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14656145 No.14656145 [Reply] [Original]

>final year of high school
>pressures on to get into top law school
>to what end tho?
>just to slave myself for 30 years
>that's fucked

What are some books that'll help me cope with knowing I'll be a wagie for most of my life?

>> No.14656152
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There is nothing to cope. Wagie life is fucking shit. Try to get on NEETbux and feel no shame.

>> No.14656153

Literally and unironically just cope and you’ll be fine. Also law is a very lit career so just take pleasure in knowing you haven’t given up the literary lifestyle.

>> No.14656158
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Brother is already a NEET, can't afford to disappoint my mom

>> No.14656164

you dont get into law school straight out of high school, ya know
you can go into academics, thats kinda different than wagiedom

>> No.14656169

Being a NEET doesn’t make you happy. Trust me. I did it for years and it was the most miserable I’ve ever been in my life. I’m surprised I didn’t kill myself to be honest. Now I’m finally back in school while working two jobs and studying, reading on my free time.

>> No.14656171

Do something you like, retard. Don't know what you like? Try new things

>> No.14656178

well if you do everything correctly you'll end up with a job that will supply you with decent amounts of crack money

>> No.14656179

>working two jobs
i hope thats because you HAVE to work, anon

>> No.14656182
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NEETdom is still superior to wagecuckery

>> No.14656184

Law out of all the desk monkey jobs is one of the most /lit/ by far. (Ofc type of law factors as well)

>> No.14656196

I read classics and lurk lit, that's pretty much it

>> No.14656204

Which law is most based?

>> No.14656217

At least you understand your situation at your age while you still have a chance to take classes conducive to law and develop your verbal skills and disingenuously achieve a top GPA by avoiding difficult classes etc. You should double major in econ and philosophy and pick up logic courses alongside your primary fare of reading and essaywriting.

I'm in the same boat as you except that I'm five years older and have a mediocre GPA in a worthless subject doing work completely unrelated to it. Essentially, I have to prepare well enough for the LSAT while working full time to get a perfect score if I'm going to get a good school and/or good scholarship.

On that note, consider taking a gap year for the LSAT. I know several people who were much higher achievers than me in terms of grade point who got into shit schools because they got shit LSAT scores because they rushed it while in school. Your performance on this several hour test will be weighed just as heavily as the strong GPA you'll painstakingly eke out over the next four years.

If you ever start considering a career in academia, read Anatomy of Melancholy to cure yourself of it.

>> No.14656225

I know, capitalism is shit.
Read Marx

>> No.14656230

the eternal jew

>> No.14656231

Is Econ a /lit/ career?

>> No.14656232

Based, will check it out

>> No.14656235
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the economy is fucked anyways, your gonna have a job for like 6 mouths before the next crash. Then will all be NEETs, then will all be free.

>> No.14656243

>lmao just don’t work
Yeah no. People with jobs are happier than those without.

>> No.14656317

>will check it out
I especially mean the sections on quality of education and the misery of scholars in the middle of the First Partition. Academia has had all of its current problems for at least four hundred years. Thoreau implies the same in Walden, nearly two hundred years ago. If all else fails, research professor salaries, read up on the extreme competitiveness of weaseling your way into a professorship at an actually good school, and familiarize yourself with the increasingly common possibility of becoming stranded in adjuncthood.

Law, paradoxically, not only pays better than academia, but is also easier to get into. Not to mention that most academics are sophists vomiting out whatever speech-acts are necessary to retain their positions (including lying to students that learning their given discipline will lead to gainful employment) so if you're going to be dishonest, you may as well be honest about being dishonest.

>> No.14657840

the opposite

>> No.14658140

Unironically senior law is a great and easy hustle

t. watched better call Saul

>> No.14658150

No, economics is for donkeys

t. Chadatollah Khomeini

>> No.14658154

A profession is a big part of life. You're going to expand your horizons and have more to write about.

>> No.14658951

NEETdom is a double edged sword. Easier to self-actualize as a NEET compared to a wagecuck, but also easier to sink into deep ruts, sometimes so deep you can barely even be called human anymore.

>> No.14658974

Depends what country, most outside of America have law as undergrad

>> No.14658986

How do I do this in America?

>> No.14659004

I was considerably more miserable when I was 16 than when I was 30.

>> No.14659107

but surely they have law graduate school as well?

>> No.14659112
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>> No.14659392



>> No.14659466
