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/lit/ - Literature

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14653956 No.14653956 [Reply] [Original]

Books on human biology and the differentiations between sub-groups?

>> No.14654513


poor show for a board supposedly about literature

>> No.14654599

Plz back to ur containment board thx

>> No.14654646 [DELETED] 

I only browse lit. Kys nigger

>> No.14654731

Obviously how we are and how we got there by David Reich. I'm currently reading it.

>> No.14654737

I like how the conclusion of modern academia is that drug use stimulates selective breeding to form humans over millennia. :3

Absolutely fucking retarded. Anthropology is not even a science, just a form of corruption, like social Darwinism.

>> No.14654741
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>> No.14654745

Try /pol/

>> No.14654762
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>> No.14654769

Where are the proofs? Your statements require corroboration!

>> No.14654771
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It’s a reasonable hypothesis that some aspects of humans brain power came from strange eating habits and happenstance. We’re chock full of non-human being symbiots you realize. We’re dirty mixtures of earthly organisms.

>> No.14654776
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>> No.14654782
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>> No.14654786

The degradation you seek to impose on the human condition is astounding! Humans are the purest form of metaphysical intelligence ever created, and you insinuate were are a dirty mixture! Absolute heresy!

>> No.14654788

What bullshit. Are you OP?

>> No.14654789

I’m your god.

>> No.14654796
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>> No.14654802
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>> No.14654803

>We’re dirty mixtures of earthly organisms.
We are created by God with specific ends in mind. This world is a battleground, and you being around me in real life and listening to what I say is proof of that enough. I am showing you that academia is not flawless, and various forms of it can be dogmatic.

Specifically, I find Marxist and social Darwinist influence to be the most obvious forms of misguided humanity that have yet had to exist. Evidence of evolution should be shown before we assume a theory as being true.

See the last statement above.

I am trying to protect your minds.

>> No.14654809
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Read attached and realize you’re no where near my level.

>> No.14654823

Obviously you would be doing a disservice to Aristotle, who Darwin original co-opted the terms for, and Darwin himself, whose details of his theory has been completely overturned in modern evolutionary biology in favor for even more abstract, meaningless arguments put forward about how cruel God's creation is. :3

>> No.14654830

>buh dogmatic scientism
Yes, I understand about all that. No worries there really.
>social darwin
Now who’s being dogmatic?
>evidence of evolution
We have mountains of it. It’s a done deal. Details remain, but it’s not ever going to be disproven.
Silly effort if troll.

I am the actual 80s, zoomer bitch

>> No.14654839

You’re ignorant and it’s embarrassing. Read the book, and then realize I believe in none of what you purport.
>how cruel gods creation is
God is nothing but pure good. Only humans believe in evil, and quite a silly thing to believe in.

>> No.14654858
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You always show up in my threads. I think it’s kinda cute.

>> No.14654866

>We have mountains of it. It’s a done deal.
This is hilarious. Why do you think so many people are denying evolution then instead of flat earth?

We have physical proof that we do not have a flat earth, we do not have physical proof of a theory. Learn the difference between actual criticisms of science and real science.

Believe it or not that 'my ancestor' meme was on the right track. Modern 'evolutionary theory' is borderline insanity.

I'm glad you believe in God friend, but you will see why evolution has been peddled. It is for purely social gains, specifically in the social Darwinist mindset where they want you, that these ideas are peddled. Many ideas in academia are corrupt, very few are noble anymore. :3

>> No.14654877
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We have philosophic proof there’s no gods and we’re made up of particles

>> No.14654888

>It is for purely social gains
Which is why I am coopting it for my own benefit.
> Many ideas in academia are corrupt
Everything I believe and follow is the truth. It’s not hard to separate fact from fiction when you’ve got an actual head on your shoulders. Now? I’m simply refining my ability to throw punches.

>> No.14654898

Haha, I am not denying SCIENCE. Didn't you read my post?

