind of poetic the fact that they ended up finding themselves in a debate; like the last incarnation of the argument between the Althegelianer and the Linkshegelianer.

>Regardless, if that is your answer, my point still remains.
It does not, you failed to explain what i asked. How does Peterson solves a spiritual problem without metaphysical background?

>Belittling people for having benefited from his advice is completely unreasonable if this is what you have to come up with in order to describe the limitations of what help he has to offer.
If you are an adult and you still don't know you should clean your room, walk on straight, clean your dick, and speak with some humility, then yes, you are a failure of a human being. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement, and i think there's where Peterson comes in handy; it's self help for the lowest of the lowest a human being can be, which sadly is most of our population nowadays. Peterson is useful for the sad and lonely people of the 21th century. If you are not there, then move on and read something else. This is a literature board after all.

>> No.14686571
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get the fuck in here, peterson toddlers are fighting each other and not realizing due to some stupid confusion

>> No.14686577

He used the current political climate to make millions out of losers seeking a surrogate dad. Him failing at life after being pedestalized by his fans, an attitude he cultivated, seems fitting to me.

>> No.14686589

What if he just fucking died that’d be funny

>> No.14686593
File: 5 KB, 249x225, 1545255229765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully his wife dies first

>> No.14686601

peterson's success is a roadmap for the next presidency

get some guy like The Rock, register with GOP while being a complete liberal. Market yourself as being anti-PC while making completely anodyne statements like "I don't think trans men who have taken two weeks of HRT should be fighting women in mma"

>> No.14686661

That's not why I'm "sperging out". I'm annoyed because I like this board and in order to participate in the maintenance of it's quality one has to confront idiots with contempt or else they'll begin to populate.
>he does not know if he believes or not in God
He has already made it clear why he refuses to publicly make an explicit claim on the matter. His position is that belief is manifested in behavior rather than speech, and that he therefore does not feel it is right to make a public claim of belief as doing so bastardizes the notion.
>but does not realize that if the shell is not filled, the shell is still just a shell
Actually he points this out as a problem.

>It does not,
Yes it does. My point was that if you belittle someone's advice because it's applicable to literally everything besides the deepest philosophical notion that almost nobody is concerned about you're kind of retarded. Yes, secularism sucks, but most people who are grateful for what they have are getting by well enough that your attitude is senseless.
>you failed to explain what i asked. How does Peterson solves a spiritual problem without metaphysical background?
Idk man, take psychedelics and try your best to enjoy your life. Choose a religion if you need to.
>If you are an adult and you still don't know you should clean your room, walk on straight, clean your dick, and speak with some humility, then yes, you are a failure of a human being. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement, and i think there's where Peterson comes in handy; it's self help for the lowest of the lowest a human being can be, which sadly is most of our population nowadays. Peterson is useful for the sad and lonely people of the 21th century. If you are not there, then move on and read something else. This is a literature board after all.
THIS is my point. You're just arrogant. If the dark knight of the soul thing is the only imaginable context where someone needs help that Peterson can't offer, that means that literally everybody else that could possibly benefit from any advice whatsoever is a "failure of a human being". Do you think that all people that need advice in life are failures?

>> No.14686677

A lot of you hating on jp is because you think him a bad person, so it is tolerable, though i do hate when many are mistaken and the multitude of the crowd in it's insanity starts to attack or even kill the accused. But please do remember one of our holy sayings - "rent free" and do not let it happen to thee.

>> No.14686691

>If you start sperging out because someone is being mocked on 4chan, you clearly don't belong here.

>> No.14686698

>He's a psychologist, and that doesn't involve any serious knowledge of pharmacy.
"I don't know anything about drugs, so let's write a book suggesting young boys who grew without a father figure to take the pills lol that will be 16 dollars plus shipping costs. Make sure to like and subscribe, don't forget to support me on Patreon and check my daughter whoring around on instagram." - Jordan "overdose" Peterson

>> No.14686702

>He has already made it clear why he refuses to publicly make an explicit claim on the matter.
And why would you think that would be? To sell more books to both atheists and religious people? Because he doesn't know?
>His position is that belief is manifested in behavior rather than speech, and that he therefore does not feel it is right to make a public claim of belief as doing so bastardizes the notion.
Yes, he took that from christian orthodoxy, but still he reads the Bible with the secular mindset, and a lot of his ethical interpretations seem more close to surface level protestantism than anything else.
>Yes, secularism sucks, but most people who are grateful for what they have are getting by well enough that your attitude is senseless.
I do agree.
>Idk man, take psychedelics and try your best to enjoy your life. Choose a religion if you need to.
And that's where you're wrong, but this is the final conclusion of anyone who takes Peterson seriously. I can't take you out of it, nor i think you would want me to do it. By the way you write i imagine you are really young. Read more and you'll get out of this phase eventually, but believe me, you don't want to get stuck with Peterson.
>If the dark knight of the soul thing is the only imaginable context where someone needs help that Peterson can't offer, that means that literally everybody else that could possibly benefit from any advice whatsoever is a "failure of a human being"
You asked me for ONE example tho. I used a concrete example (the dark night* of the soul) to show you where the general problem with Peterson lays (the lack of spiritual backbone in his philosophy).
>Do you think that all people that need advice in life are failures?
I do not, because we are all lost and need orientation. Before self help books, though, there was philosophy and religion, and i do believe that they did a much better job, and they still do, even aiming at normal people that don't read.

