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14677345 No.14677345 [Reply] [Original]

Is Julius Evola good?

>> No.14677358
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the primate who shall not be named did it better

>> No.14677359
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yes. start with meditations on the peaks; he clarifies his positions well in it, so that you wont have misconceptions about his work (which is a fairly common problem for readers that start with other works.)

>> No.14677363

guenon was fucking atrocious at writing. it's barely readable.

evola's work is also more in tune to what we are currently experiencing, as it is from the point of view of the warrior caste.

>> No.14677367


>> No.14677370
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>he named the name that shall not be named

>> No.14677385

This picture is incredibly gay and basic but sure I'll start with meditations on the peaks. Do I have to read the holy grail book as well, to start off like the chart says if I already have read Eschenbach and am aware of some the esoterica related to it? Or can I just skip to Metaphysics of War?

>> No.14677392

the chart is an awful meme. i suggest this order (some books are by different authors):

>metaphysics of war
>the antichrist - nietzsche
>sun and steel - mishima
>intro chapters (first four or so) of lightning and sun - devi (it dispels the criticism guenonfags have of evola)
>revolt against the modern world

from there you can read whatever you want.

>> No.14677398

Evola is expression of aristocratic will, guenon is intellectual understanding of more whole.

>> No.14677400
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>> No.14677411

this is why there are so many misconceptions about his work

>> No.14677416

Should I read the monkey beforehand?

>> No.14677420

you dont need to, but if you want, maybe introduction to the study of hindu doctrines

>> No.14677430

>Is Julius Evola good?
He's better than other fascists you could read, but that's sort of a low bar.

>> No.14677431

What if I want to wait to read Nietzsche until after Kant, so maybe in a year or two?

I'll read Twilight of the Idols sometime this year if that can suffice the Antichrist. And I'm definitely not forking out 300 bucks for that Mishima pamphlet, anytime soon anyway. I've read a few of Mishima's books and I'll read a few more but I think that can wait for a little while.

lol, I'm not saying she doesn't have value, I've read some excerpts, but this is a fucking joke. Do you honestly think Devi or Serrano would have the slightest inch of popularity if they weren't Hitlerists and helped "the cause"? Even Neo-Nazis thought Serrano was a little too crazy.

>>revolt against the modern world
Shouldn't I read the Hermetic Tradition, and Introduction to Magic before that? As someone who has read a lot of esoteric works and had, I say aware of the cringe this will sound, "spiritual experiences".

Sounds based.

Evola just seems interesting because of the "Revolt against the modern world" thing, and the whole conception of this primordial tradition. The magic stuff might also be interesting. Though his absolute individual seems like its bordering on something of a moral edge for myself.

>> No.14677434

so what is a good writer in your opinion?

>> No.14677435

atleast read his work on initiation

>> No.14677437

But he's not a Fascist...

>> No.14677455
File: 10 KB, 271x288, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll read Twilight of the Idols sometime this year if that can suffice the Antichrist.
yeah, that is probably better tbqh. the formula/chain i have is just to streamline the experience.

>And I'm definitely not forking out 300 bucks for that Mishima pamphlet
why would you pay for it? just get a pdf. there is even an audio recording of it on bitchute, if im not mistaken.

>Devi or Serrano
devi has worth. serrano was a complete retard. stop conflating the two of them.

just read the first few chapters; its actually good and you can dispel shit tier guenonfag criticisms.

>Shouldn't I read the Hermetic Tradition, and Introduction to Magic before that?
if you want. as i said previously, the chain i created is to streamline evola.

>spiritual experiences
based. care to go into detail?

>> No.14677456


>> No.14677460
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Just ride the tiger dude!

>> No.14677509

>yeah, that is probably better tbqh. the formula/chain i have is just to streamline the experience.

>why would you pay for it? just get a pdf. there is even an audio recording of it on bitchute, if im not mistaken.
I'm paying.

>just read the first few chapters; its actually good and you can dispel shit tier guenonfag criticisms.
Anon, it's Devi we're talking about here. I know she has value, I've read some of her myself, but come on. How is this essential for Evola?

Besides, she isn't "that" good. I liked her when I was like 12.

>if you want. as i said previously, the chain i created is to streamline evola.
So how many demons have you fought in the past year?

>based. care to go into detail?
Not really, unironically for example I got attacked by a demon while awake. Not sure to what extent it is all merely a Jungian psychological creation but it's definitely something all of value. Insanity and fantasy relate very well. It's mostly been visions, emanations, Kundalini energy, psychosis, and the occasional genuine spiritual being. Still, no proof of it being external to myself but it's authentic.

