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File: 115 KB, 421x626, 459CCDD0-4026-4373-84B1-11DA9BB0C669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14668138 No.14668138 [Reply] [Original]

This is the reason why book stores are dying.

>> No.14668142

What is this new buzzword? Also what books are there by shitskins that are worth promoting and uplifting? Outside of some Asian authors, I have never read anything good by non-whites or women of any race

>> No.14668147


>> No.14668159

Câlice de ricains...

>> No.14668158

>reading picture books

>> No.14668196

I don't care what's on the page, if you buy a book with a cover like that you deserve to be gassed.

>> No.14668201

Why is contemporary art so cartoony

>> No.14668212

It’s meant for plebs and is to be designed as cheaply as possible. It has no soul

>> No.14668261
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Because it's digitally made and is the easiest "style" to replicate among art graduate retards. Digital art (such as concept art for movies and video games) has a steep learning curve. Most digital art is immediately recognizable with it's smudges and far too much color smoothing.
Partially right, though earlier book illustrations had the same simple style but we're far more professional. There are just so many girls and diversity hires cosplaying as "artists" so that it's become very cheap. The publishers used to be able to sell what the audience wants and to trust that the artist knows. But now the audience and the artists has developed shit and soulless taste.
In summary:being an "artist" has become a normie fad.

>> No.14668288

>that ratio

>> No.14668302
File: 176 KB, 1242x594, 9D2FCCA2-F2D5-452E-8992-8AE6CB779F46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these comments

>> No.14668307
File: 201 KB, 1242x781, CC1E58D9-5BBD-4689-92A8-B566062D5E3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now for the real kicker

>> No.14668311

Why do these so-called "minorities" (actually global majorities) think that other people need to "promote" them? For what reason, exactly?

>> No.14668315

I mean it's the same thing with women's soccer. Nobody watches them because they suck
Bitch STFU

>> No.14668327
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>> No.14668337
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>Please read White Fragility & How to be an Anti-Racist

>> No.14668342

isn't this stuff ultimately good? it's just forcing you into grow up and build your own institutions if you want anything of your own? would be worse if they subtly cucked you, but when they openly cuck you it exhorts you into action, so if you don't liberate yourself there's nobody you can blame but yourself at that point

>> No.14668346

>it's just forcing you into grow up and build your own institutions if you want anything of your own?
How many centuries do we have to wait until the apes produce a work or civilization of value?

>> No.14668403

blackface for books, amazing

>> No.14668439

>we used AI to determine
Why not just read the book?

>> No.14668448


>> No.14668452


>> No.14668602

that's the point, if you let them play their games on their own they won't even want to play them, the whole point is invading your space and making you mad, if you just leave and stop giving them money they won't even stand each other or will even care about reading each other

>> No.14668615

Read "Pimp, The Story of My Life" by Iceberg Slim. That book is a true story, has a perfect prose and has a lot of teachings for those who are hip to it.

>> No.14668618
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What is the name of his cat in this alternate universe?

>> No.14668626
File: 31 KB, 388x532, A1926DD2-ADB4-431F-91EB-C599B2741771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those racist nignog authors grifting to have their books put up instead

>> No.14668654

what the fuck is BIPOC
it sounds like the bad guys organisation from a james bond film

>> No.14668666

Tigger, obviously.

>> No.14668671

>“We use the term BIPOC to highlight the unique relationship to whiteness that Indigenous and Black (African Americans) people have, which shapes the experiences of and relationship to white supremacy for all people of color within a U.S. context. We unapologetically focus on and center relationships among BIPOC folks. ”
>“We address how three pillars of racism – Native invisibility, anti-Blackness and white supremacy - are internalized and show up in mutually reinforcing, distinct, and specific ways within BIPOC spaces and impede our efforts to collaborate across difference;”
We offer a vision of solidarity rooted in reimagined relationships between BIPOC in an anti-Black, white supremacist society. — thebipocproject.org
i love how these people can write all that garbage and then unapologetically put their grifting website at the end to see if they can scratch a few dimes from guilty whitey

>> No.14668673

Oy vey what a coincidence

>> No.14668684

humans didn't evolve in north america

>> No.14668686

>Explicitly basing their identity on white supremacy
That's a way to promote white identitarianism if I saw any

>> No.14668722

those labels don't mean much, it's just random labels for minority groups that can be used for power-games. pretty sure they would hate indigenous americans if they were doing well, like they hate any country that's doing well

>> No.14668729
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Their idea of diversity is basketball americans and heavily mixed brown mongrels of indeterminate origin.

