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14676624 No.14676624 [Reply] [Original]

The crux of left wing thought is that workers can withhold their labor to gain concessions ... but how does that work when most peoples jobs are useless trash (barista, walmart greeter, youtuber), and endless insect people can flood in and work for pennies?

>> No.14676627
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ummmm sweaty... read a book

>> No.14676630

most people at walmart do not work as greeters but have jobs which sustain walmart. This is true for all spheres of society.

>> No.14676633

They're still fungible

>> No.14676677

insults will get you nowhere

>> No.14676716

No, they arent. You look at it as if life was a video game, where you just switch pops in and out. There are very complex pro-employee legal frameworks which give employees some real foothold in negotiations if a strike is managed to be organized. You cant just summon the unemployed reserve army to fill gaps. Also our migrational network for jobs are still very unsophisticated aside from the elites.

But, if development continues in a stable manner of course migration will lead to a much tighter wage pressure, as if for example the case in germany, where the schengenraum allows companies to maintain wages at the same level despite of continous economic growth and inflation, due to eastern-european migration.

The fact that such processes tend to trigger anti-immigrant tendencies within the populace helps the right more than it does the left. I dont think that those with anti-immigrant tendencies are wrong here, i do believe though that the transformation of the global job market is inevitable as any country refusing to participate will simply be economically outperformed into ruin. This means that righist anti-modernist visions hold no valid solution to the problem of this economical development, as they refrain from changing economical parameters, whereas the left, either embracing or rejecting the global employment market, is capable atleast in theory to interject such developments. But as i said, this particular brand of modern conflict favours right-wing sentiments.

The situation can not be reconciled. The left can not gain a foothold, and that is, if we assume that it reaches an unideological perspective of the economic developments taking place and frees itself from mindlessly recreating neo-liberal propaganda-jingo, something which is evidently not the case in left mainstream, which leads to it even failing at the most simple and important task: Identifiying where things are going wrong. The right can superficially identify the problem, it realizes the antagonistic aspect of globalization and is determined to fight it but then again fails to realize that globalization thrives through the massive interplay of both its antagonistic and constructive departments, which in turn create a massive and unprecedented amount of economic growth, something with which reactionary and isolationist counterproposals can not compete.

Trump is not a right-winger by the way. There is nothing reactionary or anti-modernist about his sentimest. Hes simply a hardliner centrist. A stern neoliberal capitalist for people with daddy complexes. (There are worse out there of course)