What I mean is, quite a share of various dogmas and transcendations, the Jungian-mythico inspiration was a very enjoyable experience for example.

>> No.14677512

yes, cause he's a, SUPERFASCIST!!!

Know the difference dude.

>> No.14677515
File: 46 KB, 478x640, Psychosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14677528

>Not really, unironically for example I got attacked by a demon while awake. Not sure to what extent it is all merely a Jungian psychological creation but it's definitely something all of value. Insanity and fantasy relate very well. It's mostly been visions, emanations, Kundalini energy, psychosis, and the occasional genuine spiritual being. Still, no proof of it being external to myself but it's authentic.
>What I mean is, quite a share of various dogmas and transcendations, the Jungian-mythico inspiration was a very enjoyable experience for example.
It always sounds cringe when stated, especially when spoken in secular language.

Forgive this cringe anon>>14677455 these gay names can never do the various transmutational and possessive wonder the description it deserves. I think a problem would be the highly subjective relation of the experience, yet all who have this experience seem to know the same thing.

>> No.14677531

All right.

>> No.14677539

>I'm paying.

>Jungian psychological creation
they aren't created. they are eternal and merely change in form, but not in content.

>So how many demons have you fought in the past year?
hard to answer, but many. i have only had one clearly manifest itself (audibly) back in late 2018, soon after i initiated into the qliphoth.

i have had numerous experiences with qliphothic deities; one manifested physically, but not visibly.

jung's essay on wotan is great to better understand this; although, jung has really crap solutions to everything. you will enjoy evola a lot.

>It always sounds cringe when stated
thats the issue with language. you cannot really describe these experiences without the audience having experienced it themselves.

>> No.14677554

>they aren't created. they are eternal and merely change in form, but not in content.
Sure, but that can't be proven in a temporal sense.

>jung's essay on wotan is great to better understand this; although, jung has really crap solutions to everything. you will enjoy evola a lot.
Well I mean, he is only a philosopher/psychologist. That does involve some level of impartiality. An observer.

>i have had numerous experiences with qliphothic deities; one manifested physically, but not visibly.
Yeah, it seems they you don't usually see, mostly just physical. Could you tell me the 10 minutes that led up to the fight if you will, one of mine and the most recent was after waking, both cold and hot by the fan(it was 9pm yeah yeah I know) - so there is a physiological relation - and suddenly the thought of Satan entered my mind, and it pounced on me, strangling to pull him off I was joking, I called to a higher power and managed to roll him off and breath again. After that he disappeared.

>thats the issue with language. you cannot really describe these experiences without the audience having experienced it themselves.

>> No.14677574

>Could you tell me the 10 minutes that led up to the fight
i unfortunately cannot really remember what was going through my mind at the time, just that i was in bed, trying to clear it and center myself. very soon after doing this, i heard a ticking from the corner of my room. it sounded like a clock, which i what i thought it was at first. after realizing that my clock doesnt work, the sound started slowly drifting toward me, from on the ceiling. once it reached above my head, i chanted the name of ashema deva. it stopped and i felt its presence leave the first time i said his name, but i kept chanting it out of fear.

after a short time, i felt pressure on the side of my bed, as if someone sat down upon it. i believe that was ashema deva watching over me.

>> No.14677577

>sleep paralysis

>> No.14677579

>sleep paralysis
i was fully awake and was trying to go to sleep

>> No.14677581

>was trying to go to sleep
This is exactly when it mostly happens to me.

>> No.14677585

>This is exactly when it mostly happens to me.
when what does? sleep paralysis? sleep paralysis only occurs after you wake up, but your body isn't fully "woken up."

>> No.14677588

>after realizing that my clock doesnt work
Oh boy.

>after a short time, i felt pressure on the side of my bed, as if someone sat down upon it. i believe that was ashema deva watching over me.
Have you ever physically restled with one? Did you feel it as a conscious presence? The one in which I described was much more akin to an evil wizard, a conscious being perhaps doing some incantation in my city.

Of course this is just my immediate assumptions which present certain psychological facts, I am by no means saying it was truly a transcendental being.

>This is exactly when it mostly happens to me.
I am the other anon.

I had gotten up and scratched my nose, was just resting you know. About to get up, then BAMM! Description took place.

>> No.14677592

As I said, it has happened a few times to me. The transition from awakeness to sleep to the paralysis happens very seamlessly, so it appears to you that you were awake.

>> No.14677598

Describe your experience.

>> No.14677606

>Oh boy.
indeed. i wonder if the ticking had some kind of symbolism to it though.