>> No.14686717
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>> No.14686769

>And why would you think that would be? To sell more books to both atheists and religious people? Because he doesn't know?
Occam's razor and my next sentence
>but still he reads the Bible with the secular mindset, and a lot of his ethical interpretations seem more close to surface level protestantism than anything else.
[citation needed]
>I do agree.
You do? You do agree that you're attitude is senseless? Well, I'm surprised but you have my respect.
>And that's where you're wrong, but this is the final conclusion of anyone who takes Peterson seriously. I can't take you out of it, nor i think you would want me to do it. By the way you write i imagine you are really young. Read more and you'll get out of this phase eventually, but believe me, you don't want to get stuck with Peterson.
All you've been capable of doing this entire thread is make vague claims of your own superior knowledge. I am 20 years old.
>>If the dark knight of the soul thing is the only imaginable context where someone needs help that Peterson can't offer, that means that literally everybody else that could possibly benefit from any advice whatsoever is a "failure of a human being"
I don't get what you don't understand but the only reason I ever asked you to come up with the example was to illustrate this point. If Peterson's advice is useful to anybody except those who've hit your philosophical dead end, you ought to be very careful before you decide that those people are lowly and pathetic because you're probably one of them and you'd probably be wiser to adopt the humility to recognize it. His entire "philosophy" is that religious systems are necessary to regulate the human perception/motivational system, which is what you're describing. He has never claimed to be one to provide a new-age religion, all he's done is articulate the psychological function of religion.

>> No.14686781
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>[citation needed]

>> No.14686815

So you're resentful that someone made money by helping people who needed help and because those people he helped really appreciated his help you think it's justified that he goes through a year of near-death pain and suffering? Also, you think that by having these problems he's "failed at life"? Are you sure?

>> No.14686832

Also, your schizo conspiracy that he manipulated the political state to exploit "losers" for money is even more indicative that you have serious issues. I'd handle them before you wind up embarrassing yourself in public.

>> No.14686834

>Schadenfreude Is literally a male response
more great work from the gals at sexist university

>> No.14686836

Gotta love how peterson cultists always jump at the chance to defend their leader by interpreting everything in the most flattering way possible for him.

>> No.14686839

What are you talking about? Please explain his nefarious intentions.

>> No.14686841

>You do? You do agree that you're attitude is senseless?
Yes, it's the way i shitpost. With obnoxious lexicon and anime crap.
>All you've been capable of doing this entire thread is make vague claims of your own superior knowledge.
I don't know shit. I'm just searching for answers, and as well should you. Again, don't conform with Peterson, be more skeptical.
>His entire "philosophy" is that religious systems are necessary to regulate the human perception/motivational system, which is what you're describing. He has never claimed to be one to provide a new-age religion, all he's done is articulate the psychological function of religion.
The thing is that psychology can't encompass religion, nor metaphysics. When he explains why we should follow a religion, he says it's because without one we are doomed, because with a correct religion we are more "productive", but not because the religion it's good in itself. This is the anglo utilitarian approach, which has deep roots in early capitalism and protestantism. In a more wide sphere, at the end of the day, falls into materialism, as does socialism and communism.
The problem with this approach it's that, if christianity was useless, or stopped being useful, we should drop it and change the system. I do believe that if you are going to follow a philosophy it shouldn't be because you feel that is good, or because it's useful, you have to be willing to follow that philosophy even if it dooms you because you know is the right thing to do. Peterson will never defend the core of any metaphysical system because he's deeply agnostic.

>> No.14686849


>> No.14686850

Someone under the payroll of Dennis Prager has very clear intentions to me.

>> No.14686858

>schizo conspiracy
Either retarded or disingenuous. Probably both.

>> No.14686865

How did a nigger get on my board?

>> No.14686889

somebody left chicken out and the door open

>> No.14686904

>You're resentful!
Typical passive-agressive redditspeak. People have enjoyed watching charlatans getting shafted since time immemorial, it's a trope as old as civilization itself.
It's amazing how emotionally invested you are into defending the guy that you cannot see why someone would dislike him.

>> No.14686940

I'm looking forward to the next 4 hour rogan interview with him.

