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14656620 No.14656620 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14656635

Process and reality, critique of pure reason, the Bible (unironicly), Hedeigger.

>> No.14656639

12 Rules for Life

>> No.14656666


>> No.14656904

Any book, fiction or biographical, that tells the story of someone's life.

>> No.14656930

the idiot by dostoevsky

>> No.14656949

The Bible desu (unironically)

>> No.14656954

there is no 'cure' for reality; understanding it is what leads to moderation; balance; equilibrium. It's like asking what the one true ideology is; there is none, all are wrong and none will ever be right.

>> No.14656962

maybe Freuds book on dreams actually.

>> No.14656986
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The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.14657033

t. midwit 115 iq

>> No.14657067

I thought just like this when I was in my mid teens before I ever really read anything.

>> No.14657161
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lol okay. I suppose you've never come across Ataraxia: the entire point of Stoic Philosophy; everything else is just stone of Sisyphus :) But no I'm just unlearned obviously. bless your little heart.

uh.. thanks(?)

>> No.14657255
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>> No.14657277

when is the wire fraud court date?

>> No.14657302

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is anti-nihilism. It also gives some based advice on marriage and becoming a better person in general.

>> No.14657312

Nothing unless you're a brainlet

>> No.14657318

Children children

>> No.14657364

just have sex. that's literally all it takes
prove me wrong and find a "nihilist" that gets pussy on the regular, you actually can't.

>> No.14657419

Not wrong. I get less depressed and nihilistic when I'm getting laid. The issue is that you have to keep living in that state of libidinal desire constantly. Like a shark you have keep moving on to the next impulse least you stop and think for a second about how nothing has true value. It's like that popular Samuel Johnson quote "for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

>> No.14657459

have more sex

>> No.14657486

everything on stoicism

>> No.14657597

>find a "nihilist" that gets pussy on the regular, you actually can't.

most of the biggest sport-fuckers I've ever known or seen have been Nihilists; youre don't sodomizing or throat-fucking little girls on the regular if you're full of the joys of life, and no woman is doing that who isn't of the same sort of frame of mind: anti-depressants, drunk or doped all the time, spending like crazy on credit, etc. What is that?

lol "just have sex" you true virgin you.

>> No.14657608

case study: https://www.crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/71390-life-after-high-school i mean, if you've been living under a rock hahaahaha

>> No.14657620

>The issue is that you have to keep living in that state of libidinal desire constantly. Like a shark you have keep moving on to the next impulse least you stop and think for a second about how nothing has true value. It's like that popular Samuel Johnson quote "for he who makes
very true. deep words there.

maybe i should dust off Sam one afternoon as I go on my ramble in ST.jAMES Park

>> No.14657639

i was not ready to watch that...

>> No.14658010

What kind of rambling you do?

>> No.14658041

>falling for bait this badly
read the book. cure yourself.

>> No.14658048

what was it anon

>> No.14659102

the bible and my diary desu

>> No.14659629

lol that was a ref to "a ramble in st. james park" the pornographic social commentary by m'lord sir john wilmot 2nd earl of rochester, restoration era writer and thinker

some fellow called Deppy John or something tried to copy his mannerisms on stage once, put a bit of effort into it