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14681744 No.14681744 [Reply] [Original]

If you can't see the red star and are unable to see an outline you have aphantasia. What are your favorite books?

>> No.14681758

I saw a big red ball of fire

>> No.14681776

I see the word "STAR" written in all capitals, and a bunch of green plains and flowers. My favourite books are Norwegian Wood and Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.

>> No.14681789


I've been seeing articles on this BS in my personal google feed for a couple days.

Why is there a dichotomy between subvocalizing thoughts and abstract / visual representations of thoughts (an "associative web")?

If you cannot do both you must be brain damaged

>> No.14681828

i dont see shit and it’s bothering me
i need to very intently construct the scene and its all shaky at best
however, i can pretty much playback a song once ive heard it enough times at will in my head, forever

>> No.14681848

Well one sure sign of it is rarely or never reading fiction and absence of PTSD. I got held up at gunpoint and just tried to hook up with a girl later that night no lasting mental injury to me.
Sounds like you have it. What books you like?

>> No.14682073


Get an MRI, you guys might lack a functional frontal lobe

>> No.14682128

can't see shit with my eyes closed
however with my eyes open something around 4 comes up
what does that make me

>> No.14682140

>Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
not a book but based
were you the one that wrote that essay the other day about umineko?

>> No.14682154

I only see pussy when I close my eyes,
Help, anons

>> No.14682169

c-can i see?

>> No.14682184

isn't it crazy how you can see things with your brain

>> No.14682209
File: 168 KB, 1080x1350, FB_IMG_1581064575382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I have an intense mind's eye. When I read a story, it plays out like a movie in my head. Even total nonfiction like Mere Christianity (for example) does not lack colour and associations. I dream intensely. Specific times in my life have associative, abstract feelings in my memory.

>> No.14682895
File: 73 KB, 283x333, 7th Pentacle of the Sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fucking BASED. I saw a photorealistic red-orange star, and then a version of this in Umineko Red (#6 but more vivid.) As far as fiction books go, I would say LotR and Umineko are my top.

>> No.14682940

Aphantasic here. I exclusively read philosophy books, but I'm not sure it has anything to do with aphantasia. As a child I loved reading adventure novels, and qlthough I could not visualize them on the spot, I still was able to draw what I had imagined

>> No.14683197

Gayest post I’ve ever read. If you can imagine those things with clarity, you can certainly conjure a red fucking star in your minds eye. Talk about terminally unique. Get over yourself faggot

>> No.14683201

I’m actually going to make another post about this because it’s so absurd that you need to try this hard to impress anonymous people on the internet.
>I’m just like so literary and well read that I just have to imagine WORDS it’s like all I do is read books that make me feel artsy lol xD and imagine nature wow
Just die

>> No.14683256

Do people without this condition not suffer much when they go blind because they can rely on their imagination ?

>> No.14683267


I see where you’re coming from, but holy fuck do you ever need a suppository. Umineko is terminally BASED, although it does attract some pseudo intellectual freaks. What does that make you, then? Terminally “angry gay noises”? Terminally in need of validation via dickwagging on the Internet? Can I recommend you take some time off from this board?

>> No.14683363
File: 278 KB, 1364x1364, aphantasia gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14683383

Aphantasics can imagine, they just can't visualize. If I think about my house I know exactly how it is and I can imagine myself moving in it, step by step (to the point where I could draw each one of those steps on a piece of paper), I just can't see it.

>> No.14683387

This meme was made by the aphantasia gang. Didn't you see?

>> No.14683393

>I saw a big red ball of fire

>> No.14683441

It was made by people pretending to be part of the aphantasia gang

>> No.14683480

My minds eye usually only use memories.

>> No.14683504

No, actually, it was made by someone with aphantasia. I got it from a subreddit for aphantasia sufferers. They're just following the standard meme format of "imagine being [x]" to make a joke.
I know that properly the yellow man's thought bubble should contain "round, green, has a stalk, stalk has a green leaf", but that makes for a less impactful and less funny image.

>> No.14683509

How the fuck are you niggers doing this. By the time I read the text I've already seen the star in number 6 so that I'm basically just remembering how the star looked like when I try to imagine a red star.

>> No.14683514

>I know that properly the yellow man's thought bubble should contain "round, green, has a stalk, stalk has a green leaf"
No, it would have to contain an ineffable intuition of an apple, aphantasics don't have to verbalize everything. Sorry at this point I'm just being pedantic. My bad

>> No.14683536

hold on I'll get right back to ya, lemme just start drawing an ineffable intuition of an apple

>> No.14683545

Fucking finally

>> No.14683895

It's weird. I think I can get color for a second but I can't hold it. I definitely don't have any fixed outline. The longer I think about it the less I can seem to conjure. I feel like I have pretty good visual imagination when reading and writing though.