I am not DENYING ALL SCIENCE. I'm just denying evolution.

Evolution is not physics, hydrodynamics, engineering, quantum physics, astrophysics, and even a decent amount of biology.

I'm sorry you and Lawrence Krauss, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris think differently, but you need to get your act together and bring back the offensive.

So, particularly, I'd want to make sure you understand I KNOW we are made of particles. Because I could OBSERVE it. :3

>> No.14654899
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We’re made up particles based on a flawless and perfect foundation which transcends all time and spacial dimensions. Your denial of God is perplexing. Are you okay?

>> No.14654915
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>Evolution is not physics
Why are you so ignorant? The truth is written. Read From Logos to Bios you fucking nigger.

>> No.14654916

>Which is why I am coopting it for my own benefit.
Eh, that's not how reality works really.

The onset of democracy and industrial civilization brought on various theories which were harmful to the human race, but I'm starting to understand why the Theory of Evolution has been peddled, particularly Charles Darwin's notions regarding 'sexual selection' and how that is a main deviating portion from the bulk of physical necessities producing evolutionary tendencies in creatures of the wild.

Extinction could be extended very easily to a passive social Darwinian mechanism. Or used to justify genocide, which we have already seen as well. I'm thinking that a lot of the negative mentalities you are seeing today propagated is because people are indicating that others are failing a social Darwinian process.

Also, the Nazi regime was a fan of eugenics, and so was Charles Darwin. :3

>> No.14654918
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>I’m not denying colors.
>I’m just denying there’s any such thing as green

5/10 I guess for getting me to respond so much.

>> No.14654923
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I wish I could strangle you. That’s how stupid you are. I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you just because the moment your heart stopped beating the world would become exponentially less burdened with shit turds like yourself.

>> No.14654926

It's because I am extremely influential with this mindset though, that is why you dislike me perhaps.
Green exists. I can observe it :3

>> No.14654936

Krigsgaldr is best song

>> No.14654939
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>It's because I am extremely influential with this mindset though, that is why you dislike me perhaps.
Jesus Christ have mercy on this poor soul with a room temperature IQ. >>14654918
>5/10 I guess for getting me to respond so much.
Nice argument. I’ll take your conceit.

>> No.14654940

This would unironically be a pretty great photo if it weren't staged and edited.

>> No.14654960

I'm just saying. You'll note that Butterfly has not denied we're talking in real life.

Just a word to you: I am someone important. This influence means a decent amount.

Obviously the viruses getting stronger because of antibiotics or such are examples of artificial selection. You'll never be able to experience natural evolution because this world has only existed for so long, not eons. :3

>> No.14654981
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> Obviously the viruses getting stronger because of antibiotics or such are examples of artificial selection. You'll never be able to experience natural evolution because this world has only existed for so long, not eons.
Right. So you’re one of those people who believes writers like Immanuel Velikovsky? Also, tell me, why do pigeons, when being selected for white feathers over their breeding period, display a consistent marking change on a specific wing in every single instance of selective breeding? No matter the scenario, the birds all displayed the same exact changes, every time. Their genetic code follows an unfolding of potential patterns which are physically determined by metaphysical laws. You say you’re someone important? I say you need to take your meds.

>> No.14654989

Immanuel Velikovsky must be someone important as well, do you think he needs to take meds?

Do you commonly resort to ad hominem attacks like that while the other side refrains from doing so? Do you see how this makes you look stupid? ;3

>> No.14654995

You don’t even know how to address my remarks on the pigeons, do you?

>> No.14654999

I think it must be a nuisance having a large branch of academia be incorrect :3

However, if we are to learn anything from history this exact type of thing has happened before, with the transition from the Ptolemaic system to the Copernican revolution.

>> No.14655007
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>> No.14655010

My friend, I don't see how that proves natural evolution.

