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/lit/ - Literature

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14652058 No.14652058 [Reply] [Original]

>so you're telling me your only hobby is reading? LMAO No wonder why your prose is so shit. Talk with people. Watch moves. Listen to opera. Nobody likes a book-worm writer

You do spend time doing something other than reading, right, Anon?

>> No.14652072
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Of course, I watch copious amount of anime and I also masturbate (to doujinshi exclusively, as I find the porn industry's practices inhuman)

>> No.14652091
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No lie, exercise makes me more creative, and I mean nice exercise like hiking, gymns have the opposite effect.

>> No.14652119

I diddle around on the pianer

>> No.14652164
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I also lift

>> No.14652173

Writing is my main focus. My large muscle "hobby" is weightlifting. Starting Wendlers 3/5/1 now.

>> No.14652470

Can she become /ourgal/?

>> No.14652495

The only writer who is worthwhile is the one whose main hobby is thinking. Get fucked, culturecuck.

>> No.14652499

People love Borges, though.

>> No.14652500

i got into the habit of bricklaying after reading a biography of churchill
ive started slowly erecting walls, first around my appt, then in the farmland around my town

>> No.14652505

in the days of old only aristocrats and monks sat around and read and wrote. The plebeians, when not working, have always been at the stadium watching violence mindlessly as they stuff their mouth with wine and intestines.

>> No.14652514

I do all of those things and my prose is good.

>> No.14652543

People are boring, ineloquent, and repeat tired cliches without thinking
If I wrote like that noone on earth would publish me

>> No.14652630

>every second line is a quip
>realistic writing

dunketh thine head in yonder slop barrel thou cream-faced loon

>> No.14652678

First of all, don't watch basedboy marvel movies, second of all, good prose isn't necessarily a realistic way of talking.

>> No.14652859
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She is already. How based.

>> No.14652866

Cringiest post in this thread.

>> No.14653088

Noone on earth is going to publish you if you can't spell "no one."

>> No.14653147

That woman(?) looks like a 6 year old boy.

>> No.14653153

It's a plausible stylistic choice. Joyce spelled it no-one. Personally I have long felt that eachother should be one word.

>> No.14653186
File: 77 KB, 631x662, 5D6E455A-E1CB-4698-AC8D-85CBCB81BDC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking with friends
Exercising, mostly running which I enjoy and helps my focus/creativity but I want to start lifting more so i stop being twink before I stop being cute
Studying for my degree, studying zoology and evolution has made me much more right wing than I was in high school
Listening to music, I’ve been really enjoying Exuma lately
Bake cakes and cook
Have sex with middle age couples because I clearly have some parental issues

>> No.14653401

how old

>> No.14653406

Plebeians didn't watch expensive rich people's frivolities you dumb cunt

>> No.14653409

so do i anon!

>> No.14653429

I’m 20 (though I look younger, probably look about 17), the middle aged couple I meet the most is in their late 40s

>> No.14653490

As an addition: why did you ask age?

>> No.14653498

I wanted to pervert you

>> No.14653517

they do when people like Augustus give them shows for free to keep them entertained

>> No.14653522

In what way? I’m not sure I understand what you mean

>> No.14653674


>> No.14653680

I spend a lot of time hiking and fly fishing. The most inspiring activity, for me, is traveling. I one trip I spent a couple of months in South America and it changed my entire aesthetic outlook.

>> No.14653681

Exact same way my friend. A good walk, or bike ride stirs the juices than simply lifting weights or cardio stuff

>> No.14653691

/lit/ is essentially illiterate when it comes to history.
ill explain something very basic that no on else in this thread grasps, because you all only read the laziest pophistory or wikipedia articles.
in Rome, the games were attended by all classes.
this was a big deal. the seating was segregated by class so that they didnt interact too much, but both sides were still more or less mingling.
part of what made the games so important was: it was one of the few ways some illiterate prole could actually speak to the Emperor. you could literally shout at his box. he would hear you. he might shout back.
at the games, the population would often express their displeasure with the Emperor's policies. they would boo officials they disliked. it was direct communication between leader and subjects.
everyone went to the games. slaves, freedman, plebs, patricians, proles, equestrians, senators, the emperor himself. everyone. there was no class that abstained or was excluded