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File: 213 KB, 588x489, ledesertcult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14662618 No.14662618 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14662624

No. He has probably not read the sages of those religions and therefore his opinion on them should be ignored.

>> No.14662636
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, it's true.

>> No.14662678

Yes, it's true.

>> No.14662727
File: 1.48 MB, 687x500, 1555927995917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by "abrahamic religion" he means Ideology in general, then yes he is correct.

>> No.14662742
File: 34 KB, 467x700, 234E6D8A-6D00-4171-BD87-5EC0049BBBAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14662757

Yup, true he is. Zoroastrianism is the only approvable desert cult

>> No.14662777
File: 572 KB, 1318x1170, Judaism 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are Semitic it is Cultural Appropriation to embrace any of the Jewish religious offshoots.
I go with Navakavada Buddhism, m'self, part of the living tradition. Nepaganism is full of Larpy failures who just want an excuse to take drugs and be slutty and say it is their religion.

>> No.14662800

I don't care about an atheist's opinion on religion.

>> No.14662808

>if man is 5, if man is 5, if man is 5
>then the devil is 6, the the devil is 6, the devil is 6
>then god is 7, god is 7, god is 7
>this monkey's gone to heaven

>> No.14663122

Oh come on, OP, just look at the fucking cathedrals. Not the Protestant Churches, but the real OG Catholic Churches. Look at the manuscripts that monks had preserved. Look at Dante's Divine Comedy. Regarding Islam, look at their caligraphy. Varg might not agree with Christianity and Judeo-religions, ok, but he is making an overstatement.

Even the idea of the Devil is Christian. And all the imagery of hell that has fascinated human minds comes from paiting on churches. So he has to thank Christians for black metal.

>> No.14663230
File: 80 KB, 404x390, 1580842499892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was retroactively shown to be deluded by René Guénon (pbuh).

>> No.14663245

>that pic
Truly the most vile and disgusting piece of garbage I had the «pleasure» of seeing this year.

>> No.14663249
File: 528 KB, 959x1200, 1580842769615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14663251

Varg be like:
>hyperborean myths and transexual/homo gods are better because they're "European"
>Evropean straw huts > gothic cathedral
Of course, when it comes to civilization and architecture, they always appeal to Rome and Greece because their vikangz are lacking

>> No.14663254

Why does she look familiar? Who is that?

>> No.14663257

All religeons are shit for plebs who cannot see the world for what it is and need to be cuddled with lies.

>> No.14663261

Lots of people who are not atheists share his disdain for Abrahamic religion. Your reasoning here is disingenuous.

>> No.14663264

>disgusting whore who was not taught proper modesty in clothing
Literally whom cares?

>> No.14663270

I like zizek but damn that gif is cringe

>> No.14663271

They are merely crypto-atheists as shown by Guenon (pbuh).

>> No.14663276

varg has actually said in one of his tweets that ancient Greece was 'about as nordic as current day Norway' and that once they got mixed with the arab-african populations they 'stopped producing philosophy'. not even joking in the slightest

>> No.14663285

the exact quote: "Except they weren't. They were about as Nordic as Norwegians are today, and when they stopped being Nordic... then they stopped producing philosophy as well."

>> No.14663289

Retroactively refuted by Mircea Eliade.

>> No.14663295

so what is the plausibility of this statement? Do we have any genetic testing from Ancient greeks

>> No.14663320

The Arabs were doing Greek philosophy better than the Greeks.

>> No.14663324

What does he think of the Hindu peoples? They had deeper philosophy for a far longer continuity than the Greeks.
Also this.

>> No.14663336

i've no clue. i've asked him previously to give me a few examples of blue eyed, blonde haired philosophers from ancient and he blocked me. one of his pagan enlightened lackeys said that 'almost all of them philosophers' [were blue eyed, blonde haired]. even in their art, they clearly show a predisposition to a phenotype with a 'greek' nose, slightly smaller forehead than other european populations, and curly hair, dark brown or black. nords don't have a greek nose.