>> No.14668734

They all graduated from CalArts

>> No.14668746

>average human
what does that even mean lmao? what does the average dog look like? probably not that similar to any particular dog

>> No.14668764

As if somehow the average human won't be asian, the average human is already asian

>> No.14668771

What's your point? That's just a coincidence

>> No.14668773

Or you know the real reason, cheaper and easier online

>> No.14668785

"Yo muddafuckaz dis here is da story ma life. Lez git rollin wit chapter numba 1, NIIGGGAAAZ".

im sure it's a great read.

>> No.14668818

All the noggery aside, it's actually unironically a great read.

>> No.14668824

wait, so they didnt even read the books?

>> No.14668836

Check out Marquez, a Columbian. Or Dumas, an octoroon. Also the Invisible Man by Ellison is the sort of book all these POC authors are trying to write. It's like how Lord of The Rings is just badly attempted by most fantasy writers.

In the genre of civil rights narratives written by non whites the things that are actually good books on their own merit are the ones that are still read like 50+ years hence.

>> No.14668838

>I don't read classics, I have my A.I. read it for me.

>> No.14668840
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These threads and their content make me long for totalitarianism.

>> No.14668841

Contemporary art is all kinds of shit. Cover art on pop books however is just meant to be eye catching.

>> No.14668857

Black, Intersexual+POC , I have no fucking idea man. Actually it´s indigenous >>14668671), but just another one one of those acronyms that diversity pushing, ovesocilized Gender Studies professors have come up with.

>> No.14668862

I think the "I" stands for indigenous, actually. Source: I go to college in California.

>> No.14668869

Whoops. I replied before reading your whole post. My mistake, I'm still waking up.

>> No.14668922

ayo HOL UP

so u b sayin dat BLACK peeps b creitin ALL dis literashure??!
man das WACK

finaly the POC b given therr jew
i saw jek n hide on discuvry chanel yo
CRAZY to think d BLACK man b crreatin dat shiet

gona tell da bruvas about dis AMAZIN discuvry

>> No.14668936
File: 36 KB, 541x463, the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>average human
>what does that even mean lmao?

Homo Sapiens Servitus: the ultimate global slave race.

A human being stripped of inconsequential (and inefficient) qualities like ethnicity, history, race, culture, nationality, creed, and even sex. The perfect "blank slate" human wagecog to remove and insert into different parts of the global production machine depending on where it's needed. It's only qualities are its preferred pronouns and what brand of shoes it likes on that particular day.

>> No.14668997

The worst thing is that she's completely right.
What does BIPOC mean btw?

>> No.14669020

bipolar cunt

>> No.14669055

When Melville wrote Moby Dick, the only thing that he had in his mind, the only motive force radiating from his r*cist, r*cist heart, was excluding and upsetting fat, black, 105 IQ women in times to come. (Ditto for Romeo and Juliet, by the way.) Everything else in that novel is inconsequential, and pretending otherwise by putting a FoC (fella of color) on the cover is even more racist, which is, for those of you keeping track at home, double-r*cism. This is the kind of thing that only a bald, facial-scarred man living in a volcano would think of doing.



>> No.14669102

the white whale were black people all along

>> No.14669112

lmao i laughed way to hard at this

>> No.14669151

Can i get a list of classics?

>> No.14669170

Based black girl seeing through woke capitalism

>> No.14669175

>woke capitalism
dude how old are u?

>> No.14669193

yikes, do better

>> No.14669298

I fucking hate the social sciences. They are sweeping into everything with their correlatory instead of causal think.

>> No.14669310

It already got cancelled, lmao.