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/lit/ - Literature

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14647312 No.14647312 [Reply] [Original]

Is 2,500 words a lot o writing for a day?just started writing,

>> No.14647324


>> No.14647356

seems pretty good. I rarely do more than 1000.

>> No.14647372
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I'm not even done necessarily.

>> No.14647381

Bill Nye and Trans people live in your head rent free

>> No.14647423

no its totally normal to think about trans people's genitalia and its effect on my life. Its also normal to think about gay anal sex all the time and how 2 consenting men do in the privacy of their own property,

>> No.14647561

>private property
capitalism lives in your head rent free

>> No.14647588

I set a minimum of 1000 and struggle to meet it every fucking single day. But I feel dirty writing any less

>> No.14647595

some people get paid for it

>> No.14647664
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I write 500-700 words on a good day, but usually it's around 300, assuming I even write anything that day.

>> No.14647678

I'd have no problem with trannies if they were cool cyberpunk transhumans, but no, they are a cringe product of an exceedingly permissive and oversecularised culture

>> No.14647695

I right about that much on 4channel each day.


>> No.14647702

The ‘blue labour’ movement is perfect for true norferners
While obsessing over celebrities is dumb it is no bad thing to be concerned that many young people who need good psychiatric help to be comfortable in the bodies they have are instead being allowed and encouraged to mutilate themselves and take unnatural quantities of hormones

>> No.14647907

I think just doing it every day in some capacity is most important. Being able to marathon 20 pages in a day ain't shit if you can't do it consistently. I usually only write 2-4 pages a day and always make sure I just shit out at least one page minimum if nothing else. Every now and then I'll have a crazy productive day where I crank out 7-10 pages over the course of the day, but more important than anything I think is just making sure there's consistent setting time aside to perform the act.

>> No.14647915

Why would you use that metric? Are you using a typewriter.

>> No.14647923

Right wingers did not bring up the trans issue, stop gaslighting.

>> No.14647929

Are you working towards a larger project when you write or is most of it just stream of consciousness or random prose similar to how an artist would sketch?

>> No.14647931

2500 is good. i try to write 2000 a day. i do anything from 500-3000 on average

>> No.14647960

i don't write every day, only when i actually have something to write. that being said usually like 400 words. if i go higher than that the quality suffers tremendously unless i'm manic. most i've written in a day was 7000 and shit just got weird.

>> No.14647989

I use a typewriter for rough drafts and do subsequent drafts digitally. I do this because it prevents me from falling into a cycle of spot editing when I'm supposed to be getting my first draft done with. I also feel more incentivized to continue when my work occupies a physical space rather than just seeing a steadily rising word count, it really is a great feeling to flip through a Manila folder with a big stack of filled sheets of paper in it.
I've found that the material I produce on typewriter is of slightly lower quality but the productivity boost alone forgives it, I'd rather be able to bust out 100 pages or so per month knowing I can just fix the good stuff later rather than tinkering endlessly on the same 3000 word document thing when I know there's so much more work to be done.

>> No.14648093

My issue is that I'll get an idea for a book/larger project, write a few thousand word on it in a manic push at 2 in the morning, then maybe peck at it in 200 word increments every once in a while after that. The obsession with a particular idea doesn't really come over me more than once, I'm going to have to push through that block and just write on something I'm not fixated with if I'm ever going to finish a book.

>> No.14648110

I think a whole book is just too much to hold in your mind at once to approach as a whole project. I think the effort really has to be compartmentalized and broken up, applying that obsessive mindset to the notion of completing the chapter, the scene, and worrying about the overall cohesiveness once all of the raw material has been shat out

>> No.14648138
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At least 1500. That's a good low cutoff point, when I'm tired or just not really feeling it. I'll go up to 3-4k if I really have some time and an idea of what I'm writing out.
>108k words on second draft of novel so far, god help me it's going to be over 300k this time

>> No.14648169

Not op but I am 75k into a fantasy work. 5k writing followers on Twitter and never read a single line from them that you guys would consider /lit/.

>> No.14648180

Scrivener is great for this.

>> No.14648185

>2 consenting men
At leaat you admit it.

>> No.14648186

Good luck anon, hopefully you make something that isn't totally awful.

>> No.14648190

Twitter WritingCommunity says 90k. You would have a trilogy. All they know is trilogy. I am at 75k and gotta finish around 125k. Do I break it up?