>Have you ever physically restled with one?
fortunately no

>Did you feel it as a conscious presence?
yes, and it was malevolent. im not sure what exactly it was though.

>I am by no means saying it was truly a transcendental being.
in the wotan essay, jung basically describes them as conscious beings that operate through the unconscious of people. so in other words, they live within everyone.

>scratched my nose
the fact that you were able to move rules out sleep paralysis.

>The transition from awakeness to sleep to the paralysis happens very seamlessly, so it appears to you that you were awake.
lol, fuck off dude. i was 100% awake. i was scared as shit, had the covers pulled over my shit, and was breathing super heavily. ive experienced sleep paralysis a number of times, and this definitely wasnt sleep paralysis.

>> No.14677607

No, sleep paralysid can happen both while you're going to sleep and while you're waking up, it can also happen in the middle of the night if you wake up for a few seconds

>> No.14677611
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Have you fellows ever heard of the term, "Karmic illusions"? That is, the Chonyid state.

>> No.14677620
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>guenon was fucking atrocious at writing. it's barely readable
Huh? He's probably the clearest writer I've ever read...

>> No.14677624

I am lying on my bed vaguely thinking and trying to go to sleep. Suddenly, I sense something is coming, or has already come. I try to move, but I can't. My limbs are not in my control. I try to scream, but it doesn't work. It's as if I have no mouth. Completely powerless, for a few minutes or seconds that go by like minutes, I submit myself to the "thing". Then slowly I feel the "thing" going away and myself regaining control.

>> No.14677629

>in the wotan essay, jung basically describes them as conscious beings that operate through the unconscious of people. so in other words, they live within everyone.
Yes, but wasn't still something technically "individual" in that it was conscious in many individuals? So it wasn't exactly conscious on a collective scale, except for a figure like Hitler.

>the fact that you were able to move rules out sleep paralysis.
hmm, but is it possible that it occurred after movement? There are such an array of psychological, physiological and spiritual possibility's that we cannot limit ourselves to the such small definitions. Who knows how many untold variations there are of sleep paralyses in qualia.

>> No.14677631


true, but it is extremely dry

>> No.14677638

Mine was completely different. I could move but it had jumped on top of me, wrestling I was unbending its rest from my throat, it was a real fight. Nothing like a scary book or unmoving. It was a defined ordeal.

Could it still be paralysis? I also felt very little fear, knowing that I would "kick its ass".

>> No.14677644

>guenon was fucking atrocious at writing.
go back to fiction

>> No.14677646

>Yes, but wasn't still something technically "individual" in that it was conscious in many individuals? So it wasn't exactly conscious on a collective scale, except for a figure like Hitler.
hitler was the primary avatar of the experience; although, every german was partial an avatar also, as they were participants in the experience.

>My limbs are not in my control.
>I try to scream, but it doesn't work.
>Completely powerless
yeah, that's clearly sleep paralysis.

>> No.14677647

I've read that the delusion part is different for everyone. A friend of mine described it as some creatures coming to his room from the windows, beating the shit out of him, then going away. Some people describe it as something sitting on them.

>> No.14677662

>hitler was the primary avatar of the experience; although, every german was partial an avatar also, as they were participants in the experience.
The real question is, was there an introverted active relation(transcendental) or did this "possession" happen by an extroverted encounter, and it inspired something racially native to the German people to "return" so to speak.

>I've read that the delusion part is different for everyone.
I've never heard of a sleep paralysis case such as mine, every case seems like something of an uncontrollable thing, rather than as I said, an active engagement.

>Some people describe it as something sitting on them.
Ahh yes, the old Mare. I enjoyed reading about them as a kid. I think there is a male and female version, depending on the person.

>> No.14677666

>The real question is, was there an introverted active relation(transcendental) or did this "possession" happen by an extroverted encounter, and it inspired something racially native to the German people to "return" so to speak.
according to jung, it seems to have been internal; although, nietzsche's encounter, as described in the essay, may imply otherwise.

>> No.14677668

And that encounter would be Hitler, born in the right context. A harbinger of the soul. But that stops it from being a "conscious" thing in itself really.

I gather Jung looked at it as a "just so story", something he likes to say often. Unknowing if there belonged to it a transcendental or immaterial factor.

>> No.14677728

He’s unironically one of my favorite authors. He’s also extremely misunderstood by many who read (or maybe don’t actually read) him.

>> No.14677744

What do you like about him?

>> No.14677785
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"and brother and brother take brutal to hand in mouth and rejoice in unsuspected forgiveness."