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14651180 No.14651180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Myers-briggs is canceled, do this instead along with your favorite book and/or author

>> No.14651202

my eyes unironically rolled back into my head reading this

>> No.14651232

I’ve been up for 50 hours man don’t take it too seriously

>> No.14651331

The Master and Margarita

I think I get the other three(?) but I have no idea what the L/R axis is supposed to mean

>> No.14651462

can you explain the functions of this system?

>> No.14651489

is there a test our do I just pick shit at will? mbti is retarded but this really takes the cringe cake
at least that's what I'm supposed to say, I have no personality and these tests give me a sense of self

>> No.14651514

>literally same thing but with different terms
This is why psychology will always be considered a meme field

>> No.14651542

either garp or galp. for the life of me I can't figure out what locular and rhizal refer too.

moby dick or lolita

>> No.14651549

You can at least provide some small explanation of the terms.

>> No.14651569


>> No.14651606

It started as just trying to write a joke and my main priority was finding words that would a) spell a pronounceable syllable in every configuration b) make sense as opposites c) sound kind of esoteric and open to interpretation
But then I found I could actually sum up people I know pretty well with it and decided to see if I could come up with labels that feel like they reflect those combinations in some way, just as a challenge
I landed on interpreting S as being precise/adept/calculating, G as expressive/inexact/intuitive, E as proactive/present/assertive, A as thoughtful/ruminative/passive, L as inward/contained/solitary, R as outward/social/connected. P and M are pretty self explanatory, just whether you lean towards/identify with positivist and/or rational thought or magical/strange thought more

>> No.14651625

okay >>14651606
I'm GALP then

>> No.14651631

SALM, Finnegans Wake

>> No.14651642

hmm, what are trying to say here, OP?

>> No.14651645

Jesus, get a job you fucking cringelord

>> No.14651661

>Kiku's Prayer

>> No.14651675

You’re no fun at all

>> No.14651683

I like this. Do you have a name for this model?

>> No.14651687

How about GERMSLAP

>> No.14651692

Where might one test this? (If noplace, that's a hint...!)

>> No.14651721

this is the most pathetic thing ive ever seen. i love it. make a free quiz, make a free website, write a bunch of dumb extra bullshit that dumb idiots can buy if they want to along with the quiz. then shill it everywhere and make a bunch of money on it

>> No.14651724

Make it a test you can take with quantifiable results.

>> No.14651738

Honestly, I like it better than MBTI. You could make money off this, anon. Just make sure you make it available for free to us il/lit/erates. The secret codephrase to type could be "Adi Shankara was a Buddhist" or "read pinecone."

>> No.14651773

GALM masterrace

>> No.14651791

The concept is interesting but I object to some of the labels you have ascribed to the initialisms. For instance, why did you choose the label "Philosopher King" for SARP? Change it to just King or Administrator or Rex (in following your esoteric motif). Philosophers are metaphysical/unworldy/spiritual. Kings are physical/worldly/temporal.

>> No.14651799

Lol dude I chose words like “druid” and “theurgic,” I would not be able to live with myself taking money for this schizo shit, not even anonymously
Alright I’m making a quick test now

>> No.14651833

Yeah I’m not 100% satisfied with all the labels, mostly warrior, philosopher king, and elder. The things I’m trying to get at are specific and my vocabulary’s limited
My thinking for SARP was that it’s someone who’s very analytical, logical, enjoys spending time thinking, but is also very interconnected and sociable, so often has a deep understanding of people and their needs, plus how to interact with them

>> No.14651868

How is theurgic S or E? Theurgy is about attaining unity with the One, after the self dies, through contemplation with intuitive thinking; transcendence means suprarational, and it happens after the self dies, and doing this is not really an exact science, something you can just deduce.

>> No.14651887

i got SIMP what does it mean

>> No.14651901

Where's the test?

>> No.14651912

he's making it right now.>>14651799

>> No.14651915

SARMs Chad here
>The Enneads

>> No.14651918

OP i got GALM can you tell me what it means? also make a quiz retard
>yes i called you a retard
>you cant blame me im *psychotic*

>> No.14651927

>I would not be able to live with myself taking money for this schizo shit, not even anonymously
Moral highgrounds dont exist. You said it yourself,
>But then I found I could actually sum up people I know pretty well with it and decided to see if I could come up with labels that feel like they reflect those combinations in some way
This is no more snake oil than MBTI is. Get off ur high horse and start charging people for it

>> No.14651934
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SERM masterrace reporting in. i am literally puppetting you dipshits

>> No.14651935

I'm going to use this in every MBTI thread and make a serious description for this when I dose some speed later. I will be back.