>> No.14648201

I appreciate that. I think I have something here but will have to worry about marketing once I’m done. I mean—one guy I follow has 500 pre-orders for his book. And most of these folks self-publish. It’s a mystery to me, but the only marketing I’m doing while writing is farming twitter followers.

>> No.14648206

>Twitter WritingCommunity
Nigger I run on concentrated autism so dense it could collapse stars. The story doesn't even start properly before 50k words of worldbuilding and setup. Unless you're trying to actually sell physical novels don't listen to e-faggots.

>> No.14648208

>I do this because it prevents me from falling into a cycle of spot editing when I'm supposed to be getting my first draft done with.
fuck that actually sounds like a great idea.

>> No.14648215


>> No.14648231

I have a program that I use for this. Yeah it's quite the difference to just write through without editing or fixing spelling mistakes.

>> No.14648245

Wait is there actually a proper program for this? I just made one myself and it's retarded but the clunky CLI interface sort of adds to the charm.

>> No.14648337

Looks like language and technology live in your head rent free

>> No.14648374

How do you become a better writer?
Of course writing more is the first step but are there any resources one can study to write better. Most I've found pertain to genre fiction not literature

>> No.14648403

What programs do you guys use for writing? I usually start in wordpad when I randomly get an idea and need to put it into words. Once I turn it into a full blown project I end up switching to google docs.

>> No.14648543


>> No.14648549

I don't think so I wrote one myself too.

>> No.14648597
File: 25 KB, 500x480, 0318_cogsci-grades-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my own brain lives in my head rent free

>> No.14648604

>rent free

What will replace this unfunny and meaningless non-observation? Unhealthy obsession sounds too much like you're a pontificating faggot, but it worked for a long time. What do you guys think? I'm not clever enough for a better alternative but I know "rent-free" is shit.

>> No.14648657

I can’t argue with that. Have you read some of this shit? The first lines are devastatingly bad. Talk about tell don’t show. How many units do these people move? 500 preorders on one. It’s amazing.

>> No.14649697

The OP pic seems to be a reference to Nye's pro-trans comments. Insisting that it's not is, ironically, gaslighting.
Personal property (e.g. your house, your phone, your toothbrush) is not unique to capitalism. It is not abolished under socialism or communism. Private property (e.g. your factory), IS abolished under socialism or communism. They are different, but capitalism does not explain that difference (they're both just called private property).
Private property is means of production; capital that is privately owned by one person or a select few (business owners, aka bourgeoisie), but contributed to by many more (workers, aka proletariat), who do not get the return they should be getting based on the labor value they provide. It's kind of complicated, and not taught in capitalist economics, so I don't blame people for not knowing it.
tl;dr communists will not force you to share your toothbrush, but they will force you to share your restaurant.
>not charging your brain rent
Mike pays me in endorphins

>> No.14649750

>many young people who need good psychiatric help to be comfortable in the bodies they have are instead being allowed and encouraged to mutilate themselves and take unnatural quantities of hormones
There is a lot of confusion over this. Reassignment surgery and hormones ARE the psychiatric help. They are approved treatments, scientifically verified and supported by medical associations (APA, AMA, AAP). They are not the only treatments, and are not right for everyone. Because of this they are not used immediately; other things are tried first. This is how medical treatments work.
Denying the science on transgender people is no different than denying the science on vaccines, shit like that.

>> No.14649933

Depends on how long you write per day? 2,5k in an hour? You're superman.

I usually write about 5-6k per day but I'm at it for 8-10 hours. I don't think it's very fast.

>> No.14649945

If because you desperately appeal to authority in the form of ‘scientific research’ (psychology is barely scientific) you can’t see how it’s fucked up that the psychiatrist will tell you to carve up your genitals rather than attempt to make you happy with the body you actually have then you are retarded

>> No.14650145

does shitposting count? because if so probably 5000

>> No.14650865

Im almost certain most communists would consider your house private property. They're always going on about the housing crisis.

>> No.14650905

The science of transgender people is denied by trans people themselves, they call your defense of them trans medicalism and that's trans phobic because it de-legitimizes non binary people. The people your defending think your a transphobe, this argument was used to lube up the american people for them just out and saying gender itself should be abolished because it is completely arbitrary. Do you know who buck angel is? A trans man crucified by the left for using your exact argument in defense of himself.

