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14676536 No.14676536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What comes after postmodernism?

>> No.14676542


>> No.14676545

This girl is 25% Mongolian and a huge instagram slut.

>> No.14676555


>> No.14676559

Nothing. it will become cesspool of vindication that becomes trite as it filters down to the masses critising their imediate predecessors ethics so as to feel vindicated in their own without actually having to challange beliefs,. Ironically enough creating a new modernism that believes itself to be postmodernist. the unproductive cycle will continue.

>> No.14676566



>> No.14676568
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>> No.14676578

Neoclassicism/neoromanticism or neomodernism

>> No.14676588

I could kill this woman with a single strike. It's amazing how much better men are than women.

>> No.14676592
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>> No.14676594

Why do you have the worst gifs/picture?

>> No.14676596

She only likes Chinese men, hence why she does modelling in China, lives there, and speaks Chinese.

>> No.14676598


>> No.14676607

She likes money and fame. She was able to get it most easily in China/Asia. Don’t delude yourself.

>> No.14676609

Please elaborate

>> No.14676621


>> No.14676625


>> No.14676632

Sorry, Ma'am but that is a different department. I just come up with the names.

>> No.14676646

We all die in nuclear MAD and continue to shitpost from the afterlife

>> No.14676648

>25% Mongolian
why does this phrase parse the same as "nepalese rice farming consortium" "online sri lankan goat farming forum" etc to me

>> No.14676661

New sincerity.
That is a blessed GIF.

>> No.14676676

New sincerity cannot exist in a capitalist society rife with inequality

>> No.14676680

>you can't be sincere if people have more money than you
based retard

>> No.14676698

Who gets to be sincere when people are being oppressed?

>> No.14676710

Who gets lemon juice when people are golfing?

>> No.14676712

he's preparing the board for race bait. /lit/ has provocateurs here now, similar to what happened on the other boards.

>new sincerity
>needing a marketing gimmick for emotional honesty

>> No.14676737

Im so sick of the state of /lit/

>> No.14676740

Jreg on youtube.com

>> No.14676801

The return of catholic theocracies the world over and an eternal warning to never allow liberalism to peak it's disfigured head around any corner ever again.

>> No.14676803
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we all get qt gfs!

>> No.14676824

neo-agrarianism/state funded agrarianism/astro-agrarianism

>> No.14676887


>> No.14676906


>> No.14676916

>What comes after postmodernism?


>> No.14676921

go back

>> No.14676927

The collapse of the entire planet due to the complete loss of forms.

>> No.14676929

thank fuck, it's about time

>> No.14676931
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That doesn't sound quite right.

>> No.14677063

jfc, if /lit could actually focus during a thread like this instead of jerking off over instabitches they might come up with some answers.

>> No.14677076

Neomodernism seems most likely, modernists have supplanted "the classics" as the classics

>> No.14677098
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>> No.14677126

Mein penis in your vagena.

>> No.14677137
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>> No.14677147

The Big Reset

>> No.14677152
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>What comes after postmodernism?

>> No.14677186
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>people like this exist
What a time to be alive.

>> No.14677197

emotional honesty isn't exactly the kind of thing you're supposed to be elitist about, anon...that's kind of the first basic rule, isn't it?

>> No.14677203

no worries. there's a guy she makes sacrifices to see.

>> No.14677204
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A great storm is coming to punish us for allowing this

>> No.14677218

im not the one who made an academic movement to turn telling the truth into a social statement.

>> No.14677220

Love too romanticize women who are nice to me once

>> No.14677231
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no way thats true r-right guys

>> No.14677265
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The train has no brakes.

>> No.14677280

>Jennifer, 20
i know this is bait profile but still kek

>> No.14677314

race of these twitter users: white

>> No.14677317


>> No.14677340


>> No.14677375

Fuck u anon i just spiraled into fapping for 3 hours straight cause i was shown this semen demon asshole

>> No.14677407

If we take Lyotard's claim regarding the progress of history, then nothing can come after postmodernism in the sense that we cannot progress past it. Movements can occur "after" postmodernism temporally, I guess, and reactions to postmodernism can still occur, but we no longer exist in an era of movement.

>> No.14677412

Except you couldn't.

>> No.14677661

Islamic theology

>> No.14677671

> houellebecq intensifies.

>> No.14677723

The realisation that postmodernism was just a moment in the development of a long modernism.

