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14669558 No.14669558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What belief system do you subscribe to and what convinced you to it?

>> No.14669571

Neo-Advaita with Muslim characteristics

St. Guenon inspired me

>> No.14669579

Peoples opinions were effecting my actions too much. Stoic exercises helped calm my nerves and gain some confidence

>> No.14669599

It makes sense the most

>> No.14669605

>It makes sense the most

>> No.14669607

God's infinite love and mercy.

>> No.14669618

Your mom
Her fat pussy bush

>> No.14669619

I subscribe to no system, though I will gladly put your tools in my toolbox.

>> No.14669631

Idea of God in Islam is logical, not the confusing mess that trinity is or some 9 handed goddess.

>> No.14669633

keep your hands off my tools, nigger.

>> No.14669645

Im going to steal your wrench you triplefag

>> No.14669649

nooo not the wrencherino!

>> No.14669650
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Practical atheism. A degree of skepticism. Bayesianism for ontology.

Codified religions are fine. Meme religions are for faggot cringelords.

>> No.14669746

Traditionalism, from reading Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.14669801

Some weird Jungian pseud self construction informed by my lived experience with psychosis.

There's a collective consciousness as a counterpart to the collective unconscious. This entity has no individual agency, but can be conceived as the set of all sensory organs recording stimulus.

Gestalt communication uses mirror neurons (mimesis) and genetic information (epigenetics) to pass information between members of the consciousness entity in real time and through generations. Basically, the physical means of the potential for a connection like this to exist are already proven to exist.

Patterns of both environment fit and behavior create grooves of action. Simple stuff like smell food and appetite increases. Complex stuff like repeated dishonesty leading to social suspicion and ostracism.

Grooves coalesce to form archetypes as the purest incarnate form of pattern driven behavior. Archetypes, because of their organic deterministic quality, are life forms representing the highest meaning achievable.

The consciousness entity is NOT omniscient. It is entirely constructed out of the past and has nothing to say about the future other than the organic determinism of archetypal templates. The collective cannot perceive that future, but the individual unit can.

The most useful model for interfacing with this consciousness is polytheism. Ascribing divinity to the emerging archetypal patterns of behavior.

Morality and rationality both limit the output of the collective consciousness with their restrictive determinism. This limits the expression of archetypes. As archetypes are "sealed" away, because morality or rationality forbids their existence, the rest of the pantheon diminishes as well. The archetypes exist in an ecosystem. The hero's victory is defined by the strength of the foe he faces. No enemy no hero. Meaning itself begins to fade from the world.

A completely amoral society would hand the reigns back to the archetypes. Our lives would be nastier, more dangerous, and likely irrational. But We would never want for meaning or sincerity again.

In truth, the individual cannot handle that much meaning. Which is what makes the determinism offered by morality and rationality so seductive. It whispers to our fears and insecurities. Trading our full potential for colorless safety.

>> No.14669874

I am a newfag to reading and making up my own mind in general, so I'm mostly undecided. Neoplatonism, at the surface level (again, I haven't read much), seems to make the most sense to me. Also, I unironically attracted to Judaism, because /pol/ memes had the opposite effect on me in that their constant bitching about Jews ruling the world made me wonder what exactly caused them to gain this position, especially on the spiritual side of things. Looking into it, I prefer their conception of God over the Christian one.

>> No.14670515

I am really, really attracted to girls with thick, full hair. I'm sure it is because I was balding as a teenager. But I am seriously attracted to it more than any other feature.

>> No.14670562
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Hardcore Catholic. I wouldn't describe myself as "Trad," because while I do attend the Latin Mass often I also go to Novus Ordo Masses sometimes as well. I get my political ideas directly from the Church; religion directly informs my politics.

I was raised Catholic and never exactly fell away from the Church. However, two things strongly intensified my faith in the last five or so years. First, I started to pray the Rosary every single day, and ever since that started I've been much more devoted and devout. Second, in 2017 I had a serious of mystical, miraculous experiences like I've never had before or since. Literally some /x/-level stuff. It blew me away and basically made my faith as solid as iron. I genuinely think it would be impossible for me not to be Catholic at this point. And, like I said, I'm SO Catholic at this point that my religion informs everything else about my life, especially my political opinions.

