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/lit/ - Literature

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14649256 No.14649256 [Reply] [Original]

literature that will help me decide to choose between STEM and humanities in the modern age?

>> No.14649297

Neither will give you a career and will leave you with a crippling debt. Take the autodidactpill, find something you're good at, and become the best at it. Universities are obsolete boomer shit.

>> No.14649309

what in the fuck are you on about? OP, STEM will earn you the american dream. Humanities will earn you a spot as an editor for some small portion for your student debt. If you go for the M in stem, be a PA.

>> No.14649319


>> No.14649326

Get a STEM degree or don't go to college

>> No.14649327

Go STEM if you have the brains/autism for it. Read/write on the side. Anything else is blue pill ngmi.

>> No.14649342
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>choose between STEM and humanities
You see, anon, this line of thinking is a mistake. To say that one can only be either a man of science or a man of letters is one of the most ridiculous things that is pushed into our minds nowadays. Nothing stops you from being an engineer that paints, or a historian that codes.
If you're having trouble deciding which major you should choose, just pick something that you think would be interesting career-wise (and don't be afraid of switcing if you grow uninterested in it with time). You can do all sorts of things that interest you on the side, there's no reason to be anxious about making a definitive choice.

>> No.14649343

be a computer science npc just like everyone else on reddit and 4chan

>> No.14649367

can you appreciate the things that allow you to say that? The people who allowed it don't care if you can, but introspection would hint that you actually learned something from the philosophical works this board loves to jack off.

>> No.14649373

here's your dopamine hit, loser

>> No.14649376

Depending on what you include in STEM, probably STEM as some STEM fields have decent prospects but it’s overly hyped.
Do something that you can make a decent living with, maybe medicine, law, or business.
Read and write on the side you definitely shouldn’t study English literature, that is such a meme degree mostly taken by pseuds, I live with two English students and i read more than they do just for leisure, they’re pretty basic consoomers and English classes seem filled with sjws or similar

>> No.14649382

what the fuck are (You) doing here?

>> No.14649439

Stem for job, read/write in spare time. Don't make your passion your job.

>> No.14649501

This post:

The world doesn't not need more quantity of anything quantifiable.

It needs more quality, of insight, of morality.

Choose stem if you want to be another cog in the machine, another robot.

Choose humanities if you want to be a human and help other to be human.

>> No.14649509

>Choose humanities if you want to be a human and help other to be human.
>implying you can help anyone by studying humanities
All the best philosophers had a real job and wrote philosophy on the side.

>> No.14649525

>real job
suck an african american cock boomer

>> No.14649528

The only correct answer is to get into STEM in university whilst practicing the arts in your free time.
Having a qualification (Bachelor's) is quintessential in order to get a STEM job whereas demonstrable skill is the only thing that matters in arts.
Also, practicing art is extremely easy because of the amount of art degree cuckolds who put tutorials online because they have no other way to earn money using their arts degree.

>> No.14649531

>t. liberal arts degree graduate

>> No.14649562

Same here. Decided I’m going back to school and torn between Physics or Classics myself.

>> No.14649577

Are you American? A Historian who can code would never get a job as a coder in America. Why would they hire him when HR departments have hordes of hyper-specialized CS degree holders who can code to sift through? It’s nice thinking, but just not the reality of modern America.

>> No.14649600

English literature was a degree started for women so that should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.14649610

Prestige of your university/connections > your actual degree. If your degree isn't vocational or the only way to get into a career (medicine to be a doctor for example) it doesn't matter.

>> No.14649611

I dropped out of school, became a code monkey, and study the humanities in my free time. You don't have to choose between the two.

>> No.14649612

>Choose humanities if you want to be a human and help other to be human.
>suck an african american cock boomer
This is the humanist mind manifest people.

>> No.14649613

STEM -> humanities produces greatness
humanities without STEM are midwits

>> No.14649748

> /lit/: The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
> also /lit/: Dude, just study STEM. Humanities are for fags.

>> No.14649766

I'm not american, neither I am talking about getting a job as a coder. You're not supposed to have multiple jobs, anyway. I'm talking about coding by yourself. Learning one or more languages, making a GitHub account and posting your work there

>> No.14649773

>/lit/ is one dude

>> No.14649786

You still need that piece of paper to verify that you're not a pseud.

>> No.14649803

Just do both? You could either double major, do a double degree or one or the other in succession.

>> No.14649927

If you are uncreative, good at taking orders, and a bugman willing to sacrifice their working life to prolong the economic and material prosperity of the current 'world order', then study STEM.
If you have real talent (in the arts), however, do not study STEM.

>> No.14650032

STEM, or similar, would be the sensible option for most unis. Fairly reliable prospects for the reasonably intelligent. Classics and such like for prestigious unis, perhaps. Good connections. You could always switch to law or something later on, though. Depends on your abilities, opportunities and interests. You'd have to put in the necessary effort either way, of course. Writing is always something you can do on the side—unless you're set on academia. In conclusion, watch out for söyboys.

