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14676417 No.14676417 [Reply] [Original]

Or books about people lost in their own fantasies and minds, with irreverence/disdain for the outside world and "sociality"?
Sorry in advance for the wojak; I lack any other image that would fit for the topic.

>> No.14676579

Crime And Punishment is the closest to your fancy. The Stranger by Albert Camus is another.

>> No.14676665

>Or books about people lost in their own fantasies and minds, with irreverence/disdain for the outside world and "sociality"?
Literally Book of Disquiet.

>> No.14676675

Really? He was erratic and malnourished, but I didn't find him to be schizo

>> No.14676695

I think raskolnikov is on the lower end of the schizophrenia spectrum like schizotypal personality disorder.

>> No.14676713

Didn't someone make this thread yesterday?

>> No.14676726

I think Schizoid is a term that should be used very carefully. It's so easy to label each imaginative and creative person that doesn't fit in with the norm "schizo" and be done with it, as if it's just another illness. There is obviously a line between the general creative person and the so called schizo, and if the person hasn't lost touch with reason, I don't think it's apt to be labeled that way.

>> No.14676777

Schizoids have a good grasp of reality

>> No.14676781

This, people need to be familiarizing themselves with the concept of schizotypy too
A lot of the people who have fallen for the schizoid meme are probably either just high in schizotypy, schizotypal, OCD, bipolar, have social anxiety disorder, or are autistic

>> No.14676789

better idea: being schizo is a good thing

>> No.14676797

This is even worse. It's like those people who LARP as depressed thinking that it somehow makes them cool.

>> No.14676802

People here misuse the word schizoid. Schizoids are schizopathic, psychologically fragmented, connected to psychopathy. Autism is psychological consolidation. The kind of self-awaredness you'd find in the Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters. People here conflate and mismatch traits regarding these two psychological profiles, of the autistic mind and the schizopathic mind. This is how meme-labels become popular; by ignoring the meaning of words and their definitions.

>Psychopathy is a complex and pathological cluster of interpersonal, affective, lifestyle, and antisocial personality traits. Schizotypal personality is also highly complex, pathological and refers to disorganized, cognitive, perceptual, and avoidant or avolitional features which have been conceptualized in several ways, including as a specific vulnerability for schizophrenia and as a constellation of personality traits. Some evidence has suggested psychopathy may co-occur with schizotypal personality or that specific aspects of the disorders may correlate. Although several correlates have been identified, one important correlate of both psychopathy and schizotypy is violence, and both have been implicated as valid predictors of violence and aggression.


>> No.14676805

I hate to be that guy, but can I get a rundown on these? What are their differences?

>> No.14676807

No it’s not

>> No.14676818

support your argument

>> No.14676825

Schizoids are introverted people who have no desire in socializing (they don't feel any distress over it so there's no "tfw no gf" like a lot of people here), they tend to live in their own head forming complex fantasy worlds.
Schizotypal are more of the /x/ kind of people who believe in energies and stuff like that.

>> No.14676830

I’ve been diagnosed as schizoaffective and I’m barely functional for periods of time

>> No.14676837

I’m not psychologist and all of this I’m just remembering from research papers and Wikipedia articles I’ve read:
>socially detached, little to no interest in others, flat affect, lost in thought
>craves socialization and may even excel at it but has deep-rooted fears of others and how others see them
>more likely to have eccentricities or unusual thoughts/beliefs, often understand the strangeness of their eccentricities and fear letting others know them
>not a disorder but a proposed spectral personality trait
>correlated positively with high openness, low conscientiousness, and low agreeableness
>high levels often appear in those with schizophrenia, schizotypal, bipolar, OCD, or with no disorders whatsoever
>associated with high creativity and eccentric beliefs

>> No.14676839

Scizoid is not a mental illness it is a way of life, a personality. I am a loner with aphantasia. I order girls off tinder and I don't go out. It's an extremely antisocial kind of person but I have IRL friends I avoid and meet every few months too.

>> No.14676841

Oh and schizotypy has been framed as the “opposite end” of the autism spectrum by some although that’s a more controversial way of linking the two

>> No.14676846

You sound pretty fucking mentally ill to me. What would happen if I took all of that away from you? Would you snap?

