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/lit/ - Literature

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14650734 No.14650734 [Reply] [Original]

>develop a very anti-intellectual mindset and hate people who read for the sake of reading
>despise "literature" as a field because it always turns into people trying to signal how smart they are, compared to book discussions about specific topics where people will actually talk about the content of books
>still read a lot
>still browse /lit/

Anyone else like this?

>> No.14650750

Sorta I guess

>> No.14650769

Same. Not gonna lie I got like that because of earliest Marx, Emerson, Thoreau and Kaczynski, but I don't hate people who read for fun, only intellectuals and so-called "overintellectuals". As Gomulka said "artist are faggots"

>> No.14651077

Gee you sure coulda fooled me with this sancrosanct post OP

>> No.14651087

No, though that's very common. As for me, I've developed an anti-anti-intellectual mindset and despise those learned people who glorify the vulgar and benighted philistines.

>> No.14651103
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I suspect that you (understandably) dislike the modern intellitgensia as a social group because of what they've wrought. It'd be a mistake to confuse this group with literature and the humanities, though - you shouldn't think that this group has a monopoly on these things

>> No.14651295

I'm getting there yes.

Most of /lit/ feels like pointless pretentious wankery by edgy 19 years olds too.