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14671698 No.14671698 [Reply] [Original]

>if an omnipotent being outside the confines of space and time exists, why doesn't it act in accordance to the logic of a homo sapien?
>nothin personnel theists

>> No.14671786

If an omnipotent being exists, where did it come from?

>> No.14671812

If the universe exists, where did it come from? If where it came from exist(ed) where did it come from?

>> No.14671815

>a homo sapien
fucking anglos I swear

>> No.14671933

You see the problem here. Both our points are valid. None of this makes any sense. Welcome to this reality.

>> No.14671934 [DELETED] 

if a universe exists, where did it come from?

>> No.14671951
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It is the nature of existence to exist.
God or not there has to have been some infinite thing that always was. Occam's razor, why would this infinite thing be consensus and have a will? More likely it doesn't and is a raw chaotic force that randomly created the universe. So there is probably a multiverse that makes other universe.

>> No.14671956

>we exist because the nature of existing is to exist

nominalists are the absolute lowest rank of pond scum

>> No.14671958

Things usually don't exist outside of time and space, why extend your ontology needlessly?
And no mathematical entities don't exist.

>> No.14671989

how can i, a homo sapien, within time and space, know of or speak of or think of something outside of those.

>> No.14671990

non argument

>> No.14672013

Quite right.

I'm consistently impressed by the blithe hypocrisy of these kinds of theists... They argue for possibilities on the basis that they lie outside our scope of comprehension, and then proceed to to make all manner of assumptions and claims to knowledge about the supposedly unknowable (claims which just happen to align with various human psychological conceits).

I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs if it makes them a better person, but I do wish they'd stop trying to make the hopeless ontological case. It's embarassing.

>> No.14672019


>> No.14672031

Existence is not a real predicate you RETARDS read philosophy.

>> No.14672037

Because that which is outside of those can also interact with its creation. It's like if you created a book, but are outside of the confines of that book.

>> No.14672045

>Because that which is outside of those can also interact with its creation.
begging the question

>> No.14672409

Could you perhaps delineate these alignments with various human psychological conceits, or are you just conjecturing? Correlation does not imply causation

>It's embarrassing
It better be

There is Divine revelation, not to mention all sorts of "religious experiences" from other religions. Unless these are all "psychological conceits," which seems to be more of a reconciliation of scientism with so-called religious experiences rather than an impartial observation.

>> No.14673229

fear of mortality (oneself and loved ones)
fear of cosmic insignificance/lack of meaning
fear of 'unfairness'
tendency to think anthropocentrically
general desire to feel comforted

It isn't really surprising that most people gravitate towards narratives and interpretations of experiences that allay these fundamental concerns.

Revelation/religious experience is anecdotal, and so not much better than baseless assertion (perhaps worse in this case, since varying species of revelation often starkly condradict eachother).

>> No.14673343

It's sad Fedoras have such a small view of the universe

>> No.14673363
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>talking about "outside" of space and time

Shut up.

>> No.14673383

Why did abiogenesis have to happen bros, is this shit eternal? Does it truly end?

>> No.14673465
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>And no mathematical entities don't exist.

>> No.14673515

Who gives a fuck? How does “hurr wher tha univers come from???” affect anything? We out here, just live n shit

>> No.14673586

You're such a fucking ho. I love it.

>> No.14673697

It's in our nature to be inquisitive, and that nature has affected a great deal in our world. It's hard to just turn off that nature when confronted by questions of dubious pragmatic value. In other words, we're just living and shit.

For others, just living isn't enough... They need the promise of an afterlife and grand universal meaning to feel content.

>> No.14673704
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>> No.14673786


>> No.14673886

What you see as evidence for your set of beliefs i can see as evidence for mine. I simply believe reality has deep personal meaning to it and you don't. It's fine to feel tough and prickly. You're so tough. Look how strong you are in facing the cold painful facts of life. You believe in the truth despite yourself, how selfless.

>> No.14673894


>> No.14673907

>There is Divine revelation
No there is not
>not to mention all sorts of "religious experiences"

>> No.14673914
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>> No.14673922

B-but you're using "homo sapien" logic there.