>> No.14676848

I have schizotypal personality disorder and what you said is the gist of it. People don't know this but it is actually quite disabling.

>> No.14676857

All of those apply to me, especially schizotypal, and my big five is very similar to schizotypy, but I'm still very skeptical of labeling myself that way. By this logic almost all great philosophers and artists were at least one of these?

>> No.14676862

>I order girls off tinder and I don't go out.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14676865

>schizotypy, schizotypal, OCD, bipolar, have social anxiety disorder, or are autistic
A lot of these are very similar anyway. They are relatively related and reside mostly in Cluster A personality disorders. Of course, most disorders arise from anxiety, which is a fear. From there it all depends on how your body reacts to the anxiety, and how it attempts to mitigate the stress.

>> No.14676874

High functioning Schizoaffective is possibly one of the worst mental illnesses you can have. It’s just most symptoms of schizophrenia and all the symptoms of either major depression or bipolar disorder. Being high functioning is generally a blessing but sometimes not; you’ll be perfectly fine and acceptable socially for an example, but in your head you are fighting delusional thoughts until you yield and the delusion takes hold. The lows that come with the depressive subtype are low. Lower than almost anything you can imagine.

T. Schizoaffective (Depressive) w/OCD

>> No.14676889

What do you do to deal with it? Medication?

>> No.14676890

Remains of the day

>> No.14676896

Sounds like bipolar disorder and not schizophrenia.

>> No.14676899

What about me is mental ill? I don't have visual delusions of delusions of grandeur. I just tend to avoid social contact.
I don't have a problem fucking girls and I don't creep them out. Just invite them over and fuck them. I don't think that's the end all to being normal but with so many older virgins and incels I'm doing pretty good being a "mentally ill" schizoid. Lots of girls are like that too.
I wonder if it's a blessing. I made money in schizo ideas like Bitcoin and I have aphantasia so no visual delusions. I don't think you should give up, John Nash beat it. I know one that became even richer than me. I'm not sure if society has evolved to like crazy ideas or if the computer age rewards autism and schizos. Then again Joan of Arc was probably schizo and beat England.

>> No.14676903

Joan of Arc's symptomology seems more like temporal lobe epilepsy than schizophrenia

>> No.14676904


>My mental illness is worse than others

Spoken like a schizo with no perspective

>> No.14676905

Very interesting. Just to get a sense of what kind of person you are, can I ask what your big five is?

>> No.14676912

mental illness doesn't make you weird and cool

>> No.14676913

I seriously suspect myself of having it, I’m talking to a psychiatrist about it soon. I had heard the term STPD before but never looked into it and never considered it was something I could had, but I recently looked into it and it pulled together so many different oddities about myself together that I was kind of shocked.
>history of 3 hallucinatory psychotic episodes after prolonged periods of high stress
>obsessive over conflicting metaphysical and ontological ideas to the point of anxiety, incapable of forming political opinions aside from an innate hatred of dishonesty, just endlessly entertain the opposing viewpoints and under what value structure each one would be correct
>both multiple-choice Big Five tests and IBM’s machine learning twitter analyzer give me >99% openness and <5% conscientiousness
>can not keep myself from deeply believing that everything is narratively constructed and meaning is the fundamental material of existence despite knowing how unfalsifiable it is
>constantly switching between feelings of grandiosity and uniqueness, then self-hatred for ever believing that I’m special
>deeply paranoid about talking philosophy or politics when I’m not anonymous
>capable in romantic relationships and often called charming/funny in social situations, but nearly incapable of making close friends and often terrified of hanging out with the ones I already have
>often told that I stand out in a crowd
I even had a moment where I started thinking “wait this really doesn’t describe me, I think I got too excited” but then noticed I had accidentally switched to an article about schizoid personality disorder. That’s my little piece of evidence for myself that I’m not just blindly applying this. I’m still open to a psychiatrist thinking I don’t have it though

>> No.14676932

I diagnose you narcissistic and hypochondriac

>> No.14676935

fuck don't do it to me man

>> No.14676942
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I just got diagnosed as bipolar type 1 with psychotic features after I had a manic episode from Prozac. It was so bad that I crashed my car into a ditch going ninety (no major injuries, thankfully) and punched a police officer in the face afterwards. I was in jail for a while and then got sent to a mental institution, but after the manic episode was over I was completely fine and got sent back to jail (bonded out after a week). I’m now on a mood stabilizer and something for anxiety and feel fine. The police officer I hit still wants me to do a year in jail though :( pray for me frens