>> No.14670578

I'm more or less a Christian heretic. I try to live by the words of Jesus, but also am interested in Alchemy and Hermeticism. I've been denounced by my Protestant pastor as a "Gnostic", but he cheated on his wife and destroyed the congregation shortly after, so it doesn't really bother me. I got this way by reading Kierkegaard and Tomberg, among many others such as Jung, Evola, and Plotinus.

>> No.14670599
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Catholic Christianity, because every word that came from Jesus' mouth is true, and because it is the only denomination that remains wholly true to the Church Fathers. But that's not to say that I don't doubt, or that I want to go bathe at Lourdes some day. I find so much of Catholic culture stupid and irritating (and in the Protestant world it's even worse). On top of that, the Vatican is a viper-pit and most "catholics" are Catholic in name only. Everything is a disappointment, the Church too, except God Himself. His wisdom remain irrefutable and the only thing that gives me clarity and strength to face this stupid world.

>> No.14670606

>but he cheated on his wife and destroyed the congregation shortly after
are you that ex-baptist anon who recently warned us to never be baptist? also your pastor is right

>> No.14670630

Catholicism, mostly because I was raised as one. Other than that, I don't really cling to belief systems.

>> No.14670641

what kind of faggot believes in things
i do not believe, i either know or do not know

>> No.14670648

Then why are you on this site?

>> No.14670654

>people seriously replying
Who cares about what you believe? At least write a funny answer.

>> No.14670655

Recently? No

>> No.14670678

I am unable to positively back any belief or narrative, I obsessively play devil's advocate with myself and have lost any ability to innately trust my gut instinct
When I am lucky, I will automatically act and react in accordance with a seemingly stable set of values and priorities but intellectually I can not confidently defend them, assuming I can even divine what they are
I am sure of nothing but the fact that any positively defined opinion I have held in my life has eventually caused me doubt and embarrassment once I am confronted by that ever-present fact that no matter what you believe, there is nearly ALWAYS someone who is smarter and/or more knowledgeable than you who will disagree, and it will be beyond your ability to defend yourself against them
I am nothing, I believe nothing, I am just a machine that takes in beliefs and cycles through them, alternatively adopting and attacking them in place

>> No.14670696

Hermeticist or natural philosophyst

>> No.14670720
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Buddhism, because after you cut all the crap, from blackmail promises of eternal heaven by doing this or that to pure selfish nihilism, from hubrys of an idea of progress by enacting the merchant caste to profit from your life to indifferent alienated hedonism, all that's left is buddhism as the only way out of craving and meaningless suffering.

>> No.14670749

May I ask, my dear sir, what is it about the general guenon dick sucking on this board ?

He's ok, nothing against him, but I don't get why he's presented as some sort of demigod all over this board ?

Is it just a meme or does he have a real following here ?

>> No.14670759

There's at least one guy who's actually read him and shills him probably in good faith, then a couple of Muslim discorders who view him as a Gateway to Islam for the White Man, then a few more who think it's funny to shitpost about him.

>> No.14670762

I don't like to stick to philosophies for too long, or get stuck inside a belief system.

However, right now, on a metpahysical level, the closest would be syntheism.

It's a sort of system in which god has three aspects, one that is not (atheism), on that is nature/reality (pantheism) and one that is subjective consciousness (subjectivism)

also, it is accepted in syntheism that all ideas of god are ultimately man made. Internet is the womb of the next god(s), as stated by the theorry if syntheism.

Overall, I don't give a fuck.

Sometimes i feel good, sometimes, ok, sometimesshit. I try to see what all these have in common and that's my absolute.

>> No.14670767



>> No.14670802
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>no i don't need religion my life still has meaning without it and i dont hate myself every day and want to die yeah im really happy thanks science

>> No.14670845

Just like, do good stuff and be nice to people.

>> No.14670851
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I ride a motorcycle through the various Belief Systems. Sometimes along with them, sometimes I just cut across without a care.

