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File: 39 KB, 400x254, critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14653538 No.14653538 [Reply] [Original]

Critique thread, I haven't seen one in a while.


>> No.14653606

>>14653538 It's awful and I can't be bothered to tell you why.

>> No.14653655

That's useful

>> No.14653657
File: 103 KB, 1192x1222, steel-shoulder-screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white towels stained with blood
three structures, all to conform to
you don't know me
I never expected love
I get turned on from your words
outlining my existence excites no one
nonsense bearer number 7
out of lemonade
losing track, splitting lanes
not the time to talk
give me harsh noise
i used to fear the drones
until I realized guns exist
I don't bare my arms when I leave
she checked for cuts one day
I didn't realize at the time
i just gave up and it worked
I've been gone four times
sometimes I think a fifth is
there's too much structure
i barely talk
what's a family anymore
stopped posting, now i'm insecure
obsession was my name,
now i can't even exist properly
garbage in my mouth
nothing on my mind
everything begs to be recognized
people scare me
i don't deserve people
i only need my thoughts
it's just coming from anywhere
i just bare what I can
i've already given up
give up and die
there's no world for me
there's no world for me

>> No.14653672


>> No.14653763

I only skimmed it but some of the adjectives you use are awkward and ruin the flow. You don't need to have flowery prose in every sentence. It kinda reads like you were playing darts with the thesaurus or something.

But keep writing anon I am proud of you!

>> No.14655154

It was supposed to be for a flash fiction competition where they give you prompts, and words to use and you must answer in 24 hours. Be brutal because that's the only way I will improve

>> No.14655432
File: 722 KB, 1464x742, Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 11.48.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very early days, so the names are all placeholders until I can find something that works.

>> No.14655631

Not completely relevant to this thread, but is there a word that means "to tuck someone into bed" or that conveys a similar concept?

>> No.14655653

Not really entirely the same, but to swaddle something is to wrap it tightly in cloth.

>> No.14655659

Hmm I'm thinking more of the image of a child falling asleep and being carried to bed or something along those lines

>> No.14655673

Yeah, I can see what you're trying to get at. I don't know of any that fit directly, could you give the sentence you're trying to write? A nice word for the feeling of cosiness that you're getting at is the German 'gemütlichkeit', but obviously that hits at the emotional side, rather than the literal image.

>> No.14655680

Tuck-in, cover-up? I can't think of a single english word for it other than swaddle, which seems too specific.

>> No.14655696

It doesn't necessarily have to be a single word, it could just be another way of saying it.

I'm making a little app that turns your computer off if you've fallen asleep (to save battery life) and I'm thinking of how to name it.
I had thought of "Nudge", in the way you might nudge someone to see if they're still awake, but it's a bit ambiguous because you might also nudge someone to stop them from falling asleep.
And I don't like the image "Tuck" conveys.

>> No.14655705


>> No.14655708

I'm thinking I might go with Blanket
Thanks for the help!

>> No.14655716

How about 'nestle'? Again, the imagery doesn't line up exactly, but personally I always compare getting into bed as returning to my own little nest for the evening. It's a cute word, too. I do like 'blanket' though, that works well.

>> No.14655725

Yeah that's cute too. I'm also thinking Duvet, even softer and warmer than Blanket.

>> No.14655726

Pajama, nuzzle, doze, snug, drift, wink, turn in, shut-eye. idk anon, there's only so many synonyms for this theme you have.

>> No.14655729
File: 194 KB, 744x594, Screenshot 2020-02-03 at 8.49.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a response to a writing prompt where I had to start the story with "Once, before I was born". This is definitely my most hard to read piece of work to date, but than again it might all just be word salad. Who knows but you guys.

>> No.14655742

Yeah I think I have some good options now, thanks.

>> No.14655749

cradle, lullaby, hush

>> No.14655770

ruminate needs to be in the past tense

>> No.14655773

I definitely remember writing it in past tense. There was a blue squiggly under it, so maybe the computer was a tard. Anyways, apart from that, what did you think of it?

>> No.14655795

Ah well, I assumed it was a typo or something anyway, so no worries. As to what I thought of it: I think you are a competent writer. You clearly have a good grasp of language, and know when to show it, but also have that ability to reign it in when necessary. A lot of writing gets posted here that is so verbose and adjective-heavy that you feel like your brain's being pushed through a meat mincer before you've reached the second line. I didn't feel that with yours. I don't find the subject particularly interesting, but your writing did gild it in a way that kept me going. I like that you deliberately incorporate that very Hebraic style of multiple connectives and a rigid, often inflexible sentence structure. Often, as with the Bible, this can be monotonous. I think you managed to employ the style well to lend your 'I was God' shtick some added depth, but I would admit to saying that I would never read more than a few paragraphs of a work written like it. On the whole though, it was good.