>> No.14676948

the kindest thing to do to you people is to throw a bucket of water on you, you are probably just in love with yourself and are clearly obsessed with your psychic state
Many "mentally ill" study psychiatry and psychology for this exact reason but it is impolite to say so

>> No.14676949

Christ, hope you're alright man. That's so fucked up
godspeed buddy, thinking about you

>> No.14676957

My symptoms for schizotypal personality disorder are rather florid...

>I have no friends.
I avoid humans (irl) because I find myself convinced that they are forming forces against me. I can function well enough socially when I need to.
>odd beliefs
I have really elaborate polytheistic beliefs and I find myself speculating about being a lovecraftian horror instead of a human.
>odd speech
I speak is an formal manner with everyone and socially I am quite rigid.
>odd appearance
I don't understand this but people always tell me I look really weird. Part of it has to do the spiritual rituals I do.
>odd perceptual experiences
when I close my eyes I have visions of other worlds. I sometimes see patterns where there aren't.

Despite all of this my level of functioning is actually quite high and I am putting myself through university right now completely unmedicated.

>> No.14676969

Does it even matter if you're schizoid or schizotypical or not? It's not like there is a cure for the negative aspects. It's just like a meaningless label.

>> No.14676976

If you're capable of perspective towards your own disorder, it can be really helpful to understand that these things have a cause and that you're not alone in experiencing them. It can also help differentiate between potential therapy tactics

>> No.14676982
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>"I have really elaborate polytheistic beliefs and I find myself speculating about being a lovecraftian horror instead of a human."
>"Part of it has to do the spiritual rituals I do."

>> No.14676989

I think it's pretty obvious everything in the world has a cause. But regarding not being alone, didn't almost all of artists and philosophers have similar symptoms? It's one of the reasons that I read. To communicate with people like myself that existed before.

>> No.14677005

The Black Monk by Anton Chekhov is much like that. It's about an intellectual who becomes inspired by an apparition from an old legend who talks with him and holds deep, engaging conversations in great contrast with the boring real world around him. Also it's quite short, but not something you can finish in twenty minutes. A perfect length, if you ask me.

>> No.14677013

>le black cock by anton cuckov

>> No.14677090

Sounds a lot like me. I know there's something wrong with me but I also find it interesting/enjoyable to do introspective experiments so I thought schizotypical and schizoid could very well apply to me, and I was pretty satisfied with having some kind of idea about what could be causing my problems. However over the past few months I have become increasingly isolated from my friends taking pathetic and extreme measures to avoid them, isolated from my own obligations to my health and from society in general. For a long time I've been sitting and seeing things in the corner of my eye and checking with a knee jerk reaction, the same way I would become attentive if I heard a siren, but especially in the past few months when I lay in the dark I feel as though the things I see in the corner of my eye are real figures and I start to make out faces and weird contorted shapes like monsters hanging from my bookshelves, but when I shine the light on it its always just my jacket or some loose object. Started to freak out and think I might have some kind of onset schizophrenia, and its not really fun and interesting anymore but scary and annoying. All of the things you have stated apply to me especially the paranoid and adrenal obsession with meta and ontological ideas and the grandiosty/crushing self hatred dichotomy. Could just be extreme narcissism and hypochondriac though like other anon said.

>> No.14677141

A couple rather depressing recommendations:

Thomas Bernhard: Yes, The Lime Works
László Krasznahorkai: War and War, The Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.14677151

I made this topic I'm Asian
O low
C low
E medium
A low
N high
Maybe the OP would like Han Feizi.

>> No.14677161

>Low Openness
Dropped. Get out of my board.

>> No.14677174

You have no idea what you’re talking about, but by all means, continue making an embarrassment out of yourself and proving how detached from unreality you normies really are.

>> No.14677179

>Could just be extreme narcissism and hypochondriac though like other anon said.
I’m constantly wondering about that myself
All I can say is hang in there man

>> No.14677188

paranoia from social isolation.

