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14659251 No.14659251 [Reply] [Original]

Was Brave New World a utopia or a dystopia?

>> No.14659255


>> No.14659259

Given the spectacle at the end I think the answer is obvious.

>> No.14659263


>> No.14659265

It's called Oxycontin.

>> No.14659268

Dystopia. What a stupid question

>> No.14659272

What the fuck? BNW was the height of techno-accelerationism.

>> No.14659342

about 1/4 women in their 40-50s are on antidepressents already

Soma is well on the way

>> No.14659346

It's called Cyanide.

>> No.14659350

who cares

>> No.14659368
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, Consooooooooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should. This is a peak society. Instead of confronting the root cause of why loneliness has turned into such an epidemic, Big Pharma rolls out yet another pill to sell to the public to keep them docile and productive

>> No.14659496

It was a shit book

>> No.14659520

This guy gets it.

>> No.14659529

Everything Kaczynski warns us about.

>> No.14659531

read kierkegaard

>> No.14659534

I have enough sheets on my bed I dont need drugs too

>> No.14659546
File: 53 KB, 500x436, got-polio-me-neither-thanks-science-or-diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus-43839407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooo science isn't allowed to improve the world
>our sky daddy wants us to suffer
all christians deserve to die.

>> No.14659572

If scientists made a pill that cures hunger, would you take it?

Of course not, it would kill you.

>> No.14659638

>What is cyberpunk
Yeah DARPA projects are bringing your utopia fedoralord

>> No.14659639

Where do you think that answering that question with "that is a dystopia" leads? The question is irrelevant. To attempt to get at it morally resolves in knots that you can't untangle. Any critique of those things starts from amoral grounds. The ground you are standing on shattered (or worse, passe). Who are you to judge the last man? If you can answer that, then it should be clear why it is such a terrible question.

>> No.14659641

I've started reading Kaczynski, when do I start to feel better?

>> No.14659648

I’m an atheist, bro. You don’t need God in order to reject the March of Scientism.

>> No.14659671
File: 71 KB, 644x800, 49AFB63F-3217-4524-B426-61A0EB09797F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”I’m an atheist, bro. You don’t need God in order to reject the March of Scientism.”

>> No.14659704
File: 21 KB, 384x384, 545702A0-B2C6-4556-A127-717350462605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t ask questions. Just consume product and wait for next product.

>> No.14659732
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 924FCF32-7345-4BEF-861D-9FE44A1D9702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”I’m not a Christian but I cuck for them and think science is bullshit because Redditors said some gay shit that doesn’t affect me on their website so that means science has failed in such a blackpilled doomer gloomer I don’t actually believe anything and just desolately want to stand out and be different”

>> No.14659871

I think it's a utopia insofar as people can leave, and there isn't any real dishonesty in what the world government is up to.

Now, the real-life social systems the book was attempting to critique-- bourgeois capitalism and its insistence on the subduction of all individual desires and traits below the common good, resulting in a society in which the "ceiling" of human achievement is lowered, as well as the "floor", resulting in a society in which every person is the same amount of content-- is dystopian as hell and full of holes.

But the thing that he didn't get across in the book is that in real life, you can't just leave, join a commune, and do your own thing like the characters other than the native boy do. The bourgeois have (or had, increasingly since the 60's) a stranglehold on all society's resources. Actually, maybe you can. But the bigger problem is that the emotional and intellectual manipulations of the bourgeoisie are nowhere near as efficient as those of the worldgov, so way more people fall through the cracks. Though, maybe that wasn't true back when he wrote it.

All in all, still a great book. Way better and more applicable than 1984

>> No.14660024
File: 42 KB, 474x632, 1523783245805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the pill come in the form of a cute girl?

>> No.14660849

Would be a hell of a lot better than 1984. It might be a dopamine brain wash, but at least it would a comfortable one.

>> No.14660854

Is any opinion from an atheist worthless to you?

>> No.14660869

everything is so bad

>> No.14660870
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>> No.14661201

Never. you only feel worse and worse as you realize there's nothing you can do.

>> No.14661299

This post is unironically profound and sad and sums up everything so neatly

>> No.14661336

lmao, and that pill is called mdma

>> No.14662098

when you organize with serious high quality people toward a revolutionary movement. there are already groups forming.

>> No.14662103
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14662223

Why couldnt you atleast quote the post you were making fun of

>> No.14662278

lol, that would actually make you go outside and talk to real people though. Then you would make friends, stop being lonely and no longer need the pill. If you want to profit from the pill, it has to cure the symptoms of loneliness without providing a long term solution.

>> No.14662307

I hear the pill's pink.