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14668458 No.14668458 [Reply] [Original]

how can I stop beiing a whiny degenerate black pill nigger?
I'm so tired of this shit

>> No.14668464
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I'm trying to read books on my computer but everytime I try i just go down the rabbit hole of internet addiction

>> No.14668979

get a job, start lifting, lose weight, get gf.
And stop being a bitch.

Slap your face when you do that.

>> No.14668980

>get a job
blackpill shit

>> No.14668984

first off stop saying words like
>black pill
and stay off /pol/ and /r9k/, and preferably 4chan in general if possible.

>> No.14668989

Get an e-reader and keep it in airplane mode.

>> No.14668990

blackpill shit is you coddling your nature. admit what you are and accept it. change or die. changing your nature is no simple task, it's a struggle for life against all that you are.

also this. it's at best meaningless speaking in tongues, at worst a well-developed mythology of cope.

>> No.14669083

What black pill?
The incel, the poltard or the neet version of it?

>> No.14669321
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do lsd

>> No.14669326

There are way more versions than that. You can find speckled all throughout history guys saying 'fuck this gay earth'

>> No.14669431

Get /fit/, smoke some weed on a sunny day and fuck bitches.

>> No.14669432

by following me on twitter

>> No.14669441

I'm shizoid or autistic not sure yet

>> No.14669445

everything is fucked

>> No.14669488

This for real. Human body needs to work anything. Trust me do this

>> No.14670039

good advice here

>> No.14670046

Read actual physical books. Do it outside