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14664624 No.14664624 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a list somewhere of all the books that have been banned on amazon? Do you personally know any? I want to see what the worlds richest man is trying to keep hidden from me.

>> No.14664645


I dont recommend actually buying any of those books, just dld them online for free

>> No.14664675

Imagine being a boomer and a smug capitalist at the same time. Cringe of the cringes.

>> No.14664690

Mostly Holocaust denial.

>> No.14664699

that does in fact give me a lot of pause. The lady doth..

>> No.14664703

Like many political revolutions, the sexual revolution of the 1960s began with a euphoric feeling of liberation. But when utopian programs clash with dissenters—and with reality itself—the result is chaos, which revolutionaries seek to quash with repression and terror. In Sexual Utopia in Power, F. Roger Devlin explores today’s sexual dystopia, with its loose morals and confused sexual roles; its soaring rates of divorce, celibacy, and childlessness; and the increasingly arbitrary and punitive attempts to regulate and police it. Devlin shows that the breakdown of monogamy results in promiscuity for the few, loneliness for the majority, and unhappiness for all.

Every revolution gives rise to a reaction. Devlin, however, is very critical of mainstream conservative responses to the sexual revolution, which often eerily echo feminist complaints about innocent women being preyed upon by wicked men who must be scolded and punished. The most controversial aspect of Devlin’s work is his argument that today’s sexual dystopia is rooted just as much in women’s nature as men’s, exploring such taboo topics as female hypergamy (mating up), narcissism, infidelity, deceptiveness, and masochism. By showing their biological basis, F. Roger Devlin offers a non-traditional defense of traditional sexual morals and institutions and shows us the way out of today’s sexual dystopia.

Why is this typical incel shit banned?

>> No.14664707

thanks, i wonder if this is the complete list

>> No.14664737

>exploring such taboo topics as female hypergamy (mating up), narcissism, infidelity, deceptiveness, and masochism
That stuff is imo way more transgressive than talking about the holocaust. Outside of some Muslims basically nobody else will touch it

>> No.14664753

I should dedicate a section of my bookshelf to banned books for laughs.

>> No.14664764

Because high status men want women to be 'free', since hypergamy favors them.

my spellcheck still assumes hypergamy isn't a word. if that doesn't tell you all you need to know, I don't know what will.

>> No.14664768

Yeah, just for "laughs", heh heh.

>> No.14665215

>In the graduation speech Bezos told the audience he dreamed of the day when the people of earth would colonize space. A local newspaper quoted his intention "to get all people off the Earth and see it turned into a huge national park."

>> No.14665218

Just bought a copy of Sexual Utopia and Power from the only place I could find, this website called secondsale.com. Never heard of it so I hope I didn't just get scammed.

>> No.14665233
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got banned in america, father of peter schiff, died in prison

>> No.14665283
File: 327 KB, 1228x1126, cultureofcritique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned on Amazon, bought mine from his website links.

>> No.14665936

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

Found one for most of the people on here

>> No.14666012

Somebody already beat you to it.


>> No.14666023

Did the Holocaust happen?

>> No.14666095

Most of them are about Auschwitz. Funny how you can't say anything about the holocaust but the japs have green light to deny literally everything they did.

>> No.14666159
File: 67 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lnbzf8koUj1qld9nso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it when it was still available on the Kindle store. LOTS of extra content in the Kindle edition although you could probably go around the Web finding most of it.

>> No.14666194

Behead All Satans

>> No.14666213

I'm surprised The Ego and It's Own / The Unique and its property have yet to be banned. Literally shits on the entire collectivist right and left, although strange AnComs like it because of Engels' interpretation.

>> No.14666286

Is Will McBride's Show me! banned?

>> No.14666297

Not even editors in Stirner's time banned him, kid. They didn't even take him seriously. Nobody gives a shit about Stirner more than 14 year olds. Stirner is not polemical simply because of that

>> No.14666313
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>> No.14666314
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The Culture of Critique is actually a good read

>> No.14666316

what does it say

>> No.14666320

>Jews bad

>> No.14666334


Whoa, that really made me ponder...

>> No.14666373

Briefly, that Freudian psychoanalysis, Boasian anthropology, the Frankfurt School, the New York Intellectuals, the neoconservative movement and the lobbying that led to the Hart-Cellar act all meet fairly strict criteria of being Jewish movements in that their leaders had strong Jewish self-identification AND saw themselves as doing explicitly Jewish work (Einstein's failure, for instance, to meet the latter criteria exempted his physics from being classified as a Jewish movement despite his strong Jewish identity). Moreover, the intellectual movements discussed follow a uniquely Jewish cultural-religious form of having a sort of closed hermeneutics where the text of a single, highly charismatic leader is argued over in various ways but the leader's authority is absolute. Macdonald points out that much of the attempt to reframe certain reactionary attitudes as not merely morally suspect but clinically pathological was spearheaded by Jewish intellectuals.

>> No.14666642
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>> No.14666647
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>> No.14666658

Why was this banned?

>> No.14666669

Dude said he was going to do a repress on Ingramspark... then I heard nothing more.

It was an ultimate incel screed.

>> No.14666709

are these serious books?