>> No.14677840
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national socialism

>> No.14677860


>> No.14677863

postmodernism isn't/wasn't real

>> No.14677864

>someone paid her $5k and got ditched
i wonder what he looked like lmao. that wasnt you was it? she decided she would rather ditch you than get another couple thousand for a quick fuck

>> No.14677865

I know this is copy pasta but value of a person isn't based on how good they are at beating up people or whatever

>> No.14677876

societal collapse

>> No.14677893

cave paintings (one can only hope)

>> No.14677896

a return to classicism and then all the cultural cycles start from the beginning all over again finessing their message and meaning in a different historic context ofcourse

>> No.14677898


>> No.14677929


>> No.14678075

actually annoying me, its a good question

>> No.14678093

mixed girls are elite

>> No.14678097


>> No.14678100

What a shitty movie. No wonder butterfly's one to like it.

>> No.14678109

dfw's idea of the post-postmodern was a sort of post-irony, a return to sincerity.
But personally, since postmodernism defines itself both ahistorically and existing as something in response to something else (that something else being modernism) I think it's going to be hard to judge at what point we break from that trend and start another. I'm not even sure it is possible at present given the deep links between fragmented multinational capitalism and the postmodern way of thinking about the world. Unless the world itself goes back to local communities rich with history, culture, tradition, and ethics, to do so only in print would be at best artificial and at worst a simulacrum that secretly espouses all of the atrocious aspects of contemporary culture, just like those poorly written historical fiction novels which try to hamfist current-year values into an incompatible setting.

>> No.14678131

>Unless the world itself goes back to local communities rich with history, culture, tradition, and ethics, to do so only in print would be at best artificial and at worst a simulacrum that secretly espouses all of the atrocious aspects of contemporary culture
Its for this reason I support the current cultural and political trends towards nationalism, as a European. However stable postmodernism might seem it will never stop the cyclical course of history, and the human soul seems to be craving the next step.

>> No.14678138

pickle rick

>> No.14678212

Honestly, while I wouldn’t encourage this behaviour, it’s understandable why she’d want to tap into the market of gullible idiots. Who the fuck drops $5k on a date?

>> No.14678214
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>What comes after postmodernism?

Nihilism, the degradation of academia, the wastage of smart young minds, more potent strains of feminism, 'critical race' bullshit nonsense, the destruction of healthy national consciousness, the destruction of the family unit, desecration of history, infection of the rest of the humanities, motivation for various destructive social movements, validation for any number of angry resentful 'activists', validation for edgy iconoclastic pseudointellectuals, the spitting in the face of both God AND centuries of scientific progress, philosophical weaponisation for those who want to erase ALL categories and borders and so on to bring about the globohomo new world order, the ripping out of the roots of strong old and noble cultures, the general poisoning of all that is good and true about humanity, the ultimate slave revolt of morality for fags, women, and weak men.
Have I missed anything?

>> No.14678236

> What comes after postmodernism?

>> No.14678242



>> No.14678307

you could actually try an argument, instead of enumerating buzzwords.
You aren't fooling anyone

>> No.14678332

>value of a person isn't based on how good they are at beating up people
True. Its based on how good you are at getting your group of dudes to beat up other groups of dudes.

>> No.14678347

Yes but anyone who has taken a serious critical look at postmodernism generally comes to deny its ahistoricity as being an illusion. Just because postmodernism is based on 'history a la carte', it doesn't necessarily follow that the movement itself doesn't have it's own in place in history.
People might get sick of pastiche and appropriation just as easy as they got sick of romanticism, and everythings-a-detective-novel modernism.

Lyotard is conflating the themes of the genre with the status of the genre itself as an independent phenomenon, in other words.

>> No.14678354
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>> No.14678371

kek, wait til the thot bubble pops

>> No.14678380

>degradation of academia
>after postmodernism

>> No.14678382

Prefuturism, followed by prepostprefuturism.

>> No.14678385

The lonely sons of rich men.

>> No.14678386
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>must be circumcised

>> No.14678394
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link to ig fag?

>> No.14678529

Can anyone give a rundown of precisely how and why the thot bubble will pop? The collective wall-hitting of the current crop of thots is certainly going to be extremely savage for them, but their forces are constantly being replenished by younger whores beginning their Faustian journey, and cucks/simps are never in short supply. How will the whole enterprise collapse? Thanks.

>> No.14678541

collapsing under its own weight; destruction by inflation.
There's never a bubble that won't pop.