>> No.14686951

>don't conform with Peterson, be more skeptical.
I've never said anything ITT that would indicate I conform to Peterson, but thanks.
>When he explains why we should follow a religion, he says it's because without one we are doomed, because with a correct religion we are more "productive", but not because the religion it's good in itself.
No, he says that without religion culture will fragment into nihilistic dissolution and that people require belief in the transcendent to have ultimate meaning in their lives.
Another rhetorical answer, well done. You cling to skeptical observations in order to justify your retarded emotions.

>> No.14686980

>Another rhetorical answer, well done. You cling to skeptical observations in order to justify your retarded emotions.
Nice non-reply.

>> No.14687014

incels need to be told once and for all that their prose sucks dick

>> No.14687020

Daddy Peterson can stick his dick up my boy-hole anytime he wants :)

I just wish people took Peterson for what he is: a saint trying to help the downtrodden and paying the price. Instead, you get the high and mighty ivory tower philosopher, angry that the saint will not help him, only those pathetic beings that the philosopher has judged beneath his own grand existence.

You're pilates ordering Jesus to the cross because you're mad you're not Jewish. Nor will you ever be, you miser of the soul.

>this is meant for the animeposter itt

>> No.14687028

I'm told practically every day
if you could offer more insightful feedback maybe ill improve

>> No.14687037

There's absolutely nothing passive aggressive about it. People who are affected by resentment are childish and weak, especially those who anonymously brag about their testosterone levels. I'll break it down.

>He used the current political climate
Used? As in manipulated? As in, took advantage of naive people during a period of vulnerability? That kinda sounds like complete bullshit to me but hey, maybe he's evil.
>to make millions out of losers
So were those 'losers' lied to? Or was his ability to make money off of helping them somehow immoral? Should he have done something different?
>a surrogate dad.
I'm sure that plenty of people who longed for a paternal figure found refuge in Peterson's content, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to believe he deserves to suffer for this.
>Him failing at life after being pedestalized by his fans, an attitude he cultivated
>an attitude he cultivated
You mean people who benefited from his help appreciated it and sought to express their gratitude? Wow, Peterson is truly a manipulator.

Anon is so upset that Peterson made an honest fortune by helping people and rising to brand-level recognition that he has to convince himself that Peterson's a dishonest manipulator to cope.

>> No.14687040

I know what he said about religion. I know he also mentioned how humans have an innate psychological need for spirituality.
This is fine, i do agree with this, but the problem for Peterson is that he doesn't know if it's a true aim of the soul to be closer to the transcendent or just a psychological need with an abstract end. In the end, this position makes his declarations on religion merely utilitarian. The core of the argument is not the fact that religion is good in itself, is that "people require belief to have meaning in their lives". They require it because it useful to live a better life.
This may be weird to understand because you may be not capable of get the difference between transcendent good and a practical good just yet. I would strongly advice you to read Plato's Republic and Stuart Mill's On Liberty. Look for the concepts of "good" they both use, and see for yourself which one is closer to what Peterson means when he says that religion is "good".

>> No.14687042

Rhetorical answers are non-replies you fucking dumbass do you seriously expect people to want to have conversations with you?

>> No.14687057

>he doesn't know if it's a true aim of the soul to be closer to the transcendent or just a psychological need with an abstract end
Both of those options are one in the same.

>> No.14687074

I understand what you're saying, but I seriously think the only reason he presents it as utilitarian is to provide a persuasive argument towards atheists.
>his may be weird to understand because you may be not capable of get the difference between transcendent good and a practical good just yet. I would strongly advice you to read Plato's Republic and Stuart Mill's On Liberty.
I am a third year philosophy major

>> No.14687075
File: 46 KB, 492x492, 1537300084713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has never seen or read anything by Jordan Peterson, can i get a rundown on why he's so controversial? Some people think he's a genius and others think he's literally Hitler. What the fuck is he?

>> No.14687089

a drug addict on his deathbed.

>> No.14687110

It's because he's based and people don't like that.

>> No.14687113

The SJW left hates him because he BTFO'd everything they claim to stand for. The 4chan right winger types tend not to like him because they are unsatisfied with the way he's addressed the 'Jewish Question' and because he advocates against identity politics which basically means he stands against both SJW's and hardcore nationalist types.

People think he's a genius because Maps of Meaning provides a strong secular groundwork for the psychological function of religion. He is also very talented at speaking clearly and articulately, and if you need to catch up on what you're parents should have taught you his advice is exceptionally effective.

>> No.14687132

I don't think you understand what a rhetorical answer is, or what this discussion is about.
I've made sufficiently clear why I dislike the guy, it isn't my job to make you dislike him as well.

It's so easy to see through you. You're so invested into defending Peterson you cannot conceive someone feeling differently than you. If me, or anyone else, disliking this pseud makes your ass sore, perhaps you should leave and go to a pro-peterson circlejerk on some other site.

