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/lit/ - Literature

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14668097 No.14668097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.14668104

Don't you realize this is already on the way out?

>> No.14668113

So its just one barnes store in liberal shithole usa? Who cares, its just for white libs to feel better about themselves.

>> No.14668125

>"poc"s can't write their own comic books, have to turn spiderman and whatever else black
>now they can't write their own books, have to change the covers
incompetent, vain, egotistic, narcissistic, dim, talentless, slothful, dishonest... great win. wow. realllly disproving white supremacy with this circus show.

>> No.14668129

It’s allowed cause all of those books are in the “common realm” or whatever it’s called, so anyone can create a story using/modifying those characters. That’s why scooby doo can meet Dracula and Frankenstein and the invisible man. Because the characters can be modified, theoretically black Ahab or Dorothy is possible, so bandn can advertise for them. Basicallly, Barnes and noble is lying to their customers, pretending that a story is different than it is. That much makes sense to me, but I still don’t understand why they’d do that to moby dick. Isn’t a big part of Ahab that even in racist times, this crazy sailor is so obsessed with killing that whale that he doesn’t care if you’re white, black, or a cannibal?

>> No.14668137


>> No.14668140

It’s more demoralization and erasure of whites as we become less and less of a majority in America. This will trigger /leftypol/ fags but it’s true. The demographic displacement of whites has been totally engineered by elites

>> No.14668155

It's like (((they))) are indirectly admitting that white male writers are better, since they feel the need to appropriate books by them instead of writing their own. Really makes one ponder...

>> No.14668173

In a few years time this sort of thing is going to be (rightfully) considered some ridiculous kind of racism and all these suck up liberal journos will have to pretend they weren't involved with any of it in order to keep their cushy jobs.

>> No.14668179

>In a few years time this sort of thing is going to be (rightfully) considered some ridiculous kind of racism
Sorry sweaty, reverse racism doesn’t exist. Just go extinct now, ok?

>> No.14668189

Do brown people even like this kind of shit? Or do they like it in a sadistic way

>> No.14668235

I really doubt Jews run Barnes and Noble, my goy. That company is completely sunk. Political correctness is like cryptocurrent: companies begin to embrace it when they're on the way down.

>> No.14668295

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>> No.14668331

Can I get the Anne Frank one?

>> No.14668357

lol ok

>> No.14668363
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>that Wizard of Oz cover

>> No.14668366

Is it not false advertising? Black people would buy these expecting black characters. I'd be fucking pissed.

>> No.14668385

Imagine being black and having some pozzed/guilt-tripped whites put your mug on books written by white guys because they feel bad about picking on the retarded kid lmao, it must be fucking humiliating to be black in this day and age.

>> No.14668400
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>promote POC authors like me!
>btw my book is just a cheap rip off of a white person’a book

>> No.14668405

that is not cultural appropiation in a way?.

>> No.14668431

Because it makes money. if you don't like it overthrow capitalism

>> No.14668438

>it makes money
I don't think it does. This performative wokeness seems to bite them in the ass most of the time

>> No.14668444

Why do it if it doesn't make money? Seems to me its gonna sell some goofballs books they already own

>> No.14668450

Why do they have quotas to hire minorities and women? That isn't making them any money

>> No.14668470

are you sugesting the gubmint is requiring that these 'inclusive' editions are printed?

>> No.14668493

It's not "POCs" though, it's the companies that do it for marketing purposes. It makes particular demographics feel like its for them and therefore they must consume it (see Black Panther, Wonder Woman, etc.) and also makes them look "woke" for engaging in an entirely fabricated cultural dialogue.
What purpose would that serve? What would be the point? I know you're just gonna say "the Jews" but doesn't it make more sense that the ruling-class is creating a cheap labour force rather than the idea of an entire ethnic group secretly taking over the world like a cartoon villain to mayocide the wypipo?