Also, VR waifus.

>> No.14678543

>value of a person isn't based on how good they are at beating up people
Have you read ANY history?

>> No.14678626


>> No.14678657

>VR waifus
Can't wait for VR to be come truly realistic tbqh. It's pretty good already but once they manage physical sensations we can finally do away with women altogether.

>> No.14678669

the bubble will pop with the collapse, IE something like 200 hundred years or so optimistically

>> No.14678698

This. Lack of meaning/ alienation from one’s own life in the West -> the Nietzsche meme + retarded white individualism + the Sino world being absolute shit -> neo-romanticism (best case scenario) / retarded meaningless post-post modernism (likely scenario)

>> No.14678700 [SPOILER] 
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What is /lit?

>> No.14678703

>200 hundred years or so
That number seems a bit high, though I think we still need to accelerate.

>> No.14678751


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14678755

i mean, the roman empire took over 400 years for its decline. i don't know the whole thing seems chaotic right now but america is an undeniable superpower afterall how much inertia does power have? my guess is more than most might think

>> No.14678817

Rome also wasn't infested by niggers and spics. The situations are incomparable.

>> No.14678890

For me, postmodernism is about being overwhelmed by the big number of truths. There are no grand narratives anymore.

What comes after postmodernism, I'm going to call it hyper groupism, is a world where people went back to grand narratives. They probably aren't about religion, but about race, gender or politics. Mind you, there are still lots of these grand narratives, the difference is that the individual does not reject them, but blindly follow one of them. These narratives are diverse and individual but they are absolute. Think of social justice kids at universities or trump bros.

I dunno. Maybe that's just postmodernism with extra steps. But I do believe that people, devoid of God, now cling to big narratives more than they did in, say, they 90s.

>> No.14678900

You realize there is a human engineered bioweapon ravaging China as we speak?

Thinks have .... accelerated.

>> No.14678914
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That's where you're wrong bucko

>> No.14678918
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>70,000 infections
>24 kills
It's a flu.

>> No.14678921
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>> No.14678942

God creates man, man enslaves nigger, man frees nigger, nigger destroys society, niggers die. God creates man again...

>> No.14679005

postmodernism 2

>> No.14679026

A return to sincerity- I see a lot of people becoming tired of irony now that it's used in advertising.
Hopefully neoromanticism

>> No.14679037


>> No.14679107

Is she actually successful at this ? How does this type of business exist when we have apps that can get the spergiest of all wizards get laid for free ? Or is it a money fetish where you get a boner by wasting cash on a grill ? I heard that exists as well.

>> No.14679127

There's probably a girlfriend fetish in there, as well as, ironically, an idea of classiness. What she sells is the idea of not being "just" with a whore, that's why she makes them pay for dinner but not for sex.

>> No.14679135

A cup of shit into your dumb mouth

>> No.14679137

It's an advertising gimmick. Same as how every hollywood film with a nigger in it will get spammed on /pol/ to gin up interest in on the part of SJW journalists that crawl it 24/7 who then write articles about how raaayyycis everything is and generate buzz.

She's turning herself into a meme through controversy, and attempting to monetize after the fact. Think of all those faggots on youtube ads that are selling you consulting where they teach you to sell consulting to other people. The whole is an unproductive ponzi now.

>> No.14679140

>average body
>small, droopy tits
>average face (probably less than IRL)
>shit haircut

I can unironically get someone better looking on tinder and im a disheveled NEET.

>> No.14679142
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>disney princes pic
Of course.

>> No.14679305

Postmodernism has ruined an entire generation of incels

>> No.14679313
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Patriarchal Socialism

>> No.14679406

And I guarantee her group of dudes could tie anon to a table, strip him naked, and slap his balls with a paint stirrer. One like = 1 slap

>> No.14679816

I see, Adolf is the opposite of hope.

>> No.14679821

Congratulations, you sound like a /pol/ caricature.

>> No.14679831

Nothing because post-modernism isn't even real and we are still in modernity.

>> No.14679837

We are still in the romantic era.

>> No.14679853


>> No.14679922

there are two paths: a postmodern heideggerian traditionalist multipolar world or transhumanist technological neo-inferno. The arrival of either will be followed by the return of Christ

>> No.14679959


>> No.14679974

Wait. Is postmodernism actually a thing that's happening? I thought it was another "I was just pretending xD" meme

>> No.14679984

outerspace pastorals