I understand what you're referring to is a tenet of Darwinism, and if correct this applies to artificial selection (breeding). :3

After all, Darwin himself utilized the Old Testament to justify his theory of artificial selection.

>> No.14655013

You don't have to worry so much :3 Life is much better than a competition between your own members in your species.

You should not live in competition. This does not create better things, but only makes things worse.

>> No.14655016
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And now he collapses the argument into non-sensical displays of thrashing about, a childlike gesture proving a childlike mind.

>> No.14655024

Two of those posts are serious arguments, the third is simply a post illustrating the dangerous effects of the theory on society.

>> No.14655025
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>Evolution is not physics,
Let me just stop you right there, because it is. Physics is the science of matter in motion and all life is perpetually in motion until it dies.

Pseud, go back to highschool and and retake Physics because clearly you missed something. Life is inevitable, we are literally just highly evolved mold taking our turn around our local star until our petri dish breaks.

>> No.14655029
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Don’t waste your time. It isn’t interested in the truth.

>> No.14655045

But you see, these aggressive mentalities might be inimical to understanding as well. And could easily be caused by the theories of social Darwinism.

Really, this could help explain the harmful influence of having to be 'mean' or 'condescending' if you are 'smart'.

For instance, I am a very nice guy, it is generally very difficult for me to get others to believe I am smart because I am so nice. This is a fundamental flaw of modern civilization. You should not have to be aggressive in order to show certain qualities like intelligence.

Regardless, please note, this is the first time we are actually having a 'more' serious discussion on literally if evolution exists or not. Before, you would have been like 'theres no way' or 'this must be fringe', and you still kind of are, but here we are, and you can see there is a meme going around making fun of evolution as well.

You can expect this sort of conversation to increase in the future, as we start to question the theory of evolution for what it really is: a baseless theory of mindless concepts drawing from physics abstractedly. I'll say we will find out some interesting things about the nature of fossils as well (like how we didn't start finding fossils until after Lamarck's theories were postulated, yet had many mines at the time).

>> No.14655066

Further, while we are on the topic of aggressiveness, note how insanely aggressive one of these posters have been :3

I have been threatened with death and medication for not following the theory of evolution (and presumably, if he is aware) my large influence within society.

Meanwhile, I have had no such reaction to him not ascribing to creation or God. Something is wrong here. We have an individual with a negative mentality towards others thinking this is an intelligent mentality to have.

I have been reading much moral science lately. I am reading Bentham. Everyone, he is an Agnostic, not an Atheist, for a reason. He was simply waiting for a concrete reason to believe. He saw the good that a perfect belief in God could have. The utilitarian good, no less. Socialist thought has even drawn from doing good to others.

So where has a lot of this atheist, derisive thought come from? Who is driving it? Who is pulling the strings here? There is more than meets the eye.

Just ponder the concept of 'extinction' for more than two seconds and I'm sure you'll be met with the idea of a 'silent genocide'. The idea that the Nazis are the only ones who perpetrate genocide may be false.

Please be alarmed. Darwinian thought might be even more harmful than Nietzschean thought, and much less empowering. :3

>> No.14655122
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>> No.14655130
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>> No.14655245

It can't be disproven, because nothing can, but it is still possible to come up with an alternative, perhaps creationist theory, that might contradict only a negligible number of facts known today.
Read Feyerabend. Silly effort if troll.

>> No.14655817

Stop wasting time trying to argue within the framework of a consensus-established narrative and start attacking the philosophy that undergirds modern scientism

>> No.14655838

>poor show
no this is just obvious bait and you're obviously retarded if you can't just google
>the bell curve
because thats obviously what your dumbass wants

>> No.14655843

Race and sexuality is a discourse. The white are dominating it, but being aware of its power structure, the other has managed to campaign against the hegemony of the whites, but instead of building a stronger discourse, they just shame white people. As a reaction, white people (a small minority) feel offended, because they are as simple minded, as the (minority) of the other, promoting this campaign of shame/guilt.

