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/lit/ - Literature

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14659616 No.14659616 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn post with dfw


>> No.14660403

>The Wasteland
Wtf he was a phony???

>> No.14661055

>Marisa: Hi everyone, how are you? I am FINE

enough with the attitude marisa

>> No.14661092

thanks for this

>> No.14661506

why didn't he take a shower before that interview?

>> No.14661536

Studio lighting and being a sweaty guy. That's what the bandana was for.

>> No.14661611

his meds made him sweat.

>> No.14661630

i didn't even know you coud sweat on top of your head

>> No.14661901

>dfw: I like The Recognitions very, very much. I haven't yet got all the way through "Frolic...Own" yet.
>dfw: My worst character flaw that I'm conscious of is that I tend to think my way into circles instead of resolving anything. It's paralyzing and boring for people around me.

>> No.14661925

i like how he cuts off at the end mid-sentence to go hang himself, that's artistic commitment

>> No.14662090

After reading I only just realized they're called carbuncles and not cysts. Fuck they're disgusting.

>> No.14662807

Have you never played a sport post-puberty?

>> No.14663098 [DELETED] 

anon i'm 13

>> No.14663124

kek you're going to be banned for 5 years

>> No.14663417

Delete this post

>> No.14663420


>> No.14663640

Based i was 14 when I discovered this place (19 now) and it fucked me up this bad, see you on the psych ward in a few years anon

>> No.14663704

>dfw: In my very first seminar in college, I pronounced facade "fakade."

>> No.14663721

And then everyone clapped

>> No.14663723

i discovered 4chan wahen i was 13 now i'm 23, it definitely fucked me up embittered me and stunted my development

>> No.14663747

I started browsing at a similar time, and I think it just made me smarter and more self-aware at the time. It was the online equivalent of hanging out with the older kids, and it accelerated my development to the point where I was pretty lonely, only because I couldn't find anyone who wanted to or knew enough to talk about the things discussed on here (not just /lit/, but /mu/ and /pol/ etc.). I'm 21 now.

>> No.14663763

i'm actually 24 pls no bannerino

>> No.14663939


>> No.14664033

>spelling marissa's name wrong throughout the whole Q&A just because she called him 'Fosty' a couple of times
he truly was /ourguy/

>> No.14664223

>Keats: I used to think the word "trough" was pronounced "troff."
Wait, what?

>> No.14664295

sounds like you still have a long ways to go to self awareness if you think gamifying cultural consumption and "race science" equivocates to smarts

>> No.14665347

as in, 'cough' I'd guess

>> No.14665403

I started at 14 and am 20 now. The way this place affects oneself is nebulous but I think it’s the holder of a pearl of truth in our current society. I don’t care if I’m psychologically fucked as consequence of exposure to this truth, it was worth it.

>> No.14665480

i started at 12 and i turn 22 this month.

i think you have it backwards; this place didn't change us, we gravitated here because we were already like this.

>> No.14665506

Holy shit he fucking talks like Hal

>> No.14665526

fuck sake they had the opportunity to get real answers about whether Hal ate the madam psychosis and this stupid attention whore "Marisa" is just tanking the conversation

femoids ruining the internet and literary world since 1996

>> No.14666339
File: 34 KB, 400x400, harrylagg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A carbuncle's fucking HUGE, esse

>> No.14666465

it is pronounced "troff" though

>> No.14667468
File: 8 KB, 205x246, tiredwoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tony: *sigh* I missed the whole thing

>> No.14668778

he probably wouldn't answer desu

>> No.14668811

I assumed that Candlejack had got h

>> No.14668852

I know but he might have given some clue
i'm #teamtoothbrush btw

>> No.14669632

Well, I was 13/14 at the time, so I think doing either of those things can be excused (though I didn't really do either, especially the latter). Maybe get rid of the smug tone, you fat fuck!

>> No.14670753

McElroy eternally BTFO

>> No.14671019

He would have shitposted on this very board had been born a couple decades later
Didn't even notice that lmao

>> No.14671039

>Iowans do use just one hand a great deal, but not for clapping.
I miss him so much