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14653652 No.14653652 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14653656

4chan is too ironically obsessed with this guy and his writings. The joke has become stale.

>> No.14653665

Honestly, I was surprised at the truth and significance in it, though obviously the prose relies on the translation.

Far more people talk about the book than have actually read it. Would recommend.

>> No.14653813

It's no Carle

>> No.14653822

Should read just because its a historical work.

>> No.14653846
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>Should read just because its a historical work.

>> No.14653858

Trash, not even in the realm of Fascists or Nazi lit is it even good.

>> No.14653882

I liked it. I like how he's just expressing his ideas on various subjects, not spending too much time analyzing any particular subject. I write very similarly. It's a very pleasant way to write. I've noticed that people will react differently to texts of that sort. Some will get angry at the lack of sources; but others will appreciate the down-to-earth manner of speech, and will care more about asking whether or not what they're reading makes sense than whether or not there is a strict analytic backing behind every statement.

It bothers me when people parrot what they've heard about Mein Kampf from others, that it's "choppy," or that Hitler didn't write a single word of it. (I just noticed as I wrote this that they do the same thing towards Trump and The Art of the Deal) The reason this bothers me is because I know that, if I were to ever write a book, it would probably be similar to Mein Kampf.

>> No.14653906

It's pretty good contextually. Just remember he's trying to appeal to millions of war veterans that feel they missed out under the Liberal revolution.

>> No.14653909
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This. It's actually a pretty comfy read.

>> No.14654876

on what?

>> No.14655084
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Hello? Hey thanks for taking my call! Long time listener first time caller! Anyway... uh, yes, I have a question for Mr. Hitler: Why did SO MANY of your troops cross dress? What is it about the Nazi brain that causes them to want to wear make up and dresses? Theres just so much evidence of them doing it. Thanks I’ll take my answer off the air

>> No.14655129
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>> No.14655137
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Heads up. This psyop/shill campaign has been going on for months.
Given the repetitive nature, it's very unlikely to be a mere shitposter.
These pictures never use a proper 4chan unix code. Even if they wisen up on it, they've been doing it sloppy for too long. One in particular posts a spam of the same series. Very bot like.
And the narrative is mostly fake, it seems. In that picture, for example, the middle soldier is dressed in an interwar Reichswehr uniform, not a Wehrmacht one.

>> No.14655242
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I dont think any actually "falls" for it anyway. Its not like anyone would believe those people think they are actual women anyway, as opposed to just goofing around. And people with a little more historical/military knowledge also know that crossdressing in the military was pretty "common" for all sides, not just Germany. Especially in the British army, where its still somewhat of a "tradition" today (I know this sounds really weird lol, but dont exaggerate it in your mind, just think of it as frat bros fucking around). You can see picture of Allied soldiers dressing like this in WW2 as well.

>> No.14655371
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Wrote this awhile ago. Looking back, if I’m being fair for it’s time I can understand why this was such an influential book. A significant portion of the book deals with the concerns of Germans at the time, and it discusses various issues, political parities and prominent figures at the time, most of which have been obscured by time, fading into absolute insignificance.

As a German reading Mein Kampf in the 1930s I imagine that I’d enjoy his take on the various political movements of the day, and I’d no doubt be excited by his various proposals, but from the perspective of a 21st century British NEET Mein Kampf is completely outdated. It covers only practical and at the time contemporary issues, virtually never touching upon theory or philosophy. It would be like reading Xi Jinping’s book in the year 2120, completely outdated, although significant in its time.

It’s been a few years since I’ve read it but from what I can remember it’s 20% personal biography, 40% biography of the National Socialist Party, and movements preceding it, and 40% political “theory.” I put quotation marks around “theory” because it can only tangentially be considered as such, it’s really his rule book for how he would apply certain political theories.

He doesn’t really answer the “why” behind questions like eugenics or any or his other beliefs, he just asserts that they should be put into practice, no theory, no science, no history of the idea, just an assertion. Every other claim in the book is started similarly, other than possibly the JQ, although even that isn’t looked into with much depth. If you’re interested in the JQ this is a horrible book to read, it covers about 5% (being generous) of the books content, and as previously explained goes into absolutely no depth. Read the International Jew, by Henry Ford if you’re really interested in the JQ, or anything other than this.

