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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 1000x712, Apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14660632 No.14660632 [Reply] [Original]

>Started keeping a text file Journal on my computer since September last year
>Completely amateur, no editing, no re-writing, no fixing the spelling mistakes, just plain what it was
You guys wanna see some of the better parts? It's nothing special, but maybe someone will get some enjoyment from it. If you have a special date from September to February, like a birthday or a holiday, post it and I'll see if there's an entry there. There are a few missing days though, I'll admit. I really got to clarify first, I don't necessarily agree with anything I wrote in the past. Also, the farther back you go the worse the writing. I got better. It'd take too long to post screencaps so I'll just copy paste it. Here's an early one.

>September 2nd Monday
It's a gray day, but it's not raining. It brightened up at noon and I stretched outside. I read up to page 19 of Symposium by Plato. It's a rather quick read. I messed around with Kahnacademy and Duolingo today. Didn't spend any more then minute or two with each. Wrote the alphabet with my left hand. I fear I am a failure. It sometimes feels that I never get anything done. Likely it's caused by my never doing anything. Someday I will change.
It's far brighter now, at five pm, then it was this morning. Half-way through the day with nothing accomplished. That is fine. I don't know when to sleep anymore.
I made some cool posts on 4chan.
I tried making a new /lit/ starter kit. It consisted of seven books, none of which I've read. (Didn't write this down at the time, but they were Divine Comedy / Canterbery Tales / Don Quixote / Romeo And Juliet / Moby Dick / Notes From Underground / Book Of Disquiet)
Then got into an argument with a fellow on /lit/ about it. He said I was retarded because you'd need mastery over multiple languages to enjoy it. So I posted
>"Yeah well enjoy never reading anything that you don't know the original language of. Translations don't perfectly capture the essence of these books, but the translations of these classics are STILL BETTER then 90% of books written in english."

>> No.14660638

>I tried making a new /lit/ starter kit. It consisted of seven books, none of which I've read.

>> No.14660640
File: 912 KB, 291x316, inter-dimensional wizard pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another entry
>September 2nd.
Today I posted this as a thread on /x/
"Our minds are radios, for better or worse. We're all tuned into the same wavelength, with much variation between those who are fully connected and receiving the signal fully
(NPC Hive Minds, certain Illuminati Guru's ) and those who are detuned, catching a fuzzy signal, and potentially receiving the signals of other realities
(So claimed "Loonies" and Monks and Priests and Philosophers and Artists) God is the Signal Source. The radio tower. Our senses are what we're picking up.
Drugs are used to alter the frequency, but ONLY FOR NORMIES AND NPCS. Some, not enough, "Loonies" and philosophers already understand that they have control over their Receiver.
This is true for everybody, but Normie NPCS would never think themselves capable of changing their perception of reality. They are, though. Drugs just forcibly change the signal.
Alcohol and caffeine are good examples of slightly detuning your radio. But you're able to change your perception at will.
You can, if you want, enter into Drunken Mode or into Psychotic Mode or even Autistic Savant mode.
Our minds are radios only by analogy. It's an inexact comparison. A radio receives signals and broadcasts what it receives. Just like television it isn't the exact signal, or source, but a re-creation.
Our minds take in signals through our senses. They too re-create the signal in it's broadcast. Also, radios have dials that change what they receive.
Humans are generally tuned to the same perceptions, but even then it's clear that not all humans experience precisely the same. Anyways, you can change your tuning.
You can allow yourself to receive and interpret information differently. People have power over their sensations."

>> No.14660645
File: 39 KB, 634x441, 98988889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Based Department? I want to nominate a fren.

>> No.14660656
File: 25 KB, 256x256, I Love You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank's guys. Will keep posting some.