>> No.14670894

how are you so consistently cringe

>> No.14670969

PLEASE just go to tumblr. I don't understand why you aren't already there, it's the perfect site for you. They'll love you there, your posts would get hundreds of upvotes I'm sure. Imagine, no more Anons harassing you, constantly asking for feet pics. You'll finally be accepted as a MtF in an online community!

>> No.14670972

catholicism, aquinas

>> No.14670975
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>> No.14670977


>> No.14670984


>> No.14670988

Well, I’m an atheist but currently stuck in Mormonism due to everyone in my large extended family being involved with the church. If I left, they probably wouldn’t completely shut me out but I’d definitely be treated differently. Perhaps even worse. I was raised in the church and I know it’s bs but I just can’t bring myself to leave. Mormons say it’s the “holy ghost” prompting you to stay. I say it’s the cult programming fucking with me. I don’t know what to do but fuck.

>> No.14670992

kindly fuck off. read ed feser or something, I'm not about to type 300 words for your pea brain.

>> No.14671001

Crybabies should be on the report list

>> No.14671066

I'm attracted to Jewish cunny

>> No.14671093

OP is a literal retard. Trying to literally adopt an ideology. That is the path to suffering. The belief system I subscribe to is my own solely, just like every thinking persons and every truly religious persons.

>> No.14671097

the belief that modern "jews" are those described in revelations 2:9 and 3:9 and are the personification of Satan

>> No.14671100

what do you believe the role of the state should be?

>> No.14671113

Nondenominational Anabaptist Christian. I've witnessed some faith healings and have had God come through for me in some big ways. I figure there's a lot of philosophical proof for the existence of a Creator, especially the Christian God. I've been a Christian since I was a teen but I was baptized just last November.

>> No.14671119

Oh, and I also practice stoicism.

>> No.14671138

Do you subscribe to the traditional doctrine of the Fall (cf. Augustine) or the Anabaptist view articulated by Conrad Grebel that fallenness is not innate but caused by society?

>> No.14671176

The people ought to elect themselves right out from underneath the oligarchic representatives in their own municipalities

>> No.14671282

My belief system is that girls in trad dresses can get it

>> No.14671303

They are right. You are cringe. I think you a decently developed belief system from what I can piece together, but the photos you post are cringe, and your dialetic style is cringe.

>> No.14671315

An understandable, if unfortunate predilection.

Not too knowledgeable about Mormonism, but if it’s like most denominations you can always just be peripherally a part of the faith. Like Jews and jewery. I’d hesitate to call it “cultural Mormonism”, but usually you don’t have to make a hard break. Most Mormons I’ve meet seem pretty nice and genuine, though the cultometer is a bit up there.

>> No.14671327


ive come to feel like being emotional at all as a man is only a detriment

reading stoic philosophy was also very therapeutic

>> No.14671342
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Mormon, but I've recently been reading both Catholic and Orthodox stuff. Recently I've been reading The Imitation of Christ.
I've had a couple very beautiful mystical experiences and one that terrified me to the bone. It would be an act of wilful ignorance to not believe.

>> No.14671361

You're so close to discovering the fullness of the Incarnation and the reality of the Trinity

>> No.14671368

Not the guy you replied to but what the fuck did Hume (or rather whoever made this powerpoint slide) mean by this?
>Aquinas is wrong to make a connection between cause and effect

>> No.14671370

chill autist

>> No.14671377

>What belief system do you subscribe to
I want to live.
>what convinced you to it?

>> No.14671382

nothing convinced me

>> No.14671399

>look guys i like judaism because other people don't! kekeke!
You will never, ever be a Jew. Read the Talmud. It is VERBOTEN for Goyim to read about Judaism, a malefaction penalizable by death. Stop your narcissistic and nescient LARPing, you insufferable pseud.

>> No.14671427

I could see that working, but how is that not a new state?

>> No.14671432
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wu wei

>> No.14671453

for me its just wu

>> No.14671573

What's your method, man?

>> No.14671579


>> No.14671629
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The same way labor vouchers aren't money. There are subtle differences from the two-faced tyranny we live under and these free-associations of plenty. Decentralized, we'd be free to experiment. Places will continue to have names and borders for a time, but legal documents declaring nationhood? So an elite ruling class can imprison those they can't indoctrinate? A standing army to steal from other nations?
I'm eager to see an end to it. Only a responsible people will do it, something we're unfortunately lacking an abundance of.