>> No.14650924

>Personal property
>your house
Lmao holy shit you're either retarded or have never read communist literature. The only way this is true is if the state imposed such strict regulations on "your" house that "your" house was essentially a single room with only the necessities. Anything more is a detriment to everyone else if it's only held by you and thus will be shared.
Communism was created during and designed for conditions which no longer exist. It was appealing in the early 1900s in areas where most people were worked to death and lived in shitty barracks-like housing. Miss me with that shit in the 21st century west homie.

>> No.14650928

>the science on transgender people
Im very curious about this because if they really are transgender it seems to imply that they have a female brain in a male body or something of that nature.

>> No.14650967

>Reassignment surgery and hormones ARE the psychiatric help
Then why don't the suicide rates drop? I'll tell you why, because they don't fucking help and you're an idiot for thinking that doing the equivalent of giving an anorexic liposuction will help them when the issue isn't their body. The issue is their head. What they NEED is to be helped to actually accept themselves as they are, not butcher themselves to be something they can't be.
>the science on transgender people
There is barely any and all of it is extremely politically polarized. You are, at best, very uninformed.

>> No.14651138
File: 38 KB, 641x241, Houghton_AC85_B9345_911s_-_Secret_Garden,_1911_-_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hate you

>> No.14651142

transgenderism is cultural marxism and totalitarian social engineering. It doesn't make sense, it is not meant to make sense, if they can get you to accept absurdity they can get you to accept anything. Anyone who values freedom should regard the transgender as enemies. If they get their way, soon enough they will normalise pedophilia

>> No.14651152

Do these people even have a coherent system to define all this stuff or is it pure memes

>> No.14651159

The only ones with any coherent system to define this are the ones who classify it all as varying types of mental illness in need of non-surgical treatment. Everyone else is a tumblr-tier retard or spouting /r9k/ memes about boiholes.

>> No.14651163

It is another politico religious manifestation of progressivism. After communism failed leftist elites decided the working class were nothing but bigots who deserved to overdose on heroin and switched over their millenarian impulses over to total sexual liberation and the abolition of differences between the sexes. It is an insane and paradoxical ideology, justified on what are essentially naive christian humanist beliefs about personal freedom and egalitarianism. All the while it undermines humanism and requires massive coercion, propaganda and social engineering.

>> No.14651166

Their existence is incoherent. Why would you expect their systems to be different?

>> No.14651174

Not anymore at least. I cant be fucked to find the timestamp but in the newest contrapoints video she explicitly states that while she struggled with accepting the idea that someone can say "I identify as a woman so I am a woman" as a good defense, she now thinks that gender is as undefined as what it means to love someone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjMPJVmXxV8&t=5396s

>> No.14651183

Reminder, this is what leftists mean when they talk about ''science''. These people are sexually deranged subversives

>> No.14651184

Because people like creating systems that are at least at first glance internally consistent

>> No.14651194

They like calling everyone who doesn't obey their every whim a "bigot" even more than they like categorizing things. The last 5 years or so have shown that pretty clearly.

>> No.14651217
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I found it, 47:15 and let it play for about 30 seconds or so. She says verbatim that there is no rational explanation for transness. What does it say about a community that only stops harassing a figurehead when they admit that rational explanations are hate?

>> No.14651218

Yes,its great that they are brainwashing people into thinking that genital mutation is normal,I also enjoy the sexualization of kids and pumping them with hormones,nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14651233
File: 66 KB, 151x168, 1580331838508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until the elites start admitting to all the shit they do for adrenochrome. Y'all fuckers that Alex Jones was regular crazy but he's really just crazy from overdosing on the truth. People will be drinking fetus smoothies before the end of this century, mark my words.

>> No.14651238

Well everybody enjoys exercising power. Youd think they'd have some definition of what trans actually is though

>> No.14651240

That would require them to be intelligent enough to plan to keep the power they enjoy exercising. Like most narcissists, they aren't.

>> No.14651326

This better not be some epic fantasy nonsense anon!

>> No.14651552

Nah it's epic hard sci-fi nonsense so it's even more autistic. I did manage to make it so that I'm not spending half the story writing technical manuals for made up shit though, so there's at least one positive point. I suppose now that I think about it it's written a bit more like a fantasy novel up until around the middle point due to the setting and the fact that the more scientific elements are a bit above the main character's level of understanding.
It's really more of a story about a bunch of people dealing with a really unfortunate situation caused by a bunch of idiots and assholes who are long dead.

