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File: 18 KB, 250x333, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14650642 No.14650642 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any people who write essay books like Christopher Hitchens but about the arts (Music, Cinema, Painting, Architecture, Culture etc.)

>> No.14650692
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>> No.14650715
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Goethe, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Joyce, Nabokov, Montaigne, Poe, Henry James, Borges, Nietzsche, and Gaddis and Gass.

>> No.14650837
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*pours bourbon*
>We should bomb Iraq, In the name of secular humanism.
*takes a chug*
>You need to have a very high IQ to understand my dry wit
*lights a cigarette*
>US imperialism is actually good
>Hail Trotsky
*dies of cancer

>> No.14650838

>like Christopher Hitchens

You mean like shit?

>> No.14650846

You don't like his literary criticism?

>> No.14650857

except all of that is based?

>> No.14650863
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>> No.14650864


>hmm this dostoevsky novel doesn't scientifically prove that axe murder is wrong, typical christian irrationalism

>> No.14650923

Good shit dog you got anymore?

>> No.14651126
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Yeah bruh

>> No.14651132
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>> No.14651169
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>> No.14651176
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Volume 2

>> No.14651181
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This is all I can think of off the top of my head

>> No.14651208
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>> No.14651215

Alexander Cockburn (Hitch's Nation colleague) wrote better essays on all those subjects, and wasn't a turncoat.

>> No.14651231

Also the next book in the Leo Steinberg retrospective comes out in June: Selected Essays on Renaissance and Baroque Art


>> No.14651246

Saddam Hussein was based. Celestial North Korea man, not so much.

>> No.14651338
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitchens was wrong about his religious views. Dead wrong.

>> No.14651343

I've always wanted to write a book of essays but I'm scared that no one will take me seriously because I don't have a college degree.

>> No.14651362

Become a journalist

>> No.14651366

sky fairy

>> No.14651390
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>speak ill of God the creator of all things.
>get throat cancer

>> No.14652206

Have a look at Clive James. He was a friend of Hitchens and in my opinion a better citric and essayist then him, any of the other Bloomsbury bunch for that matter.

Cultural Amnesia is the big book but any of he essay collections would be just as good to start. He also provides a way forward into more advanced writing in a way Hitchens doesn't.

>> No.14652556

Now this is some good shit got anymore friend?

>> No.14652583

>worship God and act virtuous all your life
>still get throat cancer
God doesn't give a FUCK, the mad man

>> No.14652616
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>be devout god fearing papist, rape countless children
>live a long healthy life

>> No.14652763
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>worship God and act virtuous all your life
>God determines you will die now, and, by his Grace, find salvation in heaven
>Be a devout Papist, who distracts himself with material props and seeks salvation in humanly devised ceremonies
>never receives God's Grace due to his corruption; his defilement of the innocent only confirming what is waiting for him in eternity anyway with all the other Papists

>> No.14652894

>dude earthly life is just a test lmao who cares

>> No.14653053

>Later in life, Hitchens identified as a secular Jew—since Judaism is matrilineal and he discovered his mother was Jewish.

>> No.14653178
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>> No.14653203

Arthur Danto
Roger Scruton
Sarah Hegenbart
Terry Eagleton

>> No.14653205
File: 23 KB, 236x344, 96144fc9fe86cdb6de8b10f771bd6ec4--the-last-judgment-hans-memling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will be held to account for everything you have said and done in life after you die
>everlasting life awaits those who try to live in accordance with God's wishes to the best of their ability
>dude who cares about this if it's just a test lmao
Interesting conclusion.

>> No.14653226

esophageal cancer you half wit

>> No.14653270

no Celestial North Korea was probably the most based arguement of his.

>> No.14653286

Have you read Mortality?

>> No.14653302

Based, as in retarded?

>> No.14653304

>toe the line for a few years
>weigh that against an eternity of divine reward
Yeah, who cares sounds about right to me...

>> No.14653308

Imagine saying this shit after using the afterlife as a way to dismiss the rape and murder of children, handwaving it away as some blemish on god's design because he makes up for it later.

>> No.14653316

cognitive dissonance is basically mandatory for a christcuck

>> No.14653317

What a mess.

