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14668310 No.14668310 [Reply] [Original]

Has Christianity, dare I say it, been defeated?

>> No.14668321
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I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father; through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And he was made flesh by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; suffered, and was buried. On the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.
And He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.

>> No.14668367

Refuted by Guenon ex post facto

>> No.14668523


>> No.14668534

20 years from now the atheist left will be considered even more cringe than the guillotines of france. good chance they all end up in jail even .... society isn't going to tolerate this garbage like pumping kids full of hormones or chopping their genitalia up for long

>> No.14668562


>> No.14668784

For all intents and purposes, yes.
Not like deus vultures will ever admit to it.

>> No.14668993

Christianity was defeated 200 years ago with the advent of historical criticism.

Ehrman's just bringing long held academic conclusions to the masses.

>> No.14669001


But it doesn’t matter. People will believe in whatever they want.

>> No.14669037

Hahahahaha hahahahaha holy shit imagine being such a smooth brained square stacker that you think ‘apocolyptic prophet of the new millenium’ is a valid thesis even within the JEWed academic world of New Testament studies. I could critique new questers all fucking day but Ehrman was obliterated within a year and made irrelevant except as a pop science tier controversy peddler.

Aside from his decent text book and the one criticizing Jesus of Nazareth deniers his entire bibliography is nothing more than edginess for the sake of selling books to redditors.

I’m b it even meaning. This hack isn’t relevant in his own academic circle, which by the way, is nothing but Jews creating polemics against Christ under the guise of academic approach. The criteria They use are nothing more than cherry picking devices.

The proof of this is that there is more ‘historical evidence’ that Christ was seen after his death than that Caesar was murdered.

Is that proof that Christ rose from the dead? No. It shows how braindead you would be to take these people seriosuly because using their ‘criteria for historicity’ the entire Ancient history is forged not just the Christ they despise and hate.

>> No.14669184 [DELETED] 

But will not Christ hand over the kingdom to the Father? How does Orthodoxy walk away from Paul's statement?

>> No.14669188

Define defeated

>> No.14669197

Christianity has been defeated by prosperity. When the West collapses and/or makes Christianity illegal, expect a strong return to form.

>> No.14669198
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Absolutely blessed. ty anon.

>> No.14669210
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>believing in historical criticism which literally can't make up it's mind about anything and exclusively gets off on the novelty of 'groundbreaking new research which will force us to read these texts in a whole new light with entirely different conclusions!!!.'
Yeah, I'd really rather not

>> No.14669225


>> No.14669238 [DELETED] 

Eyes betray despair. Not melancholy of enlightened or resignation of men out of time, rather, increasing noetic non-experience of being. nigga lives in hell.

>> No.14669356

Made me think

>> No.14669364
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>> No.14669580

It's been pretty consistent with its portrait of the historical Jesus as an apocalyptic preacher who expected the end to come in his lifetime.

>> No.14669594

God, imagine being a social scientist. I actually feel really bad for them.

>> No.14669598

Signaling, in-group reinforcement, cope

>> No.14669606

True. Too easy and cheap to get a dopamaine rush for the plebs to bother with anything higher thinking

>> No.14669617
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>in-group reinforcement

>> No.14669627
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>> No.14669816

Literally not true nobody holds Erhmans views

>> No.14669824

Based and bread pilled

Cringe and Reddit pilled

>> No.14669826
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say the other 3 creeds

>> No.14669882

I'm referring to critical issues more than the interpretation of what the text says. (I realize that these can only be separated so far) The fact that my professors pass of their contradictory opinions on Q source, documentary hypothesis etc as factual and standard in the field really gets annoying after a while. I'd rather study ecclesiastical history and dogmatics but criticism is mandatory for my degree.

>> No.14669892
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Christianity is for faggots and has-beens. Real men are into skepticism and Bayesianism. If you're a Christian you're in the intellectual stone age. Because you're too much of a pussy to stare into the abyss of truth, you cling to pleasant lies.

>> No.14669897

>if you're not a Christian you believe in tranny faggotry

Not true anon. You can believe in gender bimodalism as a scientific thinker. What, you let Bill Nye dictate what you think of scientists? You retard. You ignoramus. You buffoon.

>> No.14669905

I have never met a Christian who actually knew anything about the development of the Christian church. Every one who tries to understand the history of Christianity ends up deconverted.

Cling to your faith, faggot. I know it's all you have, because you're short on arguments.

>> No.14669909

I subscribed to this guys blog for a while while I was at moody and it was always a fun read. He doesn't take himself seriously and he doesnt have any vitrol for christianity, it actually seems like he "wishes" he could believe. It was his life and social circle for years and when he lost his faith he lost alot of his life.