>> No.14663361


>> No.14663365

That is basically what I thought. I know some of the people in their literature are described as having golden hair but that's about it.

>> No.14663378

he doesn't really talk about them ever. sometimes he calls the 'death cult' or 'contempt for life' as judaic to the core and then gets confronted with the fact that 1) a large part of eastern philosophy can be described as such; 2) it has a longer tradition than christianity; 3) it's a pagan religion.
varg's neurons just take decades to spark. he also likes to mention how any kind of philosophy based on idealism or metaphysics are just 'riddles for initiation'. more specifically, the nords didn't believe odin was a real, supernatural thing, they were just talking in metaphors and poetically but in the end they were what could be called 'materialists' or 'skeptics'.
he also says the same thing about plato (that he didn't believe there were REAL things outside of what can be perceived empirically, and all those books about Idealism were just metaphors about knowledge)

>> No.14663393


>> No.14663397

*...REAL things outside of empiricism, not necessarily perceived

>> No.14663399

Is it safe to say Varg is a retard and the only reason people pay attention to him is because he's famous for Burzum and killing someone?

>> No.14663412

burzum is definitely his card for fame but he certainly doesn't give a shit about that kind of music anymore. i just check in from time to time to get triggered by his stupidity in relation to christianity, idealistic metaphysics and to see his progress with permaculture on a shit land in rural france

>> No.14663418

Retroactively refuted by Thomas 'Survive the Jive' Rowsell (pbuh)

>> No.14663442
File: 192 KB, 1024x731, Italy_TreviFountain_Dreamstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wherever they go they bring spiritual desert
>pic related
why yes i do love the desert

>> No.14663481
File: 748 KB, 1200x845, 2VSN_8076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do like desert cults. How did you know?

>> No.14663538

Who is this woman? I recognise her but don’t know where from

>> No.14663578

reverse search retard, Natalia Tena. played some wild bitch in game of thrones

>> No.14664060

Another one: "From what I understand, every single great person in history was 'autistic' (probably HFA). Because you need to be to be able to do anything great, to be able to focus, remember, understand & grow sufficient passion for something." circa 20 minutes ago.

>> No.14664226

>implying that hedonistic nihilism isn't the real comfort blanket

>> No.14664270

major reza negarastani vibes off this tweet
could varg finally be scraping basedness, after all this time?

>> No.14664272

Now vargposting????

/lit/ has truly gone to hell

>> No.14664284

What a mesmerizing gif

>> No.14664313
File: 25 KB, 188x269, Jaztrabiec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He has a shallow understanding of religion. I never understood "muh ancestors" worship. My ancestors on my moms side were Polish Royalty. Pic related, is my family shield

>> No.14664317

isn't Varg pagan?

you're brainlet for not getting that Christianity is a cult of death praising death, and the pictures you posted only show how rich churches are, because they steal from poor people for two thousand years...

this is true. Not natural for a man to be in such focus and sit at one place for days. This is why kids are hard to teach, they want to run, walk and play, they don't want to sit. The most obedient kids turn into good social slaves in everyday life. Intellect is nothing more than a tool injected into a person by society to manipulate person into making a greater good for the whole social structure.

>> No.14664340
File: 67 KB, 540x540, Hintz crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And am also of German royal descent. Pic related, Hintz von Hintzenstern Crest

>> No.14664342

You don't know how to use whom, so you must be a native speaker.

>> No.14664375

>I never understood "muh ancestors" worship.
It's literally just what ignorant people do when they don't know anything else.

>b-b-but God is a Jew!!!!
No he isn't.

>> No.14664400

Strange because the greatest empire and civilizations had religions. How did it stop them from making good music, literature, poetry, and advancing the sciences?

>> No.14664415

Wtf I love Christianity now.