>> No.14687142

Still relevant to understand why he is disliked

>> No.14687159

It doesnt explain the vitriol. It confirms my suspicion that he's just hot air, but it doesnt explain why people seriously think he's affiliated with neo-nazis when all he does is give some vague platitudes

>> No.14687169

>It's so easy to see through you. You're so invested into defending Peterson you cannot conceive someone feeling differently than you.
You have no self-awareness and now you're projecting.
>If me, or anyone else, disliking this pseud makes your ass sore,
My ass isn't sore from people criticizing Peterson. If people were doing that I'd actually enjoy the conversation a lot more. I just find your attitude to be common and I'm tired of seeing it in every thread where Peterson is mentioned.

>> No.14687172

They're not, that's my point. The soul from a philosophical perspective is not necessarily the same as the psyche from a psychological perspective.
>I understand what you're saying, but I seriously think the only reason he presents it as utilitarian is to provide a persuasive argument towards atheists.
I sure hope you're right, because it doesn't seem so to me.
>I am a third year philosophy major
And i am ending my major this year anon, it doesn't mean anything. I know people that ended their college education without reading any of those because modern academy is a joke, so i took my chances.

>> No.14687181

>he's affiliated with neo-nazis when all he does is give some vague platitudes
No one here thinks that, but he's certainly affiliated with a very demagogic right.

>> No.14687182

Can you try making a qualitative distinction?
>because modern academy is a joke
Yeah I only read about half of what I'm required to, this is too true unfortunately.

>> No.14687192

>take your pills
Peterson has never recommended to anybody that they take pills. Just because he has taken them does not mean, whatsoever, that he has recommended that everybody else take them.

His main message is to take responsibility. And that you will only progress in this world if you assume responsibility. And I suppose that is true, although most people think of it in terms of grabbing POWER rather than responsibility, since power is the thing that people desire. I would say that responsibility is just an unfortunate consequence of having power. After all, even a king has a responsibility to furnish his subjects with some sort of protection - otherwise they'd just depose him and install someone else. Which has happened many times throughout history.

Props to him for doing something with his life and earning a living for his family. Better than many jobless NEET fucks on 4chan.

>> No.14687195

>No one here thinks that
Not here, but on other places on the internet they certainly do. And i cant really find any affiliation with the right other than him not wanting to use a tranny's pronouns.

>> No.14687196

>You have no self-awareness and now you're projecting.
How the fuck am I projecting? Stop using words you don't understand. I have no issue understanding why some people like him, while you seem zealous to convince me I'm wrong for disliking him.

Seriously, what are you trying to achieve here?

>> No.14687204

>And i cant really find any affiliation with the right other than him not wanting to use a tranny's pronouns.
Looks like you haven't watched his PragerU videos.

>> No.14687209

thats right i havent

>> No.14687215

Then do it and come back here.

>> No.14687218


>> No.14687225

Stop posting then.

>> No.14687239

> I have no issue understanding why some people like him
Neither do I.
>while you seem zealous to convince me I'm wrong for disliking him
No, I've merely pointed out that every reason you've given thus far for not liking him seems to be clearly motivated by resentment. You began to explain your own dislike towards Peterson to justify your schadenfreude because I said anybody who derives gratitude from the news of his hospitalization has something wrong with them. This has nothing to do with me being some fanfaggot of his.

>> No.14687253

>Neither do I.
towards those who dislike him*

>> No.14687267

Use your verbal ability to describe the PragerU smoking gun or shut your cakehole
(not anon btw)

>> No.14687269

what's whith the monotonous, robotic voice? did the xanax fry her brain?

>> No.14687276

link me to it

>> No.14687282

ZOG is communicating through her

>> No.14687284
File: 40 KB, 363x371, a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go fuck yourself you weirdo fuck

>> No.14687294

>No, I've merely pointed out that every reason you've given thus far for not liking him seems to be clearly motivated by resentment.
You have not pointed out anything, just stubbornly asserted the same thing over and over.

>> No.14687300

The trannies in this thread made me sympathize with Peterson again. Good job, faggots.

>> No.14687304

>Can you try making a qualitative distinction?
As much as i understand, in philosophy we could talk about the soul as a transcendent entity linked to an individual (this is, of course, a really general take). Now, the nature of the soul, the way it's linked to the material body, the way it's also linked to God (if we believe he exists), the question around the immortality of the soul,etc. that depends more on the author.
Psychologist seem to have a more condensed sense of psyche. I know a bunch of psychologists who would not agree with a lot of statements that philosophy makes about the soul. For example, most would say that the Psyche is not immortal and that it dies with the body, which makes it irreconcilable with Aristotle's hylomorphic theory, or with the christian understanding of the same topic. I heard others say that the psyche is an effect of a material cause, which is chemical reactions in the brain. They also seem to have a conception of reality that borders subjective philosophy, so they may say that soul is real in the extent that i gave it reality or something on those lines.