>> No.14669913

Pleasant lies like “nothing I do matters so I should just get to coom whenever I want and never suffer”? Pleasant lies like that FAGGOT?

>> No.14669918

>The proof of this is that there is more ‘historical evidence’ that Christ was seen after his death than that Caesar was murdered.
>says this without a hunt of irony
>claims its manufactured academia to attack christianity

Wew lad, everything you believe is manufactured.

>> No.14669923
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Theres only one way to get bread spilled and it ain't through christianity

>> No.14669924

Who gives a shit who you've met or not. Many of the great modern Church historians have been faithful Christians. Spend some time with people who aren't retards and you might learn something.

>> No.14669925


>> No.14669929


Try reading a book for once nigger. One that's not just apologetics.

>> No.14669932

you're a faggot. say something worth responding to

>> No.14669934

Church historians who believe = dishonest manipulation of the facts.

>> No.14669940


>> No.14669941


Nope. Next comes the Christian revival because people are tired of fags and trannies and rap music proting violence, sex and murder. the silent conservative majority is true.
i know literal criminals turning from their ways because the world is getting so sick that being a bad guy is no longer a form of rebellion, becoming a christian is rebellion now.
my orthodox church is blowing up with anti fag, anti semite, pro family, pro trad value millenial and zoomers.

>> No.14669948

>Nope. Next comes the Christian revival because people are tired of fags and trannies and rap music proting violence, sex and murder. the silent conservative majority is true.
Or a new wave of Nazism.

>> No.14669951

>my orthodox church is blowing up with anti fag, anti semite, pro family, pro trad value millenial and zoomers.
Is that before or after you drink vodka and beat your wife, Ivan?

>> No.14669961

you mean uyouve met a lot of former prots and papist who think it all started with the roman church and its grab for power. Any one who has an actual understanding ends up at an orthodox church

>> No.14669963

>anti fag, anti semite, pro family, pro trad value
>implying that has anything to do with believing in a sky daddy and denying science
your christian revival is exactly as you described it - rebellious, contrarian and insincere COPE.

>> No.14669964
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If this is your idea of a dishonest manipulator, YOU ARE A HALFWIT

>> No.14669975

Im actually a amerindian who didnt want to be a christian but studied dozens of religions, history and politics and ended up at an orthodox church/

>> No.14669977
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>my orthodox church is blowing up with anti fag, anti semite, pro family, pro trad value millenial and zoomers.

>> No.14669988

we acknowledghe the truth of God's laws and see where atheism?secularism has taken society. The fact people revert to behaving like the pagans of the OT is enough for us to see there is a divine order that was gifted to us through God, his laws and then through Christ.

>> No.14669998
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the best part is that they already know it subconsciously.
>They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them
the absolute cope coming from the antichristian faggots in this thread might as well prove our point

>> No.14670015

Christianity is a religion of sneaks and liars. No Christian is ever fully honest about their beliefs.

>> No.14670019

based and orthodox pilled

>> No.14670027

Is this seriously the best argument you have
>reee I dont trust you, Christians are always sneaky reeee

>> No.14670030

>God is in my head whether I want him to be there or not
fuck this shit, get out of my brain until I'm ready, fucking fag. Fuck GOd why try in believe something that's not fucking there, I'm never going to really believe fuck you god fuck heaven fuck hell hope when I die it's just eternal unconscious oblivion. fuck your heaven and Jesus Christ, fuck ever thinking that you made this world, fuck trying to not think about you cause you're supposedly in my head ALL THE FUCKING TIME. fuck acid fuck weed fuck schizophrenia and bipolar fuck you

>> No.14670050

Yeah you can be an obnoxious faggot all you want, but you'll never see a Christian "scholar" come to any conclusion which doubts the absolute veracity of the bible. That's because they're dishonest.

>> No.14670056

Poo in the street and gang rape a woman then, Pajeet.

>> No.14670061

>if the scholars don't constantly revise and contradict each other, they must be lying! It couldn't possible be that Christianity is true!

>> No.14670069

literally the highest ranking professor of history at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
>oh but he couldn't be a 'real' scholar because the real scholars agree with me
you're a retard

>> No.14670071

are you literally retarded? you equate amerindian to a pajeet? thats pants on head levels of retarded but I forgive you. I am a native american of the yaqui peoples.

>> No.14670079

What do you think of Native Alaskan Orthodoxy?