>> No.14651949
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>durr im intp durr
yeah buddy are you SERM though? no? yep get puppetted retard. you are just my puppet retart

>> No.14651955

My reasoning was SALM = esoterist = careful mystical thought, SELM = theurgic = performative mystic rituals
And GELM = tantrist = primal, experiential ritualism, SELM = theurgic = structured, procedural ritualism
You’re right that it’s a stretch though

>> No.14651960

Are you still working on the test?

>> No.14651965
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Oh yeah well I'm a druid and I cast smallus dickus on you. By Gnon you willl be vanquished pupeteer!

>> No.14651967

Moby Dick

What makes me an Esoterist rather than Psychotic like the GALM?

Psychotic personalities aren’t necessary tied to level of intuition.

>> No.14651973
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>> No.14651975

Your interpretation of locular/rhizomal duality sounds a bit out of place.

I thought you were referring to dichotomy between conventional binary conception of knowledge and Deleuzian "rhisomatic" nonhierarchical approach

>> No.14651977


>> No.14651985
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fuck u bitch

>> No.14651995
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oops i >>14651985 meant you

fuck you again bitch

>> No.14651997

>This is no more snake oil than MBTI is
Fucking duh, it’s even less valid because I know nothing about psychology, I’m just taking shots in the dark
MBTI isn’t unscientific because it can’t meaningfully express something about a person, it’s based of self-reporting. It’s a summation of statements a person made about his or herself. It’s unscientific because it has no predictive ability whatsoever, is discrete instead of continuous, and doesn’t cover widely observed personality dimensions like neuroticism
We’re just having fun here, you’re the one pissing your pants over it

>> No.14652008

No I literally just thought of them reaching their tendrils into social networks and it reminded me of a root system, this wasn’t that intellectual

>> No.14652042

>it’s even less valid because I know nothing about psychology
You just said yourself that it has no predictive ability whatsoever. MBTI wouldn't be any dumber if it was made by a guy living in a tent under the manhattan bridge.
>MBTI isn’t unscientific because it can’t meaningfully express something about a person, it’s based of self-reporting
When did I say anything otherwise?

>We’re just having fun here, you’re the one pissing your pants over it
You're the one that said you wouldn't be able to live with yourself over selling some dumb meme, you fucking autist. Quit projecting and make the test already retard

>> No.14652061

I had to look up what a bowerbird is, but that’s a cool ass bird. I’m fucking GARP anyways

>> No.14652086

(T)all (S)hort
(F)at (T)hin
(O)ld (Y)oung
(M)ale (F)emale

Therefore there are 16 types. I am a TTYM!

AMAZINGLY you can find out who you are by answering these questions, opening you up to AMAZING insights about yourself you couldn't have known (even though you are the one answering the questions)

Do you bump your head on doors?
Do you find it hard to fit in bus seats?
Can you legally drink?
Can you pee standing up?

Send this test away with $50 to Suckereveryminute.com and I will tell you ALL ABOUT YOURSELF!

>> No.14652096

SFOM masterrace reporting in. im gonna go kill myself now. thanks! send me your paypal

>> No.14652242

Alright fine, test for the first three traits (just choose between P and M)
I am very confident in using my hands
I identify goals and solutions quickly
I am careful and steady
I am uncomfortable when others are in control
I dislike inexactitude
I am passionate and excitable
I throw myself at my interests
I enjoy stylized art
I often dislike detail-oriented labor
I use expressive language when speaking


I can easily lose myself in the moment
I feel that I move around the world effortlessly
I freely move and utilize objects around me
I find it easy to influence things and get what I want
I find it easy to speak without taking time to think
I am often focusing on my own thoughts
I enjoy abstraction and analysis
I find small-talk tedious and/or painful
I often develop theories about others
I take lots of time to think things through


I often feel lonely
I rarely enjoy gossip or think of drama
I don’t feel completely understood
I prefer spending time on my own
I can be slow to become close with others
I am often thinking of others’ lives
I know many people
I come off as confident
I get bored on my own
I have a strong understanding of the people around me

Answer every statement with a number between 1 for strongly disagree and 5 for highly disagree
Sum up your answers for each trait
The highest score between two opposite types is your letter. In the event of a tie, choose based on which statements you feel represent you better

>> No.14652246

whoops *5 for highly agree

>> No.14652285
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for me it is GELM

>> No.14652323

>philosopher king

>> No.14652339

Which authors are which types?

>> No.14652343
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GARMchards report in.

>> No.14652371

Joyce: GERM
Pynchon: SALM

>> No.14652382
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FUCK. not even close to SERM. how do i change my personality? should i take a bunch of shrooms nonstop and LARP my desired personality into fruition?

>> No.14652411

SALP Master Race

>> No.14652448

Dude SALM is the most based type there is, you don’t want SERM. SERMs and SERPS are just social minmaxers

>> No.14652462

Making a website out of this rn anon (if you don't mind), might finish it today or make a thread tomorrow.
Assuming that one couldnt choose in the case of a draw, how would one choose the characteristic?