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14669367 No.14669367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fascism and communism
The first 3 had their time and then faded out; now liberalism is in the same situation, the sun is setting on the liberal world order. "Trumpism" is purifying the right-wing of the liberal values it quietly held along with its convervatism, and the left is moving toward militant progressivism that is incompatible with old ideas of freedom and free expression.
What will the new movement(s) be called? What comes next, /lit/?

>> No.14669382
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Ideology is a failed late 19th/20th century experiment. You are clinging to a rotting corpse.

>> No.14669394


>> No.14669438

Semantics. Something will sweep this century, if not an ideology, then a phenomenon, a disaster, an individual, an idea, a technological shift. One could even argue that the "something" is already happening now and we just haven't put it all together into a big-picture observation yet.

>> No.14669512

Further decay of the American empire and its violent death throes. Dominance of Chinese fascism leading the world in all respects, preserving cultures and ethnicities, promoting mutual growth with serious consideration and action for sustainability.

>> No.14669530

the chinks are just trying to out jew the jews, they have no regard for the environment or morality.

>> No.14669545

>Dominance of Chinese fascism
They're in decline, and they can't even dominate Hong Kong let alone the world.

>> No.14669556

This, it’s semantics “ideology” under one name or another will continue.

>> No.14669592
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a golden age of catholic monarchical distributism.

>> No.14669609

God I want nothing more than some good riots and or a boog 2

>> No.14669628

>boog 2
a what now

>> No.14669635

electric booogaloo 2

>> No.14669639

ideology is older than that, in such we can call any theology as an ideology, but i do agree its time has come.

>> No.14669663

The golden age of liberalism was between the 1850s and the first world war though.

>> No.14669666

It's literally just fascism you retard.

>> No.14669670

Post ideology is ideology incarnate.

>> No.14669722

there was never a golden age of liberalism for the common man. it has always been shit. whatever remained of the aristocratic blood wrote some good books in it's death throws, and the clothes were kind of cool, thats pretty much it.

>> No.14669734
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It already happened and its open to all persuasions who want an end to capitalism. Accerlationism - futurism

>> No.14669743

It reached its acme in the 60s/70s culturally

>> No.14669751


>> No.14669775
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It's already happened

>> No.14669828

disgusting weeb is disgusting

>> No.14669843
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This, ironically, is ideology. Nice job btfoing yourself you pretentious faggot.

>> No.14669844

No it isn't. There is no regulating idea.

>> No.14669872

The regulating idea is ideology itself. If you can somehow prevent yourself from eschewing the term ideology in order to deny ideology, then you have circumvented the regulating idea. As it stands, you have only reinforced the regulator.

>> No.14669880


>> No.14669884


>> No.14669888

>u cannot know nuffin variation 439
fuck off faggot

>> No.14669889


>> No.14669895

"There isn't going to be ideology" isn't an ideology, it's a statement. There is no regulating idea derived from this statement, no origin, no telos, thus no ideology.

>> No.14669902
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>> No.14669903

> "There isn't going to be ideology"
Your ideology is there is no ideology, and deny that ideology will not arise after ideology, thereby proving an origin of after ideology and a telos of after-ideology, which is the ideology. Keep playing into the dialectic like a retard.

>> No.14669970
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Communism's time is the future.

>> No.14670001

imagine how easy it would be to conquer an asian country if every gun in the world just vanished.

>> No.14670005

China is not communist and has not been since the Mao era

>> No.14670016

You have no idea what liberalism is

>> No.14670022

can you elaborate on your reasons for thinking this? how is ideology different from, as >>14669639 mentioned, religion? what replaces ideology?

>> No.14670032

>not a liberal

>> No.14670040

they will be able to once america, the country which would gladly tip the first domino against china if they violently suppressed hk, loses some of its legitimacy as a pre-eminent world power. the USA is one major military misadventure away from a crisis which would probably shift the locus of world power towards china/russia.