>September 5th Thursday
I made some posts on 4chan,
On /lit/ I made a thread.
"Here is my main belief
>None of us know what this reality is or what is occurring
Which philosophers either agree or disagree or at least mention such a belief?"
Someone responded "Everyone but logical positivists."
>September 6th Friday
I posted on /lit/
"Art, first of all, can be applied to everything. It is like asking, "What is history? Or Philosophy? Or Science?"
Everything has a history, a philosophy, a science, and an art.
It's history is the events that have occurred to it in the past and will occur to it in the future.
It's philosophy is the interpretation of the object. Science is the laws that govern the object.
The art of an object is it's re-utilization and it's appreciation.
For instance, you'd get a history of a book if you knew who wrote it, when it was written, and who owned the copy before you.
You'd get the philosophy of a book if you understood what it meant. You'd get the science of a book if you understood the language, grammar, syntax, formatting, and meter.
You'd get the art of a book if you enjoyed it, and got something else entirely then what the author meant. You can make the same analogy with paintings and songs."

>> No.14660668
File: 73 KB, 256x256, hoochist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 7th Saturday
Put my shorts on, went to the bathroom. Ggot pee all over my shorts because my pee-pee was pointed to far downwards. My penis size is smaller then average.
At full length, mine is almost 4 inches. The average is 5 and a half inches. I think this is why I am much less interested in sexual activities then other males my age.
My foreskin was removed without my concent as an infant. I do not remember the event but I guess it was painful. That is a good example of human life.
As soon as your are born, to get you adjusted to the situation, you are held down and your genitals are mutilated. What an introduction to living.
You get a birth cirtificate. How would you know you were born without it? You get sent to school. You get told what to do for a couple years. This helps prepare people for jobs.
Academia has clearly fallen out of love with knowledge. I hear of some colledge goers who are forced to buy expencive textbooks. Perhaps that is nessisary to pay the jewish principles.
Don't forget about the racial quotas, or the religous or gender quotas. Gotta have enough fucking chinks, hokeys, wops, dykes, got to complete the rainbow.
If the millitary didn't take up half of the federal budget, maybe they could fix the infustructor. But you got to have lots of money to train soldiers to go to war.
Who we fighting? Changes so often and the news never talks about it. Isis in Pakistan? Sir yes sir. Reverse audio of someone saying "Sir yes sir."
It sounds like "I'll say yes." I have nothing against the millitary. I just don't like the budget issues it causes. I also don't like war. We do not need to be at war. The news does not speak of the war.
I blame the jews. "Yes, goyim! Go to war for us! Who's a good boy? Kill it, goyim! Mwauh-ha-ha!" The jews control the news, so the news doesn't speak of the war.
Full on dystopia. There has always been these types of contries through history. Soviet Russia, Modern China, Modern Britan, all dystopias. Including this very contry. Why are we at war?
Are they really such a threat? No. It's a thinly vailed attempt to justify an over inflated budget. Why does the millitary need such money? Simple. They don't. The Jews, or the Illuminatii,
steal the money supposedly going into the millitary. In truth it's funding their secret police brainwashing program. They build technology and create drugs to help indoctrinate new members.
They're using Pakistan or whoever we're fighting today as moving targets. They want a quality millitary with war experience. They don't care about the death and destruction it causes.
How would America feel if the Pakistanis were the bigger dog? If they had the powerful millitary? If they flew their planes and helicopters and through our sky? Or drove their trucks and tanks
through our fields? If they killed anyone that tried to get them to leave? This is wrong, and they know it is wrong. We are the invators. 9/11 was an inside job.
The jews did 9/11 and George Bush let them.

