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14654177 No.14654177 [Reply] [Original]

Wish, this guy is really well read: https://youtu.be/dHBm2MyiFLA..

What does /lit/ think of him?

>> No.14654184

Hes got good videos, a little dull, but over all good. Just watched that one this morning.

>> No.14654203

>What does /lit/ think of him?
What is his position on life?

>> No.14654222

Tell me about Philosophy, why does he wear the Fourier?

>> No.14654238

dropped before i even picked him up

>> No.14654242


>> No.14654271
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>philosophy tube
>is pure leftist ideology
how does he get away with this?

>> No.14654274

This is a cuck thread, please leave.

>> No.14654300

>This is a cuck thread
why do you think he posted him?

>> No.14654303

He's nothing impressive. Follows the same formula every video: SEP page + pop-culture + leftism

>> No.14654308

It is extremely disappointing that every video this guy releases now is some over produced and pretentious short film. The embarrassing 'acting', skits and costumes are incredibly distracting.

>> No.14654325

Oily is mostly based with a little onions

>> No.14654333

No the guys name is Cuck Philosophy

>> No.14654339

You're legit becoming one of the more annoying namefags.

>> No.14654343
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>> No.14654351

>really well read
>it's mostly philosophy
>heavily weighed towards secondary sources
>one piece of literature that everyone has read
periodic reminder that leftists aren't well read

>> No.14654360

We're talking YouTube here. Compare him to his colleagues.

>> No.14654362

At lest you notice me ay?

>> No.14654367

You're stupid and your opinions are stupid. It's amazing how often namefags and tripfags are some of the worst members of the board.

>> No.14654398

Nah he's a typical leftist that thinks themselves "well read." And by "reading" they mean heavy on nonfiction with a bias towards social and political philosophy. These people aren't readers, but they seem to convince impressionable 18 year olds that they are.

>> No.14654411

Whats one thing I said that was stupid? Are you just upset that I hate idealism or that I'm a Marxist?

>> No.14654427

unlike us adults who know that well read means bloom canon right

>> No.14654462

I hate this bastard more than anything. I cannot stand his pretentious videos.

>> No.14654479

Seems like I struck a nerve. It's interesting watching leftists on the internet try to convince people that they are well read when their reading habits are herd-like and narrow. As to "Bloom's canon," anyone following that would probably be more well-rounded and interesting than your average reddit commie bug-sperg who predominantly reads social and political philosophy via secondary sources. A wide variety of literature, poetry, plays, philosophy, etc. across world literature will always be better than the latest tranny meme-philosophy from Verso or Urbanomic.

>> No.14654603
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Remember when he made good videos instead of just repeating Jung/Nietzsche/Stoicism every video to milk the Peterson audience?

>> No.14654665


>> No.14654694

Don't call me Wish.

>> No.14654708

Life Without Money looks interesting.

>Im scrrrd! Stop duh tape!

>> No.14654712

Mark Fisher killed a whole generation of lefty theorists with his reddit-tier rhetoric.

>> No.14654775

Cuck seems to be well read in philosophy, though, and that's what matters when it comes to his arguments.

>> No.14654785
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Why are all breadtubers (not including Cuck philosophy) all either fat fucks or utter degenerates?
Contra, Philosophy Tube, Thought Slime, and Peter Coffin all have some sort of fucked up sexuality and Peter Coffin, Thought Slime, Ben Burgis, and Step Back History are all obese
Ad hominem aside, basically all of these people are style over substance and just go for right wing low hanging fruit while assuming leftism is inherently correct

>> No.14654794

Got famous mostly for rigorous dunking on American midwits like Hicks, Harris or Peterson and deservedly so.

>> No.14654825

>Ad hominem aside, basically all of these people are style over substance and just go for right wing low hanging fruit while assuming leftism is inherently correct
It's because they grew as a reaction against the waning 'SJW Rekt compilation' wave. They're really just the same thing but making fun of the cringy 2016tards.

>> No.14654844

Because Marxism is for a military nobility to take charge of a country and strange things happen to an ideology when the military nobility goes away but the retards they enjoyed crushing remain

>> No.14654854

I haven't really been paying attention to it because I physically can't sit through one of his videos, but I imagine Philosophytube's being 'queer' or whatever is 100% a marketing strategy to appeal to his theatre kid audience. Peter Coffin is just a fat cumbrain idiot desperately trying and failing to be the male feminist. You're right about most of them going for low-hanging fruit though, Contrapoints is especially guilty of this, and it doesn't help that the videos are all lengthy Socratic dialogues with simplistic strawmen characters that don't exist.