>> No.14650372

I’m the physics vs classics guy. I actually already have a STEM degree and job, but my employer will pay for another one.

>> No.14650590

Well, in that case I'd shoot for classics; round out the Renaissance image. You could always flip a coin to test your fortune.

>> No.14650609
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Humanities worth studying:
Linguistics, Philosophy & Religious Studies

>> No.14650632

>All the best philosophers had a real job and wrote philosophy on the side.
No, all the best philosophers were wealthy and studied philosophy their whole life.

>> No.14650650


>> No.14650663

Make sure you learn plenty of math if you go the STEM wrote. It's useful for philosophy.

>> No.14650680

Logic is useful for both mathematicians and philosophers, but I'm not so sure that mathematics as a whole is useful for philosophers.

>> No.14650689
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>become natural scientist
>write accurate science fiction

>> No.14650711

This is the most practical pill

>> No.14650717

Imagine having to go into debt for going to uni, the absolute state of burgers

>> No.14651220

Do americans really...?

>> No.14651506

Classics is what I would really like to seriously study, specifically ancient languages and philosophy, but I just can’t help but get the impression that almost humanities departments in the Academy are just complete bullshit to be honest. They really do seem utterly obsessed with diversity, gender, etc. and honestly, it just kind of seems like the education has gotten less serious and rigorous. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m rather suspicious.

>> No.14651636

Ancient languages and philology*

>> No.14651734

Hello, Based university? Yes he is the guy

>> No.14651744

Choose both to transform robots into humans

>> No.14651877

My best good advice is to have a path mapped out and only go to college if it's necessary to get to your goal.

You don't need my life story to make your decision but suffice to say, I went, I left, and wish I hadn't ever gone. The benefit is the social life and extended adolescence, NOT education or employability!!!

Meanwhile all the "retards" back home who didn't go to college were having kids, buying homes, earning money instead of going into debt. Every graduate I know is either not working at all or is doing something irrelevant to their degree.

I studied Meteorology. Now I'm a mailman, a carpenter and a soldier. I read in my spare time and have learned more since leaving school than I did in a lifetime at school. My goal was to be a philosopher and a craftsman, a warrior and a poet and I feel I've achieved this in my own way.

Don't limit yourself by what others offer you for credentials. I'd advise that you find something profitable and enjoyable for work that has room to grow AND develop your own life through learning at the same time. If you get a 4 year degree in 6 by going to school part-time, working full-time You'll be able to avoid much of the debt that keeps graduates poor.

Sidenote: Many colleges offer free tuition for employees, investigate this! The Armed Forces also offer "Student Loan Repayment Program" This can take care of as much as 50K in debt. Those with over 90 credit hours are also eligible to be officers which comes with much higher pay. There are many roles that are not combat oriented. If you're suited well to it, one contract could set you up for life. If you go to college don't be shy about taking advantage of the government to cover costs lol

>> No.14651884

Really what, Anglo?

>> No.14651899

Humanities are a hobby. Not a career.

>> No.14652062

>not being multi-disciplinary so you can lead meme crossover projects
Enjoy never making money ever dude

>> No.14652076
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I'm going to major in history because i like it.

>> No.14652092

It is. There's a lot of intersection that bugmen miss. All philosophers should study some mathematics in their free time.

>> No.14652148

That's precisely because people like you have checked out. Relativists and others have checked in.
It'll only get worse if more people like you leave all cultural artifacts to be maintained by dogmatic modern regressive shills.
People say "Oh, then go to the untainted STEM," but don't seem to realize that all educational and cultural institutions begin in the humanities. Even med schools are implementing new social justice material.
The fundamental reason that the schoola and society turned the way they did is because a select group of people took over the educational and cultural systems, going all the way back to Dewey in America. And now, after the old generations gradually died, counter culture artifacts replaced them.

>> No.14652425

Stemfags unironically have more “””insight””” than pseud humanitiesniggers

>> No.14652432

I suppose I agree somewhat, but my concern is really less about the relativists and more about the quality of these “artifacts” after they’ve gotten their hands on them. Will I be actually studying the Classics seriously or will I be collecting decorative letters while brushing up against the Classics in order to use them for mere social-economic benefit as a great many in the Academy appear to be doing? I want it to be educative, not indoctrinating.

>> No.14652454

I believe studying classics in university is one of the few untainted disciplines since you mostly only learn grammar and 99% of the original texts are by men, 1% being Sappho and whoever else. I guess when theory comes into the picture the classics can be destroyed but those who teach the classics are less likely to be women with short hair cuts and buzzed sides.

>> No.14652745

Best bait I’ve ever fucking seen holy shit, the r*ddit spacing really fills it out

>> No.14653874

>The world doesn't not need more quantity of anything quantifiable.
>Choose humanities if you want to be a human and help other to be human.
You need to arise the QUANTITY of people who do this labour.

>> No.14653881

/lit/ are a bunch of fags who don't know what they want

>> No.14654778

>be a PA
>trap yourself in a meager income