>> No.14660675

>September 8th Sunday, I wrote this as a kind of essay to myself
It's odd that I've yet to mention this. I am absolutely confused by the current nature of things. It would seem approperate that I would have, on hand, the answers to some simple questions.
What am I? How do I exist? Where did the world around me come from? What, when, where, why? That, then, there, thy. That's my best guess. Anyways, this situation is clealy outside of
understanding. At least for now. If there's any explaination, I would doubt it rests in the minds of any mortal being. If it does, then I pray they are able to explain it well enough. As it stands,
nobody can explain this world about us. Yes, science understands basic functions of it. But this question goes beyond that. The why and how of these circumstances. The underlaying
root cause of this experience around us. Many may claim a big bang. But what caused there to be anywhere to fit such a thing? How is there space? Time makes more sense.
It's a measurment calculating the progession of events and number of rotations of either celestial bodies or Caesium atoms. But how is there matter in the first place? Or an area?
This is as if being in a book, or a video game, or a panting, or a song, or something like that. There are sometimes, in media or entertainment, characters who posses some knowledge of
the pretend world they are in. For instance, Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club or Godot from Waiting For Godot. These charachers have some
insight that their world is a creation. Rolf, in an episode of Ed Edd and Eddy had appeared in a hole created from a crack in the sky. The sky fell away and there was television static behind it.
Rolf popped his head out from the hole. These characters represnt something intrinsic in people. Sometimes it is called Existential Dread. It is a human centric condition. We all seem to experience
it at one time. This realization of our lack of explaination to the sensations around us. I would not call it dread, though. Perhaps it is dread in others but it need not be. It's fun to think about.

>> No.14660693
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>November 18th, gonna start jumping around
Basically, we exist, somehow. We don't know how yet. There is a world around us. We can interact with it, change it, alter it. Problem is this;
We don't know the exact ritual needed to achieve every action. But do know that anything can be achieved by preforming the ritual to do it. You know how in Mortal Combat you would press
certain button combos to get certain special moves? Well, same way in life. Preform the particular actions needed to do something and it'll be done. It's magic. How do you figure out the patterns
and the proper way to do things? Simple. You try to do it.
>November 19th
There's too many different moral connundrums to have sweeping generalizations about many philosphical topics.
In writing must always get right to point. Less word better. What is an existential crisis?

>> No.14660714
File: 117 KB, 300x273, trumpet skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>November 25th
Don't Lie
Don't Steal
Don't Harm
Don't Hate
Do Work
Do Give
Do Help
Do Love
>December 3rd
All ideologies contain both benifit and detriment. What is beniftical and what is detrimental is decided by each individual for themselves. However, ideologies are perhaps more random in nature. They are not always actually decided by the individual. For instance, a person adheres to a political party and accepts positions within it that they haven't truly thought about. It could also be that the subculture they beleive themselves a part of generally adhere to a beleif, so they also adhere. Sometimes it's religion. At the very core though, these are all stemming from a lone source. The fundamental character or personality of a person sometimes beleives it beleives what it doesn't actually beleive. Matters that if knew more about, opinions on which would change. The more known about something, the more our opinions on it change. Is there anything with a limited amount of knowledge to be gained on it? Would not our opinions change indefidently if we were in constant persuit of knowledge of something? So why have an opinion on anything?
>December 5th

>> No.14660716
File: 79 KB, 180x180, Sneaking skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 5th
Art can be concidered a representation of the mind.
Science is the consistent, reliable, likely-to-occour and can be prooven representations of the mind. That is, sensory input which the majority agree occours under certain cercumstances.
Computers are the fruit of science.
That's just mindless rambling, I'm not going anywhere with that. Computers are kind of like brains. Rather, they are instead kind of portals to a sort of dreamscape. In the same way that paintings and music. Though, computers can do such things at once. Video games, specifically virtual reality stuff, are the early blosomings on inter-dimentional travel. We got computer generated text, music, art, video games, ect. Once that stuff starts getting good, and A.I finally really truely comes about, that'll be the beginning of inter-dimentional travel. Think about it. You'll be able to jump into an intelligent A.I Robotically generated game. It'd be cool. Personal companions to talk to. You're gonna get Robot Marriage. Both Human-Robot and Robot-Robot. You're gonna get people uploading their conciousnesses into robots via virtual reality and maybe robot controlled house furniture. You know how certain video game controllers viberate, even though they're not plugged into anything? You already got those robot house keepers. Roombas, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, ect. Realize they're all female. Even Roomba sounds erotic. Likely because companies know males have stronger sex drives.