>> No.14655177

>hate idealism


>> No.14655309

I like him
cause I like Baudrillard

>> No.14655340

>not including Cuck philosophy
What makes you believe he is not an utter degenerate?

>> No.14655365

So he reads De Benoist ; how is he not cancelled?

>> No.14655366

Pressumption of innocence, shy voice before he became popular and confident.

>> No.14655373
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>> No.14655405

I like him mainly because of the Baudrillard and Bataille videos

>> No.14655411

Look who follows on twitter.

>> No.14655415
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>"Life Without Money"
>Third party Heidegger introduction without actually reading Heidegger
>"Therorizing Patriarchy"

>> No.14655421

Has he read the Greeks in the original? No? Then no.

>> No.14655422

because cuckoldry is the intellectual's fetish

>> No.14655429

Bullshit. He's "well-read" in french 20th century theorists, some Nietzsche and the bare theoretical minimum to get the allusions and references made by these.

>> No.14655452

Ψευδής ἀνιχνεύθει

>> No.14655468

I doubt he's even read the canonical works of Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault. He's just a Baudrillard/Jameson/Fisher fanboy.

>> No.14655476

His video on incels is so fucking cringe and pedantic.

>> No.14655482

I memba

>> No.14655502
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He did read Heidegger, but it wasn't his first read in 2019.

There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist, you faggot.


Contra is at least the original aesthetic leftist, and paradoxically she repulses me less than the others.

>> No.14655511

Why do people care about the opinion of others on subjects so prone to personal interpretation as philosophy and literature? Is it some search for self-validation?

>> No.14655624

That's just the kind of retards youtube attracts.

He sounds redeemable compared to all those other clowns, but in the end youtube will rot his brain too.

He's better read than other youtube faggots, but I wouldn't say he's well read. He's reading "readers" and "introductions" that are directly relevant for his videos. This should be a BARE MINIMUM. That this makes someone seem "well read" only reveals the state of all the other political youtubers who would rather do stupid shit like experiment with colored lights and silly makeup for hours than read a fucking book about the thing they're talking about.

Yeah that one was total garbage.

>> No.14655632

For a graduate student in philosophy, no, he’s really not.

>> No.14655833

which is getting less cringe in hindsight because of the state of modern marxists

>> No.14655837

>here is nothing wrong with being a Marxist, you faggot.

>> No.14655849

Hey guys, Cuck here.

>> No.14655902

Some of his videos are better than others, too many of them are uninteresting and surface level though. I'm glad he made a video on that dogshit Stephen Hicks book, even if it is low-hanging fruit.

>> No.14655913
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>Life Without Money
That's the only bad one, markets are natural, the point is that most people don't know the difference between markets and capitalism.

>> No.14656155


All you have to do is watch one of Ollie's streams (he's done a couple with Hbomberguy and Contra, among others) to realise he is the biggest pseud of leftytube. He has absolutely no personality, his demeanor and the aesthetics of his room are all evidential of a severely bland and unaffirmed mind. He is just good at feigning intelligence, probably because he's an actor. No original thought has ever crossed his mind.

>> No.14656356


>> No.14656360

why is Contra not a she?

>> No.14656369

Because he is not female, G-d did not breath in a female soul into him. Simple as that...

>> No.14656381
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So fucking sick of the idealists

>> No.14656397

Spell H-s name properly, you retarded hylic bugMAN.

>> No.14656412

Stop talking about all these faggots on my thread. This is a Cuck thread.

>> No.14656425
File: 317 KB, 1063x986, 1562453172562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therorizing Patriarchy
>Not bad
The description on amazon alone makes me kek, it's like a parody of itself

"Sylvia Walby provides an overview of recent theoretical debates -- Marxism, radical and liberal feminism, post--structuralism and dual systems theory. Walby proposes a combination of class analysis with radical feminist theory to explain gender relations in terms of both patriarchal and capitalist structure."

>> No.14656430

Because de Benoist is too obscure for americunts. He can't even pronounce the name. Besides, he did announce the trigger warning.