>> No.14677192


Maybe there's nothing wrong with being a Schizoid, the problem is obviously the modern world and utilitarian blandness

>> No.14677202

Schizoid is typically isolation through fantasy when escape from external stressors are typically unavoidable. Think of it as maladaptive daydreaming, except you’re content in your own word you’ve created.

>> No.14677230

>>14677161 Fuck you.
The model is racist.
A problem with the ocean model is that it's not cross cultural. Asians consistently rank low on the Western scale of openness.
If you want to understand it this may help you understand it. https://hbr.org/1971/03/what-we-can-learn-from-japanese-management tl;dr one example is conservative Japanese businessmen who did not want to go overseas are the ones advocating for overseas expansion in a few years while retaining their values and core beliefs.

>> No.14677237

I mean you could recalibrate the test around the mean for each culture but the initial creation used surveys from many different cultures and languages. It's not unreasonable that variations would be apparent across cultures and genetic pools

>> No.14677251

I attribute all of my schizoid behavior to a decade of ritually smoking cannabis

>> No.14677255

>The model is racist.
Hahaha yes you're right and IQ tests are racist towards the blacks. The questions basically are asking about your creativity. I didn't know asians score low but it's not the model's fault if you are collectively not creative.

>> No.14677308

The concept of openness is not directly translatable to Asians. I was hoping that the great article I posted or the tl;dr would help you understand how sudden 180s are common. The idea of Asians as not creative, what do you mean? Russians look white but they're also culturally very similar to the Asians, I can understand them very well. Their writings are amazing.
The idea that IQ is racist towards blacks is laughable. One culturally insensitive test does not mean another is wrong. The Igbo race of Nigeria consistently scores high as Jews, who scored among the lowest when it came out in the 1930s but now score highest. If you were to argue IQ doesn't matter for wealth as Nassim Taleb statistically proven though you'd be correct. DESU I have a very low IQ, never finished one. Judging people based on IQ is retarded. Judging countries however is accurate.

>> No.14677321

>low conscientiousness
>high neuroticism

>> No.14677326


Most people throughout history have lived with one foot in the world, and another in fantasy.

>> No.14677327
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>If you were to argue IQ doesn't matter for wealth as Nassim Taleb statistically proven though you'd be correct.

>> No.14677496

>why yes I am a low agency shitbag, how could you tell?
JP is right, these are the two traits you MUST FIX

>> No.14677517

Kill yourself

>> No.14677525
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I can't, I'm not conscientious enough to commit

>> No.14677587

Henry Miller's books. He sort of gradually shifts from normal to schizo prose so you can see the way his mind works.

Also IMHO the Alzabo scenes from Book of the New Sun. If you have had to live with a schizophrenic, you know that it's more than just having a "split personality". It's more like an evil predator that uses the minds of your loved ones like a sockpuppet to lure you in.

>> No.14677591

I had trouble telling whether I was dreaming or awake during my childhood and teen years. While awake, real or dream both seemed plausible even long into the day, + the reverse happened in dreams. I never knew what was real or dream. I was afraid doing anything abnormal in dreams or interact with others in real life, maybe the dream was real or the interaction in real life was a dream? All that completely stopped after puberty, though, for some reason. Now my dreams are all surreal, they were not like that before. Any ideas what this was? I read it might be related to schizo* something.

>> No.14678057

That's the best scholarly article I've read all year, thanks anon.

>> No.14678077

>Literally everyone ITT doesn't know the difference between schizotypals and schizoids

>> No.14678173

Anon, I felt the same for a whole year. Worst times of my life, nearly heroed myseld, not kidding. How are you doing now?

>> No.14678184

Like most people on this board, I match these personality traits. I've been so fucking depressed that my brain chemistry is fucked up now that I have recovered. I'm basically dull and bored all the time. Incapable of love or enjoy anything. Anyway I've been diagnosed a light sperg a few years ago.
But I think that I'm just less domesticated than other humans and living in a big city pisses me off so much that I'm on the verge of becoming crazy. I've realized that when some friends tagged me on a facebook post of a guy that looked like a total neandertal saying I was a lookalike.