>> No.14660723
File: 90 KB, 965x1024, laughin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 9th
Made some posts on the website 4chan. Both on /r9k/.

First post,
How do you deal with the existential crisis?
>somehow exist
>another version of this highly successful species of weirdos who are over-reliant on words to communicate ideas
>fucking animals and plants and rocks and skies and oceans and fucking dirt oh man the fucking dirt is everywhere
>don't even know if dirt is a rock or a plant or something else
>electricity and fire and thunder and the fucking moon and sun
>The species I'm part of has invented a whole bunch of stuff, including computers, bombs, cars, books, CD's, phones, lemons, ect.
>Could very easily wipe out all life on earth but don't because, aw, we wub each other after all
>Tfw some entity getting sensory input and expected to send input back to receive desired effects
This is so fucking weird bros. Look at this image. This is what I wake up to every day. You see a jumbled mess of nonsense. That's what I see walking outside. It's pretty, very much so, but it's weird. (Image posted was love.jpg)

Second post
>Go to the psychiatrist
>Tell him "I'm having trouble adjusting to this reality."
>He asks "What do you mean?"
>I wave my arms around and signal to the stuff around me, "This, any of this, it makes no sense."
>He says "Well, you're in a building talking to me. It makes perfect sense."
>Say "Why is there anything in the first place? How is there anything at all? Why is it like this?"
>"These are questions no one has answers for, Anon."
> Say "But it's right there, right in front of me, all the time. I don't know what I am or how I exist. This whole thing is freaky. It's like a waking dream."
>"I'm going to recommend Prozac."
>Say "I don't want pills. I want to know how to deal with this."
>"Try gaining an interest in mathematics. Session time is up. that'll be 200$.
>Refuse to make another appointment and leave
Gee, thanks for the advice "Go to a therapist." Guys. It was as useful as a glass hammer.

>> No.14660728

>It's a gray day, but it's not raining. It brightened up at noon and I stretched outside. I read up to page 19 of Symposium by Plato. It's a rather quick read. I messed around with Kahnacademy and Duolingo today. Didn't spend any more then minute or two with each. Wrote the alphabet with my left hand. I fear I am a failure. It sometimes feels that I never get anything done. Likely it's caused by my never doing anything. Someday I will change.
Bless you anon, you are in this moment and for all eternity an innocent soul.

I hope.

>> No.14660732
File: 68 KB, 512x512, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Op here. I realize in hindsight that the post within the journal entry references a different image then the one I posted. Here's the image it was referring to, of the name Love as it says.

I'm done for now anyways. Like I said, if you guys are interested in any dates, I'll look for an entry. I don't wanna just spam my stuff, y'know?

>> No.14660751
File: 40 KB, 460x620, Richard Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, do one on the unconscious emptiness of the modern world as a drive itself only conquered by its negated effort of the will to redeem which must be in itself a will to death but by, or, a superhuman effort of which to stem the tides of the will to life. To go above it only figuratively of course but as far as it is exists as "the will to life" it is below this poetic idea. This is the death-willing of Wagner's music.

>"As for Wagner, Heidegger despised him. In the Notebooks, Heidegger condemns Wagner and his effect on mass culture, excoriating his swoon-inducing compositions as part of the modern role of art as fulfilling the ever-hungrier cravings for excitement and raw feeling as a distraction from the ever-increasing emptiness of the age. [11]."