Read Evola, Geuenon, Theodore Dalrymple, Savitri Devi, or hell even Mussolini if you’re interested in Reactionary or Fascist philosophy.

Hitler was a man of many talents, But writing was not among them. 2 gassed Kikes out of 5, would not read again.

>> No.14655420

>He doesn’t really answer the “why” behind questions like eugenics or any or his other beliefs, he just asserts that they should be put into practice, no theory, no science, no history of the idea, just an assertion.
This is actually related an observational point he makes. If I'm remembering right, he makes an obvious distinction between the abilities and place of a theoretician and a leader. That the leader is also a good "psychologist." While Hitler did believe what he was saying, he knew how to play to the crowd, and to echo his own enthusiasm within them. He understood how to inspire fanaticism, and I think much of it was because he didn't set out to have a cult of personality, but make himself a national symbol.
He never saw or portrayed himself as an academic or theoretician. He saw himself as a practitioner that puts the two sides of things together.
And that is true. Philosophers and political theoreticians, while having massive secondary effects, don't generally hold any personal power. Maybe he was inspired by Nietzsche, here, because it sounds vaguely familiar to something he said, but I haven't read him to say so.
What Hitler did doubtlessly worked. He wasn't a military genius, but in a postindustrial era, he was a political one. And those are rare. Probably the greatest of our times. Not one political leader in our age could mantle power like he did. Most of those people only play politics, and feign their shrewdness. They're actually empty brands, and they're really shitty at it.
So take it as warning or inspiration.

>> No.14655440

Yeah, as I said, great politician, mediocre writer. My criticism of his book shouldn’t be taken as a wider criticism of him, for in virtually every other aspect of possible achievement he excelled.

>> No.14655459

If only he could write new edition where he admits that kike grip on the planet Earth is much stronger than he thought in first place.

>> No.14655667
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the only good nazi is a dead nazi

>> No.14656469

I agree. It’s hardly the big evil book people made it out to be. There are kernels of genius in the book but I’m not skilled enough in the history of the period to say if these are Hitlers Ideas or he is just uniting several popular ideas from the time.

For example many asssume Hitler and the NatSoc party originated the Aryan supremacy meme but this is totally false. Hitler just read Houston Stewart Chamberlain and other popular figures is the period and took those views into his parties views.

So when I see ideas about public health. Anti smoking, interstate highways, federal style governments, youth fitness programs, political campaigns, it’s hard to say if Hitler originated these ideas or just borrowed them and put them together into one program.

It’s a good book, only slightly rambles, and that becuase like you’ve said, it’s not a philosophical work. It’s a mix of autobiography history and political and marketing analysis mixed with a party platform.

I thought it was good. And like you said. Apart from chapter 2 there isn’t even much anti-semtisim, and what’s there is mild. No genocide or global conquest.

>> No.14656562

I just like how he calmly define why humans need to fight and Germany needs to invade various countries. I really do.

>> No.14656584

To BASED for the world .
why did USA Russia and UK bullied him to kill himself

>> No.14656592


>> No.14656600

Good post.

>> No.14656624

I mean, compared to Marx, I’d like to think Hitler was a rather influential and captivating writer when discussing the realm of the political climate.

>> No.14656634

Try and kill me. I like self-defense.

>> No.14656637

He doesn't spend a lot of time "proving" any particular idea because he's basically just synthesizing a lot of other works into an easy to easy mass-political book. Focusing too much on individual ideas would be like reading the Bible, and Christ randomly stopping to explain the influence of Plato's Symposium on a sermon he is giving.

The ideas Hitler was sharing weren't as obscure as they are now. They were actually so prominent that you had other groups, like the Revolutionary Conservatives, who had many of the same ideas. An edition of Mein Kampf for modern Western audiences would do well to explain in footnotes the origins of various ideas; but people dislike this because the book has so many political connotations that editors will find it impossible not to attack Hitler's arguments himself. For example, no one wants to read Mein Kampf and see a little asterisk informing you that the protocols Hitler is talking about are fake, or that the armaments strike by the social democrats had nothing to do with Germany losing the war.