>> No.14671825

State always exists in the general sense of the word, even for huntergathers, but the modern state is an abomination that needs to be but never will be purged.

>> No.14671837

Atheistic egoism with a hint of stoicism

>> No.14671893

Judaism. As an young adult I refused to acknowledge the existence of something above us. Now, I see that I was mistaken and you can't really deny your roots.

>> No.14671913

>Gnostic Christian syncretism
It sounds really stupid, but it's true. I was raised atheist but abandoned that in college after having a couple spiritual experiences (meeting a woman who didn't exist, feeling God's presence in my life, etc.). I started crashing and taking theology and religious studies classes because I didn't know where to start. At the end of one semester, I was sleep deprived and writing several big essays on religious stuff. One was comparing and contrasting ritual and practice in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and the sort of Christian mysticism described in "The Cloud of Unknowing;" the other was on the various iterations of the cosmological argument for God's existence. When I woke up the next morning, I was thoroughly convinced. I had a professor I was close with jokingly describe me as a "semi-perennialist kook" when introducing me to another professor.

>> No.14671919

When you are inbred, it makes sense.

>> No.14671995

Christian Catholic with interests in Platonism, Neoplotinism, Stoicism, Neopythagoreanism, Hermeticism, German Idealism, Advaita Vedanta, Zoroastrianism, Theravada Buddhism, among others.

>> No.14672027

Stoicism, I guess
I was a depressed and nihilistic atheist before. Now I believe god resides within my consciousness. I was raised catholic, but I feel I can’t subscribe to it anymore because I have an interest on occultism, Nordic/Icelandic paganism and bear worship

>> No.14672157
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"We live in sovereign civil kingdoms subject to the supreme sovereign God, whose providence is recognized by all sovereign civil powers. This is made plain to human understanding by the explicit avowal of sovereign powers in adding to their titles of majesty such phrases as "by divine providence" or "by the grace of God," through which they must publicly profess to have received their kingdoms. So that if worship of providence were forbidden, the natural consequence would be their fall, for a nation of fatalists or casualists or atheists never existed in the world."

"The Stoics seek to mortify the senses and the Epicureans make them the criterion. For both deny providence, the former chaining themselves to fate, the latter abandoning themselves to chance. The latter moreover affirm that the human soul dies with the body. Both should be called monastic or solitary philosophers."

"Minds, to make good use of the knowledge of God, must humble themselves, just as on the other hand arrogance will lead them to atheism, for atheists become giants in spirit, ready to say with Horace: Caelum if sum pettmus stultitia, "heaven itself we assail in our folly."

>> No.14672221
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>> No.14672439

Philosophical Judaism.

Praying improves my self-confidence, and makes me feel better and more optimistic about life in general. When I read stories from the Torah, or hear parables from my Rabbi, I feel that I can genuinely apply it to my day-to-day life. Ever since I've striven to improve my connection to my faith, without taking everything literally, I've noticed a genuine improvement of my life and personal happiness.

>> No.14672462

So where can I go to find more delicious Paki thots?

>> No.14672496

>What belief system

>what convinced you
I was Taoist before I heard about it, I adopted the label for convenience afterwards.

>> No.14672512

Not the person you are asking, but perhaps he refers to the counter-intuitive nature of the cause-effect system of thought?

I mean, without the cause-effect system coloring your world view, it becomes apparent that two events necessitate each other, rather than one causing the other.

>> No.14672788

Die in a fire kike

>> No.14672818

I've never read either author but I believe in the former assertion. Imo sin is not just inherent and demonstrated as bad things we do, but it's also the cause of the broken and unhappy state of the world. It's the default way of things; I just call it brokenness. The ultimate triumph of sin is death and the only remedy is eternal life through Christ Jesus.

>> No.14673181

Stoic, but you have interest in bear worship?

>> No.14673228

why that and not other monotheistic religions

>> No.14673255

i hate dogma.

>> No.14673361
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Might is right

>> No.14673386

This is a Greek board. And it makes reddit and samefags seethe.