>> No.14670049

Liberals don't believe in shithole countries

>> No.14670052

It's socialist on the road to communism.

>> No.14670054

>communism is the future
>these two racialist countries that reject international proletariat dictatorship entirely prove it

>> No.14670055

>thereby proving an origin of after ideology and a telos of after-ideology, which is the ideology.

Read this again, moron.

>> No.14670070
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>on the road to communism.

>> No.14670072

>that reject international proletariat dictatorship
Wrong. China helps countries like Venezuela, Syria and Cuba. The DPRK helps Palestine and African nations against imperialism. The idea that they are racist is imperialist projection from fascist NATO regimes who have genocided millions.

>> No.14670076

>C-China isn't socialist! I, enlightened liberal westerner, know better than 90 million members of the Communist Party of China

>> No.14670142

China will crumble at the first sound of Western guns firing upon its hordes, as it always has from the time it first encountered Westerners. China is a non-threat, a non-entity, just a manufacturing hell on the sidelines of history that serves as a punching bag for whoever is powerful in Asia at the time. (the Chinese can only believe in their own superiority in times of peace...wonder why that is)

>> No.14670153

>muh white thupremathist nato
>implying china gives a shit about syria and latin america outside of their inconveniencing america
holy shit i think tankies are the most gullible people in radical politics

>> No.14670225
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>> No.14670240

a time of hunger, as it was before, can not be thought, only experienced.

>> No.14670271

china is easily a fascist country

>> No.14670344
File: 254 KB, 1000x670, The-Neon-Virgin-of-Saigon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worldwide Neo-Christendom, as the Church reforms itself in the wake of the scandals of the 20th Century and, as a result, gains the strength to dominate the known world again. This has happened both times the Church has been rocked by scandal in its history. The Arian Crisis which nearly destroyed the Church in the 5th Century gave rise to the mighty Church of late antiquity, which was so holy and powerful that it could even command the Roman Emperor to do as it wished. The "pornocracy" of the 9th and the 10th centuries, when the Church was plagued by corruption and sexual sins, gave rise to the Church of the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when it was far and away the most dominant cultural and artistic force in all of Europe, in addition to conquering the New World via Spanish and Portuguese Catholics. Every time the Church reforms after scandals it massively expands in power and influence, and as the Church is reforming right now, such an expansion will probably occur again.

>> No.14670345

Feudalism wasn't an ideology, it was a way for powerful people to grasp control of their populations after the Roman Empire fell away

>> No.14670353

Actually all of those cited arent ideologies, ideologies are gay ops tied to how the elite actually control their native population.
Hence "Liberal Democracy" is the gay op and Techno Oligarchy is the reality.

>> No.14670356

>Feudalism wasn't an ideology
OP never mentioned ideology

>> No.14670370

Youre right, I read the comment below and tied it to the one above,
But my point still stands, the next movement will be one that secures power over the plebs with smoke and mirrors.

>> No.14670460

Unfortunately, I think "liberalism", for lack of a better term, is here to stay. It's proven to be a dynamic system that is capable of assimilating a wide variety of political tendencies, including authoritarianism. Sure, you have political autists who are legit fascists and communists, but most of the "far-right" is just interested in restricting immigration, and most of the "far-left" is just interested in Scandanavian-style social democracy. Both of these things are compatible with "liberalism". Trump is a "liberal", so is Bernie, so is Corbyn, so is Putin, so is Xi Jinping. Communism isn't going to make a comeback (hard to organize strikes when all the jobs are automated away). Neither is Fascism (compare the sort of people who attend far-right rallies today with those who attended them in the 1920s and 30s and try to imagine them organizing a March on Rome). "Liberalism" is here to stay until the human race goes extinct, either due to our environment becoming inhospitable to human life or some IRL version of the Human Instrumentality Project.

>> No.14670716

Show me a period of time when ideology has never existed. I’m waiting.