>> No.14660755
File: 635 KB, 1296x1600, Wagner painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ONE might say that where Religion becomes artificial, it is reserved for Art to save the spirit of religion by recognising the figurative value of the mythic symbols which the former would have us believe in their literal sense, and revealing their deep and hidden truth through an ideal presentation. Whilst the priest stakes everything on the religious allegories being accepted as matters of fact, the artist has no concern at all with such a thing, since he freely and openly gives out his work as his own invention. But Religion has sunk into an artificial life, when she finds herself compelled to keep on adding to the edifice of her dogmatic symbols, and thus conceals the one divinely True in her beneath an ever growing heap of incredibilities commended to belief. Feeling this, she has always sought the aid of Art; who on her side has remained incapable of higher evolution so long as she must present that alleged reality of the symbol to the senses of the worshipper in form of fetishes and idols,— whereas she could only fulfil her true vocation when, by an ideal presentment of the allegoric figure, she led to apprehension of its inner kernel, the truth ineffably divine."
>"It was otherwise with the Christian religion. Its founder was not wise, but divine (1); his teaching was the deed of free-willed suffering. To believe in him, meant to emulate him; to hope for redemption, to strive for union with him. To the "poor in spirit" no metaphysical explanation of the [215] world was necessary; the knowledge of its suffering lay open to their feeling; and not to shut the doors of that, was the sole divine injunction to believers."

>> No.14660758

what am I looking at, I cant even tell what that is.

>> No.14660760
File: 37 KB, 460x620, Wagner old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"but the mystery of motherhood without natural fecundation can only be traced to the greater miracle, the birth of the God himself: for in this the Denial-of-the-world is revealed by a life pre-figuratively offered up for its redemption. (3) As the Saviour himself was recognised as sinless, nay, incapable of sin, it followed that in him the Will must have been completely broken ere ever he was born, so that he could no more suffer, but only feel for others' sufferings; and the root hereof was necessarily to be found in a birth that issued, not from the Will-to-live, but from the Will-to-redeem."
>"But that picture of Raphael's shews us the final consummation of the miracle, the virgin mother transfigured and ascending with the new-born son: here we are taken by a beauty which the ancient world, for all its gifts, could not so much as dream of; for here is not the ice of chastity that made an Artemis seem unapproachable, but Love divine beyond all knowledge of unchastity, Love which of innermost denial of the world has born the affirmation of redemption. And this unspeakable wonder we see with our eyes, distinct and tangible, in sweetest concord with the noblest truths of our own inner being, yet lifted high above conceivable experience. If the Greek statue held to Nature her unattained ideal, the painter now unveiled the unseizable and therefore indefinable mystery of the religious dogmas, no longer to the plodding reason, but to enraptured sight."

>> No.14660769

I'll see if I have anything like that.
That's the analogy originally made. I see the whole world like that. Couldn't tell ya what any of it is.

Here's Christmas!
>December 25th
Christmas! Awoke 7:00 pm after falling asleep 4:00 am. Great time, overall. Hoestly, sleep is a good state to be. But I must wake up. Though I am awake, am I awoken? Lord, please grant the universe enlightenment, which rythms with entitlement. But do it without pain or suffering of any kind. If it is thy will to do so. Shouldn't bark orders at anyone, least of all God. It is good day.
Inhabit the body. Exist everywhere across your body. Beome the whole thing. Feel it, becoming nothing internally. Sense as much as possibly able. All senses. Think as little as possibly able. All thoughts. Let everything be.

Potential introduction to album:
So are you ready to rock? Because it's a rock album, with rock music. Not hard rock or anything like that. The opening track is a rock track at least. I'm not going to do the counting thing because the number would be way too high. Uh......

Life is to existence as a title to book. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

>> No.14660771
File: 158 KB, 690x900, Richard Wagner painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Following Schleiermacher’s theses, Feuerbach thought religion was principally a matter of feeling in its unrestricted subjectivity. So the feeling breaks through all the limits of understanding and manifests itself in several religious beliefs