>> No.14687319

>frog poster is retarded and speaks in 4channel jargon
muh shock

>> No.14687330

Tongue my asshole, making PragerU videos is a smoking gun in and of itself.

>> No.14687335

>When they realized he was just another liberal with little to no right wing leanings
The Overtone window has really shifted that far right were people don't understand this man is a trad. con.

>> No.14687340

Sounds like her father taught her well

>> No.14687351

>ad hominem because you're too stupid to make an actual argument
Imagine my shock

>people on 4chan use 4chan jargon
Wow, imagine my shock

Get fucked weeb, literally nobody likes you, not even your own goddamn parents. Imagine how upsetting it must be to have a child and they turn into a pathetic weeb who watches disgusting pedophilic cartoons.

>> No.14687366 [DELETED] 

Dude holy fuck

You said this
>He used the current political climate to make millions out of losers seeking a surrogate dad. Him failing at life after being pedestalized by his fans, an attitude he cultivated, seems fitting to me.
as your justification for disliking him. I took that and translated it so that it was devoid of the assumptions you imposed onto the narrative, resulting in this
>someone made money by helping people who needed help and because those people he helped really appreciated his help you think it's justified that he goes through a year of near-death pain and suffering
So what changed? Well, your implication that he opportunistically manipulated people in some kind of immoral way seems to vanish. Also, the notion that he somehow "cultivated" people's attitudes doesn't seem to hold up, so where did they come from? Resentment seems like the most obvious guess.

Then, back to my claim:
>those who derive gratification from the news of Peterson's hospitalization have something wrong with them
It seems that resentment is, in fact, what's wrong with you. Now hurry up and deal with it so I don't have to read your posts.

>> No.14687381
File: 48 KB, 798x809, Correction+cartoons+with+little+girls+_e9f8c51154d8d3c247fe5a1b74fb8fc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok anon, i love you anyways.

>> No.14687395

Dude holy fuck

You said this
>He used the current political climate to make millions out of losers seeking a surrogate dad. Him failing at life after being pedestalized by his fans, an attitude he cultivated, seems fitting to me.
as your justification for disliking him. I took that and translated it so that it was devoid of the assumptions you imposed onto the narrative, resulting in this
>someone made money by helping people who needed help and because those people he helped really appreciated his help you think it's justified that he goes through a year of near-death pain and suffering
So what changed? Well, your implication that he opportunistically manipulated people in some kind of immoral way seems to vanish. Also, the notion that he somehow "cultivated" people's attitudes doesn't seem to hold up. So, what factors motivated you to make those assumptions? Resentment seems like the most obvious guess.

Then, back to my claim:
>those who derive gratification from the news of Peterson's hospitalization have something wrong with them
It seems that resentment is, in fact, what's wrong with you. Now hurry up and deal with it so I don't have to read your posts.

>> No.14687512

>I took that and translated it so that it was devoid of the assumptions you imposed onto the narrative
You didn't translate shit, you fucking retard, you simply reinterpreted reality in a completely biased manner in order to portray a flattering picture of Peterson. If you cannot see why I don't see things that way you simply don't understand human interaction.

Looks like the Peterson cult did a number on you.

>> No.14687519

ITT: The beta who hurt you sweaty poster vs
the chad fuck peterson and fuck his daughter poster

>> No.14687520

>tell that psych pills are just legal drugs
>no one believes me
>now even shrinks are falling into their own trap

>> No.14687536

how do you get addicted to xanax?

>> No.14687537

How the fuck is that biased? Can you point out exactly what assumptions I'm making?

>> No.14687547

take it a lot

>> No.14687566


I take 1mg for anger and axiety attacks when required. I've never had any urge to use it recreationally.

>> No.14687571

Why benzos instead of shrooms with an intent to explore the root of the issue?

>> No.14687580
File: 16 KB, 480x318, 5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his """dependence""" isn't psychological but entirely """physiological"""

>> No.14687600

It's biased becaue it omits so much about why he is disliked, you're being extremely disingenuous.

>> No.14687609

yeah I had a hearty smeck at that one too.
Not only is she a slut, but a Cartesian slut

>> No.14687618

What exactly am I omitting? Your imposed assumptions that have no basis in factual evidence?

>> No.14687638

god she's hot

>> No.14687660

What "imposed assumptions"? Are you pretending a guy using his newfound fame to sell overpriced gaebage and broadcast politics in PragerU videos, and being paid a shitload for it, has no other intentions than to selflessly help others?
Get fucking real.