>> No.14656436
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>bug man
God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God
fuck you God is a lie and you are a fucking schizo retard

>> No.14656443

Marxist feminism is the only good feminism and your pic is a straw man

>> No.14657042

you posted this verbaitim in the last thread

>> No.14657047

what books did you read in 2019 anon?

>> No.14657055

why is every top 10 books list he makes full of dry philosophy shit, who is he trying to impress? just post some novels or fiction you enjoy, dumb norwegian faggot

>> No.14657353


>Goes out of his way to point out a right-wing writer and mention monetarily compensating someone who has non-socialist views
>It is good to read 'the literature of the enemy'
>As a socialist...

He's a Philosopher M.A/ Ph. D Candidate. How can he possibly discuss any 19th century philosophers such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Hobbes, if they are 'literature of the enemy,' as if each generation of philosophy does not lead to different yet equally important illuminations. I feel like he had to really lay out his Marxist credentials after making videos like 'problem with human rights' and such, so that people don't get the 'wrong idea' about his political views. Just shut the fuck up and keep doing good analysis.

>> No.14657375


Champagne socialism is not only acceptable, but a desired attitude to have among the young degenerate middle class, because it allows the current dysfunctional system to maintain itself while hoping radical changes in staffing acts as a sufficient visual distraction.

>> No.14658266

You sure you're the one that struck a nerve champ?

>> No.14658320

>why is Contra not a she?
simply Because I think that is cultural marxism. When you get down to it. leftists are just working towards the achievement of longterm ZOG elite goals such as the normalisation of pedophilia, the destruction of the family unit and the grinding down of humanity into a single mass of raceless, sexless and cultureless consumer cattle with pink hair. In these times of cultural marxism merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act. Oh and BTW, Sieg F*cking Heil.

>> No.14658360
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Try bringing up Nietszche or any other 'western' philosopher for that matter amongst your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle. You will see their eyes light up with panic. In no time they will start with the usual bleating ''wasn't he sexist'' ''aren't you being dangerously eurocentric'' ''have you been missing out on the latest 'diverse' workplace comedies available for streaming on netflix, hulu and disney go? It is very important you take your medication, remember, you have to keep taking those the SSRIs and HRT Dr. Steinberg ordered.'' all the while their fingers move nervously towards the 'independent thought alarm' button.

>> No.14658434

Isn't it funny how so many self proclaimed Marxists denounce euro centrism while being unaware that historical materialism is an eurocentric viewpoint?

>> No.14658451

They will get angry at you for bringing up anything related to western culture, but at the same time they remain utterly ignorant about 'nonwestern' cultura and are the most enthusiastic consumers of american tv and social media identity fads.

>> No.14658487 [DELETED] 

>Cuck seems to be well read in philosophy, though
lmao if by well read you mean a narrow selection of continental philosophers then yes

>> No.14658587
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>There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist, you faggot.
I agree, we shouldn't consider the mentally underdeveloped and intellectually underpriviledged as being "wrong".

>> No.14658663

Have you ever actually talked to 'your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle' about western philosophy? Or, are you just tilting at windmills?

>> No.14658673

I go to a top university and half of the students are exactly like that.

>> No.14659254

Well he is a Cuck.

>> No.14659840

21st century Marxism isn't about Western economics anymore. It's about the leveling of the universal social sphere instead. It becomes ever more mystical and pseudo-religious.

>> No.14660912

t. Community College brainlet

>> No.14661117

There is no transition, there is no utopia, there is no way of giving hordes of phone-addicted bugmen sufficiently informed control of a means of production. To be a Marxist in the 21st century is to be a fascist pining for a philosopher king to rule over you. Go ahead and vote for the 80-year old cunt, he's not a socialist. But you'll vote for him because he appeals to that ever-burning desire to be dominated, controlled, and corralled. Maybe he'll be the one to do it right?

There is no one who can spend any sufficient amount of time around other humans and come away with the conclusion that "these people should be in charge of anything."

>> No.14661198

He's a based leftcom like me

>> No.14661226
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>cultural marxism
>elite goals such as the normalisation of pedophilia
go away

>> No.14661231

Not that i have a burning desire to defend them (i don't even know most of the people you mentioned), but at this point hasn't the "degenerate" meme turned a little stale? I mean yeah, one is a tranny, the other is a hyper-sexual bisexual, but you can literally can anyone degenerate for any reason. I can call degenerates the people who drop the word so often, because to me it seems like they get a certain high and sense of superiority by painting themselves as "pure". We fucking get it, certain people are sexual deviants out in the open and you are (probably) not, but stop talking about it already, it has turned to tiring to hear about it.