As for the book I have no idea. Maybe citadelle by Antoine de saint Exupéry. It's a collection of thoughts of the king of some ancien arab empire. Really deep and detached of the pleb population

>> No.14678328

I audible'd this while exercising. Bless you anon, a wonderful experience of a story

>> No.14678333

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14678376

I am diagnosed schizoid. This is not a very good representation of it.

>> No.14678387 [DELETED] 


>> No.14678395
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>80 replies
>ctrl F
>no don quixote
christ this board is gay

>> No.14678895

"Capitalism and Schizophrenia" by Dolce & Gabana.

>> No.14678981

Okay this picture is exactly me except I don't have imaginary girlfriends. What do I make of this?

>> No.14679024
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>> No.14679192

Shouldn't some of those covert features discard the schizoid diagnosis?

>> No.14679225

>By this logic almost all great philosophers and artists were at least one of these?
Many great writers were well-adjusted and friendly. It's only sinc the romantic era that we imagine the artist as a loner, and even then many of the Romantics were overplaying that bit.

>> No.14679377

Yeah a lot of those seem contradictory to the things that set schizoid apart from STPD

>> No.14679496

>Imagines what it be like to start life over with everything he's learned
This one hard

>> No.14679579

That guy looks pretty based not going to lie

>> No.14679654
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gl anon i also have BP 1 and go through manic episodes every like 7 months. Have had two so far where i ended up in a psych ward but luckily i didnt do anything too fucked up enough to send me to jail.

>> No.14679710

Fuck it's linked to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interleukin_6
I'm working on it. Getting a job, cleaned my room with Marie kondo's help. I'll try again soon
Made me lol. The only change comes from a deep desire to. I had help with drugs and using a TENS machine on my left vagus nerve though which seemed to help.
Thanks! Drucker is based and Edward Demming is as well. That was written in the 70s, yet the article feels so modern. We attribute the Japanese miracle to their race and the reality was that they did a 180, a warlike nation into a peaceful one (similar to how they transitioned after the Korean Japanese war of the 1500s or so for centuries of peace) because they took up Western ideas about management and engineering. The truth is Japan followed these two westerners and created companies like Sony. Demming taught them quality control, which wasted less, had better yields, easier to manufacture, higher quality, less returns and customer satisfaction. Hence the Japanese miracle.

>> No.14679744

This is fascinating. I have read about her having aquired something in her milk or a sort of epilepsy, but I didn't know hyperreligiousness was a real thing. On a related note you can disable that with a shock to the brain. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/301117.php
I learned that from trying to use electric stimulation for my own brain.

>> No.14679843

Jesus christ why is everyone on this website a fucking schizoid now? What, you read a half-assed description of what SPD is like on some bullshit personality test website and the barnum effect did the rest?
Most people on 4chan who self-identify as schizoids most likely have a combination of being on the spectrum, avoidant personality, social anxiety/social phobia, general anxiety disorder and whatever else.
Schizoid personality disorder is very shoddy anyway, even in the DSM-5, and it's probably going to get replaced by something else given how difficult to diagnose it is.

>> No.14679864

Absolutely horrendous Sedona, Arizona Vortexes kind of guy

>> No.14679872

There aren’t many places to be anonymous and talk about a wide variety of things

>> No.14679965

Like most recursively structured networks, 4chan as a culture is analogous to a brain and its boards to lobes (self-similarly, boards as brains, or 4chan as a lobe within the larger internet-brain)
We are always seeing this cyber-memetic process where topics and ideas are introduced at the deepest levels and sometimes excite obscure, lower corners of the brain structure. Virile topics spread up the chain, triggering a group event of heightened focus on said topics where the concepts are digested and fed through the novelty/based—contagion/contested—calcification/cringe pipeline as a plume of theory shoots up through the network, always novel at its bleeding edge and calcified in its wake: a linguimemetic automaton bubbling up through the collective. Once the process is complete, calcification/hostility erodes and the concept has at last been successfully distributed, digested, and incorporated throughout the entire cultural system. we’ve seen the same thing happen with respect to Autism, solipsism, and inner monologue

>> No.14679975


>> No.14680004

You eloquently articulated an idea I've been aware of and playing with for some time but never actually managed to properly express, thank you

>> No.14680008

>cringe as an adaptive phenomenon within the collective intelligence’s thought process
I’m unironically intrigued