>> No.14670089

>argument from authority

>> No.14670098

its based. The orthodox peacefully spread true religion unlike the history of papists and natives, not all papist converted amerindians forcefully though, but it happened. As far as i know the russians recognized the alaskan natives sovereignty.

>> No.14670099

>Christians aren't real scholars
>Stop appealing to the research of scholars
which is it, genius

>> No.14670117
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>Christianity is for faggots and has-beens. Real men are into skepticism and Bayesianism. If you're a Christian you're in the intellectual stone age. Because you're too much of a pussy to stare into the abyss of truth, you cling to pleasant lies.

>> No.14670126

Retroactively DEMOLISHED by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.14670139
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>> No.14670173

>thinking history is an exact science
There is no unbiased history. All that remains is the faith on whom to believe.

>> No.14670174

Name one of Ehrman's views that aren't mainstream.

>> No.14670229
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All that Ehrman proves is that ultra-literalist fundamentalist readings of the Bible are wrong. But if you're more nuanced in your approach, like any great Catholic or Protestant exegete is, then the Bible still stands.

>> No.14670354

>But if you're more nuanced in your approach, like any great Catholic or Protestant exegete is, then the Bible still stands.
These are the people getting BTFO the most by Ehrman & co. though. The biggest accomplishment of historical criticism was discarding all the centuries of spiritualization & cope by those exegetes and uncovering the original meaning and context of the texts.

>> No.14670491

>if the scholars don't constantly revise and contradict each other, they must be lying!

>> No.14670520

The original context only illumines the spiritual meaning more.

>> No.14670760

Illuminate, yeah, but not exactly in a favorable light. For example, you can see the spiritualization of the Kingdom of God as a reaction to Jesus's prophecies failing to materialize.

>> No.14670813

>For example, you can see the spiritualization of the Kingdom of God as a reaction to Jesus's prophecies failing to materialize
The Kingdom of God and the end of the world are two separate issues. Obviously the Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality (citizenship of Heaven, to be precise), which comes into fullness at the end of time. Jesus' prophecies don't make sense without the Kingdom also being a spiritual reality.

>> No.14670822

>This family name is a patronymic surname based on a male ancestor's personal name, in this case of biblical origin. Ehrmann, Ehrman and Erman, derived from the noun Ehre, that is "honesty/honor", mean "man of honor/honesty" in German. As Jewish surnames, they are variants of the Hebrew Aaron/Aharon.

>> No.14670870

Thank you anon, I needed this. My faith has been winding down.

>> No.14670905

Let's talk, I'm here for you.

>> No.14671206

>the advent of historical criticism.
100 years ago we people didn't believe in HOmer lmfao

>> No.14671223

>The biggest accomplishment of historical criticism
historical criticism accomplished basically nothing from the apostolic point of view and is just a result of protestant dependence on scripture

>> No.14671260

>same screwballs who thought Troy wasn't real want me to believe that Jesus isn't real

I'll pass.

>> No.14671265


Ehrman wrote a book against Jesus mythicism, sweetie.

>> No.14671419
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why are christfags so obsessed with dudes ejaculating?

>> No.14671435

This is always the New Atheist move. It reminds me when you go to some shithole country like Belgium and the liberals and conservatives get drunk and both argue about conspiracy theories instead of real politics.

>> No.14671439

Ignorance can never be defeated.

>> No.14671574

he was literally raised as an evangelical in the bible belt you retard

>> No.14671598

Idk who that is but the answer is Yes, except for the majority of the species that still holds christian beliefs

The problem of religion is real. Christianity can guide us but it will never be a monopolizer of the divine insofar as the critical fields of multivaried academics continue to grow as they are currently.

>> No.14671842
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>Signaling, in-group reinforcement, cope


Daily reminder that Jesus is the silver bullet that kills Clown World

>> No.14671875
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>Has Christianity, dare I say it, been defeated?
I dunno LOL

>> No.14672118

imagine the smell

>> No.14672307

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and the life everlasting

>> No.14672350

>implying they don't
>implying it even matters that they have contradictions, as if their "findings" are above the accounts of the Bible

>> No.14672353

>god is not real, because no proof

Have atheist ever come up with a different argument than this one?

>> No.14672356


>> No.14672364


>> No.14672379


>> No.14672612

nobody cares about him besides muslim apologists

>> No.14672913

>as if their "findings" are above the accounts of the Bible

>> No.14673286

This is a literature board, illiterates like you don’t belong here

>> No.14673307

>this one guy who happens to fit atheist beliefs is better then all other biblical scholars.

>> No.14673479

Have you read any other biblical scholars besides Ehrman? You'll hear the same things from most of them.