>> No.14687681

Oh, so you're upset that people were willing to pay for his merchandise? Sounds like resentment to me.
>Are you pretending a guy using his newfound fame to sell overpriced gaebage and broadcast politics in PragerU videos, and being paid a shitload for it, has no other intentions than to selflessly help others?
I'm not making ridiculously complicated assumptions about what his intentions COULD be. He's publicly declared himself as an "evil capitalist" with no shame in making money off of his fame. Am I supposed to be upset at him for profiting?
If you think (or know) that he has other motivations, would you mind sharing them?

>> No.14687732

Is repeating the same talking point about "muh resentment" like the good cultist you are the only thing you can do?
I clearly explained why I believe him to be a charlatan who profits out of idiots, and there's nothing resentful about disliking that kind of individual.

>> No.14687754

>I clearly explained
No you actually didn't. What exactly is it about what he's doing that's contempt worthy? I see nothing in any of your posts that explains why I should have contempt towards someone for the reasons you've so far described. You've described them using plenty of ad hominem, but you've never at any point explained why that usage is justified. Thus it seems as though you confuse your resentment for contempt, because why else would someone be mad at someone else for making money earned fairly?

>> No.14687764

Looks like a discount Ivanka

>> No.14687779

>No you actually didn't.
Yes, I did. The fact that you disagree because you zealously like the guy is not my fucking problem.

>ad hominem
Based fucking retard. Stop using words you clearly don't understand. I thought you were a philosophy undergrad, yet you lack the most basic grasp of argumentation.

>> No.14687814

>Are you pretending a guy using his newfound fame to sell overpriced gaebage and broadcast politics in PragerU videos, and being paid a shitload for it, has no other intentions than to selflessly help others?
You just pointed out that he charges a lot for his merch, got to preach against SJW's and for freedom of speech of PragerU and got paid a lot for the events and things that he's done. Then you vaguely alluded to the idea that I should assume he has 'other intentions', which you still haven't described.
>Stop using words you clearly don't understand.
You called the people who follow him idiots, you called me a retard who "simply doesn't understand human interaction" for not seeing whatever it is that you see, you vaguely implied that he "used" the political climate in some nefariously manipulative manner and never went on to justify it.....

>> No.14687861

>You called the people who follow him idiots, you called me a retard who "simply doesn't understand human interaction" for not seeing whatever it is that you see, you vaguely implied that he "used" the political climate in some nefariously manipulative manner and never went on to justify it.....
Insults are not necessarily ad hominem, you fucking troglodyte. Seriously, where are you studying?

Ultimately Peterson is intellectually dishonest because portrays himself as an intellectual while everything he says and does is tailored to appease his politically motivated donord, all while pretending he just wants to help people. That's certainly worthy of disdain to me. You're beyond stupid if you can't get where I'm coming from with this.

>> No.14687867

Oh I'm sorry, if that wasn't your argument can you point out the one you made?

>> No.14687895

The fuck are you trying to say here?

>> No.14687916

>Ultimately Peterson is intellectually dishonest because portrays himself as an intellectual while everything he says and does is tailored to appease his politically motivated donord, all while pretending he just wants to help people. That's certainly worthy of disdain to me. You're beyond stupid if you can't get where I'm coming from with this.
Peterson does not in any way make it unclear that his self-help is influenced by his politics and vice versa. He's not pretending to do anything, unless you're saying he actually derives no gratitude whatsoever towards helping people and that he's merely on a political crusade. If that's where you're coming from I really don't know what to tell you.
>The fuck are you trying to say here?
>Insults are not necessarily ad hominem
Insults are ad hominem when they are used as an argument. I assumed those insults were your argument. If they were not, you'll have to point out the one you made bc I don't see it.

>> No.14687925

The Jewish big pharma shills in North America wouldn't let him kill himself by quitting cold turkey, so he went to Russia to receive alternative treatment.

>> No.14687951

>He's not pretending to do anything
Yeah, that's why he hides his non-theism to avoid losing donor money from his conservative Christian fanbase, because his intellectual honesty is exemplary.

>Insults are ad hominem when they are used as an argument. I assumed those insults were your argument.
Good God you're fucking retarded. Do you remember why we are having this discussion here? There was never a thesis here, all this reply chain was about is me telling you why I dislike the guy, that's it. This was never about me convincing you of anything (I know a cultist freak like you is beyond convincing), but explaining the rationale behind my sentiment.

Again, what the fuck are you trying to do here? Convince me the guy is actually great and that I should join his cult?

>> No.14687992

>Yeah, that's why he hides his non-theism to avoid losing donor money from his conservative Christian fanbase, because his intellectual honesty is exemplary.
based retard
>Again, what the fuck are you trying to do here? Convince me the guy is actually great and that I should join his cult?
No, actually, as I've said before, I'm pointing out that your gratitude towards his suffering is fucked up which it is whether or not your opinion of him is correct. The whole point of dissecting your opinion of him was to justify your "perceived fairness" of the matter because unless you're able to do so, the article you cited does not support your position.