>> No.14666720

Jesus. The Jew section just keeps going on and on and on and on. This guy has spent so much goddamned money on just that. I find it hard to believe he has read all of the books he has.

>> No.14666744

Behead All Satans is an incel revenge fantasy. I cannot vouch for the other.

>> No.14666920

A lot of these books are extremely hard to read, deranged or unproductive. I'm gonna go with my gut feeling that unz.com is a honeypot and goy indexing scheme for controlled opposition.

Not to say that there aren't good books on that list, or good articles on the site, but the signal to noise ratio is kind of low.

>> No.14666937

no they are not serious books. the behead all satans guy is a self-shill who periodically resurfaces but he's been at it for years:

sometimes he tries to pretend he's talking about himself as a third party, like this:

he also likes to edit existing infographics to have his "book" in them, then reply "Whoa, who is this guy??" to his own post. if you're curious what the book actually is, it's a short self-published pdf on amazon (anyone can do this). someone actually read it once and it was some unfunny shit for 20-30 pages. keep in mind it's also a reddity newfag trying to be a schizopost from 2013~ since he's been shilling it for literally years most of a decade now, so think of how dated it must be.

>> No.14666996

Maybe he is here, right now,

>> No.14667008

i read a bit of it. it's bad but it is a semi-coherent experimental novel and thats better than anything ive ever done

>> No.14667011
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What is an incel screed? Why is that bannable?

>> No.14667931
File: 53 KB, 480x327, clifford cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is an incel screed?
incel: a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.
screed: a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.
>Why is that bannable?

>> No.14667970
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, Clifford Levi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His samefagging had a very distinct nature. If he were here then it would be pretty obvious - unless he dropped his distinct persona, which would be sad.

>> No.14668096

I've been wanting to buy a physical copy of this book because I like the cover.
Where's the shill? I'm willing to give you 10usd plus shipping.

>> No.14668121
File: 48 KB, 457x500, Dougal Dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like the cover
I asked him about it and he said that he used the art because someone gave him rights to it. It has literally nothing to do with the contents of the book.
>Where's the shill?
I haven't seen him in close to a year.

>> No.14668232

A lot of them are honestly closer to academic papers in their depth and scope. Like the one critiquing the state narrative on the Auwchwitz shower-gas-chambers. It's so autistically niche and yet so in depth that it frankly doesn't even really deserve to be a book, because who the fuck would want a book on that subject?

>> No.14668286

AYYAAAAAAAA this looks so dumb
Now I realize it's really easy to make money out of complotist books because there will always be retards (and some of them on this board) to buy them.

>> No.14668304

it's not because they didn't take him seriously but they misunderstood or could not understand wtf he was saying so just let it through

>> No.14669079

its not dumb it literally teaches you how to commit tax fraud and get away with it

>> No.14669138


>> No.14669195

it's cover looks like what you'd expect on a book printed in 2000

>> No.14669784

Nice try, but it's not that.
It's even simplier and more obvious, so obvious that nobody notice it.
Capitalism wants to put women on the labor market, in order to make more profit.
By the way, high status men always fucked lots of women. Them being married didn't change that fact.

>> No.14669815

>s there a list somewhere of all the books that have been banned on amazon? Do you personally know any?


>> No.14671197


>> No.14672262


>> No.14672337
File: 1.84 MB, 3118x4160, 1526628233660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh cool books banned from Amazon, I wonder what kind of neat and interesting stuff will show up
>it's just a bunch of boomer holocaust denial pamphlets


>> No.14672426
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Bezos looks like the coomer

>> No.14673084

I'll see what I can do with it.

>> No.14673513


The whole idea of men and women being a "species" that "mates" to make "offspring" is phantasmagoria. Foucaultian-Derridian, as opposed to Deleuzian, French faggotry is incidentally closer to the truth than nonsense about "nature".

>> No.14673545


>> No.14673838

That guy has absolutely nothing of value to say to anyone about this subject, just look at his post

>> No.14673902
File: 28 KB, 600x472, 1576664770634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White like you

>It’s the mid-21st century. Despite facing tremendous anti-white discrimination and hostility, Ben Cameron has found success in the standardized testing industry. He knows about racial differences and keeps quiet about it to protect his career. But the appearance of his estranged brother, who speaks of forbidden topics such as white identity and liberation, draws him...


>> No.14673933

I refuse to believe in masturbatory machines and bars of soap kike. What now?

>> No.14674039

oh them feets

>> No.14674287
File: 2.67 MB, 3357x5212, MyNatPoCoverFinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is a real book.

>My Nationalist Pony, Buttercup Dew’s Tumblr blog on the iconic children’s cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, is a masterpiece of culture-jamming. Buttercup analyzes My Little Pony from a White Nationalist, New Rightist, Traditionalist, and neo-pagan perspective. He pinpoints the show’s debts to European culture. He reads the stories as allegories teaching perennial truths about race, heredity, caste, sexual differences, self-actualization, virtue, and the divine. And he does it all without a hint of irony. Because if friendship is magic, ironic detachment is decadence. By collecting the best of the My Nationalist Pony blog and related texts, this volume once again demonstrates the New Right’s power to disclose hidden depths in popular culture.

>> No.14674323

Macdonald is dead right about the jews