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/lit/ - Literature

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14672728 No.14672728 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ votes Greatest Writer/Poet of each Country
Just post your country's best and we'll eventually decide through strawpolls
These are the nearly-universally agreed upon choices that are already decided:
>England: Shakespeare
>Italy: Dante
>Greece: Homer
>Spain: Cervantes

>> No.14672742

>Banjo Paterson

>> No.14672744

I'm also going to add Rustaveli for Georgia and "Kalevala" for Finland. Good?
Goethe for Germany?
I want this to be mostly decided by natives.

>> No.14672759

Germany :

>> No.14672955

King of Anglos: Shakespeare
King of Meds: Dante
King of Krauts: Goethe

>> No.14672972

kalevala isn't a person, you dumb, stupid person

>> No.14672982

Croatia: Mate Balota

>> No.14672986

Portugal has to be Fernando Pessoa

>> No.14672991

France is a tough one, they have a bunch of great writers but none is considered "the greatest". That said I'd vote for Flaubert personally. Not sure about Russia as they kind of have the same situation.

Borges for Argentina and Kafka for Czechia should be pretty uncontroversial choices too. Maybe Hrabal if you want to count Kafka as German.

>> No.14673024


Some of them don't really deserve it, but I just wanted to cover all of the bases.

>> No.14673043

Norway: Knut Hamsun
Sweden: August Strindberg or Hjalmar Söderberg
Denmark: Andersen or Ibsen
Finland: Väinö Linna or Eino Leino

>> No.14673074

That's why I put it in quotes faggot

>> No.14673128

Homer was probably from Turkey

>> No.14673335

Hamsun is my favourite writer, but there's a strong case to be made for Ibsen desu

>> No.14673342

Norway: Tor Ulven

>> No.14673460

turkey was established 1922, homer lived about 2000 years beforehand

>> No.14673709

The Netherlands: Couperus

>> No.14674043

No. Camoes and Saramago.

>> No.14674573

Poland: Mickiewicz

>> No.14674645

Russia: Turgenev

>> No.14674649

Lithuania: Mickevičius

>> No.14674772

Russia: Dostoevsky

>> No.14674792

Jis lenkas

>> No.14674793

How is it not a given that Ireland is Joyce

>> No.14674800

>>14674649 he was polish

>> No.14674807

To negate my fellow countryman I propose Gavelis

>> No.14674821

France: Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Lautreamont(Ducasse), Cioran.

Italy: Leopardi

>> No.14674845
File: 38 KB, 429x696, Joyce_wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeats, Bernard Shaw, Wilde, C.S. Lewis, Beckett. Joyce may well be the best of these but at times his work is practically unreadable and more about technique and aesthetic value. Ulysses is his finest work and does more to relate the framework of thinking than almost any book, before or after, but he had jumped the shark by the time he got to Finnegan's Wake

>> No.14674854

Kenneth Slessor bro

>> No.14674867

>The Future Free Republic of Anonia
>me, 10 years in the future
You'll all be granted full citzenship of course.

>> No.14674988


>> No.14675018

Imagine thinking some guy, whose life’s work is a compilation of fragmentary sketches and ideas, is better than the actual national poet of Portugal or the world’s greatest and most decorated novelist of the latter half of the 20th century. Kek.

>> No.14675032

Henry James, Melville, Faulkner

>> No.14675036

USA: Bukowski, Palanhuick

>> No.14675043


>> No.14675055

Saramago is absolute shit though. Aquilino Ribeiro is a much better writer than he is, so is Antonio Lobo Antunes. Even Agustina Bessa Luis encapsulates better feelings than Saramago, who just regurgitates allegoric rhetoric and vocabulary.
And well, Pessoa is indeed a better poet than Camoes, even if the comparison is unfair just like saying Kasparov is better than Morphy

>> No.14675105

Pessoa is also an easier read, since his Portuguese is modern and his vocabulary common. To fully appreciate Camões, one needs background knowledge and a dictionary. So, basically, anons who don't speak Portuguese, do not take his opinion at face value.
Camões is superior, although quite, quite inferior to the Classics- to be expected.

>> No.14675106

Gogol - khokhol mystic degenerate who ruined russian literature for half a century. Odoyevsky and Veltman miles better

>> No.14675117

fight me irl

>> No.14676360

Nope, he was Greek and modern people called Turks emigrated to the area in the 1200- 1400s.

>> No.14676371

Proust? I haven't read him but he's often considered up there

>> No.14676810
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Spain, Góngora

>> No.14677353

USA: Melville/Hawthorne/Salinger/F.Scott/Faulker/Hemingway/TS/Henry James/Twain/Dickinson/Steinbeck/Poe/Kerouac
Mexico: Rulfo
Argentina: Borges
Colombia: Marquez
Canada: Bellow
UK: Shakespeare/Milton/Chaucker/Austen/Lewis Carroll/Woolf/Bronte/Orwell/Swift/George Eliot/Dickens/Ford Ford/
France: Proust/Flaubert/Celine/Camus/Stendhal
Germany: Musil/Goethe/Nietzsche
Czechia: Kafka
Portugal: Pessoa
Spain: Cervantes
Italy: Dante
Norway: Hamsun/Ibsen
Denmark: Kierkegaard
Netherlands: Mulisch
Poland: Conrad
Russia: Dosto/Nabokov/Tolstoy/Chekhov/Turgunev/Gogol
Ireland: Joyce
Switzerland: Rousseau
Austria: Rilke
Australia: Patrick White

>> No.14677364

>>England: Shakespeare
William Blake you mean.

>> No.14677371

I'll also back Slessor, though I wouldn't be mortified if Patterson got it.

>> No.14677424

Argentina: Enrique Medina
Fuck that blind old man with yellow fever.

>> No.14677673

What about countries such as Ukraine, Bangladesh, Morocco or Rwanda and so on? Common faggots, enlighten us about your literature

>> No.14677684


Swift's Irish.

>> No.14677873


>> No.14678013


>> No.14678060

Uh, Pontoppidan?
Just know you have shit taste in danish literature.

>> No.14678234

China: the Scoffing Scholar of Lanling

>> No.14678264

Canadian Poetry: Irving Layton, Leonard Cohen, Al Purdy, Michael Ondaatje, Lorna Crozier, and Anne Carson.

>> No.14678409

Dumb? Only Pushkin others are just not at that level
>Poland: Conrad
Really dumb

>> No.14678427

Rabindranath Tagore

>> No.14678454
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>Greece: Homer

Imagine your country's greatest writer being some dude from over 2000 years ago

>> No.14678467

Late 8th or early 7th century BC, actually. He just might have been the most influential writer of all time.

>> No.14678552

Ireland: O'Brien

>> No.14678777

>old bad

>> No.14678779

US: Rupi Kaur

>> No.14679128

>USA: 14 names listed
>Italy: 1 name
Imagine being this much retarded.

>> No.14679267

>Welsh: R. S. Thomas
>English: Dylan Thomas, I guess

>> No.14679283
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>Homer was a person

>> No.14679437


>> No.14679577

We can't even confirm if he was a real person or not, let alone where he was born.