>> No.14680268

Along similar lines, I deeply believe that the staying power of memes like Wojak is at least partly attributable to its acceleration or "lubrication" of that very process
Wojak has, to varying levels and increasingly as time has passed, acted as a catalyst for these cognition events and appears to play a role in optimizing their distribution, almost like semiotic myelin sheath
Consider the number of wojak variations that have coincided with these processes:
>NPC wojak along with the inner monologue boom and other swells of interest in topics related to the hard problem of consciousness
>high IQ/brainlet wojaks along with increased interest in IQ
>boomer/zoomer wojaks along with increased sensitivity towards generational psychology
>coomer wojak along with heightened skepticism towards pornography and masturbation
>doomer wojak along with increased recognition of introverted/disordered personality traits correlating with "blackpill" ideology and unhealthy forum usage in late-teens-to-late-twenties young men
Wojak assumes the physical form of the concepts we discuss, becoming a visceral symbol capable of quick and visual referral to the memetic body being explored. On a purely physical/individual level this massively cuts down the communicative labor necessary to transmit the meme, while also more easily inciting interest in those not already familiar with the ideas in question. On a grand scale, this makes Wojak an image that this brain constantly refers to, compares itself against, relates to, experiments with, as it deepens its understanding of its studies. Being heavily decentralized by nature, within 4chan Wojak almost acts as the analog to a human brain's developed concept of the potential self

>> No.14680283

Very interesting idea. As humans we always gravitate towards extremes and don't like moderation. It sounds boring, non radical and hardly makes good news/clickbait. This is very common in politics for instance and how many goods are kosher despite most people are not Jewish. It is called the dictatorship of the small minority. Most people don't care if their food is kosher but some companies make it all kosher to appeal to the small minority, the virile topics, the outlandishly radical forms which distribute through the public consciousness.
Demands in politics include Bernie or nothing, Trump or nothing causing them to be popular. Demands in sexual revolution in the LGBT rights were primarily dealing with gay rights, in which a minority of homosexual men has affected trans right (all countries with gay rights have transgender rights because they often treat them as gay men) and the idea of free love and sex is tied to gay nonmonogamy. This minority was served by Grindr, copied by tinder, and now buried in the public conciseness is the idea of free sex for everyone, gay culture which has become a hyperreality.

>> No.14680295
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Your posts reminded me of this.

>> No.14680308
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dumbest thread on 4chan great job

>> No.14680313

yo what the fuck

>> No.14680396
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OP here. Thank you to those who recommended actual books. I should have known this was armchair psychologist hour.
I am sorry.

>> No.14680398
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>> No.14680406

>starting a thread with an "ooh let's see how many of these apply to me" ___er image
>complaining that people weren't really on topic
You brought this on yourself my man

>> No.14680414

What a Schizo

>> No.14680418

jeez now that's a schizo

>> No.14680444

whoop, can't forget söyjak coinciding with discussions about modern metropolitan masculinity/"bugmen"

>> No.14680447

If you haven't read VALIS it's kind of an essential
Radio-free Albemuth
you just can't really go wrong with Phillp K Dick in this category.

not fiction but very relevant to your interests-,-sir http://ascentofhumanity.com/text/

>> No.14680472

But he's right.

>> No.14680481

Who is?

>> No.14680489


>> No.14680501

I agree, I thought we were just poking fun at the guy who said he briefly panicked at the idea that the post in the other thread could have been linking to one of his replies before he checked the link

>> No.14680630

everyone has because the world is fantasy

>> No.14680646


I'm schizoid and probably the least violent person there is, I find it almost impossible to be violent since I'm detached and nothing really angers me. Violence doesn't sound like schizoid to me

>> No.14681646

>I represent every schizoid
I'm a fat gay black schizoid pedophile who is violent, I work at the Dollar store and don't bathe, I represent every schizoid.

>> No.14681773

What do you think schizoaffective is?

>> No.14682549


>> No.14683077

>Had this mentality forever
>Got over it with after like 10 minutes of accidental meditation making me realize I wasn't valuing the mundane.
An inch tall hurdle can slow you down your entire life if you don't confront it.

>> No.14683077,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to kill /lit/niggers. All pseuds and genuine retards.