My favorite book is Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14684444

I don't know what you are talking about but I can vividly imagine almost anything I want to. A star is ezpz. I can imagine a dinner with a cute girl with my eyes open.

>> No.14684544

I don't only imagine the star, I also imagine it as an object that I can manipulate with... I dunno, my mind's hands? I am a very vivid dreamer as well if that helps...

Currently reading Nietzsche. For fiction, I read 40k content

>> No.14684756

so many hylics on this site nowadays

>> No.14684768

>LotR and Umineko are my top
and just like that youve turned me off from umineko

>> No.14685093

I can just about pull together a greenish pentagon that morphs into panels 3/4.
Does no one else actually see 'behind' their eyes? What your asking for is like a projection on my eyelids which isn't where i see things when i think.

>> No.14685112

I don't literally see it, but I see the concept. I can see the concept of the Earth and mentally manipulate it to move around various regions and identify countries, but it's not like my eyes themselves are active.

>> No.14685143

I can hardly imagine anything. This actually bothers me because I'm unable to imagine intimate scenes, I can't even invoke a static image of a woman before my mind's eye. I read both fiction and nonfiction and inclined towards philosophical texts; I have hard times reading through prose that describes some picturesque landscape or goes into details of decoration, etc. I am good at Geometry though.

>> No.14685397

I basically know it's there, like a presence, but colours or any details are beyond me. I can "imagine" a dancing duck with a hat and a monocle but if I try to "see" it, I fail. It's there dancing, but to me it's just abstract.

>> No.14685442

This is quite possibly one of the stupidest and least clear “tests” I’ve ever seen. There’s literally dozens of people that think you’re actually supposed to somehow trick your photoreceptors into believing they’re seeing photons in the exact shape of the red star in your image, but that’s just fucking stupid, and if you can’t just imagine a red star you probably have brain damage or a rare disorder.

>> No.14685449

I think most people have memories or imagined ideas in this way, not as a clear visual image made of photons, but as a conceptual idea of your expectations of what something might be.

>> No.14685495

It was exactly the same for me. Otherwise I think I would have seen a red dwarf or red giant star as well.

>> No.14685647

I don't believe for one second that normal people can conjure well defined shapes (as pictured in 4 and over) with imagination alone.

If you're not just trolling and actually believe what you say, then you are either 1) an exceptional human being, or 2) knee deep in self-deception and self-aggrandisement.

The "mind's eye" is figurative, not literal. You are not seeing a shape as though it were projected onto a screen inside your head. You are self-assured in the absence of honest reflection. You have convinced yourselves that the vague abstractions and incongruous impressions are really a single whole which you see clearly. It is a literal conceit.

You can fuck off.

>> No.14685660

I can actually hallucinate stuff if I look up towards my forehead. Like vividly coloured closed eye hallucinations. I can't control it though and it's mostly abstract shapes morphing into disturbing faces

>> No.14685685

My wish is to be as self-confident in the face of uncertainty as you are.
I can very much imagine 6. No, it's not like looking at something with your eyes. It's a very different experience. A very different experience which involves imagining a clearly defined red star like in 6.

>> No.14685715

How exactly are you supposed to imagine the star? If I stare at the back of my eyelids and try vividly see a star there than it doesn't really come to fruition but if I "recede back" into an emptier space of imagination it's very easy to see a red star among other things. Everyone daydreams at some point so I'm sure it's not really anything special?

>> No.14685718

cope. there are literally artists who draw from imagination based on vivid imagery they have developed in their minds, you can train yourself to do this (assuming you're not some weird NPC with aphantasia apparently)

>> No.14685759


>The "mind's eye" is figurative, not literal. You are not seeing a shape as though it were projected onto a screen inside your head. You are self-assured in the absence of honest reflection. You have convinced yourselves that the vague abstractions and incongruous impressions are really a single whole which you see clearly. It is a literal conceit.

You should be able to project, or conjure up, semi well-defined images in your mind, as well as possessing audible thoughts (like when you subvocalize, do some people just not ever subvocalize when reading???? How could you appreciate prose)

I think there are inconsistent interepretations of the issue. When non-autistic people think visually, they generally think in terms of loose abstractions that represent concepts and ideas. Abstract forms like a "red star" are easier to vividly image, while more complicated things are "seen" as nonspecific abstractions, like a combination of a shape, and color, or rapid videos / clips might play out in your mind pertaining to an object (like thinking about a "church" you might imagine yourself attending mass and sitting with your family and the emotions and sensations, but everything is abstract and ill-defined like a dream).

