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14662462 No.14662462 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that pertain to theism, the refutation of reductionist materialism and the idea of an afterlife from an unbiased perspective (without undertones or implied affiliation to a specific religious movement)?

>> No.14663338


>> No.14663343

There is no refutation of reductionist materialism.

>> No.14663348

for afterlife do research on NDE's. As for the existence of a higher intelligence, even Voltaire considered the watchmaker argument irrefutable. You have to be retarded not to see design in our universe. Is it the design of the Happy Sunshine omnibenevolent deity that theology teaches? Probably not, but it's definitely some sort of higher guiding intelligence.

>> No.14663374

No such thing exists

>> No.14663427

>Source: dude trust me

>> No.14663431

Unironically, read Aquinas.

>> No.14663438
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You don't trust them?

>> No.14663439

Try the fantasy section of your local bookstore

>> No.14663477

simply ebin

>> No.14663491

holy shit, how will op ever recover my fellow re.ddit bros

>> No.14663503

atheism is no longer reddit, we are reclaiming the Fedora

>> No.14663505


>> No.14663511

Where did all this design inherent in the structure of reality come from if there isn't a higher intelligence?

>> No.14663514
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My request was badly worded because to ask for a "refutation" of materialism presupposes an argument constructed from observing the material world. I'm looking for alternative points of view, but I don't know where to start. Which authors have produced interesting works on mind-body dualism?

>> No.14663518

reality is just inherently ordered my man. Why not?

>> No.14663525

Because that's dumb. The only reason you deny that an intelligence is at work is because you are triggered by Abrahamic retardation and worry that to conceded a higher intelligence is a victory for them. It's not. They are just as retarded as atheists. Be smart, bro. Acknowledge the intelligence operative in the universe without succumbing to retarded mythologies.

>> No.14663544

Because if you believe science accurately describes reality, then you must also believe that all systems tend to become disorderly. So no, reality should not be "inherently ordered"

>> No.14663545

How is it dumb? An intelligence creating everything is not the same thing as reality naturally having rules, order, tendency towards creating complexity. They are clearly different concepts.

>> No.14663552

>tendency towards creating complexity.
This very simple statement goes against the entirety of thermodynamics or our understanding of modern physics in general, though.

>> No.14663554

Two things, 1, local reversals of disorder wouldn't contradict overall increase, and 2, we could simply be wrong about entropy

>> No.14663562

Yeah, and one of those concepts makes sense and the other is stupid. Obviously order didn't just happen willy nilly. Order is characteristic of intelligence.

>> No.14663568

>Obviously order didn't just happen willy nilly.
Again, why not? Why should reality be chaotic rather than ordered, there's no reason to just assume that

>> No.14663577

>we could simply be wrong about entropy
That would make the standard model fucking crumble and right now aside from having no concise theory of quantum gravity our model of physics seems to be holding up pretty well, so I don't think so.
I also think it's counter-productive to attempt to convince a materialist of intelligent design and that you're entitled to your opinion

>> No.14663583

Because I'm not dumb and don't believe dumb things. Arguments prove nothing. It's just endless hairsplitting. Look around you and tell me this "just happened". It didn't. That's dumb. Don't be dumb. The end.

>> No.14663595

What about the first point though, local reversals of entropy? Also nonmaterialist ontologies don't necessarily imply an intelligent creator.
Calling something dumb and saying nothing else just pointless. I personally have no problem just looking around and saying 'this just happened'

>> No.14663599

Read Bernardo Kastrup

>> No.14663603
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>I personally have no problem just looking around and saying 'this just happened'
t. actual retard

>> No.14663606

>local reversals of entropy
I don't know enough about physics to answer in a constructive manner. The universe is an isolated system, so its entropy can only increase. Local reversals of entropy should always be temporary and lead to an unstable state but don't quote me on that
>nonmaterialist ontologies don't necessarily imply an intelligent creator.
I somewhat agree with that

>> No.14663608

Well why not? Why shouldn't reality just be inherently likely to create ordered systems.

>> No.14663622

I already told you, arguments prove nothing. Such arguments carry on indefinitely, and breakdown into hairsplitting over definitions without resolution. Just be intelligent. Don't be obtuse. It's obviously a retarded thing to believe that "it just be like that because it do".

>> No.14663633

It seems on the contrary the most reasonable assumption. We observe nature, we observe that it is ordered and sometimes creates complex systems. We don't observe an intelligent creator. The sensible conclusion is in fact that it 'just be like that because it do'.

>> No.14663652

The Greeks, specifically Neoplatonism

>> No.14663654

Do you ever observe your own intelligence (with your senses)? No. Intelligence is not a sensible thing. One only observes intelligence in its effects, not in itself. So that's a dumb argument. Looks like my diagnosis was correct.

>> No.14663659

If you were in the middle of the desert and saw an empty house, would you assume someone built it and left it there or that the universe spontaneously ordered itself so as to make a house appear?
Intelligent design is more likely and makes more sense than having an ordered system being ordered just because "why not, man". Especially when every natural force within the system tends to prefer a chaotic state to an ordered one.

>> No.14663664

Because that's the same thing as believing in Russell's teapot. The belief that something can just stand on its own without external order is absurd

>> No.14663666

I do observe my intelligence. It notices patterns, makes analogies between structures, it checks arguments to see if they follow the rules of logical necessity, etc.

>> No.14663676

And now begins the endless hairsplitting arguments without end. I'm not engaging in an argument with a retard. Just stop being dumb. This is my last post for this thread.

>> No.14663682

but that's exactly what they're attributing to God, I see no difference in stopping at the laws of nature instead of at God, except that we can actually see the former exist.
A house I would assume was built by someone because I know people build houses. A star, a planet, a bit of self-replicating RNA, I would assume came about through very different processes than an intelligence consciously choosing their design.

>> No.14663688

>This is my last post for this thread.
Wait anon I wanted book recommendations

>> No.14663695

That is not hairsplitting, that is an uncontroversial list of things that intelligence does.

>> No.14663697

>A star, a planet, a bit of self-replicating RNA, I would assume came about through very different processes than an intelligence consciously choosing their design.
And yet the process is the same on a larger scale: creating structure in a system where structure is naturally nonexistent and tends to disintegrate.

>> No.14663714

I would agree that the formation of solar systems, evolution, and conscious human design are all examples of ordered complexity. I would not agree that the first 2 are therefore the result of intelligence.

>> No.14663730
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Read some real literature anon

>> No.14663744

This is a bait pic, right?
I feel dumb for even asking, but you can never be too sure.

>> No.14663806

Plato Complete Works
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth
Blumenberg Work in Myth, and Care Crosses the River
The Idea of the Holy
The Will to Believe
Everything by Nietzsche
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous
From Frege to Gödel: A Sourcebook on Mathematical Logic
Penrose Mind Trilogy/Penrose Road to Reality
Ontological Relativity and Other Essays
The Birth of Intersubjectivity

>> No.14663833

Thank you.