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/lit/ - Literature

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14662980 No.14662980 [Reply] [Original]

>Was Conan prime /FitLit/?

>> No.14663003

I just started reading the Conan stories and am enjoying Howard's work a great deal.

>> No.14663036

It's not really fitlit. Conan is a product of natural barbarism, his physique isn't refined by training in an urban setting but is the outcome of his upbringing. It's inextricably tied to his barbarian attitude. Even when he's playing the civilised king in The Hour of the Dragon he only succeeds by reverting to the barbarian adventurer.

>> No.14663390

Any lore fags? I have some questions on some obscure lore.

>> No.14663593
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Conan is literally the anti-thesis to /fitlit/. His fitness is not manufactured or cultivated but stems from his superior genetics, and his intelligence (speaking multiple languages, knowledge of strategy, etc). comes not from reading books, but from travelling and experiencing the world.
Meanwhile the sort of retards that are attracted to /fitlit/ are coping manlets trying to overcompensate for their lack of natural physical prowess, and inexperienced losers trying to simulate living life by reading literature.

>> No.14663916

What this anon said: >>14663593
Howard himself wasn't even /fitlit/ even though he was a boxer and a writer. /fitlit/ is something Howard would've been against too.
Conan was strong and intelligent because life made him strong and intelligent. /fitlit/ is some faggot from Aquilonia that worked out a set number of hours on a set number of days while reading things written by great people, absorbing the information yet learning nothing from it, let alone being able to apply it with all of his muscle bearing no true gain for him either, for he lacked any experience in being able to use them.

>> No.14664139

Howard was a fat incel who lived in his mom's attic and killed himself at age 30 because he was an autistic weirdo.

>> No.14664406

All these DYELs who don't know Jack. It's not about how he got fit, it's about the mindset. It's about the masculinity. It's about rage and courage against adversaries. It's about thrashing the tang and revering the steel. Because of this, it is absolutely /fitlit/.

>> No.14664821
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OP here, yea you retards, /FitLit/ isn't a literal books on working out, it's more Lit that is High T hyper masculine shit that is part of the roider mentality. Anyone can find a list of books like Arnolds encyclopedia online.

mah man

>> No.14664968

I've actually been meaning to read some of these. Just curious. I assume I start with the stuff Robert E. Howard wrote but is the stuff written by other people worth checking out? Is there anything I should read before hand in case this is part of some larger world Howard wrote? I've read the Tarzan series and enjoyed the episodic adventures Tarzan has so are the Conan books similar in this style?

>> No.14665336


Reporting in. Read all of REH's Conan, Kull, and Solomon Kane in the Del Rey collections.

>> No.14666561

Good, repostan from /sffg/

My question is - were did human Stygians come from during the Thrurian age? I seen some sources that say that they came from continent of Mu and others that say that Lemurians fled from Lemuria to the eastern shores of Thurian continent and got enslaved by pale people who lived there (but those pale people originally came from eastern continent beyond Lemuria, so it gets a bit confusing, is it Mu or not?). When Lemurians rebelled their masters fled, took over non human kingdom around Styx river and establish Stygia (I assume non humans were serpent people?). Also, is that why royalty and nobility of Stygia are paler than commoners, they are descendants of those eastern people?

>> No.14666784

Took the words right out of my mouth

This attitude is more evident in Almuric than it is in the Conan stories

>> No.14666813

No I find it barbaric

>> No.14666815

Its more /sciout/.

>> No.14666830

/fitlit/ would be a civilised man, like a Greek philosopher who also participates in Olympics and sports in general.

>> No.14666932

It's not so much that Conan became a civilized king or reverted to a barbarian, but that his extremely varied life experiences prepared him for rule and other responsibilities.
Iskandar from Fate/Zero describes a Conanesque kingship where the role of the king is to exemplify the extremes of good and evil. Conan is ruthless, backstabbing, virile to excess. His taxes are light, he trusts those he stands with and he doesn't tolerate rape. His success in rule is that he was always gathering wisdom but only fate could make him utilize it. The rambling barbarian was only on identity that he fell back on when he wasn't in a greater role.