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14646918 No.14646918 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever try to read stoned? Could you concentrate on the book?

>> No.14646957

dude I have the same grinder

>> No.14646977

Only simpletons use drugs.

>> No.14647004

Everyone has owned that grinder at one point lol

>> No.14647007

If you get just a little high then sometimes you can see new and novel connections. Things seem to make sense in different sense, there is ambiguity and everything seems to resolve to coherence.

But this is a very fine line to walk on. You'll also not remember most of these things after you are sober and once you come out of the high you will realize that all those connections were banal, that they just give you an illusion of coherence.

Consider all of my experience, I believe that reading is sober. I read whole of Infinite Jest high and whole I do remember enjoying it a lot, I barely remember what, in reality, I enjoyed.

Not recommend.

>> No.14647012


>> No.14647018


>> No.14647040

how of a fucking loser do you have to be to smoke and read

>> No.14647054

>not getting coked up and going clubbing then having sex
Lame tbhqhwy
Weed is the faggiest drug there is

>> No.14647061

No, but I like eating coffee beans and reading

>> No.14647160

I can almost guarantee this picture was taken by a tryhard teenager

>> No.14647161

what do you read on cocoa?

>> No.14647171


>> No.14647204
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Yes, but i don't like it.
I end up laying on my bed thinking about random shit (mosty anxiety driven bs) then falling asleep and never actually reading anything.
But I do like reading with yerba mate.

>> No.14647281

do teens still use tumblr?

>> No.14647360

It's too difficult. It's possible, but easier when sober.

>> No.14647454 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 400x650, 1580607798098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heheh, I know a book, hehehe, a book that would be good to read STONED lololol, yeah, a really good book to read STONED XDDDDDDD, you wanna know what book? uwuwuwu what book is good for STONED reading, getting high so you're, you could say? STONED while reading it? Hahahahaha guess what book I mean? You know what book book would be good? What about........ what if........ the book to read while high and STONED? hehhehheh
*giggle giggle giggle*
to read while HIGH and STONED you read.........................


for """STONED"""
on get high on weed so you're """""STONED""""


CUZ UR HIGH ON WEED!!!!!############!!1!1!1!1!2!

>> No.14647552

WOW! You're just like my favorite character in literature, Mr. Stoner!

>> No.14647562

I don't do drugs, so no

>> No.14647584

He meant everyone who is a degenerate, hell-bound loser has owned that grinder.

>> No.14647607

when i went through my dude weed phase, a particularly point in my life, i found myself reading much more about books than books themselves, and when i summoned the motivation to try, i would just kind of lose my train of thought and keep rereading paragraphs trying in vain to absorb them. i read david ferry's translation of gilgamesh and the first five books of fagles' iliad like that. gilgamesh worked for some reason, the iliad i felt like i was cheating myself and started over when i stopped smoking. i don't see how people can do it.

>> No.14647610

>particularly low point
the effects linger

>> No.14647716


>> No.14648708


>> No.14648735

Lol, that's a pretty ironic novel to read high.

>> No.14648782


>> No.14648835
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Yes, my man. I used to read and write stoned all the time. Sadly I had to give it up due to job searching. If I could I would always read stoned because it increases my comprehension of a text.

>> No.14648861


>> No.14649059

God gave us Dank for a reason.

>> No.14649793

>be like me or you're stupid!

>> No.14649884

neck yourself
I've only tried a few times due to the mind wandering and the re-reading of paragraphs you mentioned. I haven't smoked for over a year but when I did I was doing stupid fuck-off bong hits, if I just smoked half a joint or something it might have been enjoyable

>> No.14649959

Poetry and short stories are the best things to read while high, everything else might be too difficult due to the mind fog weed gives me. Anyway, is better listening to music or watching a movie. Coffe or tea is the drug for reading.

>> No.14650096


Heroin will give you 1000% insight

It just has other drawbacks... heh

>> No.14650153

ITT: weedfags coming out of the woodwork to desperately justify their lifestyles, convincing no one but themselves that the herbal beta increases their reading comprehension.