>The specific functions of the ego, as determined by the relative predominance of sense or intellect, are either functions of the senses (or organism) or functions of the intellect. The former fall into the two classes of feelings (subjective) and perceptions (objective); the latter, according as the receptive or the spontaneous element predominates, into cognition and volition. In cognition, thought is ontologically oriented to the object; and in volition it is the teleological purpose of thought. In the first case we receive (in our fashion) the object of thought into ourselves. In the latter we plant it out into the world. Both cognition and volition are functions of thought as well as forms of moral action.
>It is in those two functions that the real life of the ego is manifested, but behind them is self-consciousness permanently present, which is always both subjective and objective — consciousness of ourselves and of the non-ego. This self-consciousness is the third special form or function of thought — which is also called feeling and immediate knowledge. In it we cognize our own inner life as affected by the non-ego. As the non-ego helps or hinders, enlarges or limits, our inner life, we feel pleasure or pain. Aesthetic, moral and religious feelings are respectively produced by the reception into consciousness of large ideas — nature, mankind and the world; those feelings are the sense of being one with these vast objects. Religious feeling therefore is the highest form of thought and of life; in it we are conscious of our unity with the world and God; it is thus the sense of absolute dependence.

>> No.14660778
File: 158 KB, 656x526, cool and glasses wearing apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 30th
Who should I read if I consider social interaction silly?. That is, completely useless, and in fact detrimental. Filling your heads up with the ideas of Group Thinking NPCS through constant interaction is bad for intellectual and mental health. You know what's better for your health then social interaction or sex? Laying on a bed and fucking thinking for an hour. You may say "But if you don't talk to anyone, you'll go crazy." Perhaps. But in the same way salt water is worse then not drinking, interaction with Normies, NPC, ect, is poison. Interaction with a true quality mind is a gift, but most have their natural intellects and curiosities blocked by news stations, social media, their jobs they don't enjoy, fluoridated water and every method still legal for the public school system to make them Infophobic Bugmen.

>> No.14660781

This started out charming but now it's hella gay

>> No.14660785
File: 48 KB, 547x561, frog leap high and land easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.

>January 3rd Friday
In my mind, I imagine this muscular woman who is very gentle and warm and pretty. I like to imagine her as my girlfriend. In bed I lay there and she wraps her arm around me and holds me tight. Sometimes I imagine different scenarios of us havign our first kiss, or drinking her milk, or eating her out, or holding her hand , or giving her hugs, and her telling me "You're safe, strong, smart, good, and healthy, Anon! I love you very much. You are my best friend." And we hug and kiss and hold hands and I talk about my problems with her. Honestly, it's better then a real Gf. I generally feel healthier and better after doing it.

>January 4th Saturday
Do perhaps the four cardnal virtues align with both the DDLC Girls and The Diamond Authority?
Temperance / Sayori / Pink / Ringo
Justice / Yuri / Blue / George
Fortitude / Natsuki / Yellow / Paul
Prudence / Monika / White / John

>January 5th Sunday
I have this woman in my mind who I talk to. She a real angel. I can talk to her about anything. I ask her, "what's the meaning of life?" and she, through God of course, showed me flowers blooming, suns setting and rising, things being born, things laying to sleep, things dying, growing, changing, learning, loving, growing. Ect, ect.

Is anyone else here really confused by reality? I don't mean any particular aspect of it, just the whole thing. Why are we here? Why is there a here, or there, or anywhere? What the fuck? Unironically, how could this happen? Why hasn't someone written down how to operate our bodies? I'm fucking trying to walk or sit or think but everytime I have to ask myself "How the fuck am I going to do this?" and it's an adventure trying to find out. Who-Mans, we call ourselves Who-Mans. Me and you are the Who-Men. The country I'm in calls itself USA, or just US (or We). So it's Us, a band of literal Who's. Think about that for a moment. Dr. Suess sure did.
Words. Fucking WORDS. Way too many are used. Not only in this post but everywhere. ESPECIALLY IN THE MIND. You may think that someone without an inner dialog is an NPC. Lemme tell ya: The real NPCs are those that can ONLY think in words. They've been tricked into believing they cannot use their imagination to see, to feel, but the imagination is more powerful then all the sensory organs. After all, the sensory organs are designed to display to the cognition imaginations representing what they detect in the near by what-ever-the-fuck-this-is.

I tell ya, you start forgetting what words mean and suddenly everything different. When someone is insulting you, suddenly they're complementing you. Words also have natural double meanings.