>> No.14668495

>tfw they even have covers for the Greeks and the Romans

>> No.14668520
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Their idea of diversity is basketball americans and heavily mixed mongrels of indeterminate origin.

>> No.14668525

>Implying 95% of Americans are not mystery meat already

>> No.14668536
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>Frankenstein's monster is a giant fucking negro
They outdid us

>> No.14668540

Why ARE pol posters allowed?

>> No.14668541
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Americans who live in isolated areas like the Appalachian mountains engage in incest thus keeping the race pure. YEEHAW

>> No.14668547

If you look at the actual twitter discussion, nobody likes it


>> No.14668559
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>> No.14668564

She cute

>> No.14668566


>> No.14668573
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my troll thread was deleted
>tfw it was so good mods gave me a pass and din't ban
i'll take my slap on the wrist mods, tnx

>> No.14668592

>Black people

>> No.14668620

i've never seen a nigger in a bookstore in my life. hopefully the blacking is just on the dust covers and can be easily ripped off to salvage clearance sale hardback classics. thanks, shitlibs.
fuck off and dilate

>> No.14668628
File: 27 KB, 448x334, 068f24f640dcfd2adf043e44cdd46ae0-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys tranny nigger nobody likes you

>> No.14668637

white alice
inquisitive girl encounters weird fantasy world and is enchanted by its occupants
black alice
carries knives

>> No.14668642

I do

>> No.14668661

Wow, they slapped YA covers onto high literature.

>> No.14668868

Why are there three threads about this up on /lit/ right now?

>> No.14668889

It's not memory hole revisionism if you're on the right side of history, shut up and eat your bug burger and bat soup, cattle.
>get your physical copies now before we go carbon neutral & The Classics are now all subject to AI sanitization, including your notes in your Kindle

>> No.14668914

The marketing stunt works.

>> No.14668959

>What purpose would that serve?
Not him but you have answered your own question. It is for all thw ancillary benefits like cheap labor, a workforce that is contend with mediocre pay and unsafe dirty work, a mass ownership of all businesses and true wealth by an upper class. Leo Gold's speech in Deus Ex in the opening mission. Except instead of 5 or 6 well connected geniuses in the illuminati in a secret hidden base, it is instead a network of interest groups from political figures to corporate figures to NGOs to artistic and cultural movements vanguarding change, to cultural institutions meant to promote a narrative. They all believe they are moving us forward in one way but they all know deep down that we are dissolving the old to make way for a final powergrab where only a handful of companies own the whole world and a handful of politicians serve for their entire lives and a handful of elite artists and academics tell the rest of us what to think. It isn't a conspiracy, it is just human nature and now there is the means to do it.

>> No.14669141

>black alice in wonderland has weapons

>> No.14669360

Why is the creature from Frankenstein the black one, not Victor? The book literally describes yellow complexion and he's not even human, why would he be black? Also, 90% of them are children's books, are modern readers really incapable of reading adult books?

>> No.14669390


>> No.14669433

Because inclusivity and diversity, and you've got some real misplaced nerve you blotchy faced fat fucking transexual frumpy beer gutted cunt. The question is why are tripfags still allowed? Because there you go again contributing absolutely nothing. You report people's posts, get them banned and then wonder why people crack your non secured trip because they hate you and want you to drop dead off the face of this earth. What books have you ever mentioned reading? I've never once heard you have any sort of opinion or criticism on any kind of literature. You've never mentioned a single novel or text. Why you haven't been banned for your antics and filing of false reports blows my mind but one day you're going to suddenly stop posting, one day we will never hear from you again, and that day will be the day /lit/ can discuss this kind of shit openly without some jackbooted androgynous tranny with a useless clitoris she sewed into something resembling a broken thumb diving headfirst into every thread to piss everyone off and wag your dick around like anybody gives a single shit about you. One day we will never have to see your stupid little trip again. I just can't wait until someone gets your government name so I can go piss on your unvisited grave. Unvisited because you have never been anything more than a wretched, miserable, instigating, attention seeking, walking-talking-breathing fleshy red sack of salty sun dried dogshit.