>> No.14651603

Alex Jones has that big dick energy

>> No.14651611
File: 12 KB, 232x325, Hum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average length of a novel is 60-90 thousand words.

If you can consistently maintain a pace of 2.5k words, you'll have a finished first draft after about a month, which for novel writing is an outstanding pace.

>> No.14651817
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About 500-1000 a day.

>> No.14652383
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>> No.14652436

Is this how you store your manuscripts? In boxes? What about each draft iteration, is that in the same box also? Why did you pick this over folders or binders?

>> No.14652465

>twitter writing community
how can twitter have a writing community when it's limited to 140 characters

>> No.14652468


>> No.14652654

im making a push to write a full book, yet I still feel like nobody will ever read it. How do I know what I'm writing isn't complete trash? That spending so much time writing smoething isn't just a waste of time because it's so terrible nobody will ever consider it.

Do you guys plan your stories?

>> No.14652847

Write for yourself. Write something you're proud of, and something you enjoy, not something you think other people want to read. Think of it this way, when you find a good book, is it because the author is trying to sell you on every aspect of the novel, or were you surprised by what the author presented to you? Did you enjoy the writing, the story, the characters? Make something you enjoy, for yourself and other people like you out there will enjoy it, too.

>> No.14652912
File: 128 KB, 515x979, 16829369-1AC4-4167-97EE-7921D56252B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always box and archive the first draft in a box as a sign that “the idea has manifested itself in the real world”. It’s a vanity thing I do for myself. Writing can be a lonely and solitary practice so I find encouragement in looking over and seeing a physical reminder whenever I’m having doubts about writing. All subsequent drafts are backed up and archived on drives and emails. The boxes are cheap. I just started my next book on Friday. 8 pages so far. I have LIT to thank for naming the main character “LUMA” of the series. This is book 2 of 4

>> No.14652914

Just two or three but they're really really really really long

>> No.14652939

Please for the love of god tell me that isn't your character.

>> No.14652952

Hey, that's cool, anon. It's interesting to see the individual methods people have to writing. If doing something like that for yourself motivates you to write, then power to you. You're doing what 95% of aspiring writers don't do; write.

>> No.14652957
File: 50 KB, 640x960, e5f8db37678e2795d159abfe214fd9d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies are disgusting.

>> No.14652973

Yeah, in practice trans people basically claim to have a "female essence".

>> No.14653176

So do people like me if you felt obliged to leave such a response

>> No.14653195

Kinda is, but don’t worry, she’s not the chosen one and unlike most female protagonists she retains reason and accountability. I’ve already written 13 books with male protagonists so I decided to swap it up. It’s easy to sidestep the landmines of bad female character traits if you know what you’re doing. There’s no “woke” shit in it.

>> No.14653267

Alright well I'd give it a try then. Might look like a cringey OC but if the writing is good and you aren't trying to force some absolutely retarded politics with no subtlety it'll more than make up for it.

>> No.14653294
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>write about 1600 words today
>literally less than 5 minutes have passed in story
>90% of everything was spoken dialogue on the topic of fictional world history
>said world history is essentially being used by one character to dunk on the main character for being a dumb abrasive bitch for no reason
I can't help but feel that all of this is going to get edited down to nothing in the final draft.

>> No.14653337

Oh god no. The gender and skin color was a total coin flip. I already had the adventure and plot points mapped out so unlike other writers trying to force diversity over those aspects, I don’t bend the story or narrative to compensate. People who lean on that kind of stuff to make it a main focus tend to let the rest of the story or arcs suffer to shoehorn it in. Ain’t no slaves or people having kids so it doesn’t matter.

>> No.14653359

It only pretends to be coherent when attacked.

>> No.14653543

Hey word lads

If you want to identify the attribute of someone who is a recluse would you say "reclusion" or "reclusivity"
i.e. "their reclusion was a reaction to etc."
I don't care that it's not a word, it not being a word is of direct benefit to me

>> No.14653572

Recluses are typically secluded, so you could say
>their seclusion was a reaction to etc
Assuming they're the kind of person who lives in a hut or whatever.

>> No.14653584

I specifically want to use recluse as the root of the word though
It's really just an opinion thing as to which sounds more appropriate

>> No.14653596

You're essentially making up a word either way with those two options so it's going to sound kind of awkward. Reclusivity is better than reclusion, but reclusiveness is basically the same thing and is actually a word.