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14659476 No.14659476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the epistemology of blonde women ?

>> No.14659487

They're an endangered species, froggie.

>> No.14659497
File: 172 KB, 1080x1208, @veradijkmans 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They appeal to Nazis

>> No.14659611

they're dumb whores

>> No.14659622

They are like roses whose beauty last but a day. Then the petals fall, wrinkled, upon the dirt. They are queens for a day.

>> No.14659630

Better to be queen for a day than schmuck for a lifetime

>> No.14659636
File: 231 KB, 1238x1204, 6953F83D-CD60-4A50-B026-DDCB35F1F60B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they’re all about everybody’s opinions are justifiable.

We’re on the threshold of a world where genetic manipulation will make all racial differences moot.

>not even a real blonde.

>> No.14659662

What’s it like having a blonde gf? I’ve only had brunettes.

>> No.14659677

Unclear, but it should be Quietism.

>> No.14659681

Different colored hair.
They taste similar.

>> No.14659683

Are you for human biodiversity aka racial preservationism?

>> No.14659694
File: 44 KB, 673x663, opes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing. Blondes in the European perspective have always been looked as the peak of youthful beauty and angelic features. Yet with age, they're hair turns brunette, or at the very least dirty blonde, giving them that distinction of wisdom that only comes with age. So, brunettes for brains, blondes for beauty that goes bad fast.

>> No.14659698
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 76AB340B-B01A-4B55-90A5-BBA06091952B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw miss my ex blonde gf

We were polar fucking opposites, she was an outgoing alcoholic party girl and I am an emotionally unstable autistic introvert and we fought like crazy but god damn I miss her so much. I’ve had gfs since but none of them quite hit the same as she did.

>> No.14659703

aka made up Neo-Nazi pseudoscience faggotry

>> No.14659706

>tfw had qt blonde gf but I ditched her because I thought I could get even hotter pussy (because I was with her right?); turns out I never did and now my heart aches

>> No.14659711

Don't @me niggerkike

>> No.14659716
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>tfw I've done the same

>> No.14659719
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For animals yes. People are quite willful, and again, we’re self evolving and about to kick it up a notch as we head into seeming extinction.

>> No.14659721

that hairline is fucked. Imagine having a male with her and that poor fucker is bald by 25

>> No.14659728


>> No.14659749
File: 315 KB, 900x1200, CDFC8FEB-7E0E-4D98-B826-EACBD20CF58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s blondes for ya

Someone made a crack about Alyzza here, that black people absorb souls, and I didn’t get the chance to ask if that’s why they had more soul than everyone else.

>> No.14659751
File: 113 KB, 645x729, 28E8EE3E-61C3-4D51-8121-1E6E98D3E546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is almost exactly what happened to me... why are we so stupid bros? Why can’t we just appreciate what we had?

>> No.14659782

Second item under soulless is wearing a tiny crucifix; no doubt heartless though

>> No.14659808

Fucking retards, I'd never do that if I get a blonde gf
>t. done the same with my brunette gf

>> No.14659809
File: 83 KB, 727x803, 6970018_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never play, never lose

>> No.14659813

Means shit. Also fuck your Jewish religion.

>> No.14659817

>da joos

>> No.14659836
File: 360 KB, 1536x2048, BDA85697-E46F-4DE4-9F5C-1ABD7C748872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguing over soulfulness
>Fuck your jew savior

>> No.14659838

Spread the other cheek

>> No.14659844

not even christian, faggot.

>> No.14659854
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>all the chads itt
How does one go about obtaining a blonde gf bros ?

>> No.14659862

>perform mental self lobotomy because cope
if only one could harness this power... oh wait

>> No.14659863

If you're chad you can pic the flavor. If you're not forget about it unless you are willing to settle with a fatty.

>> No.14659877

>on Tinder I only superlike blonds
>they never like me back

>> No.14659889

ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVuudcpW-MY

>> No.14659896
File: 264 KB, 917x1309, 37919210-6DAC-44CF-97CA-A464A977E07F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just grow your courage, ask, roll with the rejections, smile it off.
Be nice, ask about them and listen, but when offering some background on yourself try not to be dismal.

>> No.14659924

Down, boy..

>> No.14659927

>Be nice
Women don't like nice guys.

>> No.14659933

You have what syndrome? I can't hear you with that circumcised cock in your mouth.

>> No.14659990
File: 108 KB, 1552x873, f3079321880c9b04b7dd886c349707af_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER shall a young man,
Thrown into despair
By those great honey-coloured
Ramparts at your ear,
Love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.'
'But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.'
'I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair.

>> No.14659997

Either supernaturally beautiful, or painfully ehhhh. Rarely very ugly.

>> No.14660029

Slay or be slayed, that is the question

>> No.14660033

Damn that's nice

>> No.14660052

Why does anglo poetry suck so much?

>> No.14660073
File: 263 KB, 800x800, 536A38E0-3055-4C81-9A39-27A9E1F2E97F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want the psychopath gf that will be mean to me
Often they want a strong decisive personality and accept assholes, but all the while think to themselves that they can “fix” them. Or it’s rough sex. But no. Be nice. Not weak, nice

>> No.14660093

It doesn't, you just don't understand English.