>> No.14664449

yeah, just look at the renaissance

>> No.14664810
File: 70 KB, 597x385, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cathedrals
this is your brain on catholicism.

>> No.14664843

Very based

>> No.14664854

Abrahamism, christianity in particular, is quite clearly evil. It largy exists to invert truth and justice. Thank God is was swiftly paganized and not actually practiced.

>> No.14664868

So if you could choose to live in a Theistic world or a hedonistic nihilist world would you pick the later? If you would pick the former you can't say that the later is more comfortable.

>> No.14664912

I would pick the latter obviously. Could you not work that out from my original post? Did you think this comment was clever? That is was a "gotcha" moment? The state of /lit/.

>> No.14664915

His mythological archaeology can be applied to Christianity; it's a [Lutheran] pose/meme. There are any number of directions to be taken -- Persia, Egypt, Dacia -- varying degrees gnostic and hermetic; to put it bluntly: no dual covenant, supercessionism, the official position until Anglo-Zionist Darby, Scofield, and Plymouth brethren revisionism.

>> No.14665094

Why would you pick the later, Theism has the advantage of eternal life + cosmic justice for the wrongs against you, what advantages does nihilism has, fapping to hentai with no consequences?
>Did you think this comment was clever? That is was a "gotcha" moment? The state of /lit/.
We both know very well that most Theists wouldn't bite the bullet, so there is no point in posturing.

>> No.14665384

Where do you retards come from

>> No.14665415

This take comes from a dude who thinks white people shouldn't own cats as felines are not of European origin.

>> No.14665448

This is the same guy who unironically said around a week ago that King Arthur is a metaphor for the placenta. Taking him seriously is a big mistake

>> No.14665699

Any good recommendation to start reading verg?

>> No.14665937
File: 3.93 MB, 498x281, 1580695108989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varg is a cringey cancer that I left along with my childhood

>> No.14665947


>> No.14665956

Doesn’t mean he isn’t right here.

>> No.14666033
File: 20 KB, 263x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you arent because that's my last name and im not royalty retard

>> No.14666038

He realized that was wrong then as a cope, changed his mind to civilization being bad altogether

>> No.14666044

Didn't know you browsed /lit/ Varg.

>> No.14666179

I would agree with you except you used Stranger Things as a gif which makes you just as cancerous if not more

>> No.14666302

Varg should probably quit Twitter and the internet generally, focus on writing his books with his wife and making some music. Most importantly he should focus on living his simple life and rasing his children - including hopefully connecting with other people in his local community and getting involved with that. I wouldn't be opposed to something like a semi-regular blog or something like that, but I don't think Twitter is a good format for him. He's prone to not thinking things through and jumping to extremes.
I do like the guy sometimes, he has great understandings of living simply and traditionally, and has some good critique of abrahamic religion, but his autistic focus on race and his retarded understandings of European Religion and Mythology are very cringe.

>> No.14666456

you must forgive him, he's a mutt

>> No.14666636

I just realized last week that he might have Tourette syndrome

>> No.14666660

Varg is definitely paranoïd but he's got a good intuition. The more I read about prehistory the more I realize that civilization is shit ; and the more I read about history the more I realize abrahamic religions are shit.
Ancient greeks probably looked more nordics than they do now, same for the romans. Genetics studies are brand new and we only have to wait l little to know.
I've seen a genetic chart a few months ago showing that republican romans were genetically closer to belgians and irish than current italians.
So Varg is uneducated but is intuition was true.

>> No.14666671

>Is Varg right, /lit/?
He's right about the Abrahamic religions.

>> No.14666706

And desu, “ancestor worship” in the polytheistic sense, isn’t even the primordial form of religion. I really hate how the polytheists with their death cults came and murdered the native animism of my proud people’s.

>> No.14666969

i dont get it who doesnt like desert

>> No.14666976

>whom cares
first time on this board and i must say this is the kind of quality content i was hoping for

>> No.14666978

And another barbarian subjugated by God.