>> No.14650311

>friends have gotten really into mate
>try it
>tastes like scalding water with a vague hay taste
Am I missing something? Even my Mexican shift manager is always sipping it during downtime

>> No.14650771

I would recommend drinking a black coffee before reading. Not really smoking weed and reading, unless maybe it's a short story but even then it's a worse experience than sobriety.

t. someone who loves smoking weed

>> No.14650788


Although maybe I'm being hypocritical here as I was high when I figured out that The South is a circular, recurring short story intended to be read over and over as referenced earlier in Ficciones.

It's definitely a slower and more tedious process though

>> No.14650789

it made sense to me, perhaps you need to review your english lessons

>> No.14650944

It made Demons funnier

>> No.14651023

If you're reading simply for fun/entertainment yes. If you're actually reading to attain a better understanding of the subject (being enlightened) no.

Weed is a prison that I don't recommend though. Personally I probably wouldn't be able to read anything high.

>> No.14651089

This picture took me back and gave me the High School AP Lit class vibes.
Always high and reading non stop Hemingway in class with special focus on TSAR.
Glad I grew out of that phase.

>> No.14651213

a rare redpilled post

>> No.14651359

This. Weed is handy for processing ideas and forming connections (so long as you record voice notes at the time)- but I find it impossible to read or concentrate on anything except listening to music while stoned.

>> No.14651457

Though there is nothing medically wrong with marijuana, consumption of it for purposes of impression, rather than expression/creation, is conducive toward congestion of one's psykhic space, which is optimal when it facilitates gradual digestion of information, optimally/preferably in silence.

Generally: that which intoxicates/subdues Body, and/or makes it opaque - drains Mind, depresses Spirit, and degenerates Soul.

Stop taking psychedelic/recreational drugs, and impairing your imaginal capability; start becoming the optimal image of your Spirit, and restituting your psykhe.

>> No.14651465

Small dose, like 0,1ish grams vaped can produce kind of intense focus on what you’re reading. I feel it can add deepness to prose reading experience but i prefer to study and take notes while high. Almost always i get some kind of mini-epiphany when new point of view or inner perspective presents itself. Staggering sense of coherence flows off the pages like water from a faucet and new ideas pop up like daisies in sunshine. Notes kind of makes sense afterwards but they need some sober refining. Good for mindstorming.

>> No.14651810

No I can't, I get distracted too easily and I'm usually tripping tf out

>> No.14652084

Poetry is great when high, I was reading william blake stoned the other night was so cash

>> No.14652129

I prefer to get high after I read. I start remembering things I read more and making new connections and novel observations.

>> No.14652307

THC-induced impairments in cognitive functioning, learning, and
memory are currently attracting significant attention. Indeed, THC
impairs all stages of memory, including encoding, consolidation, and
retrieval. These memory-disrupting effects appear to follow from acti-
vation of cannabinoid-1 receptors in the hippocampus, a brain region
implicated in spatial learning, episodic memory, and memory consoli-
dation that contains a high concentration of cannabinoid-1 receptors
(Puighermanal et al., 2009; Wise et al., 2009). Therefore, THC in the
blood can be detrimental to optimal cognitive abilities, especially at
higher blood concentrations. These adverse cognitive deficits can per-
sist for at least one month following discontinuation of heavy use, but
only minimal effects are likely to persist following a 30-day period of
abstinence. THC is certainly not a “dementing drug” as are ethanol or
the benzodiazepines[...]

>> No.14652326

Marijuana can impair the ability to focus attention and filter out
irrelevant information. Users demonstrate weakness in attention and
synthetic skills, difficulty making subtle distinctions in relevance and
memory, decreased psychospatial skills, poor mental representations of
the environment, and poor routines of daily life. These impairments are
associated with feelings of alienation and a sense that life is not under
control and lacks meaning. With cessation of drug use and initiation of
psychological treatment, users demonstrate improvement in cognitive
functioning within 14 days of abstinence and function normally at the
end of 6 weeks of therapy. [..]

>> No.14652386

> I read whole of Infinite Jest high
how did you not get panic attacks

>> No.14652392

how the fuck do BRs drink boiling liquid through a metal straw

>> No.14652400

Fuck no, THC fucks with your short term memory big time.

>> No.14652724
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>> No.14652937

It feels more cinematic sentence by sentence but total, cohesive retention is just not there. This also happens when I write high. Individual sentences are interesting but very seldom do I produce work like that that has any overarching cohesion

>> No.14653002

Legit Ive been going the same thing fucking kek