>> No.14688013

>You're pilates ordering Jesus to the cross
More like Bikram yoga.

>> No.14688026

>based retard
Literal cope.
>No, actually, as I've said before, I'm pointing out that your gratitude towards his suffering is fucked up which it is whether or not your opinion of him is correct.
“Fucked up” is just your own subjective response that I don’t give a fuck about. There’s literally nothing to indicate my harmless joy from seeing this worthless pseud is any sign of mental illness or crippling insecurity as you’re trying so hard to believe.
>The whole point of dissecting your opinion of him was to justify your "perceived fairness" of the matter because unless you're able to do so, the article you cited does not support your position.
You’re clearly too stupid to understand the paper I cited. Fairness is not an objective quality, it’s not an actual property of the universe. Perceived fairness simply means “some guy got fucked after doing something I disapprove of”. That’s it, I don’t need to formally prove what’s happening to him is “fair” according to some moral axiom.

>> No.14688085

>“Fucked up” is just your own subjective response that I don’t give a fuck about.
I could say pathological instead, regardless, you set the parameters with the article you cited. If your gratification towards his suffering is actually motivated by an appreciation for fairness, you either have a fucked up sense of fairness or you've pathologized your understanding of the matter so that it seems fair to you.
>harmless joy
Yeah okay
>There’s literally nothing to indicate my harmless joy from seeing this worthless pseud is any sign of mental illness or crippling insecurity as you’re trying so hard to believe.
Look, maybe you're just really fucking stupid, I'm not sure. Resentment was only my initial guess.
>Perceived fairness simply means “some guy got fucked after doing something I disapprove of”.
Exactly, now what I was trying to understand was how your perceptions were able to recognize that as fair, and resentment stood out as the most likely possibility.
>That’s it, I don’t need to formally prove what’s happening to him is “fair” according to some moral axiom.
Well you do unless you have no problem allowing your biases to take control of the way in which you perceive the world.

>> No.14688128

“Perceived fairness” is just ONE driver of schadenfreude, you fucking retard. Simply disliking someone can be enough, welcome to human behavior 101. You took one sentence from a paper and interpreted in a way that, unless I prove to you that what’s happening to him is perfectly proportional to his misdeeds, then I’m mentally ill or some shit. Absolutely retarded.

The fact that this guy has done a lot of damage to the role of the public intellectual in the contemporary era, by being dishonest and ill informed about the subjects he confidently speaks about, makes me glad his life is falling apart. I have no regrets, no guilt, and ask no apologies for that. If you have a problem with that get your ass back to rëddit so you can downvote posts that hurts your moralistic sensibilities.

>> No.14688133

>Well you do unless you have no problem allowing your biases to take control of the way in which you perceive the world.
Peak autism. No one’s moral preferences can be distilled into a formal system.

>> No.14688169


>> No.14688177

>The fact that this guy has done a lot of damage to the role of the public intellectual in the contemporary era
There was no public intellectual of the contemporary era at the time before people started listening to him.
>by being dishonest and ill informed about the subjects he confidently speaks about
Okay give an example

>> No.14688184

>There was no public intellectual of the contemporary era at the time before people started listening to him.
Imagine being this stupid holy shit. Your head got fucked by that cult of his.

>> No.14688187

Thank god we had Elon Musk and Sam Harris. Bill Nye, too.

>> No.14688194

What was the point of this post?

>> No.14688205

Who were the leading public intellectuals prior to Jordan Peterson?

>> No.14688230

Individuals like Noam Chomsky, John Searle, Slavoj Žižek, Stephen Hawking, among many others. Individuals that I respect infinitely more than some benzo addict therapist.

>> No.14688272

>Noam Chomsky
>John Searle
Hasn't been relevant in decades
>Slavoj Žižek
Hardly anybody can tolerate listening to him for 10 seconds
>Stephen Hawking
As far as the public is concerned he's Mr. Crippled Robo Black Hole man.
These people never really mattered to the public. Maybe Chomsky did in his day but that was a different time.

>> No.14688285

addiction is not a moral failing or a character flaw, especially when it comes from a legitimate prescription

>> No.14688289

If you consider the public to be underage losers on the YouTube comment section, you may have a point, but these people have no place dictating the direction of intellectual discourse.

In any case, as I predicted a couple of years ago, Peterson’s fame is proving to be short-lived, he will be completely irrelevant a decade from now.

>> No.14688322

Long form intellectual discussion has had no public demand before Peterson caught on. The people you listed were respected by the public as intellectuals, but they weren't "public intellectuals". They'd air on TV but that wasn't anything greater than educational youtube content as far as publicity and intellect.