>> No.14661379

>longterm ZOG elite goals such as the normalisation of pedophilia
You know that pedophilia was considered normal in all traditional societies and it only became a taboo resently in liberal societies because kids not being able to consent is a big deal if you base your whole morality on voluntary transactions between individuals, right? Traditionalists don't give a shit about marrying an underage girl, they don't even believe in/care about marital rape so consent isn't an issue for them.

>> No.14661398

What about the big alt-right public figures all being either complete hypocrites or complete degenerates by their own standards? Andrew Anglin has the video of him about fucking jailbait Asian girls. Richard Spencer beats up his wife. JF wanted to have a kid with a retarded underage girl. Mike Enoch's wife is Jewish. The alt hype guy is gay. Then there is the guy who fucked his wife's mother, and the other guy who went to prison for robbery and he also assaulted that reporter (no I don't care what their names are). Fuentes went to a gay catboy date. These people are a joke.

>> No.14662476

I have no lost love for the alt right either and would agree that most of their leaders are pathetic
Fringe movements tend to attract freaks
The issue is that the breadtube freaks are being normalized by the media

>> No.14662506
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While I'm not a lefty he does make really well-researched and interesting videos
>Is an even gayer version of Contrapoints somehow
How does he get away with this?
Every now and then I'll watch an old video of his
Physiognomy and their virtue of resentment my dude. Plus it's YouTube, the well-researched and not attacking low-hanging fruit is the exception not the rule.

>> No.14662563

i do like olly but >>14654308 is right

>> No.14662587

He's clearly educated and bright, but his videos are tacky as fuck. None of these people are skilled enough to actually pull off camp even if they are from demographics traditionally good at it.

>> No.14662601

>muh cultural marxism

>> No.14662653

Any term that causes this much rage has some value. This one is great at exposing the impotence of intellectually oriented politics.

>> No.14662668

it's just the equivalent of calling conservatives 'cultural fascists' or something. You're grouping together people who don't want to be grouped together but do share some beliefs. It's all a bit tiresome.

>> No.14662723

Most conservatives would brush it off. Leftists tend to blather on about it without actually denying that their tendency to form coalitions with these people. It's impotence of the highest order.

>> No.14662737

I've talked to fashies who straight up admit that "cultural marxism" is just a way to whine about the Jews without actually saying j00zdidit. They use coded language so the center-right normies don't realize it's a gateway for their talking points until they're already radicalized. The entire alt lite is basically just cryptofascism.

>> No.14662746

You seem to have entirely missed my point and you're literally doing what I just called the equivalent of calling liberals socialists. In fact you're so incredibly oblivious it's practically poetic.

>> No.14662750

>hey it's cuck

>> No.14662753

cause they are just the evolution of 2010 neckbeards or 2010 neckbeard coomers + estrogen

>> No.14662767

The liberalism you're conflating with "cultural Marxism" predates Marxism by at least a century.
Marxism is a theory that reduces history to economic conditions. It can't be "cultural" because at that point it's basically not Marxism. The only comparison you guys have between liberalism and Marx is that they each support a type of equality - there is absolutely no historical materialism or any kind of dialectics in the former.

>> No.14662770

He's trying to appropriate and neutralize this opposition's terminology. Doesn't exactly work because I can't think of anyway that being a cuck isn't a bad thing.

>> No.14662780

I'm not saying that conservatives are fascists, you retard. I'm saying that cryptofascists try to pull conservatives in that direction by being misleading.

>> No.14662794

Meaning what exactly ? Shall I call Bernie Sanders a cryptosocialist ?

>> No.14662796

yeah, it's like appearing on screen eating shit to own your enemies, it's kind of unseemly either way

>> No.14662803

Their opposition hates them not because they are the same, but because of what they have in common. For those who are against equality in principle, the differences between egalitarians is trivial, especially when there willing to form coalitions against you.

>> No.14662805

what is Gramsci

>> No.14662823

Fascists have to be incognito, hence the whole “alt-right” rebrand. Sanders claims to be a socialist, but is only a Rooseveltian reformist, a soc-dem by European standard. He’s out about it. No need to be crypto

>> No.14662824

Google bioleninism for the answer.