>> No.14655851

This thread is either just meta-cringe,
Or just peak-cynicism:

"Irony and cynicism were just what the U.S. hypocrisy of the fifties and sixties called for. That’s what made the early postmodernists great artists. The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates. The virtuous always triumph? Ward Cleaver is the prototypical fifties father? "Sure." Sarcasm, parody, absurdism and irony are great ways to strip off stuff’s mask and show the unpleasant reality behind it. The problem is that once the rules of art are debunked, and once the unpleasant realities the irony diagnoses are revealed and diagnosed, "then" what do we do? Irony’s useful for debunking illusions, but most of the illusion-debunking in the U.S. has now been done and redone. Once everybody knows that equality of opportunity is bunk and Mike Brady’s bunk and Just Say No is bunk, now what do we do? All we seem to want to do is keep ridiculing the stuff. Postmodern irony and cynicism’s become an end in itself, a measure of hip sophistication and literary savvy. Few artists dare to try to talk about ways of working toward redeeming what’s wrong, because they’ll look sentimental and naive to all the weary ironists. Irony’s gone from liberating to enslaving. There’s some great essay somewhere that has a line about irony being the song of the prisoner who’s come to love his cage." DFW

>> No.14655862

Nice copy paste, faggot

>> No.14655864
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>> No.14655871

>tfw fashwave aesthetic wants to be copied by other minorities now
It’s flattering, really

>> No.14655872
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>> No.14655875
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>> No.14655879
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>> No.14655880


What can you do if /lit/ gets invaded by pretentious brats from /pol/, ey?

>> No.14655881
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>> No.14655887
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>> No.14655889


>> No.14655893
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>> No.14655899
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>> No.14655901

Fuck off

>> No.14655905
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>> No.14655910

There should be one for verse 39 of the Surah al-Haj
(Leave is given to those who fight because they were wronged)

>> No.14655912
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>> No.14655918
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>> No.14655942


>> No.14655951

Stop feeding this tranny crave for attention. Once you ignore it this will keep silence for another 6 hours >>14654918

>> No.14655961

Stop using ":3" you tranny.

>> No.14655962

It’s not bait because I already know the Bell Curve and various other meme-books. I specifically am looking for things about racial characteristics with an in-depth analysis of how different sub-groups intake and process stimuli. Our eyes, ears, noses, etc. all have enough variation between races that there is bound to be something written on how this affects them in a modern world.

>> No.14655986

Seething “nice guy”

Cope harder.

>> No.14655998


>> No.14656563

>but it is still possible to come up with an alternative
>creationist theory
Properly categorized as a supposition only. On par with our flat earth atop a space turtle

It’s the fallen chritcucks just looking for a faith to believe in, dumb dumb.

>> No.14656574

Legit question: you’re Jewish, so why don’t you follow God? You’re obviously well read. You don’t need to believe in a literal afterlife or mystical sky fairy like the plebs.

>> No.14657091

I’m not Jewish

>> No.14657195

So are you a wiccan then? What made you leave Christianity? Pls respond

>> No.14657266

Why not go on /sci/?

>> No.14657276

She got into neitsche. I’m not a fan of butterfly and her lack of nuance, but she’s not so low to go to wiccan. She isn’t a complete reactionary.

>> No.14657385

I mean, I got into Nietzsche, and then I overcame him. He’s critique of a Christianity is valid, but it’s just a critique. Too insinuate that the underlying and original core of what constituted the fabric of the religion as false, however, is honestly heresy. Deny an active and omnipotent deity, but to deny an over arching metaphysical plane which is a necessity in any dimension of space, time and relativity is rather low-IQ. I’ll admit, it took my a while to come to this fact. I dabbled in being agnostic for most of my life. As young kid, an active god in the sense that plebs seem to conceive him as is odd and rather heretical. Now? I’d consider myself and Orthodox Lutheran. Feels good and I can’t deny it.