>> No.14653324

no as in B(blood type)ased

>> No.14653333

Need an Essayist that not only has a praised book of essays but also is a controversial figure himself. Sorry, although Montaigne is great and all he's kind of a boring person, not interested. Think people like Linkola,(not ted) etc etc.

>> No.14653351

is this dude related to Olivia Wilde?

>> No.14653387

It seems there is some problem with reading comprehension here.
I didn't dismiss the idea of someone raping as some kind of triviality.
If you don't believe in God, you have to accept that a single case of a man raping a child is not even a blemish on any plan, because there is no plan to begin with. It leaves basically no mark on the grand scale of the perceivable universe, and receives no punishment beyond what our legal system can manage.
Trying to feel intelligent after making dumb remarks earlier?

>> No.14653405


>> No.14653426

>it's ok that the kid was raped, because the kid is going to heaven, dude just put a dollar in the wicker basket going around god loves you bro

>> No.14653431

Nice, what books/picked collections would you recommend? Also anymore authors?

>> No.14653785

K-Punk by Mark Fisher

>> No.14654143

You'll probably like The perpetual race of Achilles and the tortoise by Borges.

>> No.14654204

>being interested in the person instead of his output

>> No.14654519

Well, there are the people that they read. Shaw, Chesterton, Orwell, Adorno, Benjamin, Croce, Sartre, Sontag etc ...

Like i said Clive James can give you a good, if sometime not perfectly fitting, key with which to read these people.

For what it's worth, my main takeaway from cultural amnesia was just how disastrously cultural critics had gotten it wrong. After that i retreated into the world of non academic art criticism with the likes of: Christopher Ricks, T.S Eliot, George Steiner, Frank Kermode, William Empson, Randall Jarrell, Richard Wilbur, Edmund Wilson, W. H. Auden etc ...

>> No.14654549

>Christopher Ricks, T.S Eliot, George Steiner, Frank Kermode, William Empson, Randall Jarrell, Richard Wilbur, Edmund Wilson, W. H. Auden
Just to add James is worth reading on those as well. Seek out the poetry criticism.

>> No.14655225


Bro. This book is fucking me up right now. A must read. Ugh.

>> No.14655259


>> No.14655464

It hands out the redpills fast and furiously

>> No.14655494

Brian Sewell could go here as well, no?

>> No.14655534
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It's extremely hard to find good essay collections.

>> No.14655547

i know you got more

>> No.14655559

Nope. As I said, they're very hard to find.

>> No.14655590
File: 407 KB, 1801x2369, 81BnSXlWQ1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a book-length essay about how contemporary art fucking sucks

>> No.14655646

you people are so fucking weird
what on earth made you think coming to this site was a good idea in the first place?

>> No.14655775

The appeal of essay collections is that they aren't book length lol

>> No.14655788

I always found the appeal to be they treat subjects that don't often get book-length treatment, and that they present an author's thoughts on several different things at once, not for adhd zoomers who can't read for more than 15 minutes without checking their phone. But that's just me.

>> No.14655791

Yes, that is just you. I'm sure you and the fifteen other readers enjoyed that book.

>> No.14655811

I'm sure there are more than 15 of us, given that the book is geared toward educated adults and not teenagers with chemical imbalances in their brains.

>> No.14655895

>I'm sure there are more than 15 of us
I honestly think no one gives a shit about avant-garde British art. You're severely overestimating the importance of this niche book.

>> No.14656985


>> No.14657015

Her eyebrows are way too thin and she looks like she'll age horribly. She'll look 45 at 30.

>> No.14657028
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Simon Leys is one of the best. As it happens he writes a bit about Hitchens.

>> No.14657038
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Jacques Barzun

>> No.14657568


>> No.14657810
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>when your god is so petty he goes off giving cancer to people who badmouths him

>> No.14658858

Perhaps you would be more comfortable on a site where "weird" people are filtered out by some kind of voting system?

>> No.14658914
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I never said God gave him cancer. It just seems to be how things panned out I guess ;)
Ultimately, God's will is hidden from us, and no one should claim to know when they see it.