Do some people simply not think this way? Like, can you really not think in terms of images and imaginary events (like your mind is projecting a movie)?

>> No.14686099

People ITT are closing their eyes, seeing black, and expecting a red star to come in to focus as they continue to imagine each feature. Or worse, they expect full clarity as you describe it, and are disappointed because they naturally see nothing, owing, of course, to having closed their eyes...

The question is: which of those images represents your reckoning of the star. So we have a two-dimensional visual reference. By saying 'clearly defined red start like 6', I'd assume a solid red two-dimensional, symmetrical, 5-pointed star with each point equidistant from the centre and planted statically in a sea of black, as pictured.

>No, it's not like looking at something with your eyes
>A very different experience
That's my point. The imagining is nothing like the visual reference, a very different experience. More introspectively candid and discerning people declare that they *see* nothing (as in 1). What they actually *see* is not visualisation but ideation; it is abstractive and experiential, as many others posters have detailed. I believe that claiming perfect clarity of the form as pictured not only gives a false sense of the actual imagery, but is also lazy.

>> No.14686110

Yes, I've seen them, but I don't think it's comparable.

>> No.14686235

>wrote that essay the other day about umineko?

>> No.14686252

>the mind's eye is figurative, not literal
Correct, imagination is not hallucination. I think you're overthinking this. Conjuring an image in your mind is the same sort of thing as remembering something you've seen. You "see" it but don't literally see it like you would in a dream or hallucination.

>> No.14686262
File: 50 KB, 593x593, 1575924726926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagined the sun going red giant and consuming the earth. i will never see this event with my own eyes, god there are so many things i will never see. why is this the way things are? why must there be an end? i dont want to die

>> No.14686331

I see the red star, but I don't see it as I would see it when I look at it.
I can perfectly imagine what the red star looks like but I'm not actually seeing it since my eyes are closed.
I can imagine a hot girl and jerk off to that but I'm not seeing her, I'm just consciously perceiving her. It's not an image, it's a thought given some kind of visual substance. Does this make sense?

>> No.14686365

Can only draw up a fuzzy black void. I've never enjoyed sensually descriptive passages in literature and sometimes just skim them. Words, prose, and themes are what I read for and I like Faulkner, Delillo and Melville.

>> No.14686366

You simply need to accept that the universe does not conform to your personal experience, and you aren't the best at everything. You might just have a weak or uncontrollable imagination. There is a solid red five-pointed star hanging in my mind's eye, anon. I can make it do many things, like spin clockwise or anti-clockwise. It's dabbing on you now, anon, with two of its points. It's default dancing on the corpse of your post.

>> No.14686380

>the parts of the brain responsible for visual processing can only be activated by the eyes
not all that compelling of a theory

>> No.14686948

how can you think of a red star and end up with a pink star?

>> No.14686995

Are there actually people that cant create a mental image of things in their head? That just doesn't make sense to me how else can someones head even work (if that makes sense)? Favorite book (novella to be more specific) is "The Shadow over Innsmouth" by H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.14687306
File: 36 KB, 522x496, 71Ujpc8UD9L._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picture 7.

>> No.14687556

Aphantasia isn't real, your mind is just weak. I'm not even being edgy. The mind is a muscle, use it or lose it.

>> No.14687687

>The "mind's eye" is figurative, not literal. You are not seeing a shape as though it were projected onto a screen inside your head. You are self-assured in the absence of honest reflection. You have convinced yourselves that the vague abstractions and incongruous impressions are really a single whole which you see clearly. It is a literal conceit.
I think you're correct, since I find it impossible for humans to be able to close their eye and see that red star they imagined as literally being projected (like it would look when they look at the red star with the eyes opened). Then again, I find it hard to believe so many people would be retarded and convince themselves that they can literally see something in their mind's eye so clearly that it's like they are looking at it with their eyes open.

>> No.14687757
File: 319 KB, 1079x1462, 1581205277840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw threads with pic related being created on several boards but they got 404'd pretty quickly.
I'm reading the tweets, reading the reddit thread linked in the tweets, looking up aphantasia and I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm feeling on the verge of a panic attack. This is the most life-changing thing I've ever read.
I thought that npc meme about people not having an internal monologue was just some pol/r9k bullshit. Now I'm gonna need to test my girlfriend.
