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/lit/ - Literature

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14675046 No.14675046 [Reply] [Original]

No starting strength. Looking for something like The Wild Physique.

>> No.14675063

reading books steals your gains, skeleton

>> No.14675067

I’m already jacked though?

>> No.14675071

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.14675098

the murukami book with the talking cat......something something kafka.
google it yourself

>> No.14675103

go to /fit/

>> No.14675111

>literature board
>just google it

>> No.14675157


>> No.14675203

>go to /fit/

>> No.14675362

The decline and fall of the Roman Empire is pretty long so it probably weighs a lot, go with that.

>> No.14675386

Convict Conditioning

>> No.14675400

I flip the pages of the Encyclopedia with my erect penis and, having only reached G, it has already grown by 6 inches

>> No.14675513

there's an 800kg Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14675575
File: 441 KB, 1440x2560, 817t0ZxtlML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have a look at this one. Brooks Kubik is a king of the old school.

>> No.14676715

Thank you

>> No.14676731

The Encyclopedia of modern body building - Schwarzenegger

>> No.14676752


>> No.14676767


I never got this. Why the fuck would you want to read about sports? If you like a sport, go do it. If you like reading, read real books.

>inb4 Infinite Jest is about tennis

>> No.14676771


Kafka on the shore you inbred reprobate.

>> No.14676843

Moneyball is an engaging book about baseball and how we analyze value as someone who doesn't play baseball on any serious level.

>> No.14676853

I’m talking technical books you dummy. Non-fiction for weightlifting.

>> No.14676977

Anything by Frederic Delavier and Michael Gundill. They are extremely based, I have all their books and I'm a med student, so it's no bullshit.

>> No.14676984


>I'm a med student
>Therefore you should trust my sources

Is there a more arrogant demographic than you guys?