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14659599 No.14659599 [Reply] [Original]

What are some scary books /lit/? Pic related is the only thing i’ve read that has made me feel dread. I want something scarier.

>> No.14659786

The Hauning of Hill House. 'Salem's Lot scared me.

>> No.14660051

more disturbing than scary or creepy now that I think about it, but "I have no mouth and I must scream"

>> No.14660612


>> No.14661983

I personally found the legend of sleepy hollow quite spooky.

>> No.14662003

The first four stories of The King in Yellow, the ending of The Monk and the first half of The Terror.

>> No.14662015

Frankenstein was kinda spooky, but mostly just tragic.

>> No.14663010

There are no scary books.

>> No.14663287

I shat myself reading Summa Daemoniaca, it is a book written by a priest from the exorcism division describing how to perform one and his expiriences until he retired. I am not a cristian but it somehow scared me either way.

>> No.14664613

The revival by king Stephen. The ending is scary

>> No.14665767

I thought Misery was more disturbing than Pet Sematary.

>> No.14665770

What kinds of things scare you?

>> No.14665776

>The Hauning of Hill House
Boring as fuck
>'Salem's Lot
Ending was a bit anticlimactic

>> No.14665780

I wasn't ready for those feels

>> No.14665830
File: 36 KB, 301x475, 510ZJ3TDPAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have posted an image of this book for several years and have never had anyone reply.

>> No.14665853

I'll bite, mind giving a quick blurb describing why you like the book? I don't read spooky stuff often but I've checked out a few and am interested in discovering books that can bring out chills.

>> No.14665854

>I have posted an image of this book for several years and have never had anyone reply.
no (You) for u

>> No.14666017

That was pretty scariest I've ever read.
Stephen King is a degenerate.

>> No.14666029


>> No.14666143

whats degenerate about PS?

>> No.14667321

It's not your typical horror short story collection.

It's set in a decaying fantasy world continent, and the tone is darkly ironic and sometimes detached. There are supernatural forces, cruel gods, ghouls who can transform into those they eat, and reanimated dead that, with their brains rotting, speak with the fragmented memories of when they were alive.

The book is highly sexual in an uncomfortable way, including incest, necrophilia, rape and cannibalism into its mix. And yet the language is so fun and playful at times it doesn't feel as dark as it could be.

It's the swan song of a writer who never really made it but might have deserved to.