>> No.14662827

isn't that like arguing the marx can never be hegelian because he is not a materialist? or that capitalist countries are not capitalist cause there's a government? meaningless technicalities when political movements never work like that?

>> No.14662829

Or Raymond Williams
Or Engels:
>According to the materialist conception of history, the ultimately determining element in history is the production and reproduction of real life. Neither Marx nor I have ever asserted more than this. Therefore, if somebody twists this into saying that the economic factor is the only determining one, he is transforming that proposition into a meaningless, abstract, absurd phrase. The economic situation is the basis, but the various components of the superstructure . . . also exercise their influence upon the course of the historical struggles and in many cases determine their form.

>> No.14662832

fascism is just pragmatic socialism, Bernie
+ a few red pills is the real fascist candidate

>> No.14662835

The altright was not a rebrand, it was an epithet leveled at a bunch of different people. The only guy I can remember calling himself altright was Richard Spencer, who is quite open about being a Fascist, and possibly a Glow.

>> No.14662838

>and in many cases determine their form.
That sounds suspiciously in contradiction with the material being the 'ultimately determining element'.

>> No.14662905

turns out Richard Spencer was a racist all along

>> No.14662965


Over the years I realized I am not much of a leftist, but more of a social democrat/social liberal. Especially since I do not live in America, where even far right parties from my country would be considered communist, I often clash with leftists.

One thing I have noticed is, in the last few years, vulgar, idiotic versions of marxism has really spread around academic, and semi-academic circles with everyone repeating the same few misunderstood/simplified ideas. It took me quite a long time to see that a good deal part of it comes from those idiotic left-tube channels.

So, here's the thing. Cuck Philosophy, although I don't agree with quite a lot of what he says, will always be a channel I respect. It does not try to brainwash anyone, is well researched and informative for everyone wanting to learn. I look forward to every single new video from him. Hbomberguy is similar, although I do sometimes find him too smug.

Philosophy Tube however, is probably the worst of the bunch. Truly despicable channel, and I can't help but believe the guy is both complete moron and a total piece of shit. While he was always dumbing his stuff down, lately he does not seem to care about anything but making as moronic presentation of why he is right on the topical problem of the month as humanly possible. I honestly believe that there is not a single worse place to learn about philosophy on the internet than his channel.

A lot of similar problems I have with Renegade cut, a channel a lot of people love for some reason. Yes, he has 10 times the inteligence of that Olliy moron, and does his research, but still purposefully misrepresents stuff and uses far fetched pop-culture examples to mask the weakness of his statements.

>> No.14662986

>I honestly believe that there is not a single worse place to learn about philosophy on the internet than his channel.
completely agree. The worst thing is his channel is called philosophy tube. It would be great if cuck philosophy and philosophy tube exchanged names, except neither would be ironic at that point

>> No.14663102

Nah, it becomes funny or just weird when he takes it upon himself
It even ends up being quite charming

>> No.14663114

no it's like naming your channel "shit eating philosophy", l2analogy

>> No.14663117

There's nothing funny or charming about taking up that mantle to own the fash. I guess I just don't get it.

>> No.14663154

>this guy is well read
>cuck philosophy
>makes youtube videos

>> No.14663167

the funny part is literally watching people with high disgust reactions tear their hair out over a word they call people every day (You)

>> No.14663179

I don't use it because I try to purge memes from my vocabulary. There's just very few terms that I think can in no way be rendered positive, and that's one of them.

>> No.14663211

so your big resistance to the word cuck is letting yourself get cucked by language?

>> No.14663217

the blacks managed to reclaim nigger somehow. Well actually im not sure if they did or not since they flip out when whites say it but they did turn it into their own word

>> No.14663226

the word cuck is derived from Shakespearean prose you literal cuck

>> No.14663419

I guess that's one way of putting it.
That's because his audience that was the most degrading thing you could call someone.

>> No.14663426

>managed to reclaim nigger somehow
>chimpout every time somebody uses the word
nah, i wouldn't say reclaim, they are just good at intimidating people, sort of like muslims, which i can respect

>> No.14663453

no it was referencing a bird. he coined the term cuckold to mean what it means now. to his audiance, a cuckold was a bird.