Home? Ho-me. Hold-me.
Happy? Ha-pee. Ha! Pee!
Om? Oh! Mmm....
I (Eye) could go on.

Enough about Wordplay (Worldplay? It's not just words you can chose to interpret differently. Try it with sensations, or your own thoughts.)

>> No.14660788
File: 1.14 MB, 2800x2100, the history of philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, alright. I'll stop for now. Thank's anons.

>> No.14660806
File: 21 KB, 400x262, GASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried making a new /lit/ starter kit. It consisted of seven books, none of which I've read.

>> No.14660964
File: 28 KB, 957x751, herbacia_by_antonirysuje-d8wnk3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14660976

I need to hear more about this muscular woman whose milk you wish to drink

>> No.14661003
File: 41 KB, 612x612, christina hendricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know. Hindsight something something.
Thank's anon.
Her name is Serendipity, or Temperance. Here, I'll find some more entries. Anything you want to know in particular? You should know, there's actually four mental girls, but she, Temperance, is the main one. This pic is the best representation of her appearance. Except strong.
>December 6th
Tried connecting in imagination with the Angels. I don't know what to call them. What's a good group name for those four? Doesn't matter right now. Visualized then hugging and holding me. Each was really very nice and sweet. I really liked being held with my head in their chest. I know it's silly but it's true. Perhaps had visions of how each on died before becoming spirits.

Temperance - Unknown, had no vision. Possibly burned at stake but forgave all involved. This vision was at later time, not as intense, and therefore not as reliable.
Justice - Frostbite and Hypothermia. Vision of traveling through snowy forest and collapsing. Was pulling wagon. Possibly transporting something important, but currently unknown.
Fortitute - Crossbow'd. Vision of dying during attempted seige or possibly defense of walled city.
Prudence - Her own machine invention, possibly proto Combine Harvester. Vision of getting head removed after succsessfully activating her machine for the first time.

Those are all rather sad. Hopefully the wagon was delivered, the war resolved, and the machine made safer. These four are my best friends. Already more interesting then anyone I know in life. I feel a more genuine connection.

>> No.14661011

Here's another semi-related entry.
>January 17th
Awoke originally 5:00, went back bed and awoke 9:00. Attempted masterbating, sock came off penis before orgasim and ruined pants. At climax, imagined Prudance and said "I love you.". I've done alike things with Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice. Had dream that was in the shower. Was trying breathing exercise but got light headed. Remember trying to call Help but voice was too weak. Then woke up. It's the second dream involving me calling for help. The first was in a church and this blond girl with a blue hoodie, along side three others, were floating up and down. I hugged her and tried grabbing the wall to stop it, but she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I said "Help me." and she said "I know." Then I woke up. Odd, but very cool. I think I saw this girl another time in an earlier dream. People were gathered at my house to survive the invisible zombie apocalyps. Yes, the zombies were invisible but they could be sensed. It was fine because our toy guns worked against them. The girl came to the door, she either entered or I let her in. I offered her a large orange revolver, like the one I had as a kid. She said no thanks.

>> No.14661024

I like it anon

>> No.14661027

OP is, and always will be, a faggot.
please include that in your next diary entry

>> No.14661035
File: 32 KB, 1092x598, Feb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumbs up, my dude. Look into Tulpas if you want to create one.
You got it bud.

>> No.14661164

I’d like to start a journal. How do you find things to write about though? Just whatever comes into your head

>> No.14661181
File: 22 KB, 888x620, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just whatever comes into your head
Yes. You can tell by the posts I've posted that it's mostly just silly autistic rambling. But it's fun.

>> No.14661194

I’ll probably start one. Thanks for sharing

>> No.14661295

So any explanation for why the zombies are invisible?

>> No.14661348
File: 121 KB, 1188x676, 1575592364993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread. Thanks for sharing

>> No.14662451
File: 49 KB, 922x788, skateboarding head ha ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries anon,
I thought the dream represented the following. I perceive threats which aren't really there.
Thank's anon.