Another thing I want to mention is that the obsolescence issue isn't particularly bad. In terms of the worldview his discussion of 1920's German politics is expounding, it's still fairly adoptable by modern audiences. The only difficulty would be that you're adopting the worldview rather than specific and individual policies proposed by Hitler. I find Hitler's extremely pragmatic approach to politics interesting. It's strange that this down to earth style of political strategy would come from a movement fueled entirely off of idealism and romanticism; whereas, liberalism and socialism are both extremely stubborn in their means.

>> No.14656638

Nazism is evil :3

>> No.14657389

why don't you read it and find out for yourself instead of letting people tell you what it's about and whether it's good or not

>> No.14657446

>I know that, if I were to ever write a book, it would probably be similar to Mein Kampf.

Umm, hello?! Based department??

>> No.14657581

Great. Would recommend

>> No.14657600


>> No.14657634

Progressives already believe the doctrine not having read it before

>> No.14657832

Please come and visit my state nigger

>> No.14657847

Non-aryans can't grasp the spiritual importance of conquest for lebensraum.

>> No.14658177

Anyone have a recommended translation?

>> No.14658706

You should never read translations. Learn German and read the original.

>> No.14658939

>tfw gradually i began to hate them

>> No.14659052

Mega mind was trash

>> No.14659096

Based Boghossian and Lindsey

>> No.14659144

perfect book to dissuade someone from signing up with hitler

>> No.14660654

He observed all the other nations as nation-building and gaining living space, and that Germany was behind the curve. Do you believe the empire that held a quarter of the world's population suddenly held moral qualms with imperial expansion? You have to view these things in geopolitical terms instead of moral ones. Morals are heavily dependent on whatever propaganda one has been conditioned with.
Stalag is verbose but was officially sponsored, i've heard Ford is good as well. There's a .pdf of stalag with occasional punctuation errors, make sure it's not that one.

>> No.14660819
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>> No.14660833
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I fell asleep reading it

>> No.14661517

Hitler thought spirituality is dogshit retard

>> No.14661537

>t. read wikipedia article

>> No.14661546

Just say Gentile

>> No.14661557

>if I were to ever write a book, it would probably be similar to Mein Kampf.

>> No.14661562

Are you retarded we know from people who were close to him that he thought Himmler's larping was fucking stupid

>> No.14661568

Overhyped and not that great. 4/10

>> No.14661598
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Books of this sort, you can tell their quality by one's ability to open to a random page and find something interesting.
One is able to accomplish this with Mein Kampf.
It's an entertaining read, knowing the history surrounding it, including the broad lies painted by the winning factions, but it is also an informative read that helps one digest just who was this champion of the people we so easily dismiss as evil incarnate?
>But what was impossible to understand was the boundless hatred they expressed against their own fellow citizens, how they disparaged their own nation, mocked at its greatness, reviled its history and dragged the names of its most illustrious men in the gutter.
>This hostility towards their own kith and kin, their own native land and home was as irrational as it was incomprehensible. It was against Nature.
Mein Kampf could be written to-day, to much celebration and relief.

>> No.14661626

Tick tock.

>> No.14661635

NAtional ZIonists

>> No.14661638

>the reader should know that it is a carefully guarded secret in philosophy that feminist philosophy is often not characterized by intellectual rigor and high academic standards. (The secret is so well-guarded, though, that many philosophers do not dare to admit even to themselves to know it, let alone express it publicly.)

>> No.14661643

Only a gamer would understand

>> No.14661644

National Zionism is evil? ADL alert: this person is a fucking bigot and a traitor to worldwide freedom and liberty

>> No.14662447

i think it's an interesting books. Jews hate it because they hate hitler but I find that it is difficult to read because lots of people don't understand the politics of the time or the history of germany, but it is interesting if you have the IQ to read it and understand it. I read it mostly to understand his opinion on the JQ and for that reason it was worthwhile. It has a LOT to say about the political order of germany which can be very tedious.

f you are interested in reading books that are about the JQ but more separated from history and nation - I'd recommend Eustace Mullins, Revilo Oliver, George Lincoln Rockwell, Ben Klassen, Louis Marschalko, etc.

>> No.14662555

good read

>> No.14662657


>> No.14662695

fucking based!
you guessed it! I'm from /pol/ just looking around in various boards