>> No.14669468

And I'm archiving this so when you report my post again like you did back in this thread https://archive.md/e3k8A https://archive.md/fxnQ3
people will see the kind of shitty sensitive human you are.

Go ahead and report me you waddling autistic communist who is 200+lbs thanks to that fat American capitalist obesity you despise so much. Never in my life have I heard of high calorie onions burgers, kale smoothies, kombucha or whatever the fuck other capitalist gimmicks you Che Guevera larpers inhale.

>> No.14669506

Yes, that's capitalism, I just don't understand how an entire ethnic group comes into play. Is every Jewish person in the world born into it? Are there no working-class Jews? I know there's Zionist lobbying, but why is the entire race the designated antagonist? It's no different than calling every white person a Nazi.

>> No.14669581

Yeah, I have to say that I doubt PoC are even particularly into this, particularly given the replies the tweet got.
This is rich Jews and WASPs fucking with white people, trying to demoralise us and normalise writing us out of history.
And to the extent that there's a profit margin behind it, it might partially be to lure in new readers from a PoC background, but it's more like good PR to make woke white ladies want to buy this stuff.
This erasure of white people has happened in history, television and games as well.
They don't tell actual PoC stories. They take white culture and swap the white people out for blacks and other non-white groups.
This isn't primarily about empowering PoC (and nor would I support erasing us if this would empower PoC). This is about finding another vector to contribute to the destruction of even the memory of white people, while demoralising and robbing us of our heroes and people we can identify with along the way. This is a partial attempt to destroy our collective memory and stupidify us.

>> No.14669621

I should also add that crap like this (the cover changes) is part of why white people accept crap like this (the cover changes).
It's this continual environment of demoralisation, that begins with the way history is taught as a selective negative highlights real of the misdeeds of white people. (Rather than a celebratory or holistic view of our impact on history, or a rich understanding of many peoples and their history.)
Kids get exposed to this crap by our priest caste (teachers, ultimately fed by academics). Taught implicitly that they and the group they're in are evil while everyone else is neutral, noble or like a child.
This type of thing is meant as an insult and a provocation that you can't react to without fear of negative consequences.
The fact that other white people don't respond to it is further demoralisation.
This kind of shit ultimately leads to white people having no respect for themselves and becoming degenerate. Having little hope for the future and not having kids. Offing themselves in massive numbers and not having resilience once they're economically superseded.

Educate yourself.

>> No.14669994

It's pretty insulting desu.
Putting a brown face on teh cover of a book full of white characters written by whites instead of publishing a non-white person just doing ordinary stuff and not being oppressed all the time.

>> No.14670026
File: 58 KB, 720x632, 15941398_1183448068417516_2210275722346418282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black ahab do be lookin kinda fresh tho

>> No.14670075



>> No.14670083


>> No.14670088

>If you look at the actual twitter discussion, nobody likes it
The difference is that the woke left don't think this is woke enough and want social conditions to be even woker. Implying "haha leftists don't like this either" is disingenuous.

>> No.14670090


we have our own stories, the point here is to destroy all cultures. they are genociding us non whites just as much.

>> No.14670113
File: 88 KB, 640x533, Tha-Holy-Bibizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already done before

>> No.14670134

This is all just conjecture though. Explain why rich Jews and WASPs are anti-white and why all Jewish people are complicit. I do genuinely want to understand.

>> No.14670254

LOL imagine sophisticated Norwegian Queequig

>> No.14670700

Why does diversity just mean no White-men?

>> No.14670726

>they're all black

>> No.14670787

>we wuz dorothy gale and sheeit

>> No.14670817

I ain't your Adam, we wuz fallen angel and sheet mAh Victor.

>> No.14671127


>> No.14671217

btw this was cancelled

>> No.14671228

We did it bros, we did it.