>> No.14655907

I like the picture you are painting but I think some of the wording is a bit awkward and holding it back.
>nothing not lived
bit awkward

>that [...] which was few
few as a noun is plural and needs an article before it (the few)

>for it gave me also
I would either drop the also or put it after "it"

typo on "than the ages"

>I looked into it
>who gnawed
stick to one set of pronouns :^)


Also it uses a lot of "big words" in ways that sometimes feel self-serving, so it definitely needs some editing.

Anyway kinda cool

>> No.14655948
File: 327 KB, 1130x1118, DF5CC6E6-2858-4B0E-981E-FCDD059F6776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing a crime thriller wherein the killer is driven by what you lizard brains might call “doomerism.” This is the protags monologue the first time he meets the detective.

>> No.14655993


I know it needs work but here you go.

>> No.14656250

this thread needs a bump

>> No.14656649

Another one

>> No.14657574

Enjoyed this, what's it an introduction to?

>> No.14657773
File: 491 KB, 1514x1630, Crit thread sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I wrote last semester for a political theory class that I got a very high mark on.

>> No.14657962

Monologue written by me in the style of BG Kumbi if you are familiar with his work.

>> No.14658047

These are mere suggestions

Define the madness that the character has run out of. In this case I'm inclined to believe that it is the madness of his unrewarding efforts. A simple declaration tacked at the end (sorrows. Madness!) ties up all the previous sentences in a package. Also the exclamation serves as a punch. Prose is musical and follows musical conventions. Accents go a long way to defining a good monologue.

...to the ends of the Earth... This sentence sucked and this was the cause. The distance imagery is at odds with music and repetition. Everything prior suggests that the character is going nowhere. Their youth has not gone to the ends of the Earth, it is imprisoned by a mad routine.

Putting in the distance descriptor made you lose all thread of what you were building. You don't define truth for us. You don't sell us that truth is death. It gets lazy and makes scantily supported claims. You need to explain the key terms in this monologue. You did an excellent job with madness, but you can't do a half assed job on truth. Define truth in the sense the character is using the word and it also gives us his understanding of lies.

Where... him? If I'm understanding you correctly the destination is death. You do such a piss poor job of getting that idea across that it took multiple leaps of logic to get there. You need to nail down that life devoid of madness leaves a man with only death as a way forward. Then you transition to explaining how the character cannot tolerate the madness of their routine and also cannot embrace death out of fear so they have embraced a newly created from of madness. On the grounds that living requires madness so anything that inspires living is fair game when the alternative is dying.

General typos like founders-flounders and serves.

>> No.14658118
File: 118 KB, 768x960, 1548367132789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Urban man stands astride a boulder made slick by the washing waves of the ocean. He sights through myopic eyes an Atlantic atoll, nests of sharper eyed fish people dotted on the seething plain, circumvallated by their vast workplace. Green with sad envy, red with the gales chill, he retreats to a trails path, knowing some realities require a thicker knitted wool than his thin and expensive merino, and a rougher membrane than a clerk's thin skin.

trying to write a meme short story on the teacher of my course who is an older version of a reddit bugman tech geek sort of guy, but he tries to break free of bugmanism in his twilight years
it's given me much amusement thus far, this is the first paragraph what do you think frens

>> No.14658210

Circumvallated-cut this shit out. Do not disrespect the ocean like this ever again.

Otherwise, a little dense for my liking, but gets the point across. That last sentence alone has like 3 ideas worthy of their own dragged out descriptions. It's a meme story so the point is hammered home within 2 sentences. Something like this lives or dies not on the point it is talking about, but in the experience your prose can deliver. Otherwise it is bound to be boring because the reader can already deduce what this 0.5D character will think, feel, and react to in any given situation.

>> No.14658254

Would circumscribed work instead? I thought you could probably tell that I really wanted to use the word circumvallated there, I really like it but it's syllable-y and obnoxious I suppose

thanks for the feedback famalam also I love the ocean

>> No.14658298

I'd just use surrounded, but it's none of my business. If you hadn't used "work place" I would have said embraced. Whatever you choose depends on what comes after, you know? I really like Urban Man though. Makes for a good meme.

>> No.14658506

What is the reason for the long-winded sentences in English and American academic writing? To be clear, I am not criticising the content of your paper, Anon. I am just curious about this tradition or style (whatever you call it).

>> No.14658619

Tbh I don't really make a deliberate style out of it. That's basically just my internal monologue up there. It just passes as writing, I suppose.