>> No.14673956

You came to your conclusions based on your choices, judgments, experience and perceptions. So did i. You can't get rid of you no matter how much you try to pretend that you don't exist.

>> No.14673960

Show me the God equation in mathematics

>> No.14673970

>fucking fedorafags, god is so far beyond human understanding that trying to apply human logic is a fool’s errand!

>now, let me describe the precise nature of god and the universe to you in autistic detail

For such an ineffable being, theologians seem pretty certain about their special snowflake versions of metaphysics

>> No.14673993

>free will
the rest is true though

>> No.14673994

We all have a certain capacity to try and speak and understand the truth. We all hold something/s as sacred. Waring tribes have always been how they are, not much has changed.

>> No.14674046

Free will is an unsophisticated term that i did not mention. Reality is more complex than such simple terms. You become by what spirits shape you, including the general spirit of your flesh and the material universe. But freedom is before being, so saying "i see being, therefore it is determined" is only a partial explanation. But i claim to understand deeper parts of reality and you claim to understand the fundamentals better than me. You claim divine insight into reality just like i do.

>> No.14674068

give me some recs on this concept of freedom being before being pls

>> No.14674122

What do you mean by recs? Freedom/potential/omnipotentce as a deeper aspect of reality is required for limitations to exist because something can not come from nothing because nothing has no power. The term "nothing" in religious mystical speak is a designation for the almighty godhead which is so much greater than being that we use a apophatic term to try to express this "supra being". nicolas berdyaev can be a good starting point for understanding freedom. I recommend freedom and the spirit.

>> No.14674171

>nicolas berdyaev
Will check him out ty.

>> No.14674380

>the universe exists
If only I had the audacity to make such a claim

>> No.14674490
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Because we are apes cursed with just enough abstraction ability, doomed to walk this earth in a billion parallel lives asking questions which we are brilliant enough to ponder but too stupid to answer

>> No.14675279

>There is Divine revelation
>No there is not
>not to mention all sorts of "religious experiences"

>fear of mortality (oneself and loved ones)
What is greater, the fear of nonexistence or the fear of Hell? Not to mention the Hells and sufferings of other religions.

>fear of cosmic insignificance/lack of meaning
Depends on what kind of "cosmic significance" or "meaning" you are looking for. Many will juggle around different faiths and beliefs, looking for some meaning. Generally, this is true.

>fear of 'unfairness'
More so the desire for fairness than the fear of unfairness.

>tendency to think anthropocentrically
Excluding the earth-worshiping religions and animistic faiths, as well as the beliefs that portray humans as wholly insignificant and the world as an illusion. Sounds like you're portraying Christianity

>general desire to feel comforted
Depends on how you look at Christianity- in the eyes of atheists, it is both a cane and a crutch. With the same breath they express their bafflement at how such a "morbid" and "punitive" religion (misinterpretation) can attract so many followers, they complain that it is overly lenient and pioneered by a Hippie-Rabbi (misinterpretation) or some other such tripe.

>It isn't really surprising that most people gravitate towards narratives and interpretations of experiences that allay these fundamental concerns.
Once again, correlation does not imply causation. Religion being beneficial for the human species does not present a problem to theism; if humanity was naturally inclined towards disbelief in religion, then it could be. It could just as easily be the case that we gravitate towards these so-called "narratives and 'interpretations' of experiences" because we are imbued with that proclivity by our creator, whoever that may be.

>> No.14675307

>science is only an agglutinated mass of theories and speculations funded and pioneered by interested elites and based on non-replicable experiments and contradictory presumptions

> now, let me describe the exact eating habits of the Sumatran Monkey-Rat that inhabited the fern-jungles of pangaea twenty million years ago and how this resonates in its modern rodent successors, all of this based on a tooth we uncovered in Africa

If what I just said is wrong, so is what you said because it's the same thing- straw men, essentially

>> No.14675346

Maybe you should stop asking stupid or unanswerable question? The leap of faith/fantasy trip that you find as answer is of no value.