>> No.14673484

gib examples pls

>> No.14673516

Maurice Casey, Dale C. Allison, Paula Fredriksen, Robert J. Miller, E.P. Sanders

>> No.14673520


>> No.14673522


>> No.14673607


>> No.14674014


>> No.14674369


>> No.14674437

>jews are conspiring to disprove muh bible
Take your meds schizo. Irrelevant of what historians claim, the Bible doesn't even agree with itself, it's all over the place.

>> No.14674438

Christianity refutes itself

>> No.14674530

When Christianity is defeated the apocalypse happens.

>> No.14674534

Not an argument

>> No.14674751

this triggers the lapsed catholic.

>> No.14674760

you can't refute love, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

>> No.14674804

Christianity is as it always has been; an indiscriminately assimilating force by which to apprehend and conscribe the orders of the entire world under one stupid, ignorant, deceitful rule. It finds its basis in the corrupt spirit god of the cast-out desert semites, of which the rest of the semites were loathe to accept. it was because of the vanity and jealousy of this one desert god that these people found as oil to water an inability to adapt to their societies, unknowingly due to the corrupt secret inhuman practices of their elders. in all fairness, these people were as like unto any other, with bodies and desires and hopes and dreams, except all of it was ultimately fed upon by their god and reduced to nothing but the propagation of his name(s).now the system is rampant among the most prominent institution in the established world. we are all being made to reckon to this inferior god. But he is nothing more than a filtter. He will pass and with him everything he managed to catch in his brief moment of action. Go with him, if you must. I shouldn't like one such as you here.

>> No.14674982

Christianity isn't about love, you post-liberal neo-anglican heretic.

>> No.14675031

The Protestant reformation and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race
He’s correct though, that line of reasoning leads to agnosticism, not to atheism.

>> No.14675050

I go through the motions of church and prayer and take parts of christian doctrine seriously, because the positive atmosphere and energy created in those communities is not replicated anywhere else. I can't literally believe in God though.

I think ultimately what religions mostly get right and what fedora atheists mostly get wrong is the need for transcendence of ethical principles and epistemic humility in the face of a world that is far too complex for us to ever truly grasp.

When something happens in the world, religious people will say it's God, while if you are an egotistical type of atheist you might be tempted to think that just because there exists a rational explanation that it's somehow accessible or even comprehensible. The wiser religious people often end up more correct in dealing with complicated matters of societal and ethical organization because they carry a sense of aw that clears their mind of excessive and erroneous rationalizing.

>> No.14675107

>that clears their mind of excessive and erroneous rationalizing
except when it comes to defending the Bible

>> No.14675262

So? It's not like it's relevant whether the bible is correct or not in most worldly matters.

Christians still use modern technology, and go see doctors when their sick instead of relying first completely on God. And nobody follows the Bible to the letter anyway.

They tend to invoke God mostly in situations of great doubt and uncertainty, as a placeholder to humble one's mind and conserve mental resources for those problems they can solve. An atheist might attempt to use reason and logic when faced with doubt which is doomed to fail at some point because it presupposes that we are capable of reasoning about everything.

>> No.14675578

>I go through the motions of church and prayer
>I can't literally believe in God though.

>> No.14676814

im rolling my eyes man. You havn't got as ingle clue other than AHTEISM IS TRUe.

read afew books fag.

The bible was written over several decades acrosst he roman empire. No shit its not perfect. Hilariously if you had a half a fucking brain you'd realize this acutally makes it more likely to be true. But you are just some retard atheist.

ALso, i'm literally right on the Jews. Start with Paula Fredrickson and start digging through the big names in the field.

>> No.14676849


>> No.14676967 [DELETED] 

>raised as an evangelical in the bible belt
I though he was raised Methodist and later became a fundamentalist evangelical.

>> No.14677227
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Based, Amen.

>> No.14677479

>The bible was written over several decades acrosst he roman empire. No shit its not perfect. Hilariously if you had a half a fucking brain you'd realize this acutally makes it more likely to be true.
No, it just makes it more likely for whatever few oral traditions were written down to have been massively distorted, and for the rest of the narrative to just have been plain made up out of thin air as each author saw fit.
Which makes it close to entirely worthless.

>> No.14677502

And calling people Jews is not in any way, shape or form a refutation of the arguments they bring forward.
Anyway, the vast majority of Bible scholars are Christian, so not like it matters.

>> No.14677505

Refuted exhaustively by Richard Carrier.

>> No.14677514

Ehrman is a moron who believes in the historicity of Jesus.

>> No.14678089


>> No.14679417

Take your seroquel, sweetie.