>> No.14688341

>implying Zizek isn't a MASSIVE cocaine addict

>> No.14688353

>Long form intellectual discussion has had no public demand before Peterson caught on.
What a retarded thing to say. Are you suggesting thinkers like Gregory Mankiw weren’t public intellectuals because they didn’t have YouTube videos with a gazillion views? I don’t think you understand what a public intellectual is.

By the way, nice to see you shed any pretense of not being a fanboy and are now going fully into worshiping the guy mode.

>> No.14688360

unironically less pathetic than benzo addiction, stims shorten your life but benzo addiction completely ruins your capacity for thought

>> No.14688377


This is a really pathetic gripe, either his advice is good or not, what hes going through is irrelevant. It's like saying all practising Buddhists are hypocrites because they haven't yet reached enlightenment themselves

>> No.14688482

Not really I'm just trying to leave the thread now so I'm posting less seriously

>> No.14688500

You're just posting with the same stupidity and cultish behavior you have through the entire thread.

Imagine claiming Peterson is the first public intellectual of the contemporary era lmao

>> No.14688501

If nobody knows you, you're not a public intellectual

>> No.14688507

>Someone under the payroll of Dennis Prager
Is jbp on the Prager payroll?

>> No.14688509

you two are still going at it kek, i keep refreshing \ page 1 and when i scroll down theres always a new set of insults

>> No.14688525

>because he advocates against identity politics
He does not advocate against Jewish identity politics.

>> No.14688555

>stim addiction does not completely ruin your capacity for thought
Have you known any long term users? This has not been my experience with these people.

>> No.14688609
File: 13 KB, 386x400, kurtz_profile1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14688664

So instead of writing your book, you decided to come here and mine for (you)s, well here you go, feast you monster

>> No.14688713
File: 17 KB, 220x332, JBP Take Your Pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not true that the place of which I speak is not reddit/books.
After removing the dross, I am left with the above text. It looks like you confused yourself with your drivel. Keeping track of the truth is much easier than trying to obfuscate.

>> No.14688863


>> No.14689078

Whatever you guys think about Jordan Peterson, first please watch the video posted by his daughter. And if you don’t know how to spell clonazepam then shut the fuck up and keep your jokes to yourself. This is not funny. Go read the Moral Landscape if you need a reminder about compassion.

>> No.14689101
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 15701478905407526249183753593302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not funny.
It is to me. Fuck Jordan Peterson, fuck his wife and fuck his daughter.

>> No.14689466

i had shitloads of ideas for dialogues that i wanted to record in peterson's voice but faggots had to popularize it enough that he took it down

>> No.14689489

>Long form intellectual discussion has had no public demand before Peterson caught on.
Oh shit, get a load of this moron.

>> No.14689493


>> No.14689497

Men of Ideas was a 1978 BBC television series presented by Bryan Magee. Episodes:

Isaiah Berlin on "Introduction to Philosophy"
Charles Taylor on "Karl Marx"
Herbert Marcuse on "Frankfurt School"
William Barrett on "Martin Heidegger"
Anthony Quinton on "Wittgenstein"
A. J. Ayer on "Logical Positivism"
Bernard Williams on “Linguistic Philosophy”
R. M. Hare on "Moral Philosophy"
Willard Van Orman Quine on "Quine"
John Searle on "Philosophy of Language"
Noam Chomsky on "Chomsky"
Hilary Putnam on "Philosophy of Science"
Ronald Dworkin on "Political Philosophy"
Iris Murdoch on "Philosophy and Literature"
Ernest Gellner on "Philosophy: The Social Context"


>> No.14689573
File: 54 KB, 900x886, Until JBP is gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget where you were?

>> No.14689769

Got em

>> No.14689856

You are, however, a frog poster.

>> No.14690255

This is why you fucking retards never evolve - you only fucking see shit in black or white. Is some of the shit says JP completly retarded - yes he often rambles and talks out of his arse, which is him at his worst.

Does he also have some really good advice? Fucking yes, and you cannot deny that. Hes helped a lot of people getting their shit together.

And so what if hes depressed and addicted. Hes become a global phenomenon, and with that comes a ton of pressure. Falling into the spiral that he has is not that uncommon. But it is also why hes so qualified to give some of the advice that he does - he knows what it is like to be depressed and to have your life fall in shambles, not feeling anything matters cause everything is grey.

Should he (especially now) practice what he has been preaching? Yup, definetly.

The man is a mixed bag, but overall his message is a positive one, and you should take the advice that makes sense. His cult following is retarded though ill give you that. Hes not some messiah, just an old man whos human.

>> No.14690442

he's more potato now than human

>> No.14690448

the doctor told him to get some fresh air in the country, he also likes to hunt there with